Vision Wood
Vision Wood is home to a wealth of timber-based innovations. The unit was developed by the Department of Applied Wood Materials at Empa and in collaboration with ETH Zurich. It combines the latest developments in wood research with expertise in modern wood construction. With one eye on the goal, namely to broaden the range of applications for the renewable resource, the researchers give wood completely new functions and improve the properties of wood-based materials. The Vision Wood housing unit offers two doctoral students a home. As they exchange ideas and experiences with researchers from Empa and ETH Zurich, as well as the industrial partners involved, they test the suitability of the new applications for daily use as residents and users.
Here you find all scientific publications concerning Vision Wood.
Media Articles
Article Holzrevue 2015 (in German)
The innovation objects in the Vision Wood unit
Binder-reduced wood-fibre
By using natural enzymes, researchers from Empa have succeeded in producing high-quality wood-fiber insulation plates. Thanks to laccase-catalyzed reactions, the synthetic binding agent (styrene butadiene copolymer) can be replaced fully by sustainable, environmentally friendly biopolymers (lignin compounds, modified starch). This method satisfies the demands for sustainability and answers consumer calls for healthy living and energy efficiency.
Surface coating with nanofibrillated cellulose
Nanofibrillated cellulose is used as a component in a novel surface coating for outdoor wood to increase its durability significantly compared to conventional coatings. It is especially expected to improve UV protection, waterproofing, resistance to wear and tear, and the prevention of cracks and microorganism infestations.
Antimicrobial wood surfaces
An enzymatic method patented by Empa enables bacteriostatic iodine in the wood structure to be sequestered without causing any washouts. The result is a wood surface that offers lasting protection from infestations by unwelcome microorganisms and thus increases the hygiene of wooden products significantly in bathrooms or kitchens.
Partner: Empa