Symposium on Surface Science 2017 (3S'17)

General Information

The 30. Symposium on Surface Science (3S’17) will take place in

St. Moritz, Switzerland,
from Sunday March 5 to Saturday March 11


The topics of 3S’17 will include all aspects of surface science, such as:

  • Surface structure
  • Adsorbates
  • Surface reactions
  • On-surface synthesis
  • Particle-surface interactions
  • Electronic properties
  • Applications of surface science

These fields will be covered by about 30 - 40 oral presentations (20 minutes talks including discussion), to be selected from the submitted contributions. All other contributions will be presented as posters.
In addition to the scientific program, an important purpose of this symposium is to enable informal contacts and discussions during daily skiing activities. Therefore, lectures, poster introductions and poster presentations will take place in the morning and evening hours.


St. Moritz is one of the most renowned holiday resorts of the world. The village is situated at 1857 m above sea level, in the middle of the lake dotted landscape of the Upper Engadine. It counts an average of 322 days a year of sunshine - more than anywhere within Switzerland. St. Moritz is the only place in Switzerland to have hosted the Olympic Winter Games, in 1928 and 1948.


Roman Fasel, Karl-Heinz Ernst, Pascal Ruffieux, Roland Widmer, Christine Tran
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Sciene and Technology.


Local contact
Hotel Laudinella
CH-7500 St. Moritz
T +41 (0)81 836 00 00
F +41 (0)81 836 00 01






