Instructions for presentation

Instructions for Speakers for presentation of selected papers

Sessions allow 20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussions.


Please prepare a short CV (4 lines) for the chairman to make a short introduction of you.


When preparing your presentation, consider the following points:

  • Presentations must be made in PowerPoint.
  • Use large and well visible writing and clear fonts (no Times Roman or fonts with serif).
  • Be aware that sometimes bullets or special characters that look nice on your computer could change on another computer. Same holds for special symbols (like Asian Symbols).
  • Don’t overload your slides and avoid graphs with thin lines.
  • Avoid long tables with small writings.
  • Don’t use yellow lines on white background and dark lines on dark backgrounds.
  • Use clear and large labeling of your axes in the graphs.
  • Assume that presenting one slide takes 1 minute which means that your presentation should not consist of more than 20 slides…
  • Make sure that you stick to time. It’s strongly recommended to make trial run in private atmosphere to make sure that this can be done.

The chairman will strictly cut off the presentation in case of exceeding the timeline!!

  • Please speak clearly and not in a hurried way. This is an international conference and not all participants are native speakers; allow them to follow your speech.


Before starting the session, all presentations should be downloaded from a stick to one and the same Windows PC, which will be provided by us for each session. There is no time to allow plugging in your personal PC for presentation.


Please note that all power point presentations will be put on the private website in pdf format. If you don’t want to have your presentation made available for the participants, please let us know. Otherwise we assume you agree with this procedure.


Secretariat EATA 2017
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf

Tel: +41 58 765 1111
Fax: +41 58 765 1122;




Useful information

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