Instructions for poster session

Instruction for selected papers for poster session

All posters of selected papers will be presented during the Conference in the NEST Building (Reception of Empa, see our website – venue – Empa overview).


The poster that you bring with you should have the format A0 and landscape.


Use well visible writing and fonts (no Times Roman or fonts with serif; title: font size has to be double text size, text: readable from a distance of 1.5 m).

Don’t overload your poster and avoid graphs with thin lines.

Avoid long tables with small writings.

Don’t use yellow lines on white background and dark lines on dark backgrounds.

Use clear and large labeling of your axes in the graphs.


Please pin-up your poster at the movable walls marked with your poster number at the EATA Poster Session Area (Reception/Foyer NEST on Monday, June 12th, latest 11 a.m.).


During the poster session and reception on Monday, June 12th, stay close to your poster for answering the questions of the participants.


Please note that all posters will be put on the private website in pdf format. If you don’t want to have your poster made available for the participants, please let us know. Otherwise we assume you agree with this procedure. The pdf-file of the poster has to be sent till latest June 6th, 2017 to the Secretariat EATA 2017.



Best Poster Award


A special committee of the EATA Steering Committee will appraise the posters and select then three posters for the “Best Poster Award”.


Secretariat EATA 2017
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf

Tel: +41 58 765 1111
Fax: +41 58 765 1122;



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