4th Validation Workshop
After Shanghai 2011, London 2013 and Munich 2014, the Fourth International Workshop on Validation of Computational Mechanics Models was held in downtown Zurich, Switzerland, on November 5th, 2019. Keynote Speakers included Linden Harris (Airbus), Anna Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano) and Yakov Ben-Haim (Technion).
This free of charge event in the Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten (Guildhall of Carpenters) was attended by some 25 people. The program included three keynote and six regular presentations and a panel discussion for each session. Lively discussions continued over the breaks and during the drink reception closing the successful event. The pdf-versions of the presentations in red can be downloaded from this site.
Session one: Credible Models for Engineering Decision-Making
Keynote: The assessment of smarter testing for credibility and maturity
Linden Harris, Airbus, FR
Validation and credibility challenges in applied biology and toxicology
Maurice Whelan, JRC Ispra, IT
Experimental detection and quantification of crack networks for numerical simulation in heterogeneous materials using techniques based on 3D digital images
Yang Chen and James Marrow, University of Oxford, UK
Session two: Validation of multi-physics models of engineering systems
Keynote: Validation of multiphysics models: from the material scale to the boundary value problem
Anna Pandolfi, Politecnico di Milano, IT
Validation of fluid-structure interaction simulations
George Lampeas, University of Patras and Athena Research Center, HE
Model Validation in the UK Nuclear Industry: A Proposed Probabilistic Metric
Steve Graham, National Nuclear Laboratory, UK
Session three: The Future of Experimental Data for Model Trustworthiness
Keynote: As our Island of Knowledge Grows, so Does the Shore of our Ignorance
Yakov Ben-Haim, Technion, IL
Using Historical Measurement Data for Validation of Engineering Simulations
Erwin Hack, Empa, CH
Middle-ear mechanics and sound localization in the lizard: a finite-element approach
Pieter Livens, University of Antwerp, BE