Background Publications on Validation
Selected publications related to validation and image decomposition
Journal Papers and Proceedings
- Patterson,E.A., Whelan, M.P., On the validation of variable fidelity multi-physics simulations, J. Sound and Vibration 448 (2019) 247-258
- Dvurecenska, K., Graham,S., Patelli, E., Patterson,E.A., A probabilistic metric for the validation of computational models, R. Soc. open sci. 5 (2018) 180687
- Hack, E., Lampeas, G., Patterson,E.A., An evaluation of a protocol for the validation of computational solid mechanics models, J. Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 51 (2016) 5-13
- Dvurecenska, K., Patterson, E.A., Patelli, E. Graham, S.J., Preliminary evaluation of validation metrics for computational mechanics models, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Advances in Exptl. Mech., September 1-3, 2015.
- Sebastian, C.M., Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., An approach to the validation of computational solid mechanics models for strain analysis, J. Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 48 (2013) 36-47
- Patterson, E.A., Feligiotti, M., Hack, E., On the Integration of Validation, Quality Assurance and Non-Destructive Evaluation, J. Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 48 (2013) 48-58
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., Siebert, Th., Pipino, A., Frequency responses of shape features from full-field vibration measurements using digital image correlation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 28 (2012) 333-347
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., Sebastian, C.M., Patterson, E.A., Shape features and finite element model updating from full-field strain data, Int. J. of Solids and Structures 48 (2011) 1644-1657
- Wang, W.; Mottershead, J. E.; Sebastian; C.; Patterson, E. A., Image processing of full-field strain data and its use in model updating, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305 (2011) 012011
- Feligiotti, M.; Hack, E.; Lampeas, G.; Wang, W.; Mottershead, J. E.; Burguete. R., Use of integrated simulation and experimentation to quantify impact damage, Applied Mechanics and Materials 70 (2011) 51-56
- Wang, W.; Mottershead, J. E.; Sebastian, C.; Patterson, E. A.; Siebert, Th.; Ihle; A.; Pipino, A., Image Analysis for Full-Field Displacement / Strain Data: Method and Applications, Applied Mechanics and Materials 70 (2011) 39-44
- Lampeas, G., Pasialis, V., Siebert, Th., Feligiotti, M., Pipino, A., Validation of impact simulations of a car bonnet by full-field optical measurements, Applied Mechanics and Materials 70 (2011) 51-56
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., Ihle, A., Siebert, T., Schubach, R., Finite Element Model Updating From Full-Field Vibration Measurement Using Digital Image Correlation, J. of Sound and Vibration 330 (2011) 1599-1620
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., and Mares, C., Vibration Mode Shape Recognition using Image Processing, J. of Sound and Vibration 326 (2009) 909-938
- Mottershead, J.E., Wang, W., Patki, A., Patterson, E.A., Construction of shape features for the representation of full-field displacement/strain data, 7th BSSM Int. Conf. on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Liverpool (UK), 7-9 September 2010, In: R.A.W. Mines and J.M. Dulieu-Barton, Eds. Applied Mechanics and Materials 24-25 (2010) 365-370.
- Hack, E., Feligiotti, M., Lampeas, G., Siebert, T., Pipino, A., Ihle, A., Assessment of impact damage in CFRP by combined thermal and speckle methods, in: Speckle 2010, Florianopolis (BR), 13-15 September 2010, Armando Albertazzi Goncalves, Jr., Guillermo H. Kaufmann, Eds., Proc SPIE 7387 (2010) 73870H
- Hack, E.; Lampeas; G.; Mottershead, J. E.; Patterson, E.; Siebert, Th.; Whelan, M., Standards for Validating Stress Analyses by Integrating Simulation and Experimentation, Proc. SEM, Indianapolis 2010, USA, 7-10 June 2010, 100-106
- Hack, E., and Patterson, E.A., Experimental Validation of Simulations Using Full-field Measurement Techniques, AIVELA 9th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques, Ancona (IT), 23-25 June 2010, AIP Conf. Proc, 1253 (2010) 405-409
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., and Mares, C., Statistical Mode-Shape Identification Using Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, Sheffield, 15-17 June 2009, 291-300
- Wang, W., Mottershead, J.E., and Mares, C., Shape descriptors for mode-shape recognition and model updating, Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Cambridge, 8-10 September 2009, J. of Physics: Conference Series 181 (2009) 01200
Standards and Books
Special Sessions and Conference Contributions
- Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., An image decomposition approach to validation, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- T. Siebert, V. Wang, J. Mottershead, A. Pipino (CRF), Validation of mode shapes of car bonnet by high speed Digital Image Correlation, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- A. Ihle, O. Reichmann, Correlation and validation of numerical simulation and test in the space industry , 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- N. Perogamvros, T. Siebert, G. Lampeas, Validation of composite joint coupon models using full-field optical measurement techniques, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- L. Felipe-Sese, W. Gong, X. Lin, and E. A. Patterson, Validation of a non-linear contact mechanics problem, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- G. Lampeas, T. Siebert, E. Hack, E.A. Patterson, Credibility of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), July 20-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- A. Ihle, O. Reichmann, E.A. Patterson, VANESSA - Validation of Numerical Engineering Simulations: Standardisation Actions, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, Germany, 1-4 April 2014
- A. Ihle, O. Reichmann, VANESSA - Validation of Numerical Engineering Simulations-Standardisation Action, Seminar Hochleistungsstrukturen im Leichtbau "Effiziente Korrelationsmethoden von Simulationen und Tests", Munich, Germany, 27 Nov 2013
- L. Felipe-Sese and E.A. Patterson, A novel low-cost approach for 3D displacement measurement using fringe projection and DIC, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- E. Hack, Calibration ILS, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- G. Lampeas, Validation ILS, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- W. Gong and E.A. Patterson, Delamination-driven buckling in delaminated composite laminates under pure bending, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- D. Lowe, R. Hope and E.A. Patterson, Experimental validation of finite element analysis of chemical pipe-work, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- E.A. Patterson, Overview of CEN WS71, BSSM International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 3-5 September 2013, Cardiff, UK
- E.A. Patterson, Validation of Solid Mechanics Models, AIAS Summer School, 17-18 June 2013, Ferrara, Italy
- E.A. Patterson, The VANESSA project, iCAIM International Conference on Applications for Image based Measurements, 19-20 March 2013, Ulm, Germany
- Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., Lampeas, G., Mottershead, J., Siebert, T., Whelan, M., Using full-field measurement techniques to validate simulations of dynamic events, Photomechanics 2011 conference, Brussels, BE, 07-09 Feb 2011
- Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., Lampeas, G., Mottershead, J., Siebert, T., Whelan, M., Using full-field measurement techniques to validate simulations of dynamic events, ICAIM 2011, Int. Conf. on Applications for Image based Measurements, Grosslaupheim, DE, 22 – 23 March 2011
- Siebert, T., Schubach, H.-R., Standardization activities on full field optical deformation measurements, Poster at the Aerospace 11, Testing - Design – Manufacturing, Hamburg, DE, 04-08 April 2011
- Patterson, EA, The role of experimental mechanics in validation, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Hack, E., Standards and Traceability to International Standards, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Mottershead, J., Image decomposition as a tool for validating stress analysis models, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Patterson, EA, Progress towards calibration and validation methodologies for dynamic analysis, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Lampeas, G., Validation of non-linear dynamic simulations through full field optical methods, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Hack, E., Uncertainty and its role in Calibration and Validation, The International Workshop on Validation of Computational Solid Mechanics Models, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China, 18-20 October 2011, Program and Abstract Booklet
- Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., Siebert, T., and Thalmann, R., Calibration and validation of full-field techniques, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010) 46003
- Hack, E., Burguete, R.L., Siebert, T., Davighi, A., Mottershead, J., Lampeas, G., Ihle, A., Pipino, A., and Patterson, E.A., Validation of full-field techniques: discussion of experiences, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010)46004
- Patki, A., Wang, V., Mottershead, J., and Patterson, E.A., Image decomposition as a tool for validating stress analysis models, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010)46005
- Davighi, A., Hack, E., Patterson, E.A., and Whelan, M., A reference material for dynamic displacement calibration, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010)46006
- Lampeas, G., and Siebert, T., Validation of non-linear dynamic simulations through full field optical methods, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010) 46007
- Feligiotti, M., Hack, E., and Lampeas, G., Methodology for assessing impact damage using integrated simulation and experimentation, ICEM 14, Poitiers (FR), 4-9 July 2010, EPJ Web of Conferences 6 (2010)46008