News 2024

Jul 17, 2024 | Medical technolgy
Researchers from ETH Zurich and Empa have developed a hydrogel implant that can help prevent endometriosis, a condition that affects a great many women. This innovation also acts as a contraceptive.
Jul 16, 2024 | Reducing CO2 emissions in concrete production
Recycling cement paste is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to reduce emissions from cement production, a new study published recently in PNAS has found. The research, led by experts at Imperial College...
8-lug-2024 | Misurare il "donut"
Sostenibilità e qualità della vita: una contraddizione? Non necessariamente, come dimostrano i ricercatori dell'Empa in un nuovo studio. Secondo i loro calcoli, una vita ecologicamente e socialmente giusta è possibile...
Jul 4, 2024 | Among Europe's leading start-up hubs
Startfeld is one of Europe's leading Start-up Hubs in 2024. The start-up support provided by Empa and the Switzerland Innovation Park Ost in St. Gallen has recently for the first time received the Financial Times Award....
Jul 2, 2024 | Novel diagnostics for kidney stones
The best way to treat kidney stones depends on how what they are composed of and how they are shaped. Empa researchers are now working on a painless diagnostic procedure using dark-field X-ray imaging. This innovative...
27-giu-2024 | Combustibili e prodotti chimici dalla CO₂
Perché fare un solo esperimento alla volta quando se ne possono fare dieci? I ricercatori dell'Empa hanno sviluppato un sistema che consente di studiare catalizzatori, elettrodi e condizioni di reazione per l'elettrolisi...
Jun 25, 2024 | Medical textiles and sensors
Medical products such as ointments or syringes reach their limits when it comes to delivering medication locally – and above all in a controlled manner over a longer period of time. Empa researchers are therefore...
Jun 18, 2024 | Using models in a different way
To meet the complex requirements of future building and energy systems, Empa researcher Matthias Sulzer and Berkeley Lab researcher Michael Wetter are proposing a paradigm shift in planning of such systems: They call for...
Jun 14, 2024 | OST Technology Day
Around 200 representatives from industry attended the Technology Day at the Buchs campus of OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule on 11 June 2024. The event about future technologies for Switzerland, at which Empa researcher...
Jun 13, 2024 | Impact of borehole thermal energy storage on groundwater
In a recently launched project, the aquatic research institute Eawag is investigating, together with Empa on the joint campus in Dübendorf, how the use of borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) affects the surrounding...
Jun 11, 2024 | International environmental treaty shows effect
A new study by an international team of researchers, published today in Nature Climate Change, has revealed significant progress in the drive to reduce atmospheric levels of chemicals that destroy the Earth’s protective...
Jun 6, 2024 | Impact of pollution on embryonic development
Little is yet known about the health effects of nanoparticles on pregnancy. An interdisciplinary team led by Empa researchers is currently analyzing the risks for babies in the womb. Using a lab model, the researchers...
Jun 4, 2024 | Association for Medical Research and Innovation in the canton of Aargau
In future, medical doctors at hospitals in the canton of Aargau will be able to apply for research projects via the Association for Medical Research and Innovation in the Canton of Aargau. For six to 24 months, they will...
Jun 4, 2024 | Award for top quality in vocational training
Empa not only conducts top-notch science, but is also hosts outstanding program for vocational training. For the fourth time in a row, it receives the Great Start! award from the ‘Great Place to Work’ consultancy, making...
May 30, 2024 | New Head of Laboratory
The designated head of the High-Performance Ceramics laboratory is Jakob Schwiedrzik. He has been working at Empa's site in Thun for around ten years and will take over the leadership of the research lab on 1 August 2024...
May 28, 2024 | Image sensor
Capturing three times more light: Empa and ETH researchers are developing an image sensor made of perovskite that could deliver true-color photos even in poor lighting conditions. Unlike conventional image sensors, where...
23-mag-2024 | Nuovi membri della Direzione
Nella riunione del 22/23 maggio, il Consiglio dei PF ha nominato membri della Direzione i responsabili di due dipartimenti dell'Empa: Nathalie Casas, responsabile del dipartimento "Energia, mobilità e ambiente", e René...
May 21, 2024 | Grid-friendly energy supply for buildings
The chilly winter days drive up electricity demand in the building sector – especially when heat pumps are being used. The "H2 districts" project supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is investigating...
May 16, 2024 | Platform for future healthcare innovations
With the opening of the Health Innovation Hub, Switzerland Innovation Park East is laying the foundation for future innovations in the areas of wearables, health monitoring and disease prevention. The hub serves as a...
7-mag-2024 | Misure di CO2 in tempo reale
"Al polso del pianeta - fatti e cifre quotidiane sul clima": così il sito web della Radiotelevisione svizzera SRF pubblicizza il suo "Climate Monitor". Alcuni dei dati pubblicati online, in particolare le concentrazioni...