New SG Design for extended service life
WG1/SGs Adaptability, Design for disassembly and re-use, and Repairability and maintenance were merged into a new SG Design for extended service life.
This new SG is coordinated by Lisa Ottenhaus (The University of Queensland, AU), Kristina Kröll (University of Wuppertal, DE), José Manuel Cabrero (Navarra University, ES), Robert Jockwer (Chalmers University, SE), and Rafael Passarelli (Hasselt University, BE).
The mailing lists of the merged SGs have been transferred to the new SG, so all SG members will be informed about further activities. The Miro board of SG Adaptability will be transferred to the new SG. A PhD group dealing with the topics of the SG is coordinated by Vera Öberg (Chalmers University, SE), Esther Vandamme (BE), and Lisa Kuiri (AU).
A SG meeting will be scheduled for early February 2024.
Training School on "Holistic design of timber connections", in Cortaccia (IT), on 4-5.10.2023
Updated information on the Training School can be found at
WG 1 is involved in the following lectures:
- 05.10.2023, 08.30-09.30 – "Connections for adaptability, disassembly and reuse", by Lisa Ottenhaus (WG 1)
- 05.10.2023, 09.30-10.00 – "Connections in designing for robustness", Pedro Palma (WG 1)
- 05.10.2023, 10.20-11.45 – "Fire design of timber connections", by Pedro Palma (WG 1) and Daniel Brandon (WG 3)
WG1 and Plenary meetings will take place in Lisbon (PT), on 15-16.05.2023
Detailed info for in-person and online participants (Zoom links) at
Activities relevant for WG 1 or in which WG 1 is involved:
- 09:30-10:30 – WG 1 Meeting with updates from the Subgroups (Room 02.1)
- 11:00-12:30 – Focused Meeting on "Insurance-related issues in TTBs" (Room 02.1)
- 11:00-12:30 – Focused Meeting on "Holistic Design of Timber Connections" (Main Auditorium)
- 13:30-15:00 – Focused Meeting on "Digitalisation and information management for adaptability, repairability and reusability of TTBs" (Room 02.1)
- 13:30-15:00 – Focused Meeting on "Triggering events and disproportionate collapse" (Main Auditorium)
- 15:30-17:00 – WG 1 Meeting to discuss the Focused Meetings and future activities (Room 02.1)
State of the art report (STAReport) published
The state of the art report (STAReport) is available for download here.
It includes 20 contributions from more than 20 experts on the topics of robustness, adaptability, design for disassembly and reuse, and repairability and maintenance in taller timber buildings.
This document allows the WG to better plan future activities and focus areas.
Thanks to all the authors who contributed the report!Meeting in Gothenburg (SE) and online, October 2022
The 2nd WG1 and Plenary meetings will take place in Gothenburg (SE), on 04-05.10.2022.
WG1 will have a half-day session during the Plenary Meeting, during which the SGs will presented their work and their contributions to the state of the art report (to be published in December 2022).
Meeting in Izola (SI) and online, May 2022
The 1st WG1 and Plenary meetings will take place in Izola (SI), on 24-25.05.2022.
The WG members will have the chance to present themselves and their work and help decide which topics will be further developed by WG1.