Team Members


Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory

Gustav Nyström

  • Gustav Nyström, Head of Lab, Cellulose & Wood Materials
  • Gustav received his Ph.D. in engineering physics from Uppsala University in 2012. Following postdoctoral work at KTH Stockholm and ETH Zurich he joined Empa in 2018. His expertise is in nanocellulose, biopolymers and cellulose biohybrid materials for electronic applications.
  • Gustav's role in GREENsPACK is to coordinate the project and to lead the activities on green substrate and ink materials for the biodegradable tag.

Gilberto Siqueira

  • Gilberto Siqueira, Scientist at Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory – Empa

  • Gilberto received his master’s degree in degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil. He carried out his PhD in Materials Science at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP-PAGORA), France, investigating the production of nanocellulose materials and their application as reinforcing phase in polymer composites. He is expert in the production and chemical functionalization of cellulose and 3D printing. 

  • Gilberto's tasks in GREENsPACK are related to the development of cellulose-based materials for inks and substrates used in the biodegradable tag.

Jorge Sanchez

  • Jorge Sanchez, PhD Student at the Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory.
  • Jorge received his Master's degree in Materials Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, ETH.
  • His focus is on the control of colloidal materials such as nanocellulose in combination with manufacturing techniques to exploit synergistic properties such as novel optical and electronic properties of the materials.


Alumni and former group members

Xiaomei Yan

  • Xiaomei Yan, Postdoctoral researcher | Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory.
  • Xiaomei received her M.S degree from Fuzhou University & Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018. After that, she obtained her Ph.D. degree from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2021. Her Ph.D. project mainly contains of electrocatalysis, bioelectrocatalysis and electrochemical devices.
  • Xiaomei's tasks in GREENsPACK are associated with the development materials and manufacturing processes for the biodegradable tag.

Xavier Aeby

  • Xavier Aeby, PhD | Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory.
  • Xavier received his BSc and MSc in Microtechnology from EPFL in 2019. After completing his master thesis on biodegradable energy storage in the Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory, he is pursuing with a PhD within the same group, with interest on developing biodegradable materials and processes for electronics applications.
  • Xavier's tasks in GREENsPACK are associated with the development materials and manufacturing processes for the biodegradable tag.


MEMS and Printed Microsystems at the Soft Transducers Laboratory (LMTS)

Danick Briand

  • Danick Biand, Team leader | Soft Transducers Laboratory (LMTS), EPFL, Neuchâtel
  • Dr. Danick Briand received the PhD degree in Microtechnology from the University of Neuchâtel in 2001. His now leading the MEMS and Printed Microsystems group at EPFL-LMTS. His research interests include MEMS, digital manufacturing of smart sensing system, soft microsystems technologies, and green electronics.
  • Danick’s task in GREENsPACK is the supervision of the design and processing via additive manufacturing of the biodegradable sensing RF tags

James Bourely

  • James Bourely, PhD candidate | Soft Transducers Laboratory (LMTS), EPFL, Neuchâtel.
  • James Bourely received his BSc in Microtechnology from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2016 and his MSc in Microtechnology specialized in Micro/Nano Systems from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2019. He worked for a year as a process engineer at Hylomorph AG, a biomedical start-up in Zurich.
  • He is now pursuing a PhD in the Soft Transducers Laboratory LMTS at EPFL under the supervision of Dr. Danick Briand. His research interests include green electronics, bioelectronics, additive manufacturing of soft systems and RF technologies.
  • James’ task in GREENsPACK is to develop biodegradable sensors for environmental monitoring on paper using printing technologies.

Dr. Nicolas Fumeaux

  • Nicolas Fumeax, PhD| Soft Transducers Laboratory (LMTS), EPFL, Neuchâtel.
  • Nicolas received his Master's degree in Bionengineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
  • Nicolas' contribution to GREENsPACK was to design printed ecoresorbable temperature sensors for environmental monitoring amongst other applications.


Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique

Alexander Vorobyov

  • Alexander Vorobyov, Senior R&D Engineer | Smart Connected Systems
  • Dr. Alexander Vorobyov received the PhD degree in electrical engineering in 2008 at TU Delft. In 2012, he joined CSEM, where he is working in the “Smart Connected Systems” group as an RF expert. He is a specialist in applied electrical engineering, in particularly in antenna (MHz - GHz range), RF propagation, wireless powering and RF sensing.
  • Alexander’s tasks in GREENsPACK are design, optimization and characterization of a biodegradable identification, temperature and humidity tags.

Christian Beyer

  • Christian Beyer, Expert in integrated measurement technologies
  • Dr. Christian Beyer received the PhD degree in electrical engineering at ETH Zürich in 2013. He joined CSEM in 2015, where he designs and develops sensing systems with a focus on impedimetric, RF and mid-IR transducer.
  • Christian’s tasks in GREENsPACK include design, optimisation and characterisation of a biodegradable radio frequency tags.

David Schmid

  • David Schmid, Project Manager | System Engineering
  • David is a microengineer by training (EPFL) and an expert for systems engineering. He has 13+ years' experience in applied research on sensors development for life sciences, environmental and medtech applications and coordinates interdisciplinary projects with a focus on system architecture and integration
  • David's tasks in GREENsPACK are sensors development, system integration & characterization as well as exploitation and tech transfer.