Publications of Griffa, M. Published at Empa

Lura, P.; Toropovs, N.; Justs, J.; Shakoorioskooie, M.; Münch, B.; Griffa, M. Mitigation of plastic shrinkage cracking with natural fibers - kenaf, abaca, coir, jute and sisal. Cem. Concr. Compos. 2025, 155, 105827 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Schmid, T.; Ruffray, N.; Griffa, M.; Zhang, Z.; Isgor, O. B.; Angst, U. M. Probing the steel-concrete interface microstructure using FIB-SEM nanotomography. Mater. Struct. 2025, 58, 75 (24 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mikhailenko, P.; Griffa, M.; Pieren, R.; Pachale, U.; Poulikakos, L. D. Pore space of in-situ semi-dense asphalt: a characterization by X-ray tomography. Constr. Build. Mater. 2024, 453, 139091 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Miljković, M.; Griffa, M.; Münch, B.; Plamondon, M.; Lura, P. Mesostructural evolution of fine-aggregate bitumen emulsion–cement composites by X-ray tomography. Int. J. Pavement Eng. 2024, 25 (1), 2283610 (26 pp.).
Detailed Record
Moonen, P.; Griffa, M. Modelling the response of concrete to moisture. In Understanding the tensile properties of concrete. In statics and dynamics; Weerheijm, J., Ed.; Woodhead publishing series in civil and structural engineering; Elsevier; Woodhead Publishing: London, 2024; pp 89-114.
Detailed Record
Poulikakos, L. D.; Schlatter, F.; Huber, L.; Mikhailenko, P.; Arraigada, M.; Griffa, M.; Angst, C.; Bühlmann, E. Multi-scale mechanical and acoustic characterization of low noise pavements. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2024, 31, 61073-61095.
Detailed Record
Sanchez, L. F. M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A. Appraisal of the ASR-induced development in recycled concrete incorporating a highly reactive coarse aggregate through advanced imaging techniques. In Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, presented at the Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, Ottawa, ON, May 18-24, 2024; Sanchez, L. F. M., Trottier, C., Eds.; Rilem bookseries; Springer Nature: Cham, 2024; Vol. 50, pp 658-666.
Detailed Record
Sanchez, L. F. M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A. Assessment of ASR-induced expansion and deterioration in conventional concrete incorporating a highly reactive coarse aggregate via resonant ultrasound spectroscopy coupled with imaging techniques. In Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, presented at the Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, Ottawa, ON, May 18-24, 2024; Sanchez, L. F. M., Trottier, C., Eds.; Rilem bookseries; Springer Nature: Cham, 2024; Vol. 50, pp 36-44.
Detailed Record
Sanchez, L. F. M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A. Understanding of ASR-induced development caused by a highly reactive fine aggregate through advanced imaging techniques. In Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, presented at the Proceedings of international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete. ICAAR 2024 - Volume II, Ottawa, ON, May 18-24, 2024; Sanchez, L. F. M., Trottier, C., Eds.; Rilem bookseries; Springer Nature: Cham, 2024; Vol. 50, pp 195-202.
Detailed Record
Velásquez-Parra, A.; Marone, F.; Griffa, M.; Jiménez-Martínez, J. Chaotic transport of solutes in unsaturated porous media. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 12643-12652.
Detailed Record
Velásquez‐Parra, A.; Marone, F.; Kaufmann, R.; Griffa, M.; Jiménez‐Martínez, J. Phase saturation control on vorticity enhances mixing in porous media. Water Resour. Res. 2024, 60 (4), e2023WR036628 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hu, Z.; Cajuhi, T.; Toropovs, N.; Griffa, M.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Kaestner, A.; De Lorenzis, L.; Lura, P. A neutron radiography study on the drying of cement mortars: effect of mixture composition and crack length. Cem. Concr. Res. 2023, 172, 107245 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Saghamanesh, S.; Griffa, M.; Zboray, R. X-ray speckle-based dark-field imaging of water transport in porous ceramics. In 11th conference on industrial computed tomography (iCT) 2022, 8-11 Feb, Wels, Austria, presented at the 11th conference on industrial computed tomography (iCT) 2022, Wels, Austria, February 8-11, 2022; E-Journal of Nondestructive Testing; Bad Breisig, 2022; Vol. 27, p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Shakoorioskooie, M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A.; Zboray, R.; Lura, P. Quantitative analysis of the evolution of ASR products and crack networks in the context of the concrete mesostructure. Cem. Concr. Res. 2022, 162, 106992 (20 pp.).
Detailed Record
Voisard, G.; Malekos, A.; Patera, A.; Carl, S.; Hartmann, S.; Griffa, M.; Mazza, E.; Derome, D.; Zhang, Z.; Brochu, G.; et al. Structural alterations of hernioplasty prostheses in humans: correlation between X-Ray micro-computed tomography observations and histological investigations. J. Abdom. Wall Reconstr. 2022, 5 (2), 1010 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Leemann, A.; Bagheri, M.; Lothenbach, B.; Scrivener, K.; Barbotin, S.; Boehm-Courjault, E.; Geng, G.; Dähn, R.; Shi, Z.; Shakoorioskooie, M.; et al. Alkali-silica reaction – a multidisciplinary approach. RILEM Tech. Lett. 2021, 6, 169-187.
Detailed Record
Shakoorioskooie, M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A.; Zboray, R.; Lura, P. Alkali-silica reaction products and cracks: X-ray micro-tomography-based analysis of their spatial-temporal evolution at a mesoscale. Cem. Concr. Res. 2021, 150, 106593 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Shakoorioskooie, M.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A.; Zboray, R.; Lura, P. Evolution of alkali-silica reaction cracks and products in concrete at the meso-scale studied by X-ray micro-tomography. In Proceedings of the 16th international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete, presented at the 16th international conference on alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete, Lisboa, Portugal, May 31 - June 2, 2022; Lopes Batista, A., Santos Silva, A., Fernandes, I., Oliveira Santos, L., Custódio, J., Serra, C., Eds.; Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil: Lisboa, 2021; Vol. 1, pp 1151-1162.
Detailed Record
Shakoorioskooie, M. The alkali-silica reaction damage in concrete at the mesoscale: characterization by X-ray tomography. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 2021, 346 p.
Detailed Record
Wyrzykowski, M.; Ghourchian, S.; Münch, B.; Griffa, M.; Kaestner, A.; Lura, P. Plastic shrinkage of mortars cured with a paraffin-based compound - bimodal neutron/X-ray tomography study. Cem. Concr. Res. 2021, 140, 106289 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhong, P.; Hu, Z.; Griffa, M.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Liu, J.; Lura, P. Mechanisms of internal curing water release from retentive and non-retentive superabsorbent polymers in cement paste. Cem. Concr. Res. 2021, 147, 106494 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hu, Z.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Griffa, M.; Scrivener, K.; Lura, P. Young's modulus and creep of calcium-silicate-hydrate compacts measured by microindentation. Cem. Concr. Res. 2020, 134, 106104 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Marone, F.; Schlepütz, C. M.; Marti, S.; Fusseis, F.; Velásquez-Parra, A.; Griffa, M.; Jiménez-Martínez, J.; Dobson, K. J.; Stampanoni, M. Time resolved in situ X-Ray tomographic microscopy unraveling dynamic processes in geologic systems. Front. Earth Sci. 2020, 7, 346 (20 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhang, Z.; Shakoorioskooie, M.; Griffa, M.; Lura, P.; Angst, U. A laboratory investigation of cutting damage to the steel-concrete interface. Cem. Concr. Res. 2020, 138, 106229 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Guo, H.; Luković, M.; Mendoza, M.; Schlepütz, C. M.; Griffa, M.; Xu, B.; Gaan, S.; Herrmann, H.; Burgert, I. Bioinspired struvite mineralization for fire-resistant wood. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (5), 5427-5434.
Detailed Record
Guo, H.; Warnicke, P.; Griffa, M.; Müller, U.; Chen, Z.; Schaeublin, R.; Zhang, Z.; Luković, M. Hierarchical porous wood cellulose scaffold with atomically dispersed Pt catalysts for low-temperature ethylene decomposition. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (12), 14337-14347.
Detailed Record
Iswar, S.; Griffa, M.; Kaufmann, R.; Beltran, M.; Huber, L.; Brunner, S.; Lattuada, M.; Koebel, M. M.; Malfait, W. J. Effect of aging on thermal conductivity of fiber-reinforced aerogel composites: an X-ray tomography study. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2019, 278, 289-296.
Detailed Record
Leemann, A.; Borchers, I.; Shakoorioskooie, M.; Griffa, M.; Müller, C.; Lura, P. Microstructural analysis of ASR in concrete - accelerated testing versus natural exposure. In Proceedings of the international conference on sustainable materials, systems and structures (SMSS2019). Durability, monitoring and repair of structures, presented at the International conference on sustainable materials, systems and structures (SMSS 2019). Durability, monitoring and repair of structures, Rovinj, Croatia, March 20-22, 2019; Baričević, A., Jelčić Rukavina, M., Damjanović, D., Guadagnini, M., Eds.; RILEM Proceedings Pro; Rilem Publications: Paris, 2019; Vol. 128, pp 222-229.
Detailed Record
Zhu, P.; Brunner, S.; Zhao, S.; Griffa, M.; Leemann, A.; Toropovs, N.; Malekos, A.; Koebel, M. M.; Lura, P. Study of physical properties and microstructure of aerogel-cement mortars for improving the fire safety of high-performance concrete linings in tunnels. Cem. Concr. Compos. 2019, 104, 103414 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yang, F.; Prade, F.; Griffa, M.; Kaufmann, R.; Herzen, J.; Pfeiffer, F.; Lura, P. X-ray dark-field contrast imaging of water transport during hydration and drying of early-age cement-based materials. Mater. Charact. 2018, 142, 560-576.
Detailed Record
Arepalli, U. M.; Mallick, R. B.; Mathisen, P.; Poulikakos, L.; Griffa, M.; Hartmann, S.; Nener-Plante, D. A study of hot-mix asphalt susceptible to moisture-induced material loss. In TRB 96th annual meeting compendium of papers, presented at the Transportation research board 96th annual meeting, Washington, DC, USA, January 8-12, 2017; 2017; pp 17-04156 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Franzoni, E.; Leemann, A.; Griffa, M.; Lura, P. The “Terranova” render of the engineering faculty in Bologna (1931–1935): reasons for an outstanding durability. Mater. Struct. 2017, 50 (5), 221 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hailesilassie, B. W.; Jerjen, I.; Griffa, M.; Partl, M. N. A closer scientific look at foam bitumen. Road Mater. Pavement Des. 2017, 18 (2), 362-375.
Detailed Record
Hu, S.; Yang, F.; Griffa, M.; Kaufmann, R.; Anton, G.; Maier, A.; Riess, C. Towards quantification of kidney stones using X-ray dark-field tomography. In IEEE 14th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2017), presented at the IEEE 14th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2017), Melbourne, VIC, Australia, April 18-21, 2017; IEEE, 2017; pp 1112-1115.
Detailed Record
Josset, S.; Hansen, L.; Orsolini, P.; Griffa, M.; Kuzior, O.; Weisse, B.; Zimmermann, T.; Geiger, T. Microfibrillated cellulose foams obtained by a straightforward freeze-thawing-drying procedure. Cellulose 2017, 24 (9), 3825-3842.
Detailed Record
Lämmlein, T. D.; Messina, F.; Griffa, M.; Terrasi, G. P.; Lura, P. Bond performance of sand coated UHM CFRP tendons in high performance concrete. Polymers 2017, 9 (2), 78 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Stöckli, A. C. Drying shrinkage and cracking in cement-based materials: non-destructive detection by single mode resonant ultrasound spectroscopies. Master thesis, 2017, 80 p.
Detailed Record
Yang, F. Multi-contrast X-ray imaging of water transport in cement-based materials. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zürich, Zürich, 2017, 387 p.
Detailed Record
Cavalli, M. C.; Griffa, M.; Bressi, S.; Partl, M. N.; Tebaldi, G.; Poulikakos, L. D. Multiscale imaging and characterization of the effect of mixing temperature on asphalt concrete containing recycled components. J. Microsc. 2016, 264 (1), 22-33.
Detailed Record
Di Bella, C.; Griffa, M.; Ulrich, T. J.; Lura, P. Early-age elastic properties of cement-based materials as a function of decreasing moisture content. Cem. Concr. Res. 2016, 89, 87-96.
Detailed Record
Yang, F.; Griffa, M.; Hipp, A.; Derluyn, H.; Moonen, P.; Kaufmann, R.; Boone, M. N.; Beckmann, F.; Lura, P. Advancing the visualization of pure water transport in porous materials by fast, talbot interferometry-based multi-contrast x-ray micro-tomography. In Developments in X-ray tomography X, presented at the SPIE optical engineering + applications, San Diego, CA, USA, August 28 - September 1, 2016; Stock, S. R., Müller, B., Wang, G. E., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, WA, USA, 2016; Vol. 9967, p 99670L (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yang, F.; Griffa, M.; Bonnin, A.; Mokso, R.; Di Bella, C.; Münch, B.; Kaufmann, R.; Lura, P. Visualization of water drying in porous materials by X-ray phase contrast imaging. J. Microsc. 2016, 261 (1), 88-104.
Detailed Record
Di Bella, C.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Griffa, M.; Termkhajornkit, P.; Chanvillard, G.; Stang, H.; Eberhardt, A.; Lura, P. A novel approach for studying cementitious early-age properties: an equivalent microstructure. Presented at the 14th international congress on the chemistry of cement (ICCC 2015), Beijing, China, October 13–16, 2015; p (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Bella, C.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Griffa, M.; Termkhajornkit, P.; Chanvillard, G.; Stang, H.; Eberhardt, A.; Lura, P. Application of microstructurally-designed mortars for studying early-age properties: microstructure and mechanical properties. Cem. Concr. Res. 2015, 78, 234-244.
Detailed Record
Ferdowsi, B.; Griffa, M.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Acoustically induced slip in sheared granular layers: Application to dynamic earthquake triggering. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2015, 42 (22), 9750-9757.
Detailed Record
Franzoni, E.; Graziani, G.; Sassoni, E.; Bacilieri, G.; Griffa, M.; Lura, P. Solvent-based ethyl silicate for stone consolidation: influence of the application technique on penetration depth, efficacy and pore occlusion. Mater. Struct. 2015, 48, 3503-3515.
Detailed Record
Hailesilassie, B. W.; Jerjen, I.; Griffa, M.; Partl, M. N. A closer scientific look at foam bitumen. Presented at the ISAP 3rd international symposium on asphalt pavements and environment, Sun City, South Africa, August 16, 2015; p (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Kaufmann, R.; Yang, F.; Prade, F.; Griffa, M.; Jerjen, I.; Di Bella, C.; Herzen, J.; Sarapata, A.; Pfeiffer, F.; Lura, P.; et al. Enhancing X-ray imaging of liquids in porous materials. Presented at the Digital industrial radiology and computed tomography (DIR 2015), Ghent, Belgium, June 22–25, 2015; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Ferdowsi, B. Discrete element modeling of triggered slip in faults with granular gouge: application to dynamic earthquake triggering. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zürich, Zürich, 2014, 194 p.
Detailed Record
Ferdowsi, B.; Griffa, M.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Carmeliet, J. Effect of boundary vibration on the frictional behavior of a dense sheared granular layer. Acta Mech. 2014, 225 (8), 2227-2237.
Detailed Record
Ferdowsi, B.; Griffa, M.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Three-dimensional discrete element modeling of triggered slip in sheared granular media. Phys. Rev. E 2014, 89, 042204 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Kaufmann, R.; Flisch, A.; Griffa, M.; Hartmann, S.; Hofmann, J.; Jerjen, I.; Liu, Y.; Lüthi, T.; Neels, A.; Plamondon, M.; et al. New directions in X-ray tomography. Presented at the 11th European conference on non-destructive testing (ECNDT 2014), Prague, Czech Republic, September 6–10, 2014; p (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Payan, C.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Garnier, V.; Ulrich, T. J.; Griffa, M. Caractérisation non destructive du comportement élastique non linéaire du béton: potentiel, limitations et perspectives. In Congrès diagnobéton, presented at the Congrès diagnobéton 2014, Toulouse, March 19-20, 2014; Annales du bâtiment et des travaux publics; Editions Eska: Paris, 2014; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Payan, C.; Ulrich, T. J.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Griffa, M.; Schuetz, P.; Remillieux, M. C.; Saleh, T. A. Probing material nonlinearity at various depths by time reversal mirrors. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 104 (14), 144102 (3 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yang, F.; Prade, F.; Griffa, M.; Jerjen, I.; Di Bella, C.; Herzen, J.; Sarapata, A.; Pfeiffer, F.; Lura, P. Dark-field X-ray imaging of unsaturated water transport in porous materials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105 (15), 154105 (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Antonaci, P.; Gliozzi, A. S.; Griffa, M.; Scalerandi, M. Damage assessment in solids through nonlinear ultrasonics in the time domain. Presented at the 13th international symposium on nondestructive characterization of materials (NDCM-XIII), Le Mans, France, May 20–24, 2013; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bacilieri, G. TEOS-based consolidants for stone consevation: evaluation of the effects and testing by X-ray imaging. Master thesis, 2013, 104 p.
Detailed Record
Derluyn, H.; Griffa, M.; Mannes, D.; Jerjen, I.; Dewanckele, J.; Vontobel, P.; Sheppard, A.; Derome, D.; Cnudde, V.; Lehmann, E.; et al. Characterizing saline uptake and salt distributions in porous limestone with neutron radiography and X-ray micro-tomography. J. Build. Phys. 2013, 36 (4), 353-374.
Detailed Record
Ferdowsi, B.; Griffa, M.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Microslips as precursors of large slip events in the stick-slip dynamics of sheared granular layers: a discrete element model analysis. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2013, 40 (16), 4194-4198.
Detailed Record
Griffa, M.; Münch, B.; Igarashi, G.; Leemann, A.; Mokso, R.; Jerjen, I.; Schuetz, P.; Lura, P. Damage in cement-based materials by the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: detection and characterization by X-ray Tomographic Microscopy. Presented at the 1st international conference on tomography of materials and structures (ICTMS 2013), Ghent, Belgium, July 1–5, 2013; pp 317-320.
Detailed Record
Griffa, M.; Ferdowsi, B.; Guyer, R. A.; Daub, E. G.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Influence of vibration amplitude on dynamic triggering of slip in sheared granular layers. Phys. Rev. E 2013, 87 (1), 012205 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Johnson, P. A.; Ferdowsi, B.; Kaproth, B. M.; Scuderi, M.; Griffa, M.; Carmeliet, J.; Guyer, R. A.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Trugman, D. T.; Marone, C. Acoustic emission and microslip precursors to stick-slip failure in sheared granular material. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2013, 40 (21), 5627-5631.
Detailed Record
Patera, A.; Derome, D.; Griffa, M.; Carmeliet, J. Hysteresis in swelling and in sorption of wood tissue. J. Struct. Biol. 2013, 182 (3), 226-234.
Detailed Record
Scalerandi, M.; Griffa, M.; Antonaci, P.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Lura, P. Nonlinear elastic response of thermally damaged consolidated granular media. J. Appl. Phys. 2013, 113 (15), 154902 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Weber, B.; Wyrzykowski, M.; Griffa, M.; Carl, S.; Lehmann, E.; Lura, P. Neutron radiography of heated high-performance mortar. In Concrete spalling due to fire exposure: proceedings of the 3rd international workshop, presented at the 3rd international workshop on concrete spalling due to fire exposure, IWCS 2013, Paris, France, September 25–27, 2013; Pimienta, P., Meftah, F., Eds.; MATEC web of conferences; EDP Sciences: sine loco, 2013; Vol. 6, p 03004 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Derluyn, H.; Griffa, M.; Mannes, D.; Jerjen, I.; Dewanckele, J.; Vontobel, P.; Sheppard, A.; Boone, M. N.; Derome, D.; Cnudde, V.; et al. Probing salt crystallization damage mechanisms in porous limestone with neutron radiography and X-ray tomography. Presented at the 5th international building physics conference (IBPC 2012), Kyoto, Japan, May 28–31, 2012; pp 95-102.
Detailed Record
Griffa, M.; Ferdowsi, B.; Daub, E. G.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Meso-mechanical analysis of deformation characteristics for dynamically triggered slip in a granular medium. Philos. Mag. 2012, 92 (28-30), 3520-3539.
Detailed Record
Sedighi Gilani, M.; Griffa, M.; Mannes, D.; Lehmann, E.; Carmeliet, J.; Derome, D. Visualization and quantification of liquid water transport in softwood by means of neutron radiography. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2012, 55 (21-22), 6211-6221.
Detailed Record
Anderson, B. E.; Griffa, M.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Ulrich, T. J.; Johnson, P. A. Experimental implementation of reverse time migration for nondestructive evaluation applications. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2011, 129 (1), EL8-EL14.
Detailed Record
Anderson, B. E.; Griffa, M.; Ulrich, T. J.; Johnson, P. A. Time reversal reconstruction of finite sized sources in elastic media. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2011, 130 (4), EL219-EL225.
Detailed Record
Derluyn, H.; Griffa, M.; Mannes, D.; Jerjen, I.; Dewanckele, J.; Vontobel, P.; Derome, D.; Cnudde, V.; Lehmann, E.; Carmeliet, J. Quantitative analysis of saline transport and crystallization damage in porous limestone visualized by neutron and X-ray imaging. Presented at the Salt weathering on buildings and stone sculptures (SWBSS 2011), Limassol, Cyprus, October 19–22, 2011; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Derome, D.; Griffa, M.; Koebel, M.; Carmeliet, J. Hysteretic swelling of wood at cellular scale probed by phase-contrast X-ray tomography. J. Struct. Biol. 2011, 173 (1), 180-190.
Detailed Record
Griffa, M.; Daub, E. G.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A.; Marone, C.; Carmeliet, J. Vibration-induced slip in sheared granular layers and the micromechanics of dynamic earthquake triggering. Europhys. Lett. 2011, 96 (1), 14001 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Anderson, B. E.; Griffa, M.; Ulrich, T. J.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Guyer, R. A.; Johnson, P. A. Crack localization and characterization in solid media using time reversal techniques. Presented at the 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium; 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT, June 27–30, 2010; p (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Anderson, B. E.; Guyer, R. A.; Ulrich, T. J.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Larmat, C.; Griffa, M.; Johnson, P. A. Energy current imaging method for time reversal in elastic media. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95 (2), 021907 (3 pp.).
Detailed Record
Scalerandi, M.; Griffa, M.; Johnson, P. A. Robustness of computational time reversal imaging in media with elastic constant uncertainties. J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 106 (11), 114911 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Ulrich, T. J.; Van Den Abeele, K.; Le Bas, P. Y.; Griffa, M.; Anderson, B. E.; Guyer, R. A. Three component time reversal: focusing vector components using a scalar source. J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 106 (11), 113504 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record