Philipp Heer


Deputy Head Urban Energy Systems Lab

Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Überlandstrasse 129

8600 Dübendorf

Tel +41 58 765 4990


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Philipp Heer is the deputy head of the Urban Energy Systems Lab (UESL) at Empa - an Institute of the ETH Domain and is responsible for the energy and digitalization related research at the Empa demonstrators NEST, move and ehub. He received a BSc from HSLU T&A (2010) and a MSc from ETH Zurich (2013) both in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering and a MAS from ETH Zurich (2018) in Management, Technology, and Economics. His research focuses on developing operational solutions based on data-driven approaches to foster a sustainable energy system.


Professional Background

2020 –             Deputy Head Urban Energy Systems Lab, Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland

2016 –              Head ehub group, Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland

2013 –  2020   Building Control NEST, Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland

2010 – 2013      Scientific researcher, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland

2006 – 2007     Electrician, Frey+Cie AG Lucerne, Switzerland


Educational Background

2017 – 2018      ETH MAS MTEC, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

            Thesis: Battery Technology Evaluation and their Distribution Grid Applications

2010 – 2013      ETH MSc Electrical Engineering & Information Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

            Thesis: Decentralized MPC for smart grid applications

2007 – 2010      HSLU BSc Electrical Engineering & Information Technology, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland

            Thesis: Gestaltung und Implementierung eines Antriebs für ein „Formula Student“ Rennauto

2002 – 2006      Apprenticeship Electrician, Frey+Cie AG Lucerne, Switzerland


Supervision of Students / Postdoctoral Fellows / Scientists

Scientists: H. Cai, M. Locher, R. Weber, Y. Guo

PostDocs: F. Bellizio, G. Humbert, A. Chatterjee, M. Montazeri, B. Nortmann

Research Associates: B. Huber, M.Brandes, A. Tell

Engineers: S. Stoller, R. Fricker

PhD Students: V. Behrunani, J. Rousseau, W. Xu, C. Tajoli, A. Gattiglo, C. Koepele



L. DiNatale, now at ZSR AG

B. Svetozarevic, now co-founder and CEO at ZSR AG

F. Bünning now co-founder and CEO at viboo AG

J. Vivian now associate Professor at Università degli Studi di Padova

C. Derungs now Data Scientist at SRF

M. Fiorentini now associate Professor at Aarhus Universitetet

M. Khosravi now Assistant Professor at TU Delft

R. Knechtle now Data Engineer at SBB

M. Hohmann now Senior Grid studies engineer at Swissgrid AG

S.Thorsteinsson (visiting), PhD Student at Aalborg Universitetet


Achievements / Awards

2024             Watt d'Or, Special "buildings and space" award, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Category Transition, nanoverbund,             


2018             Norman Foster Solar Award Solarpreis, Fitness/Wellness NEST, Solaragentur Schweiz


2017          SIA Award "Umsicht – Regards – Sguardi 2017", NEST – Gemeinsam an der Zukunft bauen, Swiss society of engineers and architects,


2017             Watt d'Or, Special "Transition" award, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Category Transition, NEST – a Lego house expedites innovation,             


2010             Best Student Award in Electrical Systems and Power Electronics, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland


Research Projects

Past Projects

CCEM ideas4cities (2013-2017), BFE NEST (2013-2018), SCCER JA CEDA (2017-2020), SCCER FEEB&D II (2017-2020), SALISC (2018), Innosuisse Twingtec (2018), BFE ECOBATTEM (2018-2019), BFE EcoDynBat (2018-2020), BFE aliunid Feldtest (2019-2020), FOGA K3 (2019-2022), BFE KiG (2020-2021), Innosuisse NIOD (2021-2023), BFE ReMaP (2018-2023), BFE S-DSM (2020-2024), CAPITAL (2020-2024), H2020 ECO-Qube (2020-2024), SDSC Euthermo (2021-2024),



BFE UC-DPC (2020-2025), NCCR Automation (2020-2028), BFE Hobelwerk (2020-2026), Klimafonds Winterthur Low tech, High intelligence (2021-2025), BFE SWEET PATHFNDR (2021-2027), BFE SWEET LANTERN (2022-2030), DT-CEB (2022-2024), BFE AHA (2023-2025), Era-NET GOES (2023-2025), BFE nanoverbund (2023-2025), BFE H2-districts (2023-2025), Horizon REFORMERs (2023-2028), Horizon HEATWISE (2024-2026)



Publications on Dora






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