Computational Multiphysics User Group @ Empa

Empa's Computational Multiphysics User Group aims to support computational modelers by facilitating (proprietary) software access at an institutional level and by fostering interaction between researchers.

To this end, we make multiphysics simulation software (e.g. COMSOL, ANSYS) accessible for each employee or academic guest at Empa. At the same time we organize events, such as technical workshops and Topical Days.

Upcoming events

The User Group was founded in January 2017. The User Group currently consists of 2 sister groups, with members of 22 Empa labs:

  • the COMSOL User Group
  • the ANSYS User Group

For questions, Thijs Defraeye (User Group, COMSOL) or Gwenael Hannema (ANSYS) can be contacted.

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