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Shape changes in Soft Robotic swimming dynamics
Learning Control for Body Caudal Undulation with Soft Sensory Feedback
Air to Land Transitions in robots and animals
- Jusufi A, Goldman D, Revzen S, Full R. PNAS Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 105 (11): 4215-4219. Active Tails enhance Arboreal Acrobatics in Geckos. 2008. [Cover]
- Jusufi A*, Kawano D, Libby T, Full R. IOP Bioinsp. Biomim. 5 (4): 045001. Righting and Turning in Mid- Air using Appendage Inertia: Reptile Tails, Analytical models and Bio-Inspired Robots. 2010 [Cover]
- Jusufi A*, Zeng Y, Full R, Dudley R. Integ. Comp. Biol. 51 (6): 934-437. Aerial Righting Reflexes in Flightless Animals. 2011
- Libby T, Moore T, Chang E, Li D, Cohen D, Jusufi A, Full R. Nature 481: 181– 184. Tail-Assisted Pitch Control in Lizards, Robots, and Dinosaurs. 2012. [Cover]
- Mongeau J, McRae B, Jusufi A, Birkmeyer, Hoover, Fearing, Full R. PLoS One 7 (6): e38003. Rapid Inversion: Running Animals and Robots Swing like a Pendulum under Ledges. 2012.
- Jusufi A*, Vogt D, Wood R, Lauder G. Soft Robotics 4 (3): 202-210. Undulatory Swimming Performance and Body Stiffness Modulation in a Soft Robotic Fish-like Physical Model. 2017.
- Nirody J, Jinn J, Libby T, Lee T, Jusufi A, Hu D, Full R. Current Biology. 28 (24), 4046-4051 e2. Geckos Race across Water’s Surface using Multiple Mechanisms 2018.
- Wolf R, Jusufi A, Vogt D, Lauder G, IOP Bionspir. Biomim. 15 (4), 046008. Fish-like aquatic Propulsion studied using a Pneumatically-actuated Soft-Robotic Model. 2020.
- Souri H, Banerjee H, Jusufi A, Radacsi N, Stokes A, Park I, Sitti M, Amjadi M. Advanced Int. Sys. 2 (8) 2000039.Wearable and Stretchable Strain Sensors: Materials, Sensing Mechanisms, and Applications. 2020.
- Siddall R, Byrnes G, Full R, Jusufi A*. Nature Communications bio 4, 1020. Tails stabilize Landing of gliding Geckos crashing head-first into Tree Trunks. 2021. - Banerjee H, Kalairaj MS, Ren H, Jusufi A*. Advanced Engineering Materials. Strong, Ultrastretchable Hydrogel-Based Multilayered Soft Actuator Composites Enhancing Biologically Inspired Pumping Systems. [Cover inside]
- Lin Y, Siddall R, Schwab F, Fukushima T, Banerjee H, Baek Y, Vogt D, Park YL, Jusufi A*. Advanced Int. Sys. 2000244. Modeling and Control of a Soft Robotic Fish with Integrated Soft Sensing. 2021.
- Siddall R, Fukushima T, Bardhi D, Perteshoni B, Morina A, Hasimja E, Dujaka Y, Haziri G, Martin L, Banerjee H, Jusufi A*. Advanced Robotics 35 (7). Compliance, Mass Distribution and Contact Forces in Cursorial and Scansorial Locomotion with Biorobotic Physical Models. 2021.
- Fukushima T, Siddall R, Schwab F, Toussaint S, Byrnes G, Nyakatura J, Jusufi A*. Integ. Comp. Biol. 61 (2), 589–602. Inertial Tail Effects during Righting of Squirrels in unexpected Falls: From Behavior to Robotics.
- Schwaner M, Hsieh S, Braasch I, Bradley S, Campos C, Collins C, Donatelli C, Fish F, Fitch O, Flammang B, Jackson B, Jusufi A, Mekdara P, Patel A, Swalla B, Vickaryous H, McGowan C. Integ. Comp. Biol. 61 (2), 521–537. Future Tail Tales: A Forward-Looking, Integrative Perspective on Tail Research. 2021.
- Shield S*, Jericevich R, Patel A, Jusufi A*. Integ. Comp. Biol 61 (2), 506–520. Tails, Flails and Sails: How Appendages improve Terrestrial Maneuverability by improving Stability. 2021.
- Siddall R, Ibanez V, Byrnes G, Full R, Jusufi A*. Integ. Comp. Biol 61 (2), 478–490. Mechanisms for Mid-Air Reorientation using Tail Rotation in Gliding Geckos. 2021.
- Schwab F, Lunsford E, Wiesemueller F, Kovac M, Abuyes O, Liao J, Park Y-L, Jusufi A*. Int. Comp. Biol. Body Caudal Undulation Measured by Soft Sensors and Emulated by Soft Artificial Muscles. 2021.
- Schwab F, Mucignat C, Wiesemueller F, Park Y-L, Lunati I, Kovac M, Jusufi A*. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Undulatory Swimming Performance Explored With a Biorobotic Fish and Measured by Soft Sensors and Particle Image Velocimetry. 2021
- Chellapurath, M., Khandelwal, P., Rottier, T., Schwab, F. and Jusufi, A*. Advanced Intelligent Systems. [Cover]. Morphologically Adaptive Crash Landing on a Wall: Soft‐Bodied Models of Gliding Geckos with Varying Material Stiffnesses. 2022.
- Rottier, T., Schulz, A., Sohnel, K., K McCarthy, K., Fischer, M and Jusufi, A*. Journal of Experimental Biology. Tail wags the dog is unsupported by biomechanical Modeling of Canidae Tails Use during Terrestrial
- Ortega-Jimenez, V.M., Jusufi, A., Brown, C.E., Zeng, Y., Kumar, S., Siddall, R., Kim, B., Challita, E.J., Pavlik, Z., Priess, M. and Umhofer, T., Koh J-S, Socha JJ, Dudley R. Air-to-land transitions: from wingless animals and plant seeds to shuttlecocks and bio-inspired robots. 2023 Bioinspir. Biomim. 18 051001
- Schwab F, Sprumont H, Allione F, Mucignat C, Ijspeert A., and Jusufi A. Asymmetric fin shape changes swimming dynamics soft robophysical models. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP Bioinspir. Biomim. 03/24)
- Sprumont H, Schwab F, Mucignat CPark Y-L, Lunati I, Verrelli C., Jusufi A*. Learning Control for Body Caudal Undulation with Soft Sensory Feedback. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Physical Sensors 02/
- Wang B, Weng Z, Wang H, Weng S, Wang Z, Dai Z., Jusufi A. Wall-climbing performance of gecko-inspired robot with soft feet and digits enhanced by gravity compensation. IOP Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 056001 2024 DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/ad5899