Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., Tobias, S., Mavros, P., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Investigating effect chains from cognitive and noise-induced short-term stress build-up to restoration in an urban or nature setting using 360° VR. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 100, 102466.
Kawai, C., Jäggi, J., Georgiou, F., Meister, J., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Short-term noise annoyance towards drones and other transportation noise sources: A laboratory study. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(4), 2578–2595.
Georgiou, F., Kawai, C., Schäffer, B., & Pieren, R. (2024). Replicating outdoor environments using VR and ambisonics: A methodology for accurate audio-visual recording, processing and reproduction. Virtual Reality, 28(2), 111.
Kawai, C., & Ansorge, U. (2024). Rating pictures on different sides of the globe – A juxtaposition of Chinese and US American emotional evaluations. In S. Reichl & U. Smit (Eds.), # YouthMediaLife & Friends: Interdisciplinary research into young people's mediatised life-worlds / Interdisziplinäre Forschung zu mediatisierten Lebenswelten Jugendlicher (pp. 265–278). V&R unipress.
Kawai, C., Zhang, Y., Lukács, G., Chu, W., Zheng, C., Gao, C., Gozli, D., Wang, Y., & Ansorge, U. (2021). The Good, the Bad, and the Red: Implicit Color-Valence Associations Across Cultures. Psychological Research, 87(3), 704-724. (Preprint available here).
Lukács, G., Kawai, C., Ansorge, U., & Fekete, A. (2021). Detecting concealed language knowledge via response times. Applied Linguistics Review. (Preprint available here).
Kawai, C., Lukács, G., & Ansorge, U. (2021). A new type of pictorial database: The Bicolor Affective Silhouettes and Shapes (BASS). Behavior Research Methods. (Preprint available here).
Kawai, C., Lukács, G., & Ansorge, U. (2020). Polarity influences implicit associations between colour and emotion. Acta Psychologica, 209, 1-14. (Preprint available here).
Conference Contributions
Kawai, C., Jäggi, J., Georgiou, F., Meister, J., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). How annoying are drones? A laboratory study with different drone sizes, maneuvers, and speeds. Quiet Drones, Manchester, UK.
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., Tobias, S., & Schäffer, B. (2023). Comparing the restorative effects of urban with green spaces: a laboratory study in VR. 14th CBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Belgrade, Serbia. 1–11. (show PDF)
Georgiou, F., Kawai, C., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2022). Laboratory setup for assessing physiological stress buildup and recovery associated with noise annoyance using virtual reality and ambisonic loudspeaker reproduction. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics. 24th International Congress on Acoustics, Gyeongju, South Korea. (show PDF)
Kawai, C. & Ansorge, U. (2021, December 9-12). A study on cross-cultural differences and similarities in emotional evaluations [#YML Workshop Contribution]. 46th Austrian Linguistics Conference, Vienna, Austria. Workshop Abstract.
Kawai, C., Lukács, G., & Ansorge, U. (2019, April 15-17). Polarity-Induced Interactions Between Colour and Emotion [Paper presentation]. 61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP), London, UK.