PhD Symposium 2021
Tuesday, 30 November, 2021
Empa Dübendorf & via Zoom
Invited speakers
Daniel Müller, Professor of Biophysics, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zürich
Andrew Bolliger, CEO & CO-Founder of Sympheny

Nowadays, the creation and application of new, highly engineered and intelligent materials can gradually embed in our lives and make our lives better. Ambient intelligence, the Internet of Things, and predictive computing are being applied to materials science, predicting that the future life should be "intelligent".
Empa PhD Students' Symposium 2021, entitled "Science4All: Intelligent materials and technologies for a better life," aims to provide PhD students with a platform to showcase their research and to receive feedback on their ongoing research or specific problems or concerns about the research with their peer, as well as potential collaborations between attendees from different laboratories and areas of expertise. PhD students will have the opportunity to interact not only with their peers but also with esteemed researchers in the scientific community. Also, they would be able to learn from fellow researchers in the scientific industry.
Subthemes of the PhD Symposium 2021
The symposium covers a wide range of topics related to applied materials science and engineering reflecting Empa's research focus areas:
- Advanced and Functional materials
- Materials for Health and Performance
- Energy and Environmental
- Sustainable Built Environment
- Analytical Science and Technology
- Automation and Artificial Intelligence
PhD students active in all fields at Empa are strongly encouraged to participate in this event. Students not affiliated to Empa are cordially invited as well. Experts will join the symposium to evaluate all presentations and to give students valuable tips and feedback
Preliminary program
Empa PhD Symposium 2021 will be held in hybrid format. Attendance on-site is limited depending on the coronavirus pandemic situation at the time, however, the whole symposium will be streamed online from Dübendorf.
8:00 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Remark
9:15 am Academic Keynote Presentation
10:00 am Student Presentations, Posters and Scientific Videos Session
10:45 am Coffee break
11:00 am Student Presentations, Posters and "Science Videos" Session
11:45 am Diversity and inclusion at Empa
12:00 pm Lunch break
1:00 pm Student Presentations, Posters and "Science Videos" Session
1:45 pm Coffee break
2:00 pm Student Presentations, Posters and Scientific Videos Session
2:45 pm Sponsorship presentation
3:15 pm Startup Keynote speaker
4:00 pm Closing and Award Ceremony
Abstract Submission
All PhD students of Empa are welcome to submit an abstract by email before 18. October 2021 (23:59 CET).
This year's symposium includes regular talks (12 min presenting & 3 min Q&A) and an online/on-site poster session. All participants are able to discuss their scientific interests interactively. In addition, participants are welcome to submit a short video (max. 3 minutes) to demonstrate their research achievements.
When sending your abstract, please use the template. Please indicate whether you prefer to give a talk or participate in the poster/video demonstration. Each abstract will be evaluated, and authors will be notified in the middle of October whether they have been accepted.
For more information please check out the right column.
Registration as presenter or audience member
Registration is closed.
After confirming your participation, you have to register for the symposium via the registration form.
Please note that you need to submit the abstract separately. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.
Practical information
- Participation fee: free of charge.
- Award: The best presentations for regular talk, poster and "Science Video" session will be awarded with special prize. All active participants during the symposium will receive gifts from sponsor and a coupon at Empa.
- Technical information: The symposium will be held on-site at Empa Akademie and simultaneously online virtually. We are currently in the organization process. Further instructions will be published soon.
Empa - Materials and Technologies for a Sustainable Future

Yousuf Hemani
Advanced Analytical Technologies
Kevin Kraft
Advanced Analytical Technologies
Fei Pan
Chandrima Shrivastava
Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
Di Qu
Advanced Analytical Technologies