PhD Symposium 2022
Tuesday, 29 November, 2022
Empa Akademie (Dübendorf)
Invited speakers:
Dr. Sotiria Mostrou (Biosimo Chemicals)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fichtner (Seismology and Wave Physics, ETHZ)
Nowadays, the development and application of new highly engineered technologies and materials is crucial for supporting the continuous growth of our society. Sustainability, green technologies, novel approaches, and energy efficiency are the keywords for our future. The Empa PhD Students' Symposium 2022, entitled "Emerging Technologies: Recent advances, current challenges and outlook", aims to provide the PhD students with a platform to showcase their research, receive constructive feedback, discuss scientific problems with their peers, and initiate collaborations between attendees from different departments. The PhD students will also have the opportunity to interact with esteemed researchers from both academia and industry.
Join the event with an oral presentation, a poster, or a scientific photo and take the chance to be at the front seat of advancement!
Subthemes of the PhD Symposium 2022
The symposium covers a wide range of topics related to applied materials science and engineering reflecting Empa's research focus areas:
· Advanced and Functional materials
· Materials for Health and Performance
· Energy and Environmental
· Sustainable Built Environment
· Analytical Science and Technology
· Automation and Artificial Intelligence
PhD students active in all fields at Empa are strongly encouraged to participate in this event. Students not affiliated to Empa are coordially invited as well. Experts will join the symposium to evaluate all presentations/posters and to give students valuable tips and feedback.
Abstract Submission
15 October 2022 (23:59 CET).
Participants that would like to contribute with a presentation or poster are requested to submit an abstract according to the guidelines. The guidelines and template are available on the website, Do not forget to indicate your preference, poster/presentation.
Every abstract will be considered and based on equal distribution of themes the selection will be made. If the abstract is selected, the author will be notified.
Oral presentations are restricted to 12 min followed by 3 min of discussion. Make sure you provide a clear introduction into the topic to guide the audience.
Posters are expected to have an A0 size format (841 mm × 1189 mm) in portrait.
Please note that you need to submit the abstract separately. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.
Important Dates
Registration opens |
1st September 2022 |
Abstract submission opens |
15th September 2022 |
Abstract submission deadline |
15th October 2022 |
Registration deadline |
15th October 2022 |
Presentation abstract acceptance notification | 22nd October 2022 |
Poster abstract acceptance notification | 31st October 2022 |
The detailed program can be found here.
08:30 am Registration and coffee
08:45 am Welcome and Keynote Speech
09:00 am Morning session
12:30 pm Lunch
01:30 pm Afternoon session
06:00 pm Award ceremony
06:30 pm Apero and Dinner
Practical Information
Participation fee: free of charge.
Awards: The best oral presentation, best poster presentation, and best scientific picture will be awarded during the award ceremony.
In addition, BASF representatives will award the "BASF prize for best poster in the field of sustainability" and representatives from the scientific journal Frontiers in Energy Research will assign an additional special prize.
Empa - Materials and Technologies for a Sustainable Future
As an interdisciplinary research institute within the ETH Domain, Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, conducts cutting edge materials and technology research. Empa’s R&D activities focus on meeting the requirements of industry and the needs of society and thus link applications oriented research with the practical implementation of new ideas. As a result, Empa is capable of providing its partners with customized services and solutions that not only enhance their innovative edge and competitiveness but also help to improve the quality of life for the public at large.

Alessia Cesarini
Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
Donato Rubinetti
Biomimetic Membranes & Textiles
Federica Orellana
Center for X-ray Analytics
Egzona Isufi Neziri
Surface Science & Coating Technologies
Rani Boons
Cellulose & Wood Materials