Photovoltaics - Technologies, Integration and Implications

December 1, 2022, 02:00-05:00 pm

Empa-Akademie, Dübendorf

Sustainable and renewable energy sources such as solar power aim to provide industry and society with a long-term affordable energy future. Next-generation photovoltaic systems are therefore indispensable to meet our ever-increasing energy needs while achieving our climate goals.

The Technology Briefing, jointly organized by the research institutes CSEM, Empa and PSI, will highlight the potential of photovoltaics, present next-generation PV technologies, and explore questions about how the technical system integration of the devices can succeed and what impact a greater reliance on PV will have on our CO2 emissions, material consumption and economy.



The event is bilingual (English, EN and German, DE). Please find the information on the respective presentation language right next to the lecture title.

Start: 2:00 p.m

Aperitif: from around 5:15 p.m


Host: Claudia Gonzalez, Head Empa-Akademie

Welcome and introduction

Presented by Dr. Peter Richner, Deputy Director of Empa

Part 1: Next Generation Technology

  • From new generation mainstream photovoltaic technologies to optimized integration for buildings, agriculture and transport (EN)

Dr. Matthieu Despeisse, Group Leader Solar Modules, CSEM

  • Bringing back Photovoltaic cells and modules manufacturing to Europe with high quality products (EN)

Madlen Apel, Head of Product Management, Meyer Burger

Part 2: Technical System Integration

  • Flexibility assessment of multi-energy districts (EN)

Dr Binod Koirala, Urban Energy Systems, Lab, Empa

  • Wege und Strategien in die Energie-und Klimazukunft der Schweiz (DE)

Dr Martin Rüdisüli, Urban Energy Systems Lab, Empa 

Coffee break 

  • Elektronen und Moleküle im Gleichklang: Rolle der Gasversorgung in einem künftigen resilienten Energiesystem (DE)

Daniela Decurtins, Director of the Swiss Gas Industry Association (VSG) 

Part 3: System Integration, Economy and Environment

  • Strom aus Photovoltaik-Anlagen - ein Kernbestandteil der zukünftigen Energieversorgung (DE)

Christian Bauer, Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis, PSI

  • Saisonale Speicherung von Photovoltaikstrom (DE)

Luca Schmidlin, CTO Alphasynt AG

Closing word & farewell

Dr Peter Richner, Empa

Aperitif & networking


We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Abstracts & Program


Here you can find the presentations of our speakers: 


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