Call for submissions
The Fiber Society seeks abstract submissions on fundamental and applied research related to the science and engineering of fibers and fibrous materials for its Spring 2026 Technical Meeting and Conference. Submissions of original work related but not limited to the following themes are welcomed:
Nano- and microfiber technology
Inorganic and hybrid fibers
Fibers for comfort and protection
Biobased and biodegradable fibers
Sustainability and recycling of fibers
High-performance fibers and textiles
Smart textiles and fiber-based wearables
Healthcare and biomedical textiles
Fiber-reinforced composites
Microplastic fiber pollution
Fiber modelling and characterization
Online submission (not accepted before January 2026):
Please access The Fiber Society website and follow the link for submissions; do not email your submission.
Submissions must be in the proper Word document format (no PDFs). Please use the template (mandatory). Formatting guidelines for oral and poster abstracts are provided within the template. Submission deadline is March 31, 2026. Notification of acceptance will be no later than April 15, 2026.
For questions concerning abstract content and the submission process, contact Pam Gabriel ().