Biofabrication of a vascularized 3D in vitro skin model as a platform for chronic wound modeling

The initial goal of the project is the fabrication of a full-thickness 3D in vitro skin model containing a perfusable vasculature. Once the skin model is established, it is wounded by heat or incisions and subsequently infected with bacteria. To allow for the development of an inflammatory response as first step in the wound healing cascade, the vasculature of the skin model will be perfused with immune cells (e.g. monocytes or neutrophils) with the aim that they extravasate towards the wound site. Further progression along the wound healing cascade will then be investigated using histology and proteomic analysis. Using not only cells from healthy, but also from donors with chronic wounds, the ability to model a wound phenotype similar to the in vivo situation will be evaluated by comparing wound hallmarks derived from the in vitro skin model with those from the patients. If promising, the skin model will then be used as a platform to evaluate the effects of various (novel) therapeutic approaches to promote wound healing in chronic wounds.