

This book and its accompanying learning material are the result of ideas and thoughts of many creative minds, particularly of schoolchildren from 3rd to 6th grade attending the gifted program in Rorschach in 2023. This program is run in collaboration of the primary schools Rorschach and Rorschacherberg together with the Pedagogical University St. Gallen (PHSG).

Bushati Lorina, Christopher Lorelayn, Dauti Lina, Dörig Lara, Gähler Samuel, Geldmacher Lars, Gerschwiler Nicolas, Hozdic Omar, Lins Yalina, Maurer Lia, Piccolo Nerea, Specker Arjan, Walser Linda

Making the stories more accessible and helping to test and develop learning materials, the following students were involved during autumn semester 2023.

Bushati Riona, Hoch David Gregory, Pfaffinger Leo, Thür Stella, Farizi Jon, Hegnauer Andrin, Marchlewitz Mathilda, Obmascher Annika

With great interest, commitment, and creativity have they imagined and envisioned a future circular society. In this endeavor, they received support from scientists at the Laboratory for Technology and Society from the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) in St.Gallen, who paid close attention to physical and ecological feasibility.

Andrin Büchel, Heinz Böni, Marcel Gauch, Martin Gasser, Andreas Gerber, Roland Hischier, Nadia Malinverno, David Mennekes, Hauke Schlesier.

The children were guided by the team for gifted education at PHSG, who furthermore helped co-creating the stories in this book and/or developed learning materials for the use in regular education classes.

Michael Zingg, Anouk Perret, Patrick Kunz, Noah Hutter, Robert Furrer, Luca Beck

Pedagogical lead, process management

Marion Rogalla, PHSG

Process design, artistic lead, and illustrations

Maya Ivanova

Initiation, scientific lead, and project lead

Harald Desing, Empa

The project received financial support from Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in the frame of the Agora program, as well as from industrial partners V-ZUG and SWICO.


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