Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces

Hybrid Nanoscale Interfaces

Graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon connected by sp2 hybridized bonds, has attracted intense scientific interest since its discovery. It can be used to fabricate transistors, photodetectors and many more electronic components or shaped into electrodes to contact and research other materials. 


Fig1. Schematic of a thermoelectric device based on a graphene breakjunction


The aim of this project is to develop and study thermoelectric devices formed from organic molecules contacted by graphene electrodes. The device architecture consists of a basis of graphene break-junctions formed by electric breakdown and the molecules attach to the electrodes by self-assembly. These devices should show room temperature quantum dot behavior as well as quantum interference effects leading to enhanced thermoelectric properties. 

Fig1. Gate dependence of a C60 film contacted by graphene electrodes

Collaborators in Laboratory: Dr. Mickael Perrin, Jacopo Oswald, Prof. Michel Calame

External partners: Prof. Marcel Mayor (University of Basel), Prof. Martin Bryce (University of Durham), Prof. Hatef Sadeghi (Warwick University), Prof. Shi-Xia Liu (University of Bern), Prof. Silvio Decurtins (University of Bern)

Funding: This project is funded by the FET open project QuIET (no. 767187).


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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