Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces

Hybrid Nanoscale Interfaces

This ARS Cryo 4K is a customized closed-cycle cryocooler capable of a performing electrical, optical and optoe-lectronic measurements from 350 K down to 10 K. For optical measurements, the system employs a helium gas exchange between the cryocooler and the sample stage to reduce vibrations and has two high-purity quartz win-dows for optical access. Currently, the system is setup for electrical transport measurements and is capable of accepting devices with up to 32 electrical contacts. 

For training on the ARS Cryo system or for any general information, please contact Dr. Tathagata Paul or Dr. Mickael Perrin


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

Contact us


Prof. Dr. Mickael Lucien Perrin
Group Leader Quantum Devices

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Telefon: +41 58 765 4610

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