Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


Mar 03, 2024 Welcome Angel & Alex

This month, a warm welcome to our two new team members from Spain who will be working with Mira Dimitrievska!

Welcome to Angel, who already has a strong foundation in our lab after completing his Master's thesis here. He's now excited to continue his research journey with us by pursuing his PhD.

Axel: Welcome to Axel, a PhD student in his final year and academic guest with us, who will be researching the application of Raman spectroscopy to solar cells.

Feb. 08, 2024 Belated welcome to Riya!

We are happy to announce Dr. Riya Sebait joined our lab and lab 205 in January to work on a joint project. Welcome, Dr. Sebait!

Feb 02, 2024 Welcome to Andrea

Welcome to Andrea Moschettini to our laboratory! Wishing you a smooth start, tons of awesome discoveries, and an epic research journey ;-)

Jan 15, 2024 Welcome to Alessandro

Welcome to Alessandro Paniz who has just joined the lab. He will be working on his PhD on quantum heat engines.

Jan 11, 2024 Congratulations to Gökhan

Congratulations to Dr. Kara on successfully defending your PhD thesis "Hybrid Phototransistors: Understanding the IR Photoactive Interface"!


Dec 11, 2023 Congratulations to Talia

Congratulations to Dr. Bergaglio on successfully defending your PhD thesis on "Chemical effects on blood studied using label-free nanoscale analytics"!

Nov 27, 2023 Congratulations to Mira

Congratulations, Mira, on receiving the prestigious Prix Haenny 2023! The citation on the award reads "For her pioneering works in the area of spectroscopy that enable better understanding of novel materials, as well as for her enthusiasm in supervision of students, and her creativity in outreach activities."

Nov 15, 2023 Congratulation to Jacopo

Congratulations to Jacopo Dr. Oswald for successfully defending your PhD thesis "Graphene-Organic Interfaces for Vertical Electronic Devices"

Nov 14, 2023 Congratulations to Yanis & Silvio

Congratulations to our Apprentices Silvio & Yanis for receiving "Preis der Jury" and "Teilnehmerpreis" for their Projcet "Singing Tesla Coil" at this years Lehrlingswettbewerb Züri-Oberland!

Nov 02, 2023 Welcome Tingyuan

We welcome Tingyuan Wang to our team as a  Master Student from EPFL. Tingyuan will be working on the synthesis of ultra-long graphene nanoribbons for device applications through chemical vapor deposition (CVD).


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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