

We welcome Joanna Szymanska to our group. Joanna is exchange PhD student and will stay with us for 3 month, September 2023

We welcome Junjie Cai to our group. Junjie is doing her master thesis on Perovskite solar cells with us, September 2023

We welcome Oliver Bruni to our group. Oliver is doing his Civil Service on the topic "Effiziente umweltfreundliche Solarenergie", October 2023


We congratulate Dr. Sina Abdolhosseinzadeh for winning the Doctoral program EDMX Distinction 8% 2022 award, December 2022.

Congratulations to Dr. Surendra Anantharaman for starting a position as research group leader on Perovskite Optoelectronics at AMO GmbH, Germany, September 2022.

Congratulations to former group member Dr. Jean-Nicolas Tisserant for being promoted to Head of Development at Innovation Lab GmbH, Germany, September 2022.

We congratulate former group member Dr. Chuanfang (John) Zhang to take new position as professor at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, July 2022.

We welcome Prof. Olimpia Mamula Steiner from the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland for her sabbatical semester in our laboratory, March 2022

Van der Waals attractions replace additives in new class of printable 2D inksNanowerk, February 2022

Our work on processing 2D materials into printable inks is featured in Science in Pictures by Advanced Science News, February 2022


We welcome Shungui and Tiezhu to our team, November 2021

Congratulations to Sina for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation! October 2021

Congratulations to Sina for being awarded with the Empa Young Scientist Fellowship! September 2021

Printing 2D Materials with Van der Waals-Based InksAZO Materials, October 2021

Molecules in collective ecstasyEmpa Quarterly, April 2021

Solution processing of MXenesMaterialsToday, March 2021


The Transistor out of the Printer, Empa Quarterly, September 2020

New Production Process for Perovskite Cells, Empa News, Februar 2020

Gedruckte Superkondensatoren aus einer "Abfall-Tinte", News HighTech Zentrum Aargau, 2020