Projects from the former LCA and LCAM groups (2004 - 2013)

Data and methodological foundations
Life Cycle Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials: Inventory Modelling Rules and Application Example [ Thesis (EN) ] 2006-2013
Characterisation of PM considering human health effects [ Report (EN) | Paper (EN) ] 2008-2010
Agend based modeling (ABM) for analyzing demand for recycle mineral construction material 2007-2010
Demand and supply of the mineral fraction of construction materials: A modeling tool to support decision-making processes 2006-2009
Inventories and Impact Assessment for Traffic Noise in Generic LCA [ Thesis (EN) ] 2004-2009
KlimaPro – Standardised Quality Tool to Achieve Climate Neutral Products [ Poster (EN) ] 2007-2008
Integration of further economic sectors into ecoinvent, version v2 2005-2008
INTELCITIES - The use of remote sensing for the spatial assessmenof environmental indicators in cities 2005-2008
Simplified Approaches for Environmental Assessment of Urban Activities in Latin American Cities 2004-2008
Capacity Building in Life Cycle Inventory Database development in BRASIL 2005-2007
Methods of Inventorying Joint Metal Ressources in Life Cycle Assessment 2004-2005
"Grey Energy" of Construction Parts from Aluminium in Consideration of Value Corrected Substitution [ Report (DE) | Poster (EN) | Paper (EN) ] 2004-2005
Life Cycle Inventories of Small Scale Gold Mining in Peru 2004-2005
Application of life-cycle-thinking
i. Biofuels and Bioenergy
Harmonisation and extension of the bioenergy inventories and assessment [ Report (EN) ] 2010-2012
Bioenergy in Africa and Central America – Opportunities and Risks of Jatropha and Related Crops 2009-2012
TA-Swiss Study "Future Perspectives of 2nd Generation Biofuels" [ Summary (D-F-E) | Report (EN) ] 2008-2010
CCEM-Project on 2nd Generation Biogas 2007-2010
SQCB - Sustainability Quick Check for Biofuels 2008-2009
Water use impacts of biofuels: Case study Argentina 2008-2008
Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of an Increased Rape-methylester (RME) Production in Switzerland 2007-2008
Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Products: Environmental Impact Assessment of Biofuels [ Summary (EN) | Summary (DE) | Report (DE) ] 2005-2007
ii. (electric) Mobility
eLCAr - 7th FP Project "E-mobility Life Cycle Assessment Recommendations" [ Website | Report (EN) ] 2012-2013
TA-Swiss Study "Chancen und Risiken der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz" [ Summary (DE) [ Report (DE) ] 2011-2013
Thelma - Technology-centered Electric Mobility Assessment, Work Package 1: LCA 2010-2013
e-Scooter - Work Package "Energy & Environment" (Arbeitspaket, AP 5) [ Website | Summary (DE) ] 2009-2013
Gegenüberstellung verschiedener aktueller Schweizer Ökobilanzstudien im Bereich Elektromobilität [ Report (DE) ] 2011-2011
Life Cycle Assessment of todays and near future Battery Electric Cars, focusing on vehicle components [MSc Thesis (EN) ] 2010-2011
Comparative assertion of individual mobility [ Report (DE) | Presentation (DE) | Presentation (EN) ] 2009-2011
LCA of Lithium-Ion Batteries for electro mobility [ Presentation (EN) | Paper (EN) ] 2009-2010
iii. Buildings, Construction Components and Materials
KTI Project "Development of new joint systems for timber construction" 2007-2010
Holiwood - Holistic Implementation of European thermal treated hard wood in the sector of construction industry and noise protection by sustainable, knowledge-based and value added products 2004-2008
Ecobinders - Furans and lignin as eco-friendly and antimicrobial binders 2004-2007
Proposal for a New Standard for Sustainable Buildings [ Paper (EN) ] 2004-2005
Ecological and economical assessment of the residential houses at München-Friedenspromenade [ Summary (DE) | Report (DE) | Paper (DE) ] 2003-2005

Dr. Roland Hischier

Technology & Society Laboratory
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
CH-9014 St. Gallen
Tel.: +41 58 765 78 47