
Building acoustics
Accredited as per ISO 17025 as Test Laboratory STS 0068

Airborne sound insulation: in test facility (ISO 10140); ISO 717-1

  • walls
  • windows
  • glazing
  • door leaves
  • acoustically insulated windows

Impact sound insulation: in test facility (ISO 10140); ISO 717-2

  • floating floors
  • carpets

Absorption: Reverberation Chamber Method ISO 354

  • sound absorbers for room acoustic applications
  • sound barriers

Installation Noises: in test facility

  • room ventilation noises
  • washing machines
  • ….

Contact persons
Dr. Stefan Schoenwald, Building Acoustics Lab Manager
Urs Pachale, Scientist
Sound power

  •  Sound Pressure Method: ISO 3744; 3746; 3747  
  • Sound Intensity Method: ISO 9614-1; 9614-2 

Environmental acoustics

  • Calculation of aircraft noise using the laboratory's own FLULA2 software
  • Calculation of noise propagation taking into account weather effects
  • Exact wave theory-based calculations (finite difference in time domain method, FDTD)
  • Demanding special investigations and expert assessments

Contact persons
Dr. Jean Marc Wunderli, Head of Laboratory, Lecturer at ETH Zurich
Dr. Beat Schäffer, Head of Group Noise Impact


Complaints about services are received by the head of lab. Upon request, the head of lab also provides information on the procedure for dealing with complaints in the lab.

Dr. Stefan Schoenwald
Leiter Bauakustik

Téléphone: +41 58 765 6579

Dr. Beat Schäffer
Gruppenleiter Lärmauswirkungen

Téléphone: +41 58 765 4737