Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

Our interdisciplinary team gathers physicists, materials scientists, (bio-) chemists, and engineers focusing on bringing novel materials to devices. We are interested in understanding the fundamental electronic, optoelectronic, thermal and ionic transport processes involved in atomically-precise nanostructures and low-dimensional materials. The heterogeneous integration of novel nanomaterials requires custom-made methods for nanoscale patterning and interfaces nanostructuring. Overall, we strive to master the chain of competences leading from designer materials with tailored quantum properties to devices with targeted application in information & quantum technology, energy conversion & storage as well as biochemical sensing & diagnostics.



Technical Expertise


Prof. Dr. Michel Calame
Head of Laboratory

Contact us

Open position

PhD position in Application of Raman spectroscopy for Biomarker Detection in Wounds


Mar 01, 2025 Welcome, Manuela!


We are pleased to welcome Michaela Weber, an MSc. student from ETH Zurich, who will be joining us from 1. March to 31. August for her master’s project. Michaela will be investigating red blood cells after radioligand therapy using atomic force microscopy, a fascinating and impactful research topic at the intersection of medicine and nanotechnology. We look forward to her contributions!

Mar 01, 2025 Welcome, Benedikt!


A warm welcome to Benedikt, a BSc. student from ETH Zurich, who will be joining our team until the end of May. He will work on the encapsulation of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) in oxides. We’re excited to have him on board!

Feb 01, 2025 Welcome to Marco!


Welcome to our new academic guest, Marco Ferroni! He will be conducting research with us alongside his master's studies at ETH. We're delighted to have you here! 😊

Jan 20, 2025 Congratulations to Wenhao!

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Congratulations to Dr. Wenhao Huang for successfully defending your PhD thesis on "Electronic transport properties in hexagonal Boron Nitride encapsulated carbon FETs"!

Aug 16, 2024 Congratulations to Elias & Ronny!


Congratulations to Elias and Ronny on successfully completing their apprenticeships as Physics Laboratory Technician VET and achieving the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (Engineering, Architecture, Life Sciences)! We're proud of your accomplishments and excited to see what you'll achieve in the future.


Wu, E., Tsarev, S., Proniakova, D., Liu, X., Bachmann, D., Yakunin, S., Kovalenko M.V. & Shorubalko, I.

Advanced Optical Materials. (2025).


Sinha, A., Greca, L. G., Kummer, N., Wobill, C., Reyes, C., Fischer, P., Campioni S. & Nyström, G.

Advanced Materials. (2025)


Góra, M., Schütz, U., Hack, E., Zhang, P., & Heuberger, M.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 96(3), 035109 (11 pp.). (2025)


Dadiani, T., Tchabukiani, T., Jishiashvili, D., Daraselia, D., Japaridze, D., La Mattina, F., & Shengelaya, A.

Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 38(1), 58 (7 pp.). (2025).


Darawish, R., Braun, O., Müllen, K., Calame, M., Ruffieux, P., Fasel, R., & Borin Barin, G.

Nanoscale Advances. (2025).

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