
Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Improved day ahead heating demand forecasting by online correction methods. Energy Build. 2020. Link 

Bünning, F.; Huber, B.; Heer, P.; Aboudonia, A.; Lygeros, J. Experimental demonstration of data predictive control for energy optimization and thermal comfort in buildings. Energy Build. 2020, 211, 109792 (8 pp.). Link 

Allan, J.; Georges, G.; Heer, P.; Budiman, D.; Croce, L. Characterization of heat-pump, PV and battery demonstrator technologies using a coherent energy assessment. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012105 (6 pp.). Link 

Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Sensitivity analysis of data-driven building energy demand forecasts. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012062 (6 pp.). Link 

Khosravi, M.; Eichler, A.; Schmid, N.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S. Controller tuning by Bayesian optimization. An application to a heat pump. In 2019 18th European control conference (ECC), presented at the 18th European control conference (ECC 2019), Napoli, Italy, June 25-28, 2019; IEEE: sine loco, 2019; pp 1467-1472. Link

Khosravi, M.; Schmid, N.; Eichler, A.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S. Machine learning-based modeling and controller tuning of a heat pump. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012065 (6 p.). Link 

Fricker, R. Flexible forschung mit flexibler Kommunikation. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2018, pp 36-40. Link 

Knechtle, R. Ein stabiles Netz dank "smarter" Teilnehmer. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2018, pp 57-61. Link 

Richner, P.; Heer, P.; Largo, R.; Marchesi, E.; Zimmermann, M. NEST – a platform for the acceleration of innovation in buildings. Inf. Constr. 2018, 69 (548), e222 (8 pp.). Link 

Heer, P. Energiezukunft im Quartier erforschen und demonstrieren. In Schweizer Energiefachbuch 2017: Nachhaltig Planen, Bauen und Betreiben; Schweizer Energiefachbuch, Vol. 2017; Kömedia: St. Gallen, 2017; pp 62-65. Link 

Heer, P. Energiezukunft im Quartier erforschen und demonstrieren. Die Empa sucht mit Grossprojekten nach marktfähigen Lösungen im Gebäude-, Mobilitäts- und Energiebereich. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2016, pp 12-15. Link 

Baldini, L. Dynamic Energy Weighting Factors to Promote the Integration of Renewables into Buildings, Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference, Zurich, June 15-17, 2016. Link

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