1st International Conference on:

Mg-based cements

To limit global temperature rise to below 2°C, we need to radically and rapidly change the way we build and use materials, since construction is responsible for 20–40% of industrial CO2 emissions. Magnesium-based cements have the potential to become a major carbon sink in the construction industry.
The conference aims at exchanging state-of-the-art knowledge on future applications, from binder production to application as concrete workability, reaction kinetics, admixtures, hydrates, strength development, durability and leaching.
  • Magnesium carbonate cements
  • Magnesium silicate cements
  • Magnesium oxychloride / oxysulfate cements
  • Magnesium phosphate cements
  • Carbonation hardening
Key Dates
Call for papers

Abstracts: Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract for oral and poster presentations via the conference website or by e-mail to  until July 1st, 2025.
Abstracts will be published in the workshop proceedings. Guidelines for abstracts and papers will be provided on this conference website.


Template for Abstract Submission


Conference fee

Regular registration: CHF 750.–

Students*: CHF 400.–

The fee includes coffee breaks and lunches, Dinner on Tuesday evening and conference dinner on Wednesday. Cancellation fees = 10% before December 1, 2025, no refunds after the end of the registration. Replacement can be possible,

*Student registration requires a proof of enrolment.

Frank Winnefeld
Barbara Lothenbach
Ellina Bernard
Raphael Kuhn
Jan Schmitt
International Steering Committee

Celine Cau dit Coumes, CEA Marcoule, France
Shiho Kawashima, Columbia University, New York, USA
Paivo Kinnunen, University of Oulu, Finland
Hegoi Manzano, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Hoang Nguyen, University of Oulu, Finland
John Provis, PSI, Switzerland
Cristina Ruiz Augudo, University of Konstanz, Germany
Allan Scott, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Cise Unluer, University of Manchester, UK
Hong Wong, Imperial College London, UK
Biwan Xu, Tongji University, China

Conference location and accommodation

Murten is a historic medieval town at the French-German language border in Switzerland, offering historic sites, beautiful views and numerous hiking trails.
Murten is located less than two hours from the international airports in Zurich, Geneva, Basle or Berne and can be easily reached by car or via hourly train connections from all major Swiss cities.
For detailed information including hotel information, detailed conference program, abstract and final paper submission and electronic registration:



Overnight accommodation for the participants can be booked at the Centre Loewenberg in Murten.

A contingent has been reserved for conference participants until 09.01.2026. Rooms can be booked directly with the hotel using the reference “1st International Conference on: Mg-based cements”.


The conference will be held at the Centre Loewenberg near Murten. The Centre is nestled in a quiet park and offers also hotel facilities.




Preliminary program


Co-sponsored by


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1st International Conference on:

Mg-based cements

To limit global temperature rise to below 2°C, we need to radically and rapidly change the way we build and use materials, since construction is responsible for 20–40% of industrial CO2 emissions. Magnesium-based cements have the potential to become a major carbon sink in the construction industry.
The conference aims at exchanging state-of-the-art knowledge on future applications, from binder production to application as concrete workability, reaction kinetics, admixtures, hydrates, strength development, durability and leaching.
  • Magnesium carbonate cements
  • Magnesium silicate cements
  • Magnesium oxychloride / oxysulfate cements
  • Magnesium phosphate cements
  • Carbonation hardening
Key Dates
Call for papers

Abstracts: Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract for oral and poster presentations via the conference website or by e-mail to  until July 1st, 2025.
Abstracts will be published in the workshop proceedings. Guidelines for abstracts and papers will be provided on this conference website.


Template for Abstract Submission


Conference fee

Regular registration: CHF 750.–

Students*: CHF 400.–

The fee includes coffee breaks and lunches, Dinner on Tuesday evening and conference dinner on Wednesday. Cancellation fees = 10% before December 1, 2025, no refunds after the end of the registration. Replacement can be possible,

*Student registration requires a proof of enrolment.

Frank Winnefeld
Barbara Lothenbach
Ellina Bernard
Raphael Kuhn
Jan Schmitt
International Steering Committee

Celine Cau dit Coumes, CEA Marcoule, France
Shiho Kawashima, Columbia University, New York, USA
Paivo Kinnunen, University of Oulu, Finland
Hegoi Manzano, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Hoang Nguyen, University of Oulu, Finland
John Provis, PSI, Switzerland
Cristina Ruiz Augudo, University of Konstanz, Germany
Allan Scott, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Cise Unluer, University of Manchester, UK
Hong Wong, Imperial College London, UK
Biwan Xu, Tongji University, China

Conference location and accommodation

Murten is a historic medieval town at the French-German language border in Switzerland, offering historic sites, beautiful views and numerous hiking trails.
Murten is located less than two hours from the international airports in Zurich, Geneva, Basle or Berne and can be easily reached by car or via hourly train connections from all major Swiss cities.
For detailed information including hotel information, detailed conference program, abstract and final paper submission and electronic registration:



Overnight accommodation for the participants can be booked at the Centre Loewenberg in Murten.

A contingent has been reserved for conference participants until 09.01.2026. Rooms can be booked directly with the hotel using the reference “1st International Conference on: Mg-based cements”.


The conference will be held at the Centre Loewenberg near Murten. The Centre is nestled in a quiet park and offers also hotel facilities.




Preliminary program


Co-sponsored by


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