Ceramic-based Composites
We design, process and characterize ceramic based composites for innovative and challenging structural and functional applications. Projects are the center of attention, in which
- ceramic-ceramic composites (CMC),
- micro and macro layered structures (laminates),
- polymer derived ceramic composites (PDC),
- coatings,
- graded materials (FGM) and
- ceramics joined to metals
are required. We develop new and optimize state of the art production routes and transfer know-how and technologies to industry.

Our recent research activities
Energy, Transportation, Medical and Industrial applications
- Red ceramics for high quality watches
- Lifejackets for deep-sea drills
- High-end brakes for the Cinquecento?
- An innovation in industrial wood cutting
- Electrodes for cardiac pace-makers
- Brennstoffzellen-Heizung wird salonfähig
- High strength alumina
- Processing and properties of Al/CNF-composites
- Effect of sintering additives on properties of Si3N4/MoSi2
- Healing treatment for defects in dental zirconia
- Pressureless infiltration of MMC
Joining, Design and Properties
- Innovative joining of ceramic materials
- Brazing of Si3N4-ceramic-composite to steel
- Thermo-mechanical stresses in planar SOFCs
- HT oxidation and corrosion of Si3N4-ceramics
- Failure tolerant multi-layer Si3N4-ceramics
- Fracture toughness using the SEVNB method
Current Team