Local Electrochemical Hydrogen Detection

Our in-house developed Micro-electrochemical Hydrogen Sensors allow accurate measurements of local hydrogen concentrations in selected microstructural regions of steel and high-strength metallic components.

The determination of local enrichments of the hydrogen concentration in different microstructural regions of a steel or high-strength metallic component is required to reveal the underlying mechanisms for hydrogen-induced stress cracking in critical “manufactured” zones - like welds - susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. Our laboratory has pioneered the development of micro-electrochemical laboratory set-ups, which employ a tapered glass capillary as local hydrogen sensor.

Currently, Micro-Electrochemical Field Sensors are also under development to allow accurate measurements of local hydrogen enrichments on metallic components in the field, e.g. on a single wire of a track rope of a cable railway (see ribbon image).

The detection limit of our hydrogen sensors are approximatly 0.01 ppm in the laboratory and 0.1 ppm in the field. The smallest areas that can be measured are 0.001 mm2 in the laboratory and about 0.5 mm2 in the field.

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Swiss, corrosion, corrosion management, corrosion protection, corrosion mechanism, pitting corrosion, pitting, stress corrosion cracking, crevice corrosion, implant corrosion, corrosion damage, corrosion analysis, corrosion testing, failure analysis, damage case, metallography, fractography, electrochemistry, microcapillary, hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen analysis, service, advise, consult, inspection
Swiss, corrosion, corrosion management, corrosion protection, corrosion mechanism, pitting corrosion, pitting, stress corrosion cracking, crevice corrosion, implant corrosion, corrosion damage, corrosion analysis, corrosion testing, failure analysis, damage case, metallography, fractography, electrochemistry, microcapillary, hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen analysis, service, advise, consult, inspection

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