Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy

Magnetic Force Microscopy is a versatile technique for imaging the stray field emanating from magnetic samples. Because stray fields decay exponentially with their spatial wavelength, the detection of high-spatial frequency signals becomes challenging: The MFM tip must be reliably scanned at smallest tip-sample distances, and the instrument must provide the best possible signal-to-noise ratio. This is achieved by operation in vacuum and with high-quality-factor cantilevers. The study of magnetic samples often requires the acquisition of MFM data at different temperatures and in magnetic fields up to several Teslas. Operation modes suitable for vacuum operation, high-quality-factor cantilevers that are robust under temperature and field changes are thus needed.

Based on decades of experience in scanning force microscopy (SFM), instrumentation design, our fundamental understanding of tip-sample forces relevant in SFM and magnetic force microscopy image contrast formation, MFM instrumentation, we developed operation modes, electronics and control software, and software for the quantification of MFM data. Further information can be found here:

We are not a user-lab, and our human resources for instrument operation are limited. We are however interested in research collaborations, i.e. contributing to your scientific progress with our knowledge in qMFM, our instruments and methods. For further information see SERVICES.

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