Scientific publication

3D reconstruction of cracks propagation in mechanical workpieces analyzing non-stationary acoustic mixtures

Written by Sergey A. Shevchik, Bastian Meylan, Georgios Violakis and


This contribution presents a new approach to reconstruct crack in 3D in constrained volumes. This new approach uses sparse acoustic signal representations with relative energies of the narrow frequency bands, extracted with the M-band wavelet transform. Non-linear independent component analysis is applied to de-mix recorded acoustic signals into a number of separate acoustic patterns. A verification with synthetic and real-time data were carried out by analyzing signals from crack propagation in glass.


S.A. Shevchik, B. Meylan, G. Violakis and K. Wasmer, 3D reconstruction of cracks propagation in mechanical workpieces analyzing non-stationary acoustic mixtures, Mech Syst Signal Process (MSSP), Vol. 119, Pages 55-64, 2019, doi:

Supplementary data

Example movie of a crack initiation and propagation dynamics, reconstructed using AE and our algorithm, in a glass plate.

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