Line Defect
Written by , Pierre-Marie Pochon, and Jacques Giovanola
Dynamical Processes Group (Empa) and Biomedical Image Group (EPFL) Switzerland.

This plugin is an easy-to-use analysis tools to follow the evolution and/or changes of line defects taken by a high magnification camera.
K. Wasmer, P.M. Pochon, D. Sage, and J.H. Giovanoal, Parametric experimental study and design of experiment modelling of sapphire grinding, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 141, pp. 323-335, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.031
See main features!!!
1. Get a copy of ImageJ.
2. Download the plugin: Line_Defect_.jar.
3. Place the file Line_Defect_.jar in the "plugins" folder of ImageJ. That's it!
Main features
It allows the user to visualize and analyse line defects in various ways:
- Display of a line defining the contour of the line defects
- Allows positioning of the base line (modify baseline)
- Allows modification of contour of the line defect by modifying the positon of the yellow square (spacing in curve)
- Allows limitations in the change of the contour of the line defect between each column (confinement and Delta (max.))
- Allows modification of the size of the confinement region (Stroke and opacity)
- Display a table with the coordinates of the line defects for both top and bottom line.
- Possibility to save the picture with the line defect and the corresponding table.

Conditions of use
The software is freely available for research purposes. However, it should not be redistributed without the consent of the authors. We expect the user to include a citation of this publication whenever presenting or publishing results that are based on the ImageJ plugin Line_Defect.