Cancellieri, C.; Lorenzin, G.; Lyanage, M.; Turlo, V.; Watts, J. F.; Jeurgens, L. P. H. Chemical and electronic structure of buried W/Cu, W/Cr, and W/Mo interfaces by in situ XPS/HAXPES auger parameter analysis. Surf. Interface Anal. 2025.
Elmorsy, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Cyclic behavior of physical models of reinforced concrete columns built with additive manufacturing. J. Struct. Eng. 2025, 151 (5), 04025005 (19 pp.).
Elmorsy, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Small-scale physical modeling of reinforced concrete joints using additively manufactured reinforcement. J. Struct. Eng. 2025, 151 (5), 04025036 (15 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Sharma, A.; Kim, D.; Della Ventura, N. M.; Michler, J.; Capek, J.; Polatidis, E.; Lee, W. J.; Leinenbach, C. Effect of precipitates on martensite formation and shape memory effect of FeMnSi-based shape memory alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2025, 921, 147592 (18 pp.).
Kulkarni, P. V.; Oza, M. J.; Igual-Munoz, A.; Sallese, J. M.; Shahverdi, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Mischler, S. Corrosion behavior of heat-treated Fe-based shape memory alloys. Mater. Corros. Werkst. Korros. 2025, 76 (1), 10-19.
Masinelli, G.; Schlenger, L.; Wasmer, K.; Ivas, T.; Jhabvala, J.; Rajani, C.; Jamili, A.; Logé, R.; Hoffmann, P.; Atienza, D. Autonomous exploration of the PBF-LB parameter space: an uncertainty-driven algorithm for automated processing map generation. Addit. Manuf. 2025, 101, 104677 (24 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Cui, D.; Richter, R. A.; Parrilli, A.; Leparoux, M. Real-time monitoring and quality assurance for laser-based directed energy deposition: integrating co-axial imaging and self-supervised deep learning framework. J. Intell. Manuf. 2025, 36, 909-933.
Aggarwal, A.; Pandiyan, V.; Leinenbach, C.; Leparoux, M. Investigating laser beam shadowing and powder particle dynamics in directed energy deposition through high-fidelity modelling and high-speed imaging. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 91, 104344 (23 pp.).
Aggarwal, A.; Shin, Y. C.; Kumar, A. Unravelling keyhole instabilities and laser absorption dynamics during laser irradiation of Ti6Al4V: a high-fidelity thermo-fluidic study. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2024, 219, 124841 (23 pp.).
Baganis, A.; Malamud, F.; Maeder, X.; Klimashin, F. F.; Michler, J.; Leinenbach, C. Microstructural and mechanical characterization of steel-copper composite structures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion and induction melting. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2024, 33, 7260-7273.
Bizot, Q.; Politano, O.; Baras, F.; Turlo, V. Directional solidification of Cu with dispersed W nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study in the context of additive manufacturing. Materialia 2024, 36, 102140 (12 pp.).
Cancellieri, C.; Gramatte, S.; Politano, O.; Lapeyre, L.; Klimashin, F. F.; Mackosz, K.; Utke, I.; Novotny, Z.; Müller, A. M.; Vockenhuber, C.; et al. Effect of hydrogen on the chemical state, stoichiometry and density of amorphous Al2O3 films grown by thermal atomic layer deposition. Surf. Interface Anal. 2024, 56 (5), 293-304.
Chmielewska, J.; Kuglarz, K.; Wątroba, M.; Leinenbach, C. Refractory medium entropy alloys for high temperature applications. Presented at the AAMS 2024, Palaiseau, September 4-6, 2024.
Chmielewska, J.; Kuglarz, K.; Wątroba, M.; Leinenbach, C. Refractory medium entropy alloys for high temperature applications. Presented at the EDAM Research day, Neuchâtel, September 13, 2024.
Cui, D.; Aggarwal, A.; Leparoux, M. Laser metal deposition of titanium on stainless steel with high powder flowrate for high interfacial strength. Int. J. Mater. Form. 2024, 17 (2), 18 (11 pp.).
Deshpande, P.; Wasmer, K.; Imwinkelried, T.; Heuberger, R.; Dreyer, M.; Weisse, B.; Crockett, R.; Pandiyan, V. Classification of progressive wear on a multi-directional pin-on-disc tribometer simulating conditions in human joints-UHMWPE against CoCrMo using acoustic emission and machine learning. Lubricants 2024, 12 (2), 47 (23 pp.).
Ekaputra, C. N.; Rakhmonov, J. U.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. Hypereutectic Al-Ce-X (X=Mn, Cr, V, Mo, W) alloys fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 93, 104442 (18 pp.).
Elmorsy, M.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Additively manufactured steel reinforcement for small scale reinforced concrete modeling: tensile and bond behavior. Mater. Des. 2024, 241, 112919 (15 pp.).
Esmaeilzadeh, R.; Pandiyan, V.; Van Petegem, S.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasab, M. H.; de Formanoir, C.; Jhabvala, J.; Navarre, C.; Schlenger, L.; Richter, R.; et al. Acoustic emission signature of martensitic transformation in laser powder bed fusion of Ti6Al4V-Fe, supported by operando X-ray diffraction. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 96, 104562 (18 pp.).
Ghafoori, E.; Moshayedi, H.; Mohri, M.; Diao, C. DED-based additive manufacturing of shape memory alloys. In Additive manufacturing of shape memory materials. Techniques, characterization, modeling and applications; Mehrpouya, M., Elahinia, M., Eds.; Additive manufacturing materials and technologies; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2024; pp 277-314.
Gramatte, S.; Turlo, V.; Politano, O. Do we really need machine learning interatomic potentials for modeling amorphous metal oxides? Case study on amorphous alumina by recycling an existing ab initio database. Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2024, 32 (4), 045010 (20 pp.).
Jafarabadi, A.; Czaderski, C.; Mohri, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Ghafoori, E.; Chatzi, E.; Motavalli, M. Contact pressure evolution in heat-treated iron-based shape memory joints. In SMAR 2024 - 7th international conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the SMAR 2024 - 7th international conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, Salerno, September 4-6, 2024; Martinelli, E., Shahverdi, M., Ilki, A., Motavalli, M., Eds.; Procedia structural integrity; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2024; Vol. 64, pp 2059-2066.
Jaydeepkumar Oza, M.; Stark, A.; Polatidis, E.; Barriobero Vila, P.; Shahverdi, M.; Leinenbach, C. Characterization of low-temperature creep and stress relaxation of an iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) using in-situ synchrotron diffraction. Mater. Des. 2024, 247, 113378 (15 pp.).
Jia, X.; Lupo, G.; Leparoux, M.; Turlo, V.; Hoffmann, P. Energy-efficient microwelding of copper by continuous-wave green laser: Insights into nanoparticle-assisted absorptivity enhancement. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2024, 675, 160940 (14 pp.).
Kim, D.; Ferretto, I.; Park, G. W.; Leinenbach, C.; Kim, W.; Lee, W. Origin of the enhanced pseudo-elasticity of additively manufactured Fe-17Mn-5Si-4Ni-10Cr-(V, C) shape memory alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. J. Alloys Compd. 2024, 976, 173226 (11 pp.).
Lapeyre, L.; Jansen, H.; Szmyt, W.; Pethö, L.; Michler, J.; Raynaud, P.; Utke, I. Characterizing the sticking coefficient of chemistries relevant for artificial solid electrolyte interphases. Presented at the ALD/ALE 2024, Helsinki, August 4-7, 2024.
Ledwig, P.; Pasiowiec, H.; Cichocki, K.; Lisiecka-Graca, P.; Gola, K.; Wróbel, R.; Dubiel, B. Tailoring microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured inconel 625 by remelting strategy in laser powder bed fusion. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2024, 55, 2485-2508.
Liyanage, M.; Turlo, V.; Curtin, W. A. Machine learning potential for the Cu-W system. Phys. Rev. Mater. 2024, 8 (11), 113804 (21 pp.).
Lorenzin, G.; Klimashin, F. F.; Yeom, J.; Hu, Y.; Michler, J.; Janczak-Rusch, J.; Turlo, V.; Cancellieri, C. Effect of residual stress and microstructure on mechanical properties of sputter-grown Cu/W nanomultilayers. APL Mater. 2024, 12 (10), 101109 (9 pp.).
Lorenzin, G.; Troncoso, J. F.; Liyanage, M.; Druzhinin, A. V.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Cancellieri, C.; Turlo, V. Experimental and ab initio derivation of interface stress in nanomultilayered coatings: application to immiscible Cu/W system with variable in-plane stress. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2024, 661, 159994 (15 pp.).
Lupo, G.; Niemann, M.; Goniva, C.; Szmyt, W.; Jia, X.; Turlo, V. Modeling of laser beam absorption on rough surfaces, powder beds and sparse powder layers. Results Phys. 2024, 67, 108043 (14 pp.).
Markovic, P.; Scheel, P.; Wróbel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Mazza, E.; Hosseini, E. Cyclic mechanical response of LPBF Hastelloy X over a wide temperature and strain range: experiments and modelling. Int. J. Solids Struct. 2024, 305, 113047 (14 pp.).
Memarian, M.; Mohri, M.; Golrang, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Ferretto, I.; Ghafoori, E.; Nili‐Ahmadabadi, M. Evaluation of interface and residual strain of NiTi layer deposited on NiTiX substrate by laser powder bed fusion. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2024, 26 (11), 2400002 (13 pp.).
Memarian, M.; Mohri, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Kulkarni, P. V.; Ghafoori, E.; Nili-Ahmadabadi, M. Microstructure and shape memory behavior of a bi-layer fabricated by NiTi deposition on NiTiCu substrate using laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2024, 916, 147309 (13 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Al Ameri, R.; Leparoux, M.; Matras, G.; Kasmi, C. In-situ investigation of laser interaction with AlMg5 and Ti6Al4V alloys using spectroscopy and high-speed imaging for laser manufacturing. Opt. Eng. 2024, 63 (6), 064104 (11 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Al Ameri, R.; Leparoux, M.; Matras, G.; Kasmi, C. Process monitoring during interaction of laser with AlMg5 and Ti6Al4V alloys using spectroscopy and high-speed imaging for laser manufacturing. In High-power laser materials processing: applications, diagnostics, and systems XIII 2024, presented at the SPIE LASE, San Francisco, January 31 - February 1, 2024; Kaierle, S., Kleine, K. R., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: sine loco, 2024; Vol. 12878, p 128780G (11 pp.).
Mohri, M.; Leinenbach, C. Alloy design for 3D-printed shape memory alloys. In Additive manufacturing of shape memory materials. Techniques, characterization, modeling and applications; Mehrpouya, M., Elahinia, M., Eds.; Additive manufacturing materials and technologies; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2024; pp 85-118.
Mohri, M.; Jafarabadi, A.; Leinenbach, C. Effect of thermomechanical training on recovery stress of Fe-based shape memory alloy. In SMAR 2024 - 7th international conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the SMAR 2024 - 7th international conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, Salerno, September 4-6, 2024; Martinelli, E., Shahverdi, M., Ilki, A., Motavalli, M., Eds.; Procedia structural integrity; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2024; Vol. 64, pp 376-383.
Muller, Y.; Antušek, A.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Turlo, V. Anomalously low vacancy formation energies and migration barriers at Cu/AlN interfaces from ab initio calculations. Scr. Mater. 2024, 248, 116126 (6 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Wróbel, R.; Richter, R. A.; Leparoux, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Shevchik, S. Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion process by bridging dissimilar process maps using deep learning-based domain adaptation on acoustic emissions. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 80, 103974 (13 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Baganis, A.; Axel Richter, R.; Wróbel, R.; Leinenbach, C. Qualify-as-you-go: sensor fusion of optical and acoustic signatures with contrastive deep learning for multi-material composition monitoring in laser powder bed fusion process. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2024, 19 (1), e2356080 (20 pp.).
Richter, R. A.; Disalvo, L.; Ivas, T.; Pandiyan, V.; Zryd, A.; Hoffmann, P.; Shevchik, S. Acousto-optic material differentiation during water jet-guided laser cutting by applying a neural network. In Pacific rim conference on lasers and electro-optics, presented at the 16th Pacific rim conference on lasers and electro-optics, CLEO-PR 2024, Incheon, August 4-9, 2024; 16th Pacific rim conference on lasers and electro-optics, CLEO-PR 2024; IEEE, 2024.
Shevchik, S.; Wrobel, R.; Quang T, L.; Pandiyan, V.; Hoffmann, P.; Leinenbach, C.; Wasmer, K. Unsupervised quality monitoring of metal additive manufacturing using Bayesian adaptive resonance. Heliyon 2024, 10 (12), e32656 (12 pp.).
Sofras, C.; Čapek, J.; Leinenbach, C.; Logé, R. E.; Strobl, M.; Polatidis, E. Exploring crystallographic texture manipulation in stainless steels via laser powder bed fusion: insights from neutron diffraction and machine learning. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2024, 19 (1), e2390483 (13 pp.).
Sofras, C.; Čapek, J.; Li, X.; Roth, C. C.; Leinenbach, C.; Logé, R. E.; Strobl, M.; Polatidis, E. Site-specifically tailored microstructures with enhanced strength and hardening through laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Des. 2024, 237, 112539 (11 pp.).
Sumarli, S.; Malamud, F.; Van Petegem, S.; Gaudez, S.; Baganis, A.; Busi, M.; Polatidis, E.; Leinenbach, C.; Logé, R. E.; Strobl, M. Operando phase mapping in multi-material laser powder bed fusion. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2024, 19 (1), e2429132 (17 pp.).
Tang, J.; Scheel, P.; Mohebbi, M. S.; Leinenbach, C.; De Lorenzis, L.; Hosseini, E. On the calibration of thermo-microstructural simulation models for Laser Powder Bed Fusion process: integrating physics-informed neural networks with cellular automata. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 96, 104574 (17 pp.).
Tang, J.; Wróbel, R.; Scheel, P.; Gaechter, W.; Leinenbach, C.; Hosseini, E. The role of process parameters and printing position on meltpool variations in LPBF Hastelloy X: insights into laser-plume interaction. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2024, 9, 100203 (6 pp.).
Taylan, U.; Minning, B.; Zaugg, N.; Hoffmann, P. Fabrication of sub 10 µm size asymmetric microstructures by mask projection laser ablation with gray level transmission intensities. Presented at the EPFL - EDAM Research Day, Neuchâtel, September 13, 2024.
Troncoso, J. F.; Lorenzin, G.; Cancellieri, C.; Turlo, V. Explaining the effect of in-plane strain on thermal degradation kinetics of Cu/W nano-multilayers. Scr. Mater. 2024, 242, 115902 (5 pp.).
Wrobel, R.; Del Guidice, L.; Scheel, P.; Abando, N.; Maeder, X.; Vassiliou, M.; Hosseini, E.; Spolenak, R.; Leinenbach, C. Influence of wall thickness on microstructure and mechanical properties of thin-walled 316L stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Des. 2024, 238, 112652 (16 pp.).
Wróbel, R.; Ghanbari, P. G.; Maeder, X.; Hosseini, E.; Leinenbach, C. Microstructure formation in micron-scale thin-walled Hastelloy X samples fabricated with laser powder bed fusion. Prog. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 9, 361-373.
Yang, J.; Schlenger, L. M.; Nasab, M. H.; Van Petegem, S.; Marone, F.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Experimental quantification of inward Marangoni convection and its impact on keyhole threshold in laser powder bed fusion of stainless steel. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 84, 104092 (11 pp.).
Yang, J.; Schlenger, L. M.; Hamidi Nasab, M.; Van Petegem, S.; Marone, F.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Exploring the influence of complex marangoni convection on melt pool dynamics in laser powder bed fusion process. Presented at the EDMX research day 2024, EPFL Lausanne, February 2, 2024.
Yang, J.; Schlenger, L. M.; Hamidi Nasab, M.; Van Petegem, S.; Marone, F.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Understanding laser powder bed fusion of stainless steel: importance of considering the complex marangoni effect. Presented at the AAMS 2024, Ecole Polytechnique Paris, September 4-6, 2024.
de Formanoir, C.; Hamidi Nasab, M.; Schlenger, L.; Van Petegem, S.; Masinelli, G.; Marone, F.; Salminen, A.; Ganvir, A.; Wasmer, K.; Logé, R. E. Healing of keyhole porosity by means of defocused laser beam remelting: operando observation by X-ray imaging and acoustic emission-based detection. Addit. Manuf. 2024, 79, 103880 (18 pp.).
Aggarwal, A.; Leparoux, M.; Turlo, V.; Leinenbach, C. Investigation of laser beam attenuation and energy partitioning during coaxial laser directed energy deposition process. Presented at the Alloys for additive manufacturing symposium (AAMS 2023), Madrid, September 27-29, 2023.
Baras, F.; Politano, O.; Li, Y.; Turlo, V. A molecular dynamics study of Ag-Ni nanometric multilayers: thermal behavior and stability. Nanomaterials 2023, 13 (14), 2134 (24 pp.).
Beddoes, B.; Perivolari, E.; Kaczmarek, M.; Apostolopoulos, V.; Fedotov, V. A. All-optical switching of liquid crystals at terahertz frequencies enabled by metamaterials. Opt. Express 2023, 31 (11), 18336-18345.
Bizot, Q.; Politano, O.; Turlo, V.; Baras, F. Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoscale solidification in the context of Ni additive manufacturing. Materialia 2023, 27, 101639 (14 pp.).
Busi, M.; Ferretto, I.; Malamud, F.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. Time-of-flight polarization contrast neutron imaging for enhanced characterization of ferritic phase fractions in Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloys. In International topical meeting on neutron radiography, presented at the 9th international topical meeting on neutron radiography, ITMNR 2022, Buenos Aires, October 17-21, 2022; Journal of physics: conference series; Institute of Physics, 2023; Vol. 2605, p 012025 (9 pp.).
Caesarendra, W.; Pandiyan, V.; Umar, M. M.; Pamungkas, D. S.; Sulowicz, M.; Yassin, H. Encoder-decoder based convolutional neural network (EDCNN) for video classification of smoke and fire image. In International conference on applied engineering, presented at the 4th international conference on applied engineering, ICAE 2021, Online, October 13, 2021; Puspita, W. R., Ed.; AIP conference proceedings; American Institute of Physics Inc., 2023; Vol. 2665, p 040012 (9 pp.).
De Luca, A.; Kenel, C.; Dunand, D. C.; Leinenbach, C. Effect of HfO2 dispersoids on the microstructure of a Ni-Cr-Al-Ti superalloy processed by laser-based powder-bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2023, 6, 100139 (6 pp.).
Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Masinelli, G.; de Formanoir, C.; Wasmer, K.; Jhabvala, J.; Logé, R. E. Acoustic emission for the prediction of processing regimes in Laser Powder Bed Fusion, and the generation of processing maps. Addit. Manuf. 2023, 67, 103484 (14 pp.).
Elmorsy, M.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Material testing of micro-concrete and 3D-printed reinforcement for use in small-scale seismic testing of RC structures. In 9th ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering (COMPDYN 2023), presented at the 9th ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece, June 12-14, 2023; Papadrakakis, M., Fragiadakis, M., Eds.; COMPDYN proceedings; National Technical University of Athens, 2023; p (11 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Sharma, A.; Kim, D.; Della Ventura, N. M.; Maeder, X.; Michler, J.; Hosseini, E.; Lee, W. J.; Leinenbach, C. Fabrication of FeMnSi-based shape memory alloy components with graded-microstructures by laser powder bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. 2023, 78, 103835 (24 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Kim, D.; Lee, W. J.; Hosseini, E.; della Ventura, N. M.; Sharma, A.; Sofras, C.; Capek, J.; Polatidis, E.; Leinenbach, C. Shape memory and mechanical properties of a Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy: effect of crystallographic texture generated during additive manufacturing. Mater. Des. 2023, 229, 111928 (19 pp.).
Gh Ghanbari, P.; Markovic, P.; Van Petegem, S.; Makowska, M. G.; Wrobel, R.; Mayer, T.; Leinenbach, C.; Mazza, E.; Hosseini, E. A close look at temperature profiles during laser powder bed fusion using operando X-ray diffraction and finite element simulations. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2023, 6, 100150 (9 pp.).
Gh Ghanbari, P.; Wrobel, R.; Rheingans, B.; Mayer, T.; Leinenbach, C.; Mazza, E.; Hosseini, E. Advancing efficiency and reliability in thermal analysis of laser powder-bed fusion. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 2023, 260, 108583 (14 pp.).
Gramatte, S.; Politano, O.; Xomalis, A.; Jeurgens, L.; Baras, F.; Turlo, V. Atomistic simulations of the crystalline-to-amorphous transformation of γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles: delicate interplay between lattice distortions, stresses, and space charges. Presented at the Swiss nano convention 2023, Neuchâtel, June 15-16, 2023.
Gramatte, S.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Politano, O.; Greminger, J. A. S.; Baras, F.; Xomalis, A.; Turlo, V. Atomistic simulations of the crystalline-to-amorphous transformation of γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles: delicate interplay between lattice distortions, stresses, and space charges. Langmuir 2023, 39 (18), 6301-6315.
Hamidi Nasab, M.; Masinelli, G.; de Formanoir, C.; Schlenger, L.; Van Petegem, S.; Esmaeilzadeh, R.; Wasmer, K.; Ganvir, A.; Salminen, A.; Aymanns, F.; et al. Harmonizing sound and light: X-ray imaging unveils acoustic signatures of stochastic inter-regime instabilities during laser melting. Nat. Commun. 2023, 14 (1), 8008 (14 pp.).
Jafarabadi, A.; Ferretto, I.; Mohri, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Ghafoori, E. 4D printing of recoverable buckling-induced architected iron-based shape memory alloys. Mater. Des. 2023, 233, 112216 (12 pp.).
Kalyanasundaram, V.; De Luca, A.; Wróbel, R.; Tang, J.; Holdsworth, S. R.; Leinenbach, C.; Hosseini, E. Tensile and creep-rupture response of additively manufactured nickel-based superalloy CM247LC. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2023, 5, 100119 (12 pp.).
Kim, D.; Ferretto, I.; Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W.; Kim, W. Effect of direct aging on microstructure, mechanical properties and shape memory behavior of Fe-17Mn-5Si-10Cr-4Ni-(V, C) shape memory alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Charact. 2023, 197, 112705 (8 pp.).
Lapeyre, L.; Mackosz, K.; Szmyt, W.; Pethö, L.; Michler, J.; Raynaud, P.; Utke, I. Characterising the sticking coefficient of chemistries relevant for artificial solid electrolyte interphases. Presented at the EuroCVD/Baltic ALD 2023, Leuven, Mai 29 - June 6, 2023.
Lindström, V.; Lupo, G.; Yang, J.; Turlo, V.; Leinenbach, C. A simple scaling model for balling defect formation during laser powder bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. 2023, 63, 103431 (12 pp.).
Malamud, F.; Baganis, A.; Busi, M.; Polatidis, E.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. Neutron imaging characterization of functionally graded structures built by laser powder bed fusion. Presented at the Alloys for additive manufacturing symposium (AAMS 2023), Madrid, September 27-29, 2023.
Mavrona, E.; Theodosi, A.; Mackosz, K.; Perivolari, E.; Utke, I.; Michler, J.; Schwiedrzik, J.; Kafesaki, M.; Tsilipakos, O.; Xomalis, A. Refractive index measurement of IP-S and IP-Dip photoresists at THz frequencies and validation via 3D photonic metamaterials made by direct laser writing. Opt. Mater. Express 2023, 13 (11), 3355 (10 pp.).
Mohri, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Lignos, D. G.; Ghafoori, E. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and pseudoelasticity of a memory-steel. In EUROSTEEL 2023, presented at the EUROSTEEL 2023, Amsterdam, September 12-14, 2023; Veljkovic, M., Tankova, T., Kavoura, F., Taras, A., Silvestru, V., Vigneri, V., Eds.; ce/papers - proceedings in civil engineering; Wiley: Berlin, 2023; Vol. 6, pp 633-638.
Mohri, M.; Ferretto, I.; Khodaverdi, H.; Leinenbach, C.; Ghafoori, E. Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the shape memory effect and pseudoelasticity behavior of conventional and additive manufactured Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni-(V,C) shape memory alloys. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2023, 24, 5922-5933.
Müller, Y. L.; Antusek, A.; Raju Natarajan, A.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Turlo, V. Enhanced diffusion at heterogeneous interfaces in Cu/AlN nano-multilayers. Presented at the Swiss nano convention, Neuchâtel, June 15-16, 2023.
Pandiyan, V.; Wróbel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Shevchik, S. Optimizing in-situ monitoring for laser powder bed fusion process: deciphering acoustic emission and sensor sensitivity with explainable machine learning. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2023, 321, 118144 (17 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Wróbel, R.; Richter, R. A.; Leparoux, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Shevchik, S. Self-Supervised Bayesian representation learning of acoustic emissions from laser powder bed Fusion process for in-situ monitoring. Mater. Des. 2023, 235, 112458 (15 pp.).
Rowthu, S.; Mattaparthi, S.; Siringil, E.; Hoffmann, P. Sewage water-repellent PDMS and magnetic silicone composites: lab to commercialization. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2023, 5 (8), 6161-6175.
Schuster, M.; De Luca, A.; Kucajda, D.; Hosseini, E.; Widmer, R.; Maeder, X.; Leinenbach, C. Heat treatment response and mechanical properties of a Zr-modified AA2618 aluminum alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. J. Alloys Compd. 2023, 962, 171166 (14 pp.).
Singh, D.; Turlo, V.; Gianola, D. S.; Rupert, T. J. Linear complexions directly modify dislocation motion in face-centered cubic alloys. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2023, 870, 144875 (13 pp.).
Troncoso, J. F.; Hu, Y.; della Ventura, N. M.; Sharma, A.; Maeder, X.; Turlo, V. Machine learning of twin/matrix interfaces from local stress field. Comput. Mater. Sci 2023, 228, 112322 (11 pp.).
Wasmer, K.; Wüst, M.; Cui, D.; Masinelli, G.; Pandiyan, V.; Shevchik, S. Monitoring of functionally graded material during laser directed energy deposition by acoustic emission and optical emission spectroscopy using artificial intelligence. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2023, 18 (1), e2189599 (21 pp.).
Yang, J.; Schlenger, L. M.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Powder-scale simulation and experimental characterization of internal pore defects during laser powder bed fusion. Presented at the EDMX research day 2023, Lausanne, Februar 8, 2023.
Yang, Y.; Leinenbach, C.; Shahverdi, M. Simulation and experimental characterization of VC precipitation and recovery stress formation in an FeMnSi-based shape memory alloy. J. Alloys Compd. 2023, 940, 168856 (9 pp.).
Yang, J.; You, X.; Dan, C.; Shi, Q.; Zhong, S.; Wang, H.; Chen, Z. Statistical analysis of slip transfer in Al alloy based on in-situ tensile test and high-throughput computing method. Int. J. Plast. 2023, 166, 103649 (22 pp.).
Zong, S. W.; You, X. J.; Yang, J.; Dan, C. Y.; Jin, L.; Shi, Q. W.; Wang, H. W.; Chen, Z. The correlation of slip transmission/blockage with the fracture in Al-Mg alloy. Scr. Mater. 2023, 230, 115402 (5 pp.).
Burda, I.; Zweiacker, K.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Barriobero-Vila, P.; Stutz, A.; Koller, R.; Roelofs, H.; Oberli, L.; Lembke, M.; Affolter, C.; et al. Fatigue crack propagation behavior of a micro-bainitic TRIP steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2022, 840, 142898 (15 pp.).
Busi, M.; Polatidis, E.; Malamud, F.; Kockelmann, W.; Morgano, M.; Kaestner, A.; Tremsin, A.; Kalentics, N.; Logé, R.; Leinenbach, C.; et al. Bragg edge tomography characterization of additively manufactured 316L steel. Phys. Rev. Mater. 2022, 6 (5), 053602 (8 pp.).
Busi, M.; Polatidis, E.; Sofras, C.; Boillat, P.; Ruffo, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. Polarization contrast neutron imaging of magnetic crystallographic phases. Mater. Today Adv. 2022, 16, 100302 (7 pp.).
Dalaee, M.; Cerrutti, E.; Dey, I.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Parameters development for optimum deposition rate in laser DMD of stainless steel EN X3CrNiMo13-4. Lasers Manuf. Mater. Process. 2022, 9, 1-17.
Del Giudice, L.; Wróbel, R.; Katsamakas, A. A.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Physical modelling of reinforced concrete at a 1:40 scale using additively manufactured reinforcement cages. Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn. 2022, 51 (3), 537-551.
Del Giudice, L.; Antonios, K.; Michalis, V. F.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C. Physical modelling of reinforced concrete structures using small-scale additively manufactured specimens: results of cyclic tests. In Proceedings of the international conference on natural hazards and infrastructure, ICONHIC 2022, presented at the 3rd international conference on natural hazards and infrastructure, ICONHIC 2022, Athens, Greece, July 5-7, 2022; Gazetas, G., Anastasopoulos, I., Eds.; National Technical University of Athens: Athens, 2022; p (10 pp.).
Dreyer, M. J.; Taylor, W. R.; Wasmer, K.; Imwinkelried, T.; Heuberger, R.; Weisse, B.; Crockett, R. Anomalous wear behavior of UHMWPE during sliding against CoCrMo under varying cross-shear and contact pressure. Tribol. Lett. 2022, 70, 119 (13 pp.).
Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Pandiyan, V.; Logé, R.; Shevchik, S.; Masinelli, G.; Ghasemi-Tabasi, H.; Parrilli, A.; Wasmer, K. Differentiation of materials and laser powder bed fusion processing regimes from airborne acoustic emission combined with machine learning. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2022, 17 (2), 181-204.
F. Troncoso, J.; Turlo, V. Evaluating the applicability of classical and neural network interatomic potentials for modeling body centered cubic polymorph of magnesium. Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2022, 30 (4), 045009 (16 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Borzì, A.; Kim, D.; Della Ventura, N. M.; Hosseini, E.; Lee, W. J.; Leinenbach, C. Control of microstructure and shape memory properties of a Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy during laser powder bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2022, 3, 100091 (8 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Kim, D.; Mohri, M.; Ghafoori, E.; Lee, W. J.; Leinenbach, C. Shape recovery performance of a (V, C)-containing Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Cr shape memory alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2022, 20, 3969-3984.
Geler-Kremer, J.; Eltes, F.; Stark, P.; Stark, D.; Caimi, D.; Siegwart, H.; Jan Offrein, B.; Fompeyrine, J.; Abel, S. A ferroelectric multilevel non-volatile photonic phase shifter. Nat. Photonics 2022, 16, 491-497.
Glerum, J. A.; De Luca, A.; Schuster, M. L.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. Effect of oxide dispersoids on precipitation-strengthened Al-1.7Zr (wt %) alloys produced by laser powder-bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. 2022, 56, 102933 (12 pp.).
Gramatte, S.; Politano, O.; Xomalis, A.; Jeurgens, L.; Baras, F.; Turlo, V. Atomistic insight into heterogeneous stress states in Al2O3 nanoparticles. Presented at the Psi-k 2022, Lausanne, August 22-25, 2022.
Kato, K.; Xin, Y.; Vaucher, S.; Shirai, T. Single nanosized graphene/TiOx multi-shells on TiO2 core via rapid-concomitant reaction pathway on metal oxide/polymer interface. Scr. Mater. 2022, 208, 114358 (6 pp.).
Kenel, C.; De Luca, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. High-temperature creep properties of an additively manufactured Y2O3 oxide dispersion-strengthened Ni–Cr–Al–Ti γ/γ’ superalloy. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2022, 24 (12), 2200753 (10 pp.).
Kim, D.; Ferretto, I.; Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W. 3D and 4D printing of complex structures of Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy using laser powder bed fusion. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 9 (13), 2200171 (11 pp.).
Kim, D.; Ferretto, I.; Kim, W.; Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W. Effect of post-heat treatment conditions on shape memory property in 4D printed Fe-17Mn-5Si-10Cr-4Ni shape memory alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2022, 852, 143689 (11 pp.).
Le, V. T.; Mai, D. S.; Bui, M. C.; Wasmer, K.; Nguyen, V. A.; Dinh, D. M.; Nguyen, V. C.; Vu, D. Influences of the process parameter and thermal cycles on the quality of 308L stainless steel walls produced by additive manufacturing utilizing an arc welding source. Weld. World 2022, 66, 1565-1580.
Le Quang, T.; Meylan, B.; Masinelli, G.; Saeidi, F.; Shevchik, S. A.; Farahani, F. V.; Wasmer, K. Smart closed-loop control of laser welding using reinforcement learning. In 12th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2022], presented at the 12th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2022], Fürth, September 4-8, 2022; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Colosimo, B. M., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier: sine loco, 2022; Vol. 111, pp 479-483.
Masinelli, G.; Wrobel, R.; Pandiyan, V.; Wasmer, K. Multimodal signal segmentation technique based on morphological operators applied on synchronized optical data for Laser Powder Bed Fusion processes. In CIRP conference on photonic technologies, presented at the 12th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2022], Fürth, September 4-8, 2022; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Colosimo, B. M., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier: sine loco, 2022; Vol. 111, pp 838-843.
Meylan, B.; Calderon, I.; Wasmer, K. Optimization of process parameters for the laser polishing of hardened tool steel. Materials 2022, 15 (21), 7746 (21 pp.).
Meylan, B.; Masserey, A.; Boillat, E.; Calderon, I.; Wasmer, K. Thermal modelling and experimental validation in the perspective of tool steel laser polishing. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12 (17), 8409 (21 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Leistner, M.; Leparoux, M. Effect of plume dynamics on surface contamination during interaction of millisecond infrared fiber laser with titanium. Opt. Lasers Eng. 2022, 153, 106996 (11 pp.).
Mohri, M.; Ferretto, I.; Leinenbach, C.; Kim, D.; Lignos, D. G.; Ghafoori, E. Effect of thermomechanical treatment and microstructure on pseudo-elastic behavior of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni-(V, C) shape memory alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2022, 855, 143917 (9 pp.).
Müller, Y. L.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Antušek, A.; Turlo, V. Atomistic assessment of melting point depression and enhanced interfacial diffusion of Cu in confinement with AlN. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (22), 26099-26115.
Müller, Y. L.; Antusek, A.; Natarajan, A. R.; Jeurgens, L. P. H.; Turlo, V. Enhanced diffusion at heterogeneous interfaces in Cu/AlN nano-multilayers. Presented at the Psi-k 2022, Lausanne, August 22-25, 2022.
Nakajima, K.; Leparoux, M.; Kurita, H.; Lanfant, B.; Cui, D.; Watanabe, M.; Sato, T.; Narita, F. Additive manufacturing of magnetostrictive Fe–Co alloys. Materials 2022, 15 (3), 709 (12 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Masinelli, G.; Claire, N.; Le-Quang, T.; Hamidi-Nasab, M.; de Formanoir, C.; Esmaeilzadeh, R.; Goel, S.; Marone, F.; Logé, R.; et al. Deep learning-based monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process on variable time-scales using heterogeneous sensing and operando X-ray radiography guidance. Addit. Manuf. 2022, 58, 103007 (15pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Shevchik, S.; Masinelli, G.; Le-Quang, T.; Logé, R.; Wasmer, K. Deep transfer learning of additive manufacturing mechanisms across materials in metal-based laser powder bed fusion process. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2022, 303, 117531 (14 pp.).
Pandiyan, V.; Prost, J.; Vorlaufer, G.; Varga, M.; Wasmer, K. Identification of abnormal tribological regimes using a microphone and semi-supervised machine-learning algorithm. Friction 2022, 10 (4), 583-596.
Pandiyan, V.; Cui, D.; Le-Quang, T.; Deshpande, P.; Wasmer, K.; Shevchik, S. In situ quality monitoring in direct energy deposition process using co-axial process zone imaging and deep contrastive learning. J. Manuf. Process. 2022, 81, 1064-1075.
Pandiyan, V.; Akeddar, M.; Prost, J.; Vorlaufer, G.; Varga, M.; Wasmer, K. Long short-term memory based semi-supervised encoder—decoder for early prediction of failures in self-lubricating bearings. Friction 2022, 11 (1), 109-124.
Pandiyan, V.; Cui, D.; Parrilli, A.; Deshpande, P.; Masinelli, G.; Shevchik, S.; Wasmer, K. Monitoring of direct energy deposition process using manifold learning and co-axial melt pool imaging. Manuf. Lett. 2022, 33 (Suppl.), 776-785.
Perivolari, E.; Fedotov, V. A.; Parka, J.; Kaczmarek, M.; Apostolopoulos, V. Anomalous resonance frequency shift in liquid crystal-loaded THz metamaterials. Nanophotonics 2022, 11 (10), 2341-2348.
Rakhmonov, J. U.; Kenel, C.; De Luca, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. Effect of Y2O3 dispersoids on microstructure and creep properties of Hastelloy X processed by laser powder-bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. Lett. 2022, 3, 100069 (8 pp.).
Rao, Y.; Baruffi, C.; De Luca, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Curtin, W. A. Theory-guided design of high-strength, high-melting point, ductile, low-density, single-phase BCC high entropy alloys. Acta Mater. 2022, 237, 118132 (9 pp.).
Schuster, M.; De Luca, A.; Widmer, R.; Maeder, X.; Leinenbach, C. Processability, microstructure and precipitation of a Zr-modified 2618 aluminium alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. J. Alloys Compd. 2022, 913, 165346 (12 pp.).
Sofras, C.; Čapek, J.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Frost, M.; An, K.; Logé, R. E.; Strobl, M.; Polatidis, E. Tailored deformation behavior of 304L stainless steel through control of the crystallographic texture with laser-powder bed fusion. Mater. Des. 2022, 219, 110789 (14 pp.).
Staroń, S.; Dubiel, B.; Gola, K.; Kalemba-Rec, I.; Gajewska, M.; Pasiowiec, H.; Wróbel, R.; Leinenbach, C. Quantitative microstructural characterization of precipitates and oxide inclusions in inconel 625 superalloy additively manufactured by L-PBF method. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2022, 53, 2459-2479.
Szmyt, W.; Guerra-Nuñez, C.; Huber, L.; Dransfeld, C.; Utke, I. Atomic layer deposition on porous substrates: from general formulation to fibrous substrates and scaling laws. Chem. Mater. 2022, 34 (1), 203-216.
Szmyt, W.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Abel, S.; Fompeyrine, J.; Hoffmann, P. High vacuum chemical vapor deposition: high growth rate ALD-like film synthesis and epitaxial CVD for integrated photonics. Presented at the ALD/ALE conference 2022, Ghent, June 26-29, 2022.
Troncoso, J. F.; Lorenzin, G.; Cancellieri, C.; Liyanage, M.; Turlo, V. In-plane strain effect on interface stress in Cu/W nano-multilayers. Presented at the Psi-k 2022, Lausanne, August 22-25, 2022.
Wasmer, K.; Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Masinelli, G.; Quang-Le, T.; Loge, R.; Shevchik, S. A. When AM (additive manufacturing) meets AE (acoustic emission) and AI (artificial intelligence). In 35th European and 10th international conference on acoustic emission testing. EWGAE 35 & ICAE 10, presented at the 35th European and 10th international conference on acoustic emission testing. EWGAE 35 & ICAE 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-16, 2022; Šturm, R., Kek, T., Eds.; Bad Breisig, 2022; Vol. 28, p (14 pp.).
Berger, L.; Jurczyk, J.; Madajska, K.; Szymańska, I. B.; Hoffmann, P.; Utke, I. Room temperature direct electron beam lithography in a condensed copper carboxylate. Micromachines 2021, 12 (5), 580 (14 pp.).
Busi, M.; Kalentics, N.; Morgano, M.; Griffiths, S.; Tremsin, A. S.; Shinohara, T.; Logé, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. A parametric neutron Bragg edge imaging study of additively manufactured samples treated by laser shock peening. Sci. Rep. 2021, 11 (1), 14919 (9 pp.).
Busi, M.; Kalentics, N.; Morgano, M.; Griffiths, S.; Tremsin, A. S.; Shinohara, T.; Logé, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. Nondestructive characterization of laser powder bed fusion parts with neutron Bragg edge imaging. Addit. Manuf. 2021, 39, 101848 (9 pp.).
Caesarendra, W.; Triwiyanto, T.; Pandiyan, V.; Glowacz, A.; Permana, S. D. H.; Tjahjowidodo, T. A cnn prediction method for belt grinding tool wear in a polishing process utilizing 3-axes force and vibration data. Electronics 2021, 10 (12), 1429 (30 pp.).
Cann, J. L.; De Luca, A.; Dunand, D. C.; Dye, D.; Miracle, D. B.; Oh, H. S.; Olivetti, E. A.; Pollock, T. M.; Poole, W. J.; Yang, R.; et al. Sustainability through alloy design: challenges and opportunities. Prog. Mater. Sci. 2021, 117, 100722 (33 pp.).
Chen, X.; Sastre, J.; Rumpel, M.; Flegler, A.; Singhania, A.; Balta Bonner, J.; Hoffmann, P.; Romanyuk, Y. E. Photonic methods for rapid crystallization of LiMn2O4 cathodes for solid-state thin-film batteries. J. Power Sources 2021, 495, 229424 (9 pp.).
Cui, D.; Lanfant, B.; Leparoux, M.; Favre, S. Additive manufacturing of Ti-Nb dissimilar metals by laser metal deposition. In Industrializing additive manufacturing. Proceedings of AMPA2020, presented at the 2nd AMPA conference (additive manufacturing in products and applications), Zürich, Switzerland, September 1-3, 2020; Meboldt, M., Klahn, C., Eds.; Springer: Cham, 2021; pp 96-111.
De Luca, A.; Kenel, C.; Griffiths, S.; Joglekar, S. S.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. Microstructure and defects in a Ni-Cr-Al-Ti γ/γ' model superalloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Des. 2021, 201, 109531 (14 pp.).
De Luca, A.; Kenel, C.; Pado, J.; Joglekar, S. S.; Dunand, D. C.; Leinenbach, C. Thermal stability and influence of Y2O3 dispersoids on the heat treatment response of an additively manufactured ODS Ni-Cr-Al-Ti γ/γ′ superalloy. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2021, 15, 2883-2898.
Del Giudice, L.; Wrobel, R.; Katsamakas, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. Cyclic testing of 1:40 scale cantilever RC elements with digitally manufactured reinforcement. In Compdyn 2021 proceedings, presented at the COMPDYN 2021. 8th ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Athens, Greece, June 27-30, 2021; Papadrakakis, M., Fragiadakis, M., Eds.; Institute of Research & Development for Computational Methods in Engineering Sciences: sine loco, 2021; p 174550 (11 pp.).
Deshpande, P.; Pandiyan, V.; Meylan, B.; Wasmer, K. Acoustic emission and machine learning based classification of wear generated using a pin-on-disc tribometer equipped with a digital holographic microscope. Wear 2021, 476, 203622 (12 pp.).
Ferretto, I.; Kim, D.; Della Ventura, N. M.; Shahverdi, M.; Lee, W.; Leinenbach, C. Laser powder bed fusion of a Fe–Mn–Si shape memory alloy. Addit. Manuf. 2021, 46, 102071 (12 pp.).
Garg, P.; Pan, Z.; Turlo, V.; Rupert, T. J. Segregation competition and complexion coexistence within a polycrystalline grain boundary network. Acta Mater. 2021, 218, 117213 (14 pp.).
Geler-Kremer, J.; Eltes, F.; Stark, P.; Sharma, A.; Caimi, D.; Offrein, B. J.; Fompeyrine, J.; Abel, S. A non-volatile optical memory in silicon photonics. In Proceedings optical fiber communication conference (OFC) 2021, presented at the Optical fiber communications conference 2021, San Francisco, California, USA, June 6-11, 2021; OSA: Washington, DC, 2021; p Th4I.2 (3 pp.).
Giudice, L. D.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Physical modelling of rc structures through digitally manufactured small-scale specimens for centrifuge testing. In Concrete structures: new trends for eco-efficiency and performance. Proceedings of the fib symposium 2021, presented at the fib symposium 2021, Lisbon, June 14-16, 2021; Júlio, E., Valença, J., Louro, S. S., Eds.; fib symposium proceedings; fib: Lausanne, 2021; pp 2317-2326.
Gramatte, S.; Politano, O.; Turlo, V. Closing the gap from nano- to microscale in metal 3D printing: a molecular dynamics (MD) workflow for accessing the properties of solid-liquid interfaces. Presented at the Swiss nano convention 2021, Basel, June 24-25, 2021.
Greminger, J. A. S.; Gramatte, S.; Politano, O.; Baras, F.; Turlo, V. Accessing the structure of γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) with the charge-optimized many-body interatomic potential. Presented at the Swiss nano convention 2021, Basel, June 24-25, 2021.
Griffiths, S.; Ghasemi-Tabasi, H.; De Luca, A.; Pado, J.; Joglekar, S. S.; Jhabvala, J.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Influence of Hf on the heat treatment response of additively manufactured Ni-base superalloy CM247LC. Mater. Charact. 2021, 171, 110815 (13 pp.).
Kenel, C.; De Luca, A.; Joglekar, S. S.; Leinenbach, C.; Dunand, D. C. Evolution of Y2O3 dispersoids during laser powder bed fusion of oxide dispersion strengthened Ni-Cr-Al-Ti γ/γ’ superalloy. Addit. Manuf. 2021, 47, 102224 (15 pp.).
Kim, D.; Ferretto, I.; Jeon, J. B.; Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W. Formation of metastable bcc-δ phase and its transformation to fcc-γ in laser powder bed fusion of Fe–Mn–Si shape memory alloy. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2021, 14, 2782-2788.
Le-Quang, T.; Faivre, N.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Wasmer, K. Energy-efficient laser welding with beam oscillating technique - a parametric study. J. Clean. Prod. 2021, 313, 127796 (11 pp.).
Masinelli, G.; Shevchik, S. A.; Pandiyan, V.; Quang-Le, T.; Wasmer, K. Artificial intelligence for monitoring and control of metal additive manufacturing. In Industrializing additive manufacturing. Proceedings of AMPA2020, presented at the AMPA 2020. International conference on additive manufacturing in products and applications, Zürich, Switzerland, September 1-3, 2020; Meboldt, M., Klahn, C., Eds.; Springer: Cham, 2021; pp 205-220.
Meylan, B.; Shevchik, S. A.; Parvaz, D.; Mosaddeghi, A.; Simov, V.; Wasmer, K. Acoustic emission and machine learning for in situ monitoring of a gold-copper ore weakening by electric pulse. J. Clean. Prod. 2021, 280, 124348 (12 pp.).
Mihai, S.; Chioibasu, D.; Mahmood, M. A.; Duta, L.; Leparoux, M.; Popescu, A. C. Real-time defects analyses using high-speed imaging during aluminum magnesium alloy laser welding. Metals 2021, 11 (11), 1877 (16 pp.).
Muller, Y.; Politano, O.; Jeurgens, L.; Marzari, N.; Turlo, V. Atomistic modeling of Cu/AlNnano-multilayers. Presented at the Swiss nano convention 2021, Basel, June 24-25, 2021.
Nayak, J. K.; Chaudhuri, P. R.; Sahoo, P. K. Stable hybrid plasmonic directional coupler based on an embedded silver nanostructure waveguide. Appl. Opt. 2021, 60 (25), 7603-7610.
Pandiyan, V.; Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Shevchik, S.; Masinelli, G.; Le-Quang, T.; Logé, R.; Wasmer, K. Semi-supervised monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process based on acoustic emissions. Virtual Phys. Prototyp. 2021, 16 (4), 481-497.
Rowthu, S.; Deshpande, P.; Annamalai, A.; Hoffmann, P. Harnessing nano oil reservoir network for generating low friction and wear in self-mating alumina. Mater. Des. 2021, 206, 109821 (13 pp.).
Schuster, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Hoffmann, P. Development of high strength aluminum alloys for laser-based additive manufacturing. Presented at the EDMX research day 2021, Lausanne, CH, February 10, 2021.
Schuster, M.; De Luca, A.; Mathur, A.; Hosseini, E.; Leinenbach, C. Precipitation in a 2xxx series Al-Cu-Mg-Zr alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Mater. Des. 2021, 211, 110131 (15 pp.).
Shevchik, S.; Nguendon Kenhagho, H.; Le-Quang, T.; Faivre, N.; Meylan, B.; Guzman, R.; Cattin, P. C.; Zam, A.; Wasmer, K. Machine learning monitoring for laser osteotomy. J. Biophoton. 2021, 14 (4), e202000352 (11 pp.).
Shevchik, S. A.; Zanoli, S.; Saeidi, F.; Meylan, B.; Flück, G.; Wasmer, K. Monitoring of friction-related failures using diffusion maps of acoustic time series. Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 2021, 148, 107172 (14 pp.).
Shu, S.; De Luca, A.; Dunand, D. C.; Seidman, D. N. Effects of W micro-additions on precipitation kinetics and mechanical properties of an Al–Mn–Mo–Si–Zr–Sc–Er alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2021, 803, 140550 (6 pp.).
Shu, S.; De Luca, A.; Dunand, D. C.; Seidman, D. N. Individual and synergistic effects of Mn and Mo micro-additions on precipitation and strengthening of a dilute Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2021, 800, 140288 (14 pp.).
Stark, P.; Weiss, J.; Dangel, R.; Horst, F.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Offrein, B. J. High-performance neuromorphic computing based on photonic technologies. In Optical fiber communication conference (OFC) 2021, presented at the Optical fiber communications conference 2021, Washington, DC, June 6-11, 2021; OSA: Washington, DC, 2021; p Tu5H.4 (3 pp.).
Szmyt, W.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Borzì, A.; Abel, S.; Fompeyrine, J.; Hoffmann, P. High vacuum chemical vapor deposition of BaTiO3 films for integrated photonic devices. Presented at the Department day: advanced materials and surfaces, Dübendorf, CH, September 15, 2021.
Szmyt, W.; Guerra-Nuñez, C.; Dransfeld, C.; Utke, I. Solving the inverse Knudsen problem: gas diffusion in random fibrous media. J. Membr. Sci. 2021, 620, 118728 (18 pp.).
Tosoratti, E.; Incaviglia, I.; Liashenko, O.; Leinenbach, C.; Zenobi-Wong, M. Additively manufactured semiflexible titanium lattices as hydrogel reinforcement for biomedical implants. Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 2021, 1 (1), 2000031 (12 pp.).
Troncoso, J. F.; Manish, J.; Turlo, V. Applicability of empirical and neural network interatomic potentials to modeling metastable body centered cubic magnesium. Presented at the Swiss nano convention 2021, Basel, June 24-25, 2021.
Turlo, V. Dislocations as a tool for nanostructuring advanced materials. Physchem. 2021, 1 (3), 225-231.
Yang, Y.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Shahverdi, M. Influence of thermal treatment conditions on recovery stress formation in an FeMnSi-SMA. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2021, 802, 140694 (11 pp.).
Affolter, C.; Thorwarth, G.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Müller, U.; Weisse, B. Ductile compressive behavior of biomedical alloys. Metals 2020, 10 (1), 60 (11 pp.).
Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Maeder, X.; Figi, R.; Schreiner, C.; Griffiths, S.; Leinenbach, C. 3D magnetic patterning in additive manufacturing via site-specific in-situ alloy modification. Appl. Mater. Today 2020, 18, 100512 (9 pp.).
Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Polatidis, E.; Smid, M.; Panzner, T.; Leinenbach, C. Grain orientation dependence of the forward and reverse fcc ↔ hcp transformation in FeMnSi-based shape memory alloys studied by in situ neutron diffraction. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2020, 782, 139261 (11 pp.).
Bacak, M.; Valsecchi, J.; Čapek, J.; Polatidis, E.; Kaestner, A.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Kruk, I.; Leinenbach, C.; Long, A. M.; Tremsin, A.; et al. Neutron dark-field imaging applied to porosity and deformation-induced phase transitions in additively manufactured steels. Mater. Des. 2020, 195, 109009 (9 pp.).
Berger, L.; Jurczyk, J.; Madajska, K.; Edwards, T. E. J.; Szymańska, I.; Hoffmann, P.; Utke, I. High-purity copper structures from a perfluorinated copper carboxylate using focused electron beam induced deposition and post-purification. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2 (7), 1989-1996.
Borzì, A.; Dolabella, S.; Szmyt, W.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Abel, S.; Fompeyrine, J.; Hoffmann, P.; Neels, A. Microstructure analysis of epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films on SrTiO3-buffered Si: strain and dislocation density quantification using HRXRD methods. Materialia 2020, 14, 100953 (9 pp.).
Cui, D.; Mohanta, A.; Leparoux, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Favre, S.; Tortorici, P. 3D printing: fabrication of metal matrix composite by laser metal deposition and direct dry injection of nanopowders. Presented at the Medtronic science & technology online conference, Minneapolis, USA, October 19-22, 2020.
Cui, D.; Mohanta, A.; Leparoux, M. Interface control in additive manufacturing of dissimilar metals forming intermetallic compounds - Fe-Ti as a model system. Materials 2020, 13 (21), 4747 (13 pp.).
Dalaee, M. T.; Gloor, L.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Experimental and numerical study of the influence of induction heating process on build rates Induction Heating-assisted laser Direct Metal Deposition (IH-DMD). Surf. Coat. Technol. 2020, 384, 125275 (12 pp.).
Dalaee, M.; Cheaitani, F.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Rohrer, C.; Weisse, B.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Feasibility study in combined direct metal deposition (DMD) and plasma transfer arc welding (PTA) additive manufacturing. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2020, 106 (9-10), 4375-4389.
De Luca, A.; Shu, S.; Seidman, D. N. Effect of microadditions of Mn and Mo on dual L12- and α-precipitation in a dilute Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si alloy. Mater. Charact. 2020, 169, 110585 (12 pp.).
De Luca, A.; Seidman, D. N.; Dunand, D. C. Mn and Mo additions to a dilute Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si-based alloy to improve creep resistance through solid-solution- and precipitation-strengthening. Acta Mater. 2020, 194, 60-67.
Geler-Kremer, J.; Posadas, A. B.; Demkov, A. A. Preparation of clean MgO surface by oxygen plasma: comparison with standard substrate cleaning procedures. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2020, 38 (6), 062201 (11 pp.).
Giudice, L. D.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Static testing of additevly manufactured microreinforced concrete specimens for statistical structural model validation at a small scale. In 8AESE abstract book, presented at the 8th international conference on advances in experimental structural engineering (8AESE), Christchurch, New Zealand, February 3-5, 2020; Conferences & Events Ltd: sine loco, 2020.
Giudice, L. D.; Wrobel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Vassiliou, M. F. Testing of additively manufactured small scale RC specimens for statistical validation of structural models in earthquake engineering. In Proceedings of the XI international conference on structural dynamics (EURODYN 2020), presented at the EURODYN 2020: XI international conference on structural dynamics, Athens, Greece, November 23-26, 2020; Papadrakakis, M., Fragiadakis, M., Papadimitriou, C., Eds.; European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD), 2020; Vol. 2, pp 3313-3323.
Griffiths, S.; Croteau, J. R.; Rossell, M. D.; Erni, R.; De Luca, A.; Vo, N. Q.; Dunand, D. C.; Leinenbach, C. Coarsening- and creep resistance of precipitation-strengthened Al-Mg-Zr alloys processed by selective laser melting. Acta Mater. 2020, 188, 192-202.
Griffiths, S.; Ghasemi Tabasi, H.; Ivas, T.; Maeder, X.; De Luca, A.; Zweiacker, K.; Wróbel, R.; Jhabvala, J.; Logé, R. E.; Leinenbach, C. Combining alloy and process modification for micro-crack mitigation in an additively manufactured Ni-base superalloy. Addit. Manuf. 2020, 36, 101443 (15 pp.).
Kalentics, N.; Ortega Varela de Seijas, M.; Griffiths, S.; Leinenbach, C.; Logé, R. E. 3D laser shock peening - a new method for improving fatigue properties of selective laser melted parts. Addit. Manuf. 2020, 33, 101112 (12 pp.).
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Kwon, H.; Saarna, M.; Leparoux, M. Effects of processing parameters on mechanical properties of silicon carbide nanoparticle-reinforced aluminium alloy matrix composite materials. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2020, 20 (10), 6482-6488.
Kürnsteiner, P.; Bajaj, P.; Gupta, A.; Wilms, M. B.; Weisheit, A.; Li, X.; Leinenbach, C.; Gault, B.; Jägle, E. A.; Raabe, D. Control of thermally stable core-shell nano-precipitates in additively manufactured Al-Sc-Zr alloys. Addit. Manuf. 2020, 32, 100910 (13 pp.).
Le Dantec, M.; Abdulstaar, M.; Leparoux, M.; Hoffmann, P. Epitaxial growth of silicon on silicon wafers by direct laser melting. Materials 2020, 13 (21), 4728 (8 pp.).
Le Dantec, M.; Güniat, L.; Leistner, M.; Figi, R.; Bleiner, D.; Leparoux, M.; Hoffmann, P. Impact of oxygen content in powders on the morphology of the laser molten tracks in preparation for additive manufacturing of silicon. Powder Technol. 2020, 361, 704-710.
Li, X.; Zweiacker, K.; Grolimund, D.; Ferreira Sanchez, D.; Spierings, A. B.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. In situ and ex situ characterization of the microstructure formation in Ni-Cr-Si alloys during rapid solidification - toward alloy design for laser additive manufacturing. Materials 2020, 13 (9), 2192 (14 pp.).
Lindström, V.; Liashenko, O.; Zweiacker, K.; Derevianko, S.; Morozovych, V.; Lyashenko, Y.; Leinenbach, C. Laser powder bed fusion of metal coated copper powders. Materials 2020, 13 (16), 3493 (12 pp.).
Masinelli, G.; Le-Quang, T.; Zanoli, S.; Wasmer, K.; Shevchik, S. A. Adaptive laser welding control: a reinforcement learning approach. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 103803-103814.
Meylan, B.; Calderon, I.; Tri Le, Q.; Wasmer, K. Investigations of surface defects during laser polishing of tool steel. In 11th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2020], presented at the LANE 2020, Erlangen, Germany, September 7-10, 2020; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Govekar, E., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier: sine loco, 2020; Vol. 94, pp 942-946.
Meylan, B.; Le-Quang, T.; Olbinado, M. P.; Rack, A.; Shevchik, S. A.; Wasmer, K. Re-solidification dynamics and microstructural analysis of laser welded aluminium. Int. J. Mater. Res. 2020, 111 (1), 17-22.
Mohanta, A.; Leistner, M.; Leparoux, M. Influence of temporal and spectral profiles of lasers on weld quality of titanium. Opt. Lasers Eng. 2020, 134, 106173 (11 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Thareja, R. K. Plasma synthesis of nanomaterials. In 21st century nanoscience. A handbook. Design strategies for synthesis and fabrication; Sattler, K. D., Ed.; Vol. 2; CRC Press: Boca Raton, 2020; p 2 (19 pp.).
Mouhamadali, F.; Equis, S.; Saeidi, F.; Best, J. P.; Cantoni, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Wasmer, K. Nanosecond pulsed laser-processing of CVD diamond. Opt. Lasers Eng. 2020, 126, 105917 (12 pp.).
Offrein, B. J.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Weiss, J.; Dangel, R.; Stark, P.; Sharma, A.; Abel, S.; Horst, F. Prospects for photonic implementations of neuromorphic devices and systems. In 2020 IEEE international electron devices meeting, presented at the 66th Annual IEEE international electron devices meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, USA, December 12-18, 2020; Technical Digest; IEEE, 2020; pp 139-142.
Pandiyan, V.; Drissi-Daoudi, R.; Shevchik, S.; Masinelli, G.; Logé, R.; Wasmer, K. Analysis of time, frequency and time-frequency domain features from acoustic emissions during laser powder-bed fusion process. In 11th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2020], presented at the LANE 2020, Erlangen, Germany, September 7-10, 2020; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Govekar, E., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier: sine loco, 2020; Vol. 94, pp 392-397.
Pandiyan, V.; Shevchik, S.; Wasmer, K.; Castagne, S.; Tjahjowidodo, T. Modelling and monitoring of abrasive finishing processes using artificial intelligence techniques: a review. J. Manuf. Process. 2020, 57, 114-135.
Pandiyan, V.; Caesarendra, W.; Glowacz, A.; Tjahjowidodo, T. Modelling of material removal in abrasive belt grinding process: a regression approach. Symmetry 2020, 12 (1), 99 (27 pp.).
Polatidis, E.; Čapek, J.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Strobl, M. High ductility and transformation-induced-plasticity in metastable stainless steel processed by selective laser melting with low power. Scr. Mater. 2020, 176, 53-57.
Shevchik, S.; Le-Quang, T.; Meylan, B.; Vakili Farahani, F.; Olbinado, M. P.; Rack, A.; Masinelli, G.; Leinenbach, C.; Wasmer, K. Supervised deep learning for real-time quality monitoring of laser welding with X-ray radiographic guidance. Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 3389 (12 pp.).
Shu, S.; De Luca, A.; Seidman, D. N.; Dunand, D. C. Effects of Mn and Mo micro-additions on Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si mechanical properties. In Light metals 2020, presented at the Aluminium alloys, processing and characterization symposium held at TMS 2020, San Diego, USA, February 23-27, 2020; Tomsett, A., Ed.; Minerals, metals and materials series; Springer: Cham, 2020; pp 312-317.
Stark, P.; Geler-Kremer, J.; Eltes, F.; Caimi, D.; Fompeyrine, J.; Offrein, B. J.; Abel, S. Novel electro-optic components for integrated photonic neural networks. In Optical fiber communications conference (OFC) 2020, presented at the Optical fiber communications conference 2020, San Diego, USA, March 8-12, 2020; OSA: Washington, DC, 2020; p M2I.4 (3 pp.).
Turlo, V.; Rupert, T. J. Interdependent linear complexion structure and dislocation mechanics in Fe-Ni. Crystals 2020, 10 (12), 1-11.
Violakis, G.; Le-Quang, T.; Shevchik, S. A.; Wasmer, K. Sensitivity analysis of acoustic emission detection using fiber bragg gratings with different optical fiber diameters. Sensors 2020, 20 (22), 6511 (11 pp.).
Zieliński, T. G.; Opiela, K. C.; Pawłowski, P.; Dauchez, N.; Boutin, T.; Kennedy, J.; Trimble, D.; Rice, H.; Van Damme, B.; Hannema, G.; et al. Reproducibility of sound-absorbing periodic porous materials using additive manufacturing technologies: round robin study. Addit. Manuf. 2020, 36, 101564 (24 pp.).
Cui, D.; Mohanta, A.; Leparoux, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Favre, S.; Tortorici, P. Quest project. Direct 3D printing of dissimilar materials. Presented at the Medtronic science & technology conference, Minneapolis, USA, October 1-3, 2019.
Czaderski, C.; Shahverdi, M.; Ghafoori, E.; Motavalli, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Michels, J.; Scherer, J. The development of memory steel at Empa. In Proceedings of SMAR 2019, fifth conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the SMAR 2019 - 5th conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, Potsdam, Germany, August 27-29, 2019; SMAR proceedings; 2019; p (8 pp.).
De Luca, A.; Seidman, D. N.; Dunand, D. C. Effects of Mo and Mn microadditions on strengthening and over-aging resistance of nanoprecipitation-strengthened Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si alloys. Acta Mater. 2019, 165, 1-14.
Ivas, T.; Balaban, M.; Dosen, V.; Miyawaki, J.; Ito, K.; Vrankovic, D.; Ostojic, G.; Zeljkovic, S. Optimization of the calcination temperature for the solvent-deficient synthesis of nanocrystalline gamma-alumina. Chem. Pap. 2019, 73 (4), 901-907.
Kalentics, N.; Sohrabi, N.; Tabasi, H. G.; Griffiths, S.; Jhabvala, J.; Leinenbach, C.; Burn, A.; Logé, R. E. Healing cracks in selective laser melting by 3D laser shock peening. Addit. Manuf. 2019, 30, 100881 (10 pp.).
Kato, K.; Vaucher, S.; Hoffmann, P.; Xin, Y.; Shirai, T. A novel single-mode microwave assisted synthesis of metal oxide as visible-light photocatalyst. Mater. Lett. 2019, 235 (000448000700031), 125-128.
Korakas, N.; Violakis, G.; Mader, A.; Pissadakis, S. Azimuthal alignment method for optimizing Bragg grating inscription in photonic crystal fibers. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 2019, 31 (11), 857-860.
Lanfant, B.; Bär, F.; Mohanta, A.; Leparoux, M. Fabrication of metal matrix composite by laser metal deposition—a new process approach by direct dry injection of nanopowders. Materials 2019, 12 (21), 3584 (16 pp.).
Lanfant, B.; Leconte, Y.; Debski, N.; Bonnefont, G.; Pinault, M.; Mayne-L′Hermite, M.; Habert, A.; Jorand, Y.; Garnier, V.; Fantozzi, G.; et al. Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of nanostructured CNTs/SiC composites. Ceram. Int. 2019, 45 (2), 2566-2575.
Liashenko, O.; Derevianko, S.; Morozovych, V.; Bouvard, D.; Lyashenko, Y. The solid state reactions in powder soldering mixtures of Cu-Sn system. Presented at the Poudres'2019: matériaux frittés et fabrication additive, Grenoble, May 22-24, 2019.
Lyashenko, Y. O.; Liashenko, O. Y.; Morozovich, V. V. New approach to effective diffusion coefficient evaluation in the nanostructured two-phase media. Appl. Nanosci. 2019, 9 (5), 1025-1036.
Michi, R. A.; De Luca, A.; Seidman, D. N.; Dunand, D. C. Effects of Si and Fe micro-additions on the aging response of a dilute Al-0.08Zr-0.08Hf-0.045Er at.% alloy. Mater. Charact. 2019, 147, 72-83.
Mohanta, A.; Simmons, J. G.; Shen, G.; Kim, S. M.; Kung, P.; Everitt, H. O. Al doping in ZnO nanowires enhances ultraviolet emission and suppresses broad defect emission. J. Lumin. 2019, 211, 264-270.
Mohanta, A.; Lanfant, B.; Leparoux, M. Induction plasma synthesis of graphene nano-flakes with in situ investigation of Ar–H2–CH4 plasma by optical emission spectroscopy. Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 2019, 39 (5), 1161-1179.
Mohanta, A.; Leparoux, M. Spectroscopic investigation of laser produced plasma of carbon nanotube reinforced AlMg5 metal matrix nanocomposites. Opt. Lasers Eng. 2019, 121, 37-45.
Muster, M.; Hameed, A.; Wood, D.; Appleby-Thomas, G.; Wasmer, K. Damping of post-impact vibrations. Appl. Acoust. 2019, 156, 427-433.
Muster, M.; Hameed, A.; Wood, D.; Wasmer, K. Push-out force and impulse measurement of seven types of small arms ammunition with three different surface states. AIP Adv. 2019, 9 (11), 115016 (9 pp.).
Nguendon Kenhagho, H.; Shevchik, S.; Saeidi, F.; Faivre, N.; Meylan, B.; Rauter, G.; Guzman, R.; Cattin, P.; Wasmer, K.; Zam, A. Characterization of ablated bone and muscle for long-pulsed laser ablation in dry and wet conditions. Materials 2019, 12 (8), 1338 (16 pp.).
Rowthu, S.; Hoffmann, P. Versatile micro- and nanotexturing techniques for antibacterial applications. In Functional nanostructured interfaces for environmental and biomedical applications; Dinca, V., Suchea, M. P., Eds.; Micro and nano technologies; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2019; pp 27-62.
Schuster, M.; Grolimund, D.; Sanchez, D.; Zweiacker, K.; Griffiths, S.; De Luca, A.; Leinenbach, C. Computer-assisted screening of aluminum alloys for rapid solidification applications. Presented at the AAMS2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 18-20, 2019.
Shevchik, S. A.; Meylan, B.; Violakis, G.; Wasmer, K. 3D reconstruction of cracks propagation in mechanical workpieces analyzing non-stationary acoustic mixtures. Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 2019, 119, 55-64.
Shevchik, S. A.; Masinelli, G.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Wasmer, K. Deep learning for in situ and real-time quality monitoring in additive manufacturing using acoustic emission. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform. 2019, 15 (9), 5194-5203.
Shevchik, S. A.; Le-Quang, T.; Farahani, F. V.; Faivre, N.; Meylan, B.; Zanoli, S.; Wasmer, K. Laser welding quality monitoring via graph support vector machine with data adaptive kernel. IEEE Access 2019, 7, 93108-93122.
Trabadelo, V.; Pathak, S.; Saeidi, F.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Wasmer, K. Nanoindentation deformation and cracking in sapphire. Ceram. Int. 2019, 45 (8), 9835-9845.
Wang, T.; Zhang, J.; Lee, W.; Ivas, T.; Leinenbach, C. Numerical analysis on the residual stress distribution and its influence factor analysis for Si3N4/42CrMo brazed joint. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory 2019, 95, 49-59.
Wasmer, K.; Le-Quang, T.; Meylan, B.; Shevchik, S. A. In situ quality monitoring in AM using acoustic emission: a reinforcement learning approach. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2019, 28 (2), 666-672.
Wasmer, K.; Le-Quang, T.; Shevchik, S. A.; Violakis, G. Piezo acoustic versus opto-acoustic sensors in laser processing. In, presented at the 22. Kolloquium Schallemission und 3. Anwenderseminar Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen (DGZfP AE-2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 27-28, 2019; 2019; p (8 pp.).
Wróbel, R.; Griffiths, S.; Leinenbach, C. Influence of processing parameters on microstructure and crack formation during selective laser melting of a L12 -strengthened Ni superalloy. Presented at the AAMS2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 18-20, 2019.
Yang, Y.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Leinenbach, C.; Shahverdi, M. Improvement of FeMnSi based shape memory alloys yield stress by heat treatment. In Proceedings of SMAR 2019, fifth conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the SMAR 2019 - 5th conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, Potsdam, Germany, August 27-29, 2019; SMAR proceedings; 2019; p (7 pp.).
Zeljković, S.; Ivas, T.; Maruyama, H.; Nino, J. C. Structural, magnetic and optical properties of BiFeO3 synthesized by the solvent-deficient method. Ceram. Int. 2019, 45 (16), 19793-19798.
Anis, A. L.; Talari, M. K.; Kishore Babu, N.; Ismail, M. H.; Janaki Ram, G. D.; Mohd Arif, I. A. Grain refinement of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al metastable β titanium alloy welds using boron-modified fillers. J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 749, 320-328.
Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Lee, W. J.; Leinenbach, C. Recovery stress formation in FeMnSi based shape memory alloys: impact of precipitates, texture and grain size. Mater. Des. 2018, 139, 258-268.
Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Guo, Y.; Michler, J.; Casari, D.; Leinenbach, C.; Maeder, X. Stress induced martensite variants revealed by in situ high resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD). Mater. Des. 2018, 151, 83-88.
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Croteau, J. R.; Griffiths, S.; Rossell, M. D.; Leinenbach, C.; Kenel, C.; Jansen, V.; Seidman, D. N.; Dunand, D. C.; Vo, N. Q. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Zr alloys processed by selective laser melting. Acta Mater. 2018, 153, 35-44.
Gong, J.; Violakis, G.; Infante, D.; Hoffmann, P.; Kostro, A.; Schüler, A. Microfabrication of curved sidewall grooves using scanning nanosecond excimer laser ablation. In Laser-based micro- and nanoprocessing XII, presented at the SPIE Lase, San Francisco, California, January 27-February 1, 2018; Klotzbach, U., Washio, K., Kling, R., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, Washington, 2018; Vol. 10520, p 105200Z (8 pp.).
Griffiths, S.; Rossell, M. D.; Croteau, J.; Vo, N. Q.; Dunand, D. C.; Leinenbach, C. Effect of laser rescanning on the grain microstructure of a selective laser melted Al-Mg-Zr alloy. Mater. Charact. 2018, 143, 34-42.
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Hosseini, E.; Ghafoori, E.; Leinenbach, C.; Motavalli, M.; Holdsworth, S. R. Stress recovery and cyclic behaviour of an Fe–Mn–Si shape memory alloy after multiple thermal activation. Smart Mater. Struct. 2018, 27 (2), 025009 (10 pp.).
Kwon, H.; Park, J.; Kim, K.; Leparoux, M.; Silvain, J. F.; Kawasaki, A. Control of mechanical properties of functionally graded dual-nanoparticle-reinforced composites. In THERMEC 2018. 10th international conference on processing and manufacturing of advanced materials, presented at the THERMEC 2018. 10th international conference on processing and manufacturing of advanced materials, Paris, France, July 9-13, 2018; Shabadi, R., Ionescu, M., Jeandin, M., Richard, C., Chandra, T., Eds.; Materials science forum; Trans Tech Publications: Zurich, 2018; Vol. 941, pp 2037-2040.
Le Dantec, M.; Abdulstaar, M.; Leistner, M.; Leparoux, M.; Hoffmann, P. Additive manufacturing of semiconductor silicon on silicon using direct laser melting. In Industrializing additive manufacturing - proceedings of additive manufacturing in products and applications - AMPA2017, presented at the International conference on additive manufacturing in products and applications (AMPA), Zürich, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2017; Meboldt, M., Klahn, C., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2018; pp 104-116.
Le-Quang, T.; Shevchik, S. A.; Meylan, B.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Olbinado, M. P.; Rack, A.; Wasmer, K. Why is in situ quality control of laser keyhole welding a real challenge? In 10th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2018], presented at the 10th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2018], Fürth, Germany, September 03-06, 2018; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Dearden, G., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier, 2018; Vol. 74, pp 649-653.
Leparoux, M.; Kollo, L.; Kwon, H.; Kallip, K.; Babu, N. K.; AlOgab, K.; Talari, M. K. Solid state processing of aluminum matrix composites reinforced with nanoparticulate materials. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2018, 20 (11), 1800401 (18 pp.).
Li, X.; Ivas, T.; Spierings, A. B.; Wegener, K.; Leinenbach, C. Phase and microstructure formation in rapidly solidified Cu-Sn and Cu-Sn-Ti alloys. J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 735, 1374-1382.
Meylan, B.; Saeidi, F.; Wasmer, K. Effect of surface texturing on cast iron reciprocating against steel under cyclic loading in boundary and mixed lubrication conditions. Lubricants 2018, 6 (1), 2 (13 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Jang, D. J.; Lu, S. K.; Ling, D. C.; Wang, J. S.; Chen, R. B.; Chuang, F. C. Carrier recombination dynamics in electronically coupled multi-layer InAs/GaAs quantum dots. J. Lumin. 2018, 195, 109-115.
Mohanta, A.; Lanfant, B.; Leparoux, M. Optical emission spectroscopy and imaging during synthesis of nanoparticles, laser welding and additive manufacturing. Presented at the Advanced manufacturing: a challenge for materials science, Dübendorf, Switzerland, October 22-24, 2018.
Rowthu, S.; Saeidi, F.; Wasmer, K.; Hoffmann, P.; Kuebler, J. Flexural strength evaluations and fractography analyses of slip cast mesoporous submicron alumina. Ceram. Int. 2018, 44 (5), 5193-5201.
Rowthu, S.; Hoffmann, P. Perfluoropolyether-impregnated mesoporous alumina composites overcome the dewetting-tribological properties trade-off. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (12), 10560-10570.
Shevchik, S.; Le, Q. T.; Meylan, B.; Wasmer, K. Acoustic Emission for in situ monitoring of laser processing. In Conference proceedings Ewgae 2018, presented at the 33rd European conference on acoustic emission testing (EWGAE), Senlis, France, September 12-14, 2018; CETIM: Senlis, 2018; p (9 pp.).
Shevchik, S. A.; Meylan, B.; Mosaddeghi, A.; Wasmer, K. Acoustic emission for in situ monitoring of solid materials pre-weakening by electric discharge: a machine learning approach. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 40313-40324.
Shevchik, S. A.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Wasmer, K. Acoustic emission for in situ quality monitoring in additive manufacturing using spectral convolutional neural networks. Addit. Manuf. 2018, 21, 598-604.
Tang, Y.; Li, X.; Martin, L. H. J.; Cuervo Reyes, E.; Ivas, T.; Leinenbach, C.; Anand, S.; Peters, M.; Snyder, G. J.; Battaglia, C. Impact of Ni content on the thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler TiNiSn. Energy Environ. Sci. 2018, 11 (2), 311-320.
Wasmer, K.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Shevchik, S. A. In situ and real-time monitoring of powder-bed AM by combining acoustic emission and artificial intelligence. In Industrializing additive manufacturing - proceedings of additive manufacturing in products and applications - AMPA2017, presented at the International conference on additive manufacturing in products and applications (AMPA), Zürich, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2017; Mebold, M., Klahn, C., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2018; pp 200-209.
Wasmer, K.; Le, T. Q.; Meylan, B.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Leinenbach, C.; Olbinado, M. P.; Rack, A.; Shevchik, S. A. AM/LW process monitoring combining high-speed X-ray imaging, acoustic & optical sensors and artificial intelligence. Presented at the ESRF user meeting 2018, Grenoble, France, February 5-7, 2018.
Wasmer, K. High-speed X-ray imaging for correlating acoustic signals with quality monitoring: a machine learning approach. In Contributed Papers from Materials Science & Technology 2018, presented at the Materials science & technology 2018 (MS&T18), Columbus, Ohio USA, October 14-18, 2018; 2018; pp 165-168.
Wasmer, K.; Le-Quang, T.; Meylan, B.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Olbinado, M. P.; Rack, A.; Shevchik, S. A. Laser processing quality monitoring by combining acoustic emission and machine learning: a high-speed X-ray imaging approach. In 10th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2018], presented at the 10th CIRP conference on photonic technologies [LANE 2018], Fürth, Germany, September 03-06, 2018; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Dearden, G., Eds.; Procedia CIRP; Elsevier, 2018; Vol. 74, pp 654-658.
Wasmer, K.; Saeidi, F.; Meylan, B.; Le, Q. T.; Shevchik, S. A. When AE (acoustic emission) meets AI (artificial intelligence) II. In Conference proceedings Ewgae 2018, presented at the 33rd European conference on acoustic emission testing (EWGAE), Senlis, France, September 12-14, 2018; CETIM: Senlis, 2018; p (12 pp.).
Zeljković, S.; Miyawaki, J.; Vranković, D.; Tervoort, E.; Hauert, R.; Kotegawa, T.; Ivas, T. Solvent-deficient synthesis of nanocrystalline Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ powder. Process. Appl. Ceramics 2018, 12 (4), 342-349.
Zhang, B.; Meylan, B.; Wasmer, K.; Cuche, E. A new ball-on-disk vacuum tribometer with in situ measurement of the wear track by digital holographic microscopy. In Proceedings of Asia international conference on tribology 2018, presented at the ASIATRIB 2018. The 6th Asia international conference on tribology, Sarawak, Malaysia, September 17-20, 2018; Abdollah, M. F. B., Ed.; Malaysian Tribology Society: Kuala Lumpur, 2018; pp 109-110.
Anis, A. L.; Talari, M. K.; Mohd Arif, I. A.; Kishore Babu, N.; Ismail, M. H.; Janaki Ram, G. D. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-15-3 alloy gas tungsten arc welds prepared using CP-titanium filler. Trans. Indian Inst. Met. 2017, 70 (3), 685-690.
Arif, I. A. M.; Talari, M. K.; Anis, A. L.; Ismail, M. H.; Kishore Babu, N. Grain refinement, microstructural and hardness investigation of C added Ti-15-3 alloys prepared by argon arc melting. Trans. Indian Inst. Met. 2017, 70 (3), 861-865.
Darham, W.; Anis, A. L.; Arif, I. A. M.; Kishore Babu, N.; Harun, M. K.; Talari, M. K. Microstructure and high temperature impression creep properties of Mg–3Ca–xZr (x = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 wt%) alloys. Trans. Indian Inst. Met. 2017, 70 (3), 649-654.
Demiral, M.; Nowag, K.; Roy, A.; Ghisleni, R.; Michler, J.; Silberschmidt, V. V. Enhanced gradient crystal-plasticity study of size effects in a β-titanium alloy. Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 25 (3), 035013 (19 pp.).
Ghafoori, E.; Hosseini, E.; Leinenbach, C.; Michels, J.; Motavalli, M. Fatigue behavior of a Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy used for prestressed strengthening. Mater. Des. 2017, 133, 349-362.
Griffiths, S.; Wasyliszyn, M.; Leinenbach, C. Rapid solidification experiments with CM247LC. Presented at the Alloys for additive manufacturing symposium (AAMS) 2017, Dübendorf, Switzerland, September 11-12, 2017.
Kalentics, N.; Boillat, E.; Peyre, P.; Gorny, C.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Jhabvala, J.; Logé, R. E. 3D laser shock peening – a new method for the 3D control of residual stresses in selective laser melting. Mater. Des. 2017, 130, 350-356.
Kallip, K.; Kishore Babu, N.; AlOgab, K. A.; Kollo, L.; Maeder, X.; Arroyo, Y.; Leparoux, M. Microstructure and mechanical properties of near net shaped aluminium/alumina nanocomposites fabricated by powder metallurgy. J. Alloys Compd. 2017, 714, 133-143.
Kenel, C.; Grolimund, D.; Li, X.; Panepucci, E.; Samson, V. A.; Ferreira Sanchez, D.; Marone, F.; Leinenbach, C. In situ investigation of phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V under additive manufacturing conditions combining laser melting and high-speed micro-X-ray diffraction. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 16358 (10 pp.).
Kenel, C.; Lis, A.; Dawson, K.; Stiefel, M.; Pecnik, C.; Barras, J.; Colella, A.; Hauser, C.; Tatlock, G. J.; Leinenbach, C.; et al. Mechanical performance and oxidation resistance of an ODS γ-TiAl alloy processed by spark plasma sintering and laser additive manufacturing. Intermetallics 2017, 91, 169-180.
Kenel, C.; Dawson, K.; Barras, J.; Hauser, C.; Dasargyri, G.; Bauer, T.; Colella, A.; Spierings, A. B.; Tatlock, G. J.; Leinenbach, C.; et al. Microstructure and oxide particle stability in a novel ODS γ-TiAl alloy processed by spark plasma sintering and laser additive manufacturing. Intermetallics 2017, 90, 63-73.
Kenel, C.; Dasargyri, G.; Bauer, T.; Colella, A.; Spierings, A. B.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Selective laser melting of an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) γ-TiAl alloy towards production of complex structures. Mater. Des. 2017, 134, 81-90.
Kishore Babu, N.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Talari, M. K.; Alqahtani, N. M. High strength Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by high-energy cube milling using calcium as process control agent (PCA) and spark plasma sintering. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2017, 93 (1-4), 445-453.
Kishore Babu, N.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; Talari, M. K.; AlOgab, K. A.; Alqahtani, N. M. Phase evolution during high energy cube milling of Ti–6Al–4V–0.5 vol% TiC powders using heptane and tin as process control agents (PCAs). Adv. Eng. Mater. 2017, 19 (2), 1600662 (6 pp.).
Kormondy, K. J.; Popoff, Y.; Sousa, M.; Eltes, F.; Caimi, D.; Rossell, M. D.; Fiebig, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Marchiori, C.; Reinke, M.; et al. Microstructure and ferroelectricity of BaTiO3 thin films on Si for integrated photonics. Nanotechnology 2017, 28 (7), 075706 (10 pp.).
Kwon, H.; Park, J.; Leparoux, M. Dispersion behavior and size analysis of thermally purified high pressure-high temperature synthesized nanodiamond particles. J. Korean Powder Metall. Inst. 2017, 24 (3), 216-222.
Kwon, H.; Mondal, J.; AlOgab, K. A.; Sammelselg, V.; Takamichi, M.; Kawaski, A.; Leparoux, M. Graphene oxide-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite materials fabricated by powder metallurgy. J. Alloys Compd. 2017, 698, 807-813.
Kwon, H.; Kawasaki, A.; Leparoux, M. Mechanical behaviour of dual nanoparticle-reinforced aluminium alloy matrix composite materials depending on milling time. J. Compos. Mater. 2017, 51 (25), 3557-3562.
Leinenbach, C.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Lee, W. J.; Lis, A.; Sadegh-Ahmadi, M.; Van Petegem, S.; Panzner, T.; Van Swygenhoven, H. Characterization of the deformation and phase transformation behavior of VC-free and VC-containing FeMnSi-based shape memory alloys by in situ neutron diffraction. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2017, 703, 314-323.
Leparoux, M.; Le Dantec, M.; Abdulstaar, M.; Hoffmann, P. Fabrication of aluminium matrix nanocomposite powders by powder metallurgy. Presented at the Alloys for additive manufacturing, Dübendorf, Switzerland, September 11-12, 2017.
Li, X.; Spierings, A. B.; Wegener, K.; Leinenbach, C. An innovative way to develop Cu-Sn based alloys for additive manufacturing. Presented at the Alloys for additive manufacturing symposium (AAMS) 2017, Dübendorf, Switzerland, September 11-12, 2017.
Lis, A.; Kicin, S.; Brem, F.; Leinenbach, C. Thermal stress assessment for transient liquid-phase bonded Si chips in high-power modules using experimental and numerical methods. J. Electron. Mater. 2017, 46 (2), 729-741.
Mathew, J.; Hauser, C.; Stoll, P.; Kenel, C.; Polyzos, D.; Havermann, D.; MacPherson, W. N.; Hand, D. P.; Leinenbach, C.; Spierings, A.; et al. Integrating fiber Fabry-Perot cavity sensor into 3-D printed metal components for extreme high-temperature monitoring applications. IEEE Sens. J. 2017, 17 (13), 4107-4114.
Meylan, B.; Ciani, D.; Zhang, B.; Cuche, E.; Wasmer, K. A new ball-on-disk vacuum tribometer with in situ measurement of the wear track by digital holographic microscopy. Surf. Topography Metrology Properties 2017, 5 (4), 044004 (10 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Lanfant, B.; Asfaha, M.; Leparoux, M. Methane dissociation process in inductively coupled Ar/H2/CH4 plasma for graphene nano-flakes production. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110 (9), 093109 (5 pp.).
Mohanta, A.; Lanfant, B.; Asfaha, M.; Leparoux, M. Optical emission spectroscopic study of Ar/H2/CH4 plasma during the production of graphene nano-flakes by induction plasma synthesis. Presented at the 14th high-tech plasma processes conference (HTPP 14), Munchen, Germany, July 3, 2016; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Vol. 825, p 012010 (8 pp.).
Nguendon, H. K.; Faivre, N.; Meylan, B.; Shevchik, S.; Rauter, G.; Guzman, R.; Cattin, P. C.; Wasmer, K.; Zam, A. Characterization of ablated porcine bone and muscle using laser-induced acoustic wave method for tissue differentiation. Presented at the European conference on biomedical optics, ECBO 2017, Munich, Germany, June 25-29, 2017; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham; Vol. 10417, p 104170N (10 pp.).
Popescu, A. C.; Delval, C.; Leparoux, M. Control of porosity and spatter in laser welding of thick AlMg5 parts using high-speed imaging and optical microscopy. Metals 2017, 7 (11), 452 (12 pp.).
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Eltes, F.; Abel, S.; LaGrange, T.; Neels, A.; Fompeyrine, J.; Hoffmann, P. Low temperature epitaxial barium titanate thin film growth in high vacuum CVD. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 1700116 (8 pp.).
Rowthu, S.; Balic, E. E.; Hoffmann, P. Molecular dimensions and surface diffusion assisted mechanically robust slippery perfluoropolyether impregnated mesoporous alumina interfaces. Nanotechnology 2017, 28 (50), 505605 (14 pp.).
Saeidi, F.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Wasmer, K. Effects of laser surface texturing on the wear and failure mechanism of grey cast iron reciprocating against steel under starved lubrication conditions. Wear 2017, 386-387, 29-38.
Saeidi, F.; Taylor, A. A.; Meylan, B.; Hoffmann, P.; Wasmer, K. Origin of scuffing in grey cast iron-steel tribo-system. Mater. Des. 2017, 116, 622-630.
Shevchik, S. A.; Saeidi, F.; Meylan, B.; Wasmer, K. Prediction of failure in lubricated surfaces using acoustic time–frequency features and random forest algorithm. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform. 2017, 13 (4), 1541-1553.
Siva Prasad, M.; Ashfaq, M.; Kishore Babu, N.; Sreekanth, A.; Sivaprasad, K.; Muthupandi, V. Improving the corrosion properties of magnesium AZ31 alloy GTA weld metal using microarc oxidation process. Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater. 2017, 24 (5), 566-573.
Uta, M.; Sima, L. E.; Hoffmann, P.; Dinca, V.; Branza-Nichita, N. Development of a DsRed-expressing HepaRG cell line for real-time monitoring of hepatocyte-like cell differentiation by fluorescence imaging, with application in screening of novel geometric microstructured cell growth substrates. Biomed. Microdevices 2017, 19 (1), 3 (9 pp.).
Vakili-Farahani, F.; Lungershausen, J.; Wasmer, K. Wavelet analysis of light emission signals in laser beam welding. J. Laser Appl. 2017, 29 (2), 022424 (7 pp.).
Vaucher, S.; Yakovlev, V. V.; Yeung, H. Materials with required dielectric properties: computational development and production of polymer-ceramic composites. Polym. Eng. Sci. 2017, 58 (3), 319-326.
Wasmer, K.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Shevchik, S. A. In situ quality monitoring in am using acoustic emission: a machine learning approach. Presented at the Materials science and technology (MS&T17), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, October 8-12, 2017; AISTECH; pp 386-388.
Wasmer, K.; Pochon, P. M.; Sage, D.; Giovanola, J. H. Parametric experimental study and design of experiment modelling of sapphire grinding. J. Clean. Prod. 2017, 141, 323-335.
Wasmer, K.; Shevchik, S. A. Sensors networks and machine learning in industry 4.0. Presented at the IEEE Swiss CAS/ED workshop 2017 on real-time deep learning workshop (RTDL 2017), Zürich, Switzerland, December 5, 2017; IEEE.
Akbari, M.; Buhl, S.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. A new value for Johnson Cook damage limit criterion in machining with large negative rake angle as basis for understanding of grinding. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2016, 234, 58-71.
Amalfi, R. L.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Thome, J. R. Flow boiling and frictional pressure gradients in plate heat exchangers. Part 1: review and experimental database. Int. J. Refrigeration 2016, 61, 166-184.
Amalfi, R. L.; Vakili-Farahani, F.; Thome, J. R. Flow boiling and frictional pressure gradients in plate heat exchangers. Part 2: comparison of literature methods to database and new prediction methods. Int. J. Refrigeration 2016, 61, 185-203.
Anis, A. L.; Talari, M. K.; Darham, W.; Babu, N. K.; Ismail, M. H. Microstructure and hardness improvement of Ti-6AL-4V alloys VIA boron addition. Journal Eng. Appl. Sciences 2016, 11 (12), 2577-2582.
Babu, N. K.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Reddy, G. M.; Talari, M. K. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties investigation of friction stir welded AlMg5-Al2O3 nanocomposites. In TMS 2016 145th annual meeting & exhibition. Supplemental proceedings, presented at the TMS 2016. 145th annual meeting and exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, February 14-18, 2016; The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Ed.; Springer: Cham, 2016; pp 729-736.
Cozzo, C.; Ishizaki, K.; Pouchon, M. A.; Vaucher, S. Developing an in situ EXAFS experiment of microwave-induced gelation. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 2016, 78 (3), 507-513.
Crisan, O.; Crisan, A. D.; Mercioniu, I.; Nicula, R.; Vasiliu, F. Development and structural characterization of exchange-spring-like nanomagnets in (Fe,Co)-Pt bulk nanocrystalline alloys. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2016, 401, 711-715.
Darham, W.; Talari, M. K.; Anis, A. L.; Babu, N. K. Impression creep of Mg-1.5Ca and Mg-3.0Ca alloys. Journal Eng. Appl. Sciences 2016, 11 (12), 2573-2576.
Esqué-de los Ojos, D.; Ghisleni, R.; Battisti, A.; Mohanty, G.; Michler, J.; Sort, J.; Brunner, A. J. Understanding the mechanical behavior of fiber/matrix interfaces during push-in tests by means of finite element simulations and a cohesive zone model. Comput. Mater. Sci 2016, 117, 330-337.
Hammoud, H.; Valdivieso, F.; Vaucher, S. Thermal heating during microwave processing for cerium oxide particles packing: multiphysics modelling approach. Study of the effect of particle and neck sizes. In 2015 IEEE MTT-S international conference on numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization (NEMO), presented at the 2015 IEEE MTT-S international conference on numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization (NEMO), Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 11-14, 2015; IEEE, 2016; p 7415042 (4 pp.).
Infante-Gómez, D.; Herzig, H. P. Design, simulation, and quality evaluation of micro-optical freeform beam shapers at different illumination conditions. Appl. Opt. 2016, 55 (29), 8340-8346.
Kallip, K.; Kollo, L.; Leparoux, M.; Bradbury, C. Nanoparticulate reinforced aluminum alloy composites produced by powder metallurgy route. In Advanced composites for aerospace, marine, and land applications II; Sano, T., Srivatsan, T. S., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Basel, Switzerland, 2016; pp 165-174.
Kenel, C.; Grolimund, D.; Fife, J. L.; Samson, V. A.; Van Petegem, S.; Van Swygenhoven, H.; Leinenbach, C. Combined in situ synchrotron micro X-ray diffraction and high-speed imaging on rapidly heated and solidified Ti–48Al under additive manufacturing conditions. Scr. Mater. 2016, 114, 117-120.
Kenel, C. Development of oxide dispersion strengthened titanium aluminides for additive manufacturing. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zürich, Zürich, 2016, 201 p.
Kenel, C.; Schloth, P.; Van Petegem, S.; Fife, J. L.; Grolimund, D.; Menzel, A.; Van Swygenhoven, H.; Leinenbach, C. In situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and small angle x-ray scattering studies on rapidly heated and cooled Ti-Al and Al-Cu-Mg alloys using laser-based heating. JOM J. Miner. Met. Mater. Soc. 2016, 68 (3), 978-984.
Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C. Influence of Nb and Mo on microstructure formation of rapidly solidified ternary Ti–Al-(Nb, Mo) alloys. Intermetallics 2016, 69, 82-89.
Kishore Babu, N.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Talari, M. K. Influence of calcium process control agent (PCA) on Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering. Presented at the Material science and engineering conference (MSE), Darmstadt, DE, September 27-29, 2016.
Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W. J.; Lis, A.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Cayron, C.; Weber, B. Creep and stress relaxation of a FeMnSi-based shape memory alloy at low temperatures. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2016, 677, 106-115.
Leinenbach, C.; Czaderski, C.; Michels, J.; Graf, M.; Kawalla, R. Development of rolling technology for an iron-based shape-memory-alloy. In Production and further processing of flat products, presented at the International conference on production and further processing of flat products, MEFORM 2016, Freiberg, Germany, March 16–18, 2016; Kawalla, R., Ullmann, M., Neh, K., Eds.; Materials science forum; Trans Tech Publications: Zurich, 2016; Vol. 854, pp 79-86.
Li, X.; Spierings, A. B.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Metal-diamond composites processed by selective laser melting. Presented at the THERMEC 2016 international conference on processing & manufacturing of advanced materials. Processing, fabrication, properties, applications., Graz, Austria, May 29 - June 3, 2016.
Lis, A.; Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C. Characteristics of reactive Ni3Sn4 formation and growth in Ni-Sn interlayer systems. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2016, 47A (6), 2596-2608.
Malheiro, V.; Lehner, F.; Dinca, V.; Hoffmann, P.; Maniura-Weber, K. Convex and concave micro-structured silicone controls the shape, but not the polarization state of human macrophages. Biomater. Sci. 2016, 4 (11), 1562-1573.
Meylan, B.; Dogan, P.; Sage, D.; Wasmer, K. A simple, fast and low-cost method for in situ monitoring of topographical changes and wear rate of a complex tribo-system under mixed lubrication. Wear 2016, 364-365, 22-30.
N., K. B.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Reddy, G. M.; Talari, M. K. Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AlMg5- Al2O3 nanocomposites. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2016, 658, 109-122.
N., K. B.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Maeder, X.; Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, Y. Influence of microstructure and strengthening mechanism of AlMg5–Al2O3 nanocomposites prepared via spark plasma sintering. Mater. Des. 2016, 95, 534-544.
Popescu, A. C.; Delval, C.; Shadman, S.; Leparoux, M. Investigation and in situ removal of spatter generated during laser ablation of aluminium composites. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2016, 378, 102-113.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Surface reaction kinetics of titanium isopropoxide and water in atomic layer deposition. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (8), 4337-4344.
Saeidi, F.; Shevchik, S. A.; Wasmer, K. Automatic detection of scuffing using acoustic emission. Tribol. Int. 2016, 94, 112-117.
Saeidi, F.; Meylan, B.; Hoffmann, P.; Wasmer, K. Effect of surface texturing on cast iron reciprocating against steel under starved lubrication conditions: a parametric study. Wear 2016, 348-349, 17-26.
Sar, J.; Almeida, A.; Ghisleni, R.; Dessemond, L.; Djurado, E. Mechanical behavior of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95-La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ oxygen electrode with a coral microstructure for solid oxide fuel cell and solid oxide electrolyzer cell. Ceram. Int. 2016, 42 (15), 16981-16991.
Talari, M. K.; Babu, N. K.; Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; Koller, R. E.; AlOgab, K. A.; Maeder, X. Microstructure, mechanical, and impression creep properties of AlMg5–0.5 vol% Al2O3 nanocomposites. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2016, 18 (11), 1958-1966.
Vakili-Farahani, F.; Lungershausen, J.; Wasmer, K. Process parameter optimization for wobbling laser spot welding of Ti6Al4V alloy. In Laser assisted net shape engineering. 9th international conference on photonic technologies. Proceedings of the LANE 2016, presented at the 9th international conference on photonic technologies - LANE 2016, Fürth, Germany, September 19-22, 2016; Schmidt, M., Vollertsen, F., Arnold, C. B., Eds.; Physics procedia; Elsevier, 2016; Vol. 83, pp 483-493.
Wang, T.; Liu, C.; Leinenbach, C.; Zhang, J. Microstructure and strengthening mechanism of Si3N4/Invar joint brazed with TiNp-doped filler. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2016, 650, 469-477.
Wang, T.; Ivas, T.; Lee, W.; Zhang, J.; Leinenbach, C. Relief of the residual stresses in Si3N4/Invar joints by multi-layered braze structure – experiments and simulation. Ceram. Int. 2016, 42 (4), 7080-7087.
Wheeler, J. M.; Thilly, L.; Morel, A.; Taylor, A. A.; Montagne, A.; Ghisleni, R.; Michler, J. The plasticity of indium antimonide: insights from variable temperature, strain rate jump micro-compression testing. Acta Mater. 2016, 106, 283-289.
de Wild, M.; Amacher, F.; Bradbury, C. R.; Molenberg, A. Investigation of structural resorption behavior of biphasic bioceramics with help of gravimetry, μCT, SEM, and XRD. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 2016, 104B (3), 546-553.
Affolter, C.; Müller, U.; Leinenbach, C.; Weisse, B. Compressive testing of ductile high-strength alloys. J. Test. Eval. 2015, 43 (6), 1554-1562.
Arunnellaiappan, T.; Nagumothu, K. B.; Rama Krishna, L.; Rameshbabu, N. Influence of frequency and duty cycle on microstructure of plasma electrolytic oxidized AA7075 and the correlation to its corrosion behavior. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2015, 280, 136-147.
Bidiville, A.; Wasmer, K.; Van der Meer, M.; Ballif, C. Wire-sawing processes: parametrical study and modeling. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2015, 132, 392-402.
Crisan, O.; Crisan, A. D.; Mercioniu, I.; Pantelica, D.; Pantelica, D.; Vaucher, S.; Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Vasiliu, F. Effect of Mn addition on the thermal stability and magnetic properties of rapidly-quenched L10 FePt alloys. Intermetallics 2015, 65, 81-87.
Czaderski, C.; Weber, B.; Shahverdi, M.; Motavalli, M.; Leinenbach, C.; Lee, W.; Brönnimann, R.; Michels, J. Iron-based shape memory alloys (Fe-SMA) - a new material for prestressing concrete structures. In Proceedings of SMAR 2015 the 3rd conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the Third conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures (SMAR 2015), Antalya, Turkey, 7-9 September 2015; Ilki, A., Motavalli, M., Inci, P., Köhli, M., Eds.; ITU; Empa: Istanbul; Dübendorf, 2015; p (12 pp.).
Hammoud, H.; Vaucher, S.; Valdivieso, F. Dielectric and thermal properties of cerium dioxide up to 1000 °C and the effect of the porosity for microwave processing studies. Thermochim. Acta 2015, 617, 83-89.
Kallip, K.; Leparoux, M.; AlOgab, K. A.; Clerc, S.; Deguilhem, G.; Arroyo, Y.; Kwon, H. Investigation of different carbon nanotube reinforcements for fabricating bulk AlMg5 matrix nanocomposites. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 646, 710-718.
Kenel, C.; Leinenbach, C. Influence of cooling rate on microstructure formation during rapid solidification of binary TiAl alloys. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 637, 242-247.
Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M.; Hwang, K.; Choi, J.; Kim, K. Mechanical performance of carbon nanotube-reinforced nanocomposites. In Advanced materials development & performance, presented at the 7th international conference on advanced materials development & performance (AMDP 2014), Busan, Korea, July 17–20, 2014; Kim, Y. H., Ed.; Advanced materials research; Trans Tech Publications: Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland, 2015; Vol. 1110, pp 60-64.
Kwon, H.; Kim, S. G.; Lee, B. W.; Seo, W. C.; Leparoux, M. Mechanical properties of nanodiamond and multi-walled carbon nanotubes dual-reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2015, 632, 72-77.
Le Dantec, M.; Dubach, A.; Unifantowicz, P.; Vaucher, S. Microwave processing of silicon wafers and powder: effect of size and impurities. Presented at the 8th international workshop on crystalline silicon for solar cells, Bamberg, DE, Mai 5-8, 2015.
Le Dantec, M.; Vaucher, S.; Figi, R.; Hoffmann, P. Towards microwave processing of silicon powder: oxygen measurements. Presented at the EPFL photonics day, Lausanne, CH, November 6, 2015.
Leinenbach, C.; Transchel, R.; Gorgievski, K.; Kuster, F.; Elsener, H. R.; Wegener, K. Microstructure and mechanical performance of Cu-Sn-Ti-Based active braze alloy containing in situ formed nano-sized TiC particles. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2015, 24 (5), 2042-2050.
Lis, A.; Leinenbach, C. Effect of process and service conditions on TLP-bonded components with (Ag,Ni–)Sn interlayer combinations. J. Electron. Mater. 2015, 44 (11), 4576-4588.
Nadargi, D.; Gurav, J.; Marioni, M. A.; Romer, S.; Matam, S.; Koebel, M. M. Methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS)-based silica–iron oxide superhydrophobic nanocomposites. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2015, 459, 123-126.
Nicula, R.; Crisan, O.; Crisan, A. D.; Mercioniu, I.; Stir, M.; Vasiliu, F. Thermal stability, thermal expansion and grain-growth in exchange-coupled Fe–Pt–Ag–B bulk nanocomposite magnets. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 622, 865-870.
Nowakowska, S.; Wäckerlin, A.; Kawai, S.; Ivas, T.; Nowakowski, J.; Fatayer, S.; Wäckerlin, C.; Nijs, T.; Meyer, E.; Björk, J.; et al. Interplay of weak interactions in the atom-by-atom condensation of xenon within quantum boxes. Nat. Commun. 2015, 6, 6071 (6 pp.).
Popescu, A. C.; Stan, G. E.; Duta, L.; Nita, C.; Popescu, C.; Surdu, V. A.; Husanu, M. A.; Bita, B.; Ghisleni, R.; Himcinschi, C.; et al. The Role of ambient gas and pressure on the structuring of hard diamond-like carbon films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Materials 2015, 8 (6), 3284-3305.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial HV-CVD survey of barium triisopropyl cyclopentadienyl and titanium tetraisopropoxide for the deposition of BaTiO3. Phys. Status Solidi A 2015, 212 (7), 1556-1562.
Reinke, M.; Ponomarev, E.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial characterization of TiO2 chemical vapor deposition utilizing titanium isopropoxide. ACS Comb. Sci. 2015, 17 (7), 413-420.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Low temperature chemical vapor deposition using atomic layer deposition chemistry. Chem. Mater. 2015, 27 (5), 1604-1611.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Selective area high vacuum chemical vapor deposition of Titania on functionalized surfaces. Presented at the EuroCVD 20, Sempach, Schweiz, July 13 - 17, 2015.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Selective growth of titanium dioxide by low-temperature chemical vapor deposition. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7 (18), 9736-9743.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Surface kinetics of titanium isopropoxide in high vacuum chemical vapor deposition. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (50), 27965-27971.
Rowthu, S.; Böhlen, K.; Bowen, P.; Hoffmann, P. Surface 3D micro free forms: multifunctional microstructured mesoporous α-alumina by in situ slip casting using excimer laser ablated polycarbonate molds. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7 (44), 24458-24469.
Saeidi, F.; Hoffmann, P.; Meylan, B.; Wasmer, K. Effect of surface texturing on tribological behavior of cast iron under starved lubrication. Presented at the WOM2015, wear of materials, Toronto, Canada, April 12-16, 2015.
Spierings, A. B.; Leinenbach, C.; Kenel, C.; Wegener, K. Processing of metal-diamond-composites using selective laser melting. Rapid Prototyp. J. 2015, 21 (2), 130-136.
Sriharitha, R.; Balic, E. E.; Hoffmann, P. Wetting and tribological studies of mesoporous α-Al2O3 composite. Presented at the CCMX annual meeting, Bern, CH, May 18, 2015.
Wurm, A.; Herrmann, A.; Cornelius, M.; Zhuravlev, E.; Pospiech, D.; Nicula, R.; Schick, C. Temperature dependency of nucleation efficiency of carbon nanotubes in PET and PBT. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2015, 300 (6), 637-649.
Battisti, A.; Esqué-de los Ojos, D.; Ghisleni, R.; Brunner, A. J. Single fiber push-out characterization of interfacial properties of hierarchical CNT-carbon fiber composites prepared by electrophoretic deposition. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2014, 95 (10), 121-127.
Bittner, R. W.; Gürth, M.; Duarte, L. I.; Leinenbach, C.; Effenberger, H. S.; Richter, K. W. Al–Ge–Ti: phase equilibria and structural characterization of new ternary compounds. Intermetallics 2014, 53, 157-168.
Blugan, G.; Hadad, M.; Graule, T.; Kuebler, J. Si3N4–TiN–SiC three particle phase composites for wear applications. Ceram. Int. 2014, 40 (1), 1439-1446.
Bradbury, C. R.; Gomon, J. K.; Kollo, L.; Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M. Hardness of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes reinforced aluminium matrix composites. J. Alloys Compd. 2014, 585, 362-367.
Cladera, A.; Weber, B.; Leinenbach, C.; Czaderski, C.; Shahverdi, M.; Motavalli, M. Iron-based shape memory alloys for civil engineering structures: an overview. Constr. Build. Mater. 2014, 63, 281-293.
Czaderski, C.; Shahverdi, M.; Brönnimann, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Motavalli, M. Feasibility of iron-based shape memory alloy strips for prestressed strengthening of concrete structures. Constr. Build. Mater. 2014, 56, 94-105.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Wagner, E.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S.; Hoffmann, P. Evaluation of niobium dimethylamino-ethoxide for chemical vapour deposition of niobium oxide thin films. Thin Solid Films 2014, 571, 94-101.
Farah, J.; Nicholson, J.; Thirunavukkarasu, S.; Wasmer, K. Dry-epitaxial lift-off for high efficiency solar cells. In 2014 IEEE 40th photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC), presented at the 40th IEEE photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC 2014), Denver, Colorado, June 8-13, 2014; IEEE photovoltaic specialist conference; IEEE: sine loco, 2014; pp 1796-1801.
Graça, S.; Trabadelo, V.; Neels, A.; Kuebler, J.; Le Nader, V.; Gamez, G.; Döbeli, M.; Wasmer, K. Influence of mosaicity on the fracture behavior of sapphire. Acta Mater. 2014, 67, 67-80.
Kallip, K.; Kollo, L.; Bradbury, C.; Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M. Nanoparticle reinforced Aluminum alloy composites produced by powder metallurgy route. Presented at the MRS fall meeting, Boston, USA, November 30 - December 5, 2014.
Kwon, H.; Saarna, M.; Yoon, S.; Weidenkaff, A.; Leparoux, M. Effect of milling time on dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite materials. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2014, 590, 338-345.
Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M.; Kawasaki, A. Functionally graded dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminium matrix bulk materials fabricated by spark plasma sintering. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2014, 30 (8), 736-742.
Lis, A.; Park, M. S.; Arroyave, R.; Leinenbach, C. Early stage growth characteristics of Ag3Sn intermetallic compounds during solid–solid and solid–liquid reactions in the Ag–Sn interlayer system: experiments and simulations. J. Alloys Compd. 2014, 617, 763-773.
Patil, J. Y.; Nadargi, D. Y.; Gurav, J. L.; Mulla, I. S.; Suryavanshi, S. S. Glycine combusted ZnFe2O4 gas sensor: evaluation of structural, morphological and gas response properties. Ceram. Int. 2014, 40 (7), 10607-10613.
Patil, J. Y.; Nadargi, D. Y.; Gurav, J. L.; Mulla, I. S.; Suryavanshi, S. S. Synthesis of glycine combusted NiFe2O4 spinel ferrite: a highly versatile gas sensor. Mater. Lett. 2014, 124, 144-147.
Peyer, K. E.; Siringil, E.; Zhang, L.; Nelson, B. J. Magnetic polymer composite artificial bacterial flagella. Bioinspir. Biomim. 2014, 9 (4), 046014 (10 pp.).
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Limitations of patterning thin films by shadow mask high vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Thin Solid Films 2014, 563, 56-61.
Saeidi, F.; Meylan, B.; Hoffmann, P.; Wasmer, K. Effect of surface texturing on cast iron reciprocating against steel under starved lubrication condition. Presented at the Swiss-japanese tribology meeting 2014: energy savings through tribology, Zürich, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2014.
Schmidt, A. M.; Fagerer, S. R.; Jefimovs, K.; Buettner, F.; Marro, C.; Siringil, E. C.; Boehlen, K. L.; Pabst, M.; Ibáñez, A. J. Molecular phenotypic profiling of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain at the single-cell level. Analyst 2014, 139 (22), 5709-5717.
Schöbel, M.; Requena, G.; Fiedler, G.; Tolnai, D.; Vaucher, S.; Degischer, H. P. Void formation in metal matrix composites by solidification and shrinkage of an AlSi7 matrix between densely packed particles. Composites A 2014, 66, 103-108.
Spierings, A. B.; Leinenbach, C.; Kenel, C.; Wegener, K. Processing of metal-diamond-composites using selective laser melting. In Solid freeform fabrication proceedings, presented at the 25th annual international solid freeform fabrication (SFF) symposium - an additive manufacturing conference, Austin, August 4-6, 2014; University of Texas at Austin: Austin, 2014; pp 764-774.
Sriharitha, R.; Balic, E. E.; Hoffmann, P. Liquid-repellent wear-resistant material. Presented at the CCMX (competence centre for materials science and technology) annual meeting, Bern, Switzerland, May 8, 2014.
Stucki, J. D.; Stucki, A. O.; Siringil, E.; Böhlen, K.; Wasmer, K.; Guenat, O. T. Development of a fabrication method for a novel cell culture membrane. Presented at the CTI medtech event, Bern, Switzerland, September 2, 2014.
Transchel, R.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Cutting and ploughing forces for small clearance angles of hexa-octahedron shaped diamond grains. CIRP Ann. Manuf. Tech. 2014, 63 (1), 325-328.
Vakili-Farahani, F.; Amalfi, R. L.; Thome, J. R. Two-phase flow and building boiling of R245FA in a 1 mm pressing depth plate heat exchanger ― Part I: adiabatic pressure drop. Interfacial Phenom. Heat Transf. 2014, 2 (4), 325-342.
Vakili-Farahani, F.; Amalfi, R. L.; Thome, J. R. Two-phase flow of R245FA in a 1 mm corrugation depth plate heat exchanger ― Part II: flow boiling heat transfer. Interfacial Phenom. Heat Transf. 2014, 2 (4), 343-361.
Vaucher, S.; Mokso, R.; Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Nicula, R. Dynamic high-temperature monitoring of microwave energy absorption and heating of materials with ultrafast in situ synchrotron X-Ray tomographic microscopy and powder diffraction techniques. In Proceedings of the 2nd international congress on 3D materials science, presented at the 2nd international congress on 3D materials science, Annecy, France, June 29–July 2, 2014; Bernard, D., Buffière, J. Y., Pollock, T., Friis Poulsen, H., Rollett, A., Uchic, M., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2014; pp 105-110.
Wurm, A.; Lellinger, D.; Minakov, A. A.; Skipa, T.; Pötschke, P.; Nicula, R.; Alig, I.; Schick, C. Crystallization of poly(ε-caprolactone)/MWCNT composites: a combined SAXS/WAXS, electrical and thermal conductivity study. Polymer 2014, 55 (9), 2220-2232.
Zeljković, S.; Ivas, T.; Vaucher, S.; Jelić, D.; Gauckler, L. J. The changes of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3–δ perovskite oxide on heating in oxygen and carbon dioxide atmospheres. J. Serbian Chem. Soc. 2014, 79 (9), 1141-1154.
Cabanes-Sempere, M.; Catalá-Civera, J. M.; Peñaranda-Foix, F. L.; Cozzo, C.; Vaucher, S.; Pouchon, M. A. Characterization method of dielectric properties of free falling drops in a microwave processing cavity and its application in microwave internal gelation. Meas. Sci. Technol. 2013, 24 (9), 095009 (9 pp.).
Crisan, O.; Crisan, A. D.; Vasiliu, F.; Mercioniu, I.; Stir, M.; Nicula, R.; Hoffmann, P. Direct formation and thermal stability of exchange-coupled FePt-based nano-composite magnets. Presented at the Fifth seeheim conference on magnetism, Frankfurt, Germany, September 29 - October 3, 2013.
Hammoud, H.; Vaucher, S.; Valdivieso, F. Effect of the porosity on the thermophysical properties of cerium oxide up to 1300K and their implications for microwave sintering of spherical ceria gels. Presented at the 14th international conference on microwave and high frequency heating (Ampere 2013), Nottingham, UK, September 16–19, 2013; p (4 pp.).
Kuzminykh, Y.; Reinke, M.; Cosmin Sandu, S.; Benvenuti, G.; Hoffmann, P. Complex decomposition behaviour of Cu(TMHD)2 precursor in high vacuum CVD process: combinatoprial Co-depositon with Ti-Isopropoxide. Presented at the EuroCVD 19, Varna, Bulgaria, September 1-6, 2013.
Kuzminykh, Y.; Dabirian, A.; Reinke, M.; Hoffmann, P. High vacuum chemical vapour deposition of oxides: A review of technique development and precursor selection. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2013, 230, 13-21.
Kwon, H.; Lee, G. G.; Leparoux, M.; Kawasaki, A. Functionally graded dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials. Presented at the 12th international symposium on multiscale, multifunctional and functionally graded materials (FGM 2012), Beijing, China, October 22, 2012; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Vol. 419, p 012004 (4 pp.).
Kwon, H.; Takamichi, M.; Kawasaki, A.; Leparoux, M. Investigation of the interfacial phases formed between carbon nanotubes and aluminum in a bulk material. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138 (2-3), 787-793.
Mahadik, S. A.; parale, V.; Vhatkar, R. S.; Mahadik, D. B.; Kavale, M. S.; Wagh, P. B.; Gupta, S.; Gurav, J. Superhydrophobic silica coating by dip coating method. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2013, 277, 67-72.
Marker, M. C. J.; Duarte, L. I.; Leinenbach, C.; Richter, K. W. Characterization of the Fe-rich corner of Al–Fe–Si–Ti. Intermetallics 2013, 39, 38-49.
Pathak, S.; Doherty, R. D.; Rollett, A. D.; Michler, J.; Wasmer, K. Caught in the act: grain-switching and quadrijunction formation in annealed aluminum. Scr. Mater. 2013, 69 (1), 37-40.
Pouvreau, C.; Wasmer, K.; Hessler-Wyser, H.; Ganière, J. D.; Breguet, J. M.; Michler, J.; Schulz, D.; Giovanola, J. H. Nanoindentation cracking in gallium arsenide: part II. TEM investigation. J. Mater. Res. 2013, 28 (20), 2799-2809.
Reinke, M.; Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial HV-CVD of oxide thin films for integrated photonic circuits. Presented at the 2013.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Limitations of geometrically controlled growth of TiO2 films by hard shadow mask HV-CVD. Presented at the EuroCVD 19, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2, 2013.
Reinke, M.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Malandrino, G.; Hoffmann, P. Precursor adsorption efficiency of titanium tetra isopropoxide in the presence of a barium β-diketonate precursor. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2013, 230, 297-304.
Saarna, M.; Sergejev, F.; Gomon, J. K.; Kollo, L.; Leparoux, M. Surface fatigue of Al-metal matrix composites at impact loading. Presented at the 21st international Baltic conference „engineering materials and tribology“ – BALTMATTRIB, Tallinn, Estonia, October 18 – 19, 2012; Hussainova, I., Ed.; Key engineering materials; Trans Tech Publications: sine loco; Vol. 527, pp 119-124.
Thompson, D.; Leparoux, M.; Jaeggi, C.; Buha, J.; Pui, D. Y. H.; Wang, J. Aerosol emission monitoring in the production of silicon carbide nanoparticles by induction plasma synthesis. J. Nanopart. Res. 2013, 15, 2103 (13 pp.).
Transchel, R.; Heini, F.; Stirnimann, J.; Kuster, F.; Leinenbach, C.; Wegener, K. Influence of the clearance angle on the cutting efficiency of blunt, octahedral-shaped diamonds in an active filler alloy. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf 2013, 75, 9-15.
Wasmer, K.; Pouvreau, C.; Breguet, J. M.; Michler, J.; Schulz, D.; Giovanola, J. H. Nanoindentation cracking in gallium arsenide: Part I. In situ SEM nanoindentation. J. Mater. Res. 2013, 28 (20), 2785-2798.
Wasmer, K.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Graça, S.; Michler, J. Sequence of deformation and cracking behaviours of Gallium–Arsenide during nano-scratching. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138 (1), 38-48.
Bret, T.; Hoffmann, P. How to select compounds for focused charged particle beam assisted etching and deposition. In Nanofabrication using focused ion and electron beams. Principles and applications; Utke, I., Moshkalev, S., Russell, P., Eds.; Oxford series on nanomanufacturing; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2012; pp 108-125.
Buhl, S.; Leinenbach, C.; Spolenak, R.; Wegener, K. Microstructure, residual stresses and shear strength of diamond-steel-joints brazed with a Cu-Sn-based active filler alloy. Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater. 2012, 30 (1), 16-24.
Cabanes-Sempere, M.; Cozzo, C.; Catalá-Civera, J. M.; Peñaranda-Foix, F. L.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S.; Pouchon, M. A. Characterization of free falling drops inside a microwave cavity. In 2012 IEEE/MTT-S international microwave symposium digest, presented at the 2012 IEEE/MTT-S international microwave symposium digest, Montreal, Canada, June 17-22, 2012; Microwave, MTT-S international symposium; IEEE: sine loco, 2012; p 6259757 (3 pp.).
Cho, S.; Kikuchi, K.; Kawasaki, A.; Kwon, H.; Kim, Y. Effective load transfer by a chromium carbide nanostructure in a multi-walled carbon nanotube/copper matrix composite. Nanotechnology 2012, 23 (31), 315705 (10 pp.).
Colombo, V.; Deschenaux, C.; Ghedini, E.; Gherardi, M.; Jaeggi, C.; Leparoux, M.; Mani, V.; Sanibondi, P. Fluid-dynamic characterization of a radio-frequency induction thermal plasma system for nanoparticle synthesis. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 2012, 21 (4), 045010 (12 pp.).
Duarte, L. I.; Viana, F.; Ramos, A. S.; Vieira, M. T.; Leinenbach, C.; Klotz, U. E.; Vieira, M. F. Diffusion bonding of gamma-TiAl using modified Ti/Al nanolayers. J. Alloys Compd. 2012, 536 (S1), S424-S427.
Duarte, L. I.; Leinenbach, C.; Klotz, U. E.; Marker, M. C. J.; Richter, K. W.; Löffler, J. F. Experimental study of the FeAl–NiAl–TiAl section. Intermetallics 2012, 23, 80-90.
Graça, S.; Hadad, M.; Hoffmann, P. Challenges in the quantification of high temperature erosive wear. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2012, 28 (5), 532-535.
Ishizaki, K.; Fahlbusch, S.; Catavala-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S.; Utke, I. Development of microwave micro-plasma jet system for removing contamination in scanning electron microscopes. Presented at the Carbon contamination of optics 2012, St. Aubin, France, Juli 16-17, 2012.
Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Gozzo, F.; Catala-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S.; Nicula, R. Magnetic microwave heating of magnetite–carbon black mixtures. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2012, 134 (2-3), 1007-1012.
Jaeggi, C.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Kern, P. Correlation of electrolyte-derived inclusions to crystallization in the early stage of anodic oxide film growth on titanium. Thin Solid Films 2012, 520 (6), 1804-1808.
Kiley, E. M.; Yakovlev, V. V.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S. Applicability study of classical and contemporary models for effective complex permittivity of metal powders. J. Microw. Power Electromagn. Energy 2012, 46 (1), 26-38.
Kwon, H.; Cho, S.; Leparoux, M.; Kawasaki, A. Dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials. Nanotechnology 2012, 23 (22), 225704 (9 pp.).
Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M. Hot extruded carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials. Nanotechnology 2012, 23 (41), 415701 (10 pp.).
Leinenbach, C.; Weyrich, N.; Elsener, H. R.; Gamez, G. Al2O3–Al2O3 and Al2O3–Ti solder joints—influence of ceramic metallization and thermal pretreatment on joint properties. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 2012, 9 (4), 751-763.
Leinenbach, C.; Jin, S.; Wang, J.; Elsener, H. R.; Valenza, F.; Giuranno, D.; Novakovic, R.; Delsante, S.; Borzone, G.; Watson, A.; et al. Au-Ge based alloys for novel high-t lead free solder materials - fundamentals and applications. In Brazing and soldering. Proceedings of the 5th international brazing and soldering conference, presented at the 5th international brazing and soldering conference, IBSC 2012, Las Vegas, April 22-25, 2012; Gourley, R., Walker, C., Eds.; ASM International: Materials Park, OH, 2012; pp 196-201.
Leinenbach, C.; Koster, M.; Lis, A.; Schindler, H. J. Defect assessment of brazed steel components. In Brazing and soldering. Proceedings of the 5th international brazing and soldering conference, presented at the 5th international brazing and soldering conference, IBSC 2012, Las Vegas, April 22-25, 2012; Gourley, R., Walker, C., Eds.; ASM International: Materials Park, OH, 2012; pp 133-138.
Leinenbach, C.; Kramer, H.; Bernhard, C.; Eifler, D. Thermo-mechanical properties of an Fe–Mn–Si–Cr–Ni–VC shape memory alloy with low transformation temperature. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2012, 14 (1-2), 62-67.
Lis, A.; Koster, M.; Leinenbach, C. Numerical and experimental investigations on the defect tolerance of brazed steel joints. Mater. Test. 2012, 54 (9), 605-611.
Montagne, A.; Rabier, J.; Wheeler, J. M.; Demenet, J. L.; Michler, J.; Ghisleni, R. Plasticité dans les micro piliers de silicium: étude en température. Presented at the Indentation 2012, Lyon, France, November 29, 2012.
Nicula, R.; Wurm, A.; Schick, D.; Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Vaucher, S.; Zhuravlev, E.; Schick, C. Novel approach for the rapid thermal processing of polymer-metal composites using 2.45 GHz microwave radiation. Presented at the 40th annual conference of the North American thermal analysis society - NATAS 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, August 12, 2012.
Pathak, S.; Michler, J.; Wasmer, K.; Kalidindi, S. R. Studying grain boundary regions in polycrystalline materials using spherical nano-indentation and orientation imaging microscopy. J. Mater. Sci. 2012, 47 (2), 815-823.
Pfetzing-Micklich, J.; Ghisleni, R.; Simon, T.; Somsen, C.; Michler, J.; Eggeler, G. Orientation dependence of stress-induced phase transformation and dislocation plasticity in NiTi shape memory alloys on the micro scale. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2012, 538, 265-271.
Reichmann, T. L.; Duarte, L. I.; Effenberger, H. S.; Leinenbach, C.; Richter, K. W. Phase equilibria and structural investigations in the Ni-poor part of the system Al–Ge–Ni. Intermetallics 2012, 28, 84-91.
Reinke, M.; Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Deposition of oxide filmes by high vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Presented at the EMRS spring meeting 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, Juli 23-27, 2012.
Reinke, M.; Dabirian, A.; Multone, X.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Hoffmann, P. Deposition of oxide films by high vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Presented at the E-MRS 2012 spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 15-17, 2012.
Saeidi, F.; Graça, S.; Wasmer, K.; Hoffmann, P. Laser surface texturing for improved tribological behavior of oil-lubricated sliding surfaces: a statistical parameter study. Presented at the Junior EuroMat 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 23-27, 2012.
Sriharitha, R.; Balic, E.; Hoffmann, P. Biomimetic liquid-repellent and wear-resistant materia. Presented at the Junior EuroMat 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 23-27, 2012.
Sriharitha, R.; Balic, E.; Hoffmann, P. Wetting, tribological and mechanical characterizations of nanoporous alumina. Presented at the CCMX annual meeting 2012, Bern, Switzerland, April 25, 2012.
Thilly, L.; Ghisleni, R.; Swistak, C.; Michler, J. In situ deformation of micro-objects as a tool to uncover the micro-mechanisms of the brittle-to-ductile transition in semiconductors: the case of indium antimonide. Philos. Mag. 2012, 92 (25-27), 3315-3325.
Wasmer, K.; Gassilloud, R.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C. Analysis of onset of dislocation nucleation during nanoindentation and nanoscratching of InP. J. Mater. Res. 2012, 27 (1), 320-329.
Wellmann, R. G.; Graça, S. Chromite vs. magnetite as an erodent for coatings to be applied in steam turbines. Wear 2012, 296 (1-2), 479-483.
de Hazan, Y.; Knies, F.; Burnat, D.; Graule, T.; Yamada-Pittini, Y.; Aneziris, C.; Kraak, M. Homogeneous functional Ni-P/ceramic nanocomposite coatings via stable dispersions in electroless nickel electrolytes. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2012, 365 (1), 163-171.
Bidiville, A.; Neulist, I.; Wasmer, K.; Ballif, C. Effect of debris on the silicon wafering for solar cells. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2011, 95 (8), 2490-2496.
Cabanes-Sempere, M.; Catalá-Civera, J. M.; Cozzo, C.; Vaucher, S.; Pouchon, M. A. Innovative production of nuclear fuel by microwave internal gelation: theoretical microwaves-microspheres interaction. In Microwave and RF power applications: proceeding of the 13th international conference on microwave and radiofrequency heating, AMPERE 2011, presented at the 13th international conference on microwave and radiofrequency heating, AMPERE 2011, Toulouse, September 5-8, 2011; Editions Cepadues: Toulouse, 2011; pp 231-234.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Wagner, E.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S. A.; Hoffmann, P. Chemical vapor deposition kinetics and localized growth regimes in combinatorial experiments. ChemPhysChem 2011, 12 (18), 3524-3528.
Dabirian, A.; Harada, S.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Sandu, S. C.; Wagner, E.; Benvenuti, G.; Brodard, P.; Rushworth, S.; Muralt, P.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial chemical beam epitaxy of lithium niobate thin films on sapphire. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2011, 158 (2), D72-D76.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Sandu, S. C.; Harada, S.; Wagner, E.; Brodard, P.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S.; Muralt, P.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition of textured hafnium-doped lithium niobate thin films on sapphire. Cryst. Growth Des. 2011, 11 (1), 203-209.
Estili, M.; Kawasaki, A.; Pittini-Yamada, Y.; Utke, I.; Michler, J. In situ characterization of tensile-bending load bearing ability of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in alumina-based nanocomposites. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21 (12), 4272-4278.
Ghisleni, R.; Liu, J.; Raghavan, R.; Brodard, P.; Lugstein, A.; Wasmer, K.; Michler, J. In situ micro-Raman compression: characterization of plasticity and fracture in GaAs. Philos. Mag. 2011, 91 (7-9), 1286-1292.
Graça, S.; Carvalho, P. A.; Colaço, R. Dislocation structures in nanoindented ductile metals―a transmission electron microscopy direct observation. J. Phys. D 2011, 44 (33), 335402 (8 pp.).
Graça, S.; Colaço, R. On the influence of indentation size effect on the wear of metallic alloys. Int. J. Surf. Sci. Eng. 2011, 5 (5-6), 457-462.
Heiber, J.; Bloch, R.; Bucher, R.; Habegger, S.; Lombardi, I.; Wasmer, K.; Assi, F.; Beck, A. A review of diamond wire wafering technology at Meyer Burger Ltd. In Manufacturing the solar future. The 2011 production annual; Reddig, K., Ed.; Photovoltaics International: London, 2011; pp 78-85.
Heiroth, S.; Ghisleni, R.; Lippert, T.; Michler, J.; Wokaun, A. Optical and mechanical properties of amorphous and crystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Acta Mater. 2011, 59 (6), 2330-2340.
Jaeggi, C.; Frauchiger, V.; Eitel, F.; Stiefel, M.; Schmotzer, H.; Siegmann, S. The effect of surface alloying of Ti powder for vacuum plasma spraying of open porous titanium coatings. Acta Mater. 2011, 59 (2), 717-725.
Kiley, E. M.; Yakovlev, V. V.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S. Applicability study of classical and contemporary models for effective complex permittivity of metal powders. In Microwave and RF power applications. 13th international conference AMPERE. Toulouse 2011, presented at the AMPERE 2011, Toulouse, September 5-8, 2011; Tao, J., Ed.; Cépadués: Toulouse, 2011; pp 314-317.
Kollo, L.; Bradbury, C. R.; Veinthal, R.; Jäggi, C.; Carreño-Morelli, E.; Leparoux, M. Nano-silicon carbide reinforced aluminium produced by high-energy milling and hot consolidation. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2011, 528 (21), 6606-6615.
Kurita, H.; Kwon, H.; Kawasaki, A. 放電プラズマ焼結/熱間押出し複合プロセスによるカーボンナノチューブ分散強化型Al基複合材料の作製. Fabrication of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composite by spark plasma sintering and hot extrusion hybrid process. J. Jpn. Inst. Metals 2011, 75 (4), 259-264.
Kwon, H.; Kurita, H.; Leparoux, M.; Kawasaki, A. Carbon nanofiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite fabricated by combined process of spark plasma sintering and hot extrusion. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2011, 11 (5), 4119-4126.
Kwon, H.; Kim, S.; Kwon, A.; Chung, U.; Cho, H.; Kurita, H.; Kawasaki, A.; Leparoux, M. Carbon nanotube gradient layers reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials. Presented at the 18th international conference on composites materials, Jeju Island, S. Korea, August 21-26, 2011.
Kwon, H.; Bradbury, C. R.; Leparoux, M. Fabrication of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum matrix composite. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2011, 13 (4), 325-329.
Kwon, H.; Leparoux, M.; Heintz, J. M.; Silvain, J. F.; Kawasaki, A. Fabrication of single crystalline diamond reinforced aluminum matrix composite by powder metallurgy route. Met. Mater. Int. 2011, 17 (5), 755-763.
Leinenbach, C.; Valenza, F.; Giuranno, D.; Elsener, H. R.; Jin, S.; Novakovic, R. Wetting and soldering behavior of eutectic Au-Ge alloy on Cu and Ni substrates. J. Electron. Mater. 2011, 40 (7), 1533-1541.
Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Wurm, A.; Catalá-Civera, J. M.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S.; Zhuravlev, E.; Schick, C. Microwave calorimetry using X-rays. Thermochim. Acta 2011, 526 (1-2), 137-142.
Nicula, R.; Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Shen, Z.; Vaucher, S. Rapid synthesis and densification of single-phase Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals by spark plasma sintering or microwave heating. Philos. Mag. 2011, 91 (19-21), 2450-2457.
Pittini-Yamada, Y.; Périgo, E. A.; Nakahara, S.; DeHazan, Y.; Eskandarpour, A.; Meyer, C.; Erni, M.; Pittini, R. Dynamic magnetic properties of electrically insulated iron cores. In Proceedings of the euro international powder metallurgy congress and exhibition, Euro PM 2011, presented at the European international powder metallurgy congress and exhibition, Euro PM 2011, Barcelona, October 9-12, 2011; European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA): Chantilly, 2011; p 5 pp.
Pittini-Yamada, Y.; Périgo, E. A.; de Hazan, Y.; Nakahara, S. Permeability of hybrid soft magnetic composites. Acta Mater. 2011, 59 (11), 4291-4302.
Périgo, E. A.; Nakahara, S.; Pittini-Yamada, Y.; de Hazan, Y.; Graule, T. Magnetic properties of soft magnetic composites prepared with crystalline and amorphous powders. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2011, 323 (15), 1938-1944.
Schöbel, M.; Altendorfer, W.; Degischer, H. P.; Vaucher, S.; Buslaps, T.; Michiel, M. D.; Hofmann, M. Internal stresses and voids in SiC particle reinforced aluminum composites for heat sink applications. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2011, 71 (5), 724-733.
Vaucher, S.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Català-Civera, J. M.; Nicula, R. Reactive synthesis of Ti-Al intermetallics during microwave heating in an E-field maximum. Thermochim. Acta 2011, 522 (1-2), 151-154.
Wang, L.; Montagne, F.; Hoffmann, P.; Heinzelmann, H.; Pugin, R. Hierarchical positioning of gold nanoparticles into periodic arrays using block copolymer nanoring templates. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 356 (2), 496-504.
Bidiville, A.; Heiber, J.; Wasmer, K.; Habegger, S.; Assi, F. Diamond wire wafering: wafer morphology in comparison to slurry sawn wafers. Presented at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (25th EU PVSEC); 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-5), Valencia, Spain, September 6–10, 2010; pp 1673-1676.
Bidiville, A.; Wasmer, K.; Michler, J.; Nasch, P. M.; Van Der Meer, M.; Ballif, C. Mechanisms of wafer sawing and impact on wafer properties. Prog. Photovolt. 2010, 18 (8), 563-572.
Bidiville, A. Wafer sawing processes: from microscopic phenomena to macroscopic properties. Doctoral dissertation, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2010, 182 p.
Bradbury, C. R.; Kuster, L.; Fermín, D. J. Electrochemical reactivity of HOPG electrodes modified by ultrathin films and two-dimensional arrays of metal nanoparticles. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2010, 646 (1-2), 114-123.
Buhl, S.; Leinenbach, C.; Spolenak, R.; Wegener, K. Influence of the brazing parameters on microstructure, residual stresses and shear strength of diamond-metal joints. J. Mater. Sci. 2010, 45 (16), 4358-4368.
Buhl, S.; Leinenbach, C.; Spolenak, R.; Wegener, K. Microstructure, residual stresses and shear strength of diamond-steel-joints brazed with CuSnTiZr filler alloy as a function of brazing parameters. In Brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding. Lectures and posters of the 9th international conference
taking place in Aachen on 15th to 17th June 2010, presented at the 9th international conference on brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding 2010, Aachen, Germany, June 15–17, 2010; DVS Berichte; DVS Media, 2010; Vol. 263, pp 243-247.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Afra, B.; Harada, S.; Wagner, E.; Sandu, C. S.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S.; Muralt, P.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial discovery and optimization of amorphous HfO2–Nb2O5 mixture with improved transparency. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2010, 13 (7), G60-G63.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Harada, S.; Parsons, C.; Sandu, S. C.; Wagner, E.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S.; Muralt, P.; Hoffmann, P. Efficient optimization of high vacuum chemical vapor deposition of niobium oxide on full wafer scale. In Fundamentals and technology of multifunctional oxide thin films (symposium G, EMRS 2009 spring meeting) 8–12 June 2009, Strasbourg, France, presented at the Symposium G, E-MRS 2009 spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 8-9, 2009; IOP conference series: materials science and engineering; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2010; Vol. 8, p 012026 (4 pp.).
Duarte, L. I.; Klotz, U. E.; Leinenbach, C.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Löffler, J. F. Experimental study of the Fe-Ni-Ti system. Intermetallics 2010, 18 (3), 374-384.
Elsener, H. R.; Leinenbach, C.; Neuenschwander, J.; Wurz, P.; Piazza, D. Fügen einer beheizbaren Metall-Keramik-Struktur mit eutektischem Au-Ge Lot. In Brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding. Lectures and posters of the 9th international conference taking place in Aachen on 15th to 17th June 2010, presented at the 9th international conference on brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding 2010, Aachen, Germany, June 15–17, 2010; DVS Berichte; DVS Media, 2010; Vol. 263, pp 93-97.
Ishizaki, K.; Battabyal, M.; Yamada Pittini, Y.; Nicula, R.; Vaucher, S. Microwave sintering explored by X-ray microtomography. In Advances in sintering science and technology, presented at the International conference on sintering 2008, La Jolla, California, USA, November 16-20, 2008; Bordia, R. K., Olevsky, E. A., Eds.; Ceramic transactions; Wiley: Hoboken, 2010; Vol. 209, pp 211-217.
Kollo, L.; Leparoux, M.; Bradbury, C. R.; Kommel, L.; Carreño-Morelli, E.; Rodríguez-Arbaizar, M. Hardness of hot consolidated Al-SiC nanocomposites from planetary milled powders. In Powder manufacturing & processing, miniaturization & nanotechnology, powder pressing, presented at the World PM2010 congress & exhibition, Florence, Italy, October 10-14, 2010; Proceedings. World powder metallurgy congress & exhibition, PM2010; European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA): Shrewsbury, 2010; Vol. 1, pp 341-346.
Kollo, L.; Leparoux, M.; Bradbury, C. R.; Jäggi, C.; Carreño-Morelli, E.; Rodríguez-Arbaizar, M. Investigation of planetary milling for nano-silicon carbide reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites. J. Alloys Compd. 2010, 489 (2), 394-400.
Kuzminykh, Y.; Dabirian, A.; Afra, B.; Harada, S.; Wagner, E.; Sandu, S. C.; Benvenuti, G.; Rushworth, S.; Muralt, P.; Hoffmann, P. Amorphous nature, high refractive index and wide transparency range of mixed HfO2–Nb2O5 oxide films. Presented at the E-MRS 2010 spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 7-11, 2010.
Leinenbach, C.; Al-Badri, A.; Roth, M. Interface microstructure of Stellite-6 coatings on a 12%Cr steel after long term thermal exposure. Mater.wiss. 2010, 41 (10), 861-868.
Leparoux, M.; Leconte, Y.; Wirth, A.; Buehler, T. In situ treatment of thermal RF plasma processed nanopowders to control their agglomeration and dispersability. Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 2010, 30 (6), 779-793.
Nakahara, S.; Périgo, E. A.; Pittini-Yamada, Y.; de Hazan, Y.; Graule, T. Electric insulation of a FeSiBC soft magnetic amorphous powder by a wet chemical method: identification of the oxide layer and its thickness control. Acta Mater. 2010, 58 (17), 5695-5703.
Navarro-Fuster, V.; Boj, P. G.; Villalvilla, J. M.; Quintana, J. A.; Díaz-García, M. A.; Trabadelo, V.; Juarros, A.; Retolaza, A.; Merino, S. Second-order distributed feedback lasers based on films containing perylenediimide derivatives. Presented at the SPIE photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, April 12-16, 2010; Heremans, P. L., Coehoorn, R., Adachi, C., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, WA, USA; Vol. 7722, p 77221G (9 pp.).
Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S. Mechanisms of microwave energy absorption in metallic alloys revealed by in-situ real-time synchrotron radiation experiments. Presented at the 11th Lähnwitzseminar on calorimetry, Rostock, Germany, 6-11 June 2010.
Nicula, R.; Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Shen, Z.; Vaucher, S. Rapid synthesis and densification of single-phase Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals by spark plasma sintering or microwave heating. Presented at the 11th international conference on quasicrystals (ICQ11), Sapporo, Japan, June 13-18, 2010.
Pouchon, M. A.; Chen, J.; Ghisleni, R.; Michler, J.; Hoffelner, W. Characterization of irradiation damage of ferritic ODS alloys with advanced micro-sample methods. Exp. Mech. 2010, 50 (1), 79-84.
Raghavan, R.; Boopathy, K.; Ghisleni, R.; Pouchon, M. A.; Ramamurty, U.; Michler, J. Ion irradiation enhances the mechanical performance of metallic glasses. Scr. Mater. 2010, 62 (7), 462-465.
Rodríguez-Arbaizar, M.; Hamdan, H.; Leparoux, M.; Kollo, L.; Kwon, H.; Carreño-Morelli, E. Net-shape Al6061/SiC nanocomposites by powder injection moulding. In PM lightweight & porous materials, powder injection moulding, PM biomaterials, presented at the World PM2010 congress & exhibition, Florence, Italy, October 10-14, 2010; Proceedings. World powder metallurgy congress & exhibition, PM2010; European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA): Shrewsbury, 2010; Vol. 4, pp 429-434.
Schöbel, M.; Degischer, H. P.; Vaucher, S.; Hofmann, M.; Cloetens, P. Reinforcement architectures and thermal fatigue in diamond particle-reinforced aluminum. Acta Mater. 2010, 58 (19), 6421-6430.
Unifantowicz, P.; Vaucher, S.; Lewandowska, M.; Kurzydłowski, K. J. Mechanism of SiC crystals growth on {100} and {111} diamond surfaces upon microwave heating. Mater. Charact. 2010, 61 (6), 648-652.
Vaucher, S.; Bernau, L.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Català-Civera, J. M.; Nicula, R. Microwave-induced electromigration in multicomponent metallic alloys. In 2010 IEEE MTT-S international microwave symposium (MTT), presented at the 2010 IEEE MTT-S international microwave symposium (MTT), Anaheim, CA, USA, May 23-28, 2010; IEEE MTT-S international microwave symposium digest; IEEE, 2010; pp 1440-1443.
Wasmer, K.; Nikbin, K. M.; Webster, G. A. Influence of reference stress formulae on creep and creep-fatigue crack initiation and growth prediction in plate components. Int. J. Press. Vessels Pip. 2010, 87 (8), 447-456.
Beaucamp-Ricard, C.; Dubois, L.; Vaucher, S.; Cresson, P. Y.; Lasri, T.; Pribetich, J. Temperature measurement by microwave radiometry: application to microwave sintering. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2009, 58 (5), 1712-1719.
Bret, T.; Hoffmann, P.; Utke, I. Characterization of focused electron beam (25 keV) deposited materials from organic precursors. Presented at the ESF COST conference electron controlled chemical lithography, Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-8, 2009.
Dabirian, A.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Sandu, S. C.; Wagner, E.; Benvenuti, G.; Parsons, C.; Rushworth, S.; Hoffmann, P. Combinatorial chemical vapor deposition of lithium niobate thin films. Presented at the 216th meeting of the electrochemical society, Vienna, Austria, October 4–9, 2009; Swihart, M., Barreca, D., Adomaitis, R., Worhoff, K., Eds.; ECS transactions; The Electrochemical Society: Pennington, NJ; Vol. 25, pp 1221-1228.
Derler, S.; Gerhardt, L. C.; Lenz, A.; Bertaux, E.; Hadad, M. Friction of human skin against smooth and rough glass as a function of the contact pressure. Tribol. Int. 2009, 42 (11-12), 1565-1574.
Derler, S.; Huber, R.; Feuz, H. P.; Hadad, M. Influence of surface microstructure on the sliding friction of plantar skin against hard substrates. Wear 2009, 267 (5-8), 1281-1288.
Dong, Z.; Klotz, U. E.; Leinenbach, C.; Bergamini, A.; Czaderski, C.; Motavalli, M. A novel Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy with improved shape recovery properties by VC precipitation. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2009, 11 (1-2), 40-44.
Dubach, A.; Prasad, K. E.; Raghavan, R.; Löffler, J. F.; Michler, J.; Ramamurty, U. Free-volume dependent pressure sensitivity of Zr-based bulk metallic glass. J. Mater. Res. 2009, 24 (8), 2697-2704.
Dubach, A.; Raghavan, R.; Löffler, J. F.; Michler, J.; Ramamurty, U. Micropillar compression studies on a bulk metallic glass in different structural states. Scr. Mater. 2009, 60 (7), 567-570.
Hadad, M.; Hitzek, R.; Michler, J.; Lesage, J. Tribological behaviour of sandwich structured Wc-Co-Cr thermally sprayed coatings. Presented at the ECOTRIB 2009 - 2nd european conference on tribology, Pisa, Italy, 7-10 June 2009; p 8 pp.
Hadad, M.; Bandyopadhyay, P. P.; Michler, J.; Lesage, J. Tribological behaviour of thermally sprayed Ti-Cr-Si coatings. Wear 2009, 267 (5-8), 1002-1008.
Jaeggi, C.; Mooser, R.; Frauchiger, V.; Wyss, P. 3D characterization of open porous vacuum plasma sprayed titanium coatings by means of high resolution micro computer tomography. Mater. Lett. 2009, 63 (30), 2643-2645.
Leinenbach, C.; Eifler, D. Influence of oxidation treatment on fatigue and fatigue-induced damage of commercially pure titanium. Acta Biomater. 2009, 5 (7), 2810-2819.
Luo, L.; Kuzminykh, Y.; Catalano, M. R.; Malandrino, G.; Hoffmann, P. Optimization of calcium precursor transport for high vacuum chemical vapor deposition (HVCVD). In EuroCVD 17/CVD 17, presented at the EuroCVD 17/CVD 17, Vienna, Austria, October 4-9, 2009; Swihart, M., Barreca, D., Adomaitis, R., Worhoff, K., Eds.; ECS transactions; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2009; Vol. 25, pp 173-179.
Mudry, S.; Korolyshyn, A.; Shtablavyi, I.; Kulyk, Y.; Klotz, U. E.; Leinenbach, C. The structure changes in Sn1-xTix alloys at transition from liquid to solid state. Phys. Chem. Liq. 2009, 47 (4), 437-446.
Nicula, R.; Ishizaki, K.; Stir, M.; Catala-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S. Microwave energy absorption driven by dynamic structural and magnetization states in Fe85B15 metallic glass ribbons. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95 (17), 174104 (3 pp.).
Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Catalá-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S. Nanocrystallization of amorphous alloys using microwaves: in situ time-resolved synchrotron radiation studies. Presented at the 13th international conference on rapidly quenched and metastable materials, Dresden, Germany, August 24–29, 2008; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Vol. 144, p 012109 (4 pp.).
Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Català-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S. Rapid nanocrystallization of soft-magnetic amorphous alloys using microwave induction heating. Scr. Mater. 2009, 60 (2), 120-123.
Rzepiejewska-Malyska, K.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Wasmer, K.; Hejduk, K.; Michler, J. In situ SEM indentation studies of the deformation mechanisms in TiN, CrN and TiN/CrN. Micron 2009, 40 (1), 22-27.
Schöbel, M.; Fiedler, G.; Degischer, H. P.; Altendorfer, W.; Vaucher, S. The effects of different architectures on thermal fatigue in particle reinforced MMC for heat sink applications. In 1st international conference on new materials for extreme environment, presented at the 1st international conference on new materials for extreme environments, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2-4, 2008; Linsmeier, C., Reinelt, M., Eds.; Advanced materials research; Trans Tech Publications: Baech, Switzerland, 2009; Vol. 59, pp 177-181.
Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Vaucher, S.; Nicula, R. Mechanism and kinetics of the reduction of magnetite to iron during heating in a microwave E-field maximum. J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 105 (12), 124901 (4 pp.).
Unifantowicz, P.; Boguszewski, T.; Ciupiński, Ł.; Fortuna, E.; Lewandowska, M.; Vaucher, S.; Kurzydłowski, J. FEM modeling of structure and properties of composites developed for thermal management applications. Presented at the 1st international conference on new materials for extreme environment, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2-4, 2009.
Unifantowicz, P.; Boguszewski, T.; Ciupinksi, Ł.; Fortuna, E.; Lewandowska, M.; Vaucher, S.; Kurzydłowski, K. J. FEM modeling of structure and properties of diamond-SiC-(Al) composites developed for thermal management applications. In 1st international conference on new materials for extreme environments, presented at the 1st international conference on new materials for extreme environment, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2–4, 2008; Linsmeier, C., Reinelt, M., Eds.; Advanced materials research; Trans Tech Publications: Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland, 2009; Vol. 59, pp 173-176.
Vecchione, N.; Wasmer, K.; Balint, D. S.; Nikbin, K. Characterization of EB-PVD yttrium-stabilised zirconia by nanoindentation. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2009, 203 (13), 1743-1747.
Wasmer, K.; Nikbin, K. M.; Webster, G. A. A sensitivity study of creep crack growth in plates to references stress formulate. In Creep & fracture in high temperature components: design & life assessments issues: proceedings, 2nd ECCC creep conference, April 21-23, 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, presented at the 2nd ECCC creep conference, Zurich, Switzerland, April 21-23, 2009; Shibli, I. A., Holdsworth, S. R., Eds.; DEStech Publications, Inc: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, 2009; pp 1294-1307.
Wasmer, K.; Bidiville, A.; Ballif, C.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. M. Study of the influence of feed rate and wire tension on the mechanical stability of wire-sawn silicon wafers. Presented at the 3rd international workshop on crystalline silicon solar cells, Trondheim, Norway, June 3-5, 2009; p (4pp.).
Bandyopadhyay, P. P.; Siegmann, S. An investigation of the effect of processing conditions on the microstructure of vacuum plasma-sprayed Ti-Zr-Ni quasicrystal coatings. J. Coat. Technol. Res. 2008, 5 (3), 379-383.
Bandyopadhyay, P. P.; Siegmann, S.; Hadad, M.; Jaeggi, C. Microstructural and tribological aspects of thermally sprayed Ti-Cr-Si coatings. In Thermal spray crossing borders. International thermal spray conderence & exposition ITSC2008, presented at the International thermal spray conderence & exposition ITSC2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 2008; Marple, B. R., Li, C. J., Hyland, M. M., Lima, R. S., Lau, Y. C., Montavon, G., Eds.; Springer: sine loco, 2008; p (8 pp.).
Bandyopadhyay, P. P.; Hadad, M.; Jaeggi, C.; Siegmann, S. Microstructural, tribological and corrosion aspects of thermally sprayed Ti-Cr-Si coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2008, 203 (1-2), 35-45.
Battabyal, M.; Beffort, O.; Kleiner, S.; Vaucher, S.; Rohr, L. Heat transport across the metal-diamond interface. Diam. Relat. Mater. 2008, 17 (9-10), 1438-1442.
Bednarcik, J.; Saksl, K.; Nicula, R.; Roth, S.; Franz, H. Influence of cryomilling on structure of CoFeZrB alloy. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2008, 354 (47-51), 5117-5119.
Bidiville, A.; Wasmer, K.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. M. Towards the correlation of mechanical properties and sawing parameters of silicon wafers. In Proceedings of the 22nd European photovoltaic solar energy conference, presented at the 22nd European photovoltaic solar energy conference, Milan, Italy, September 3-7, 2007; 2008; pp 1130-1134.
Bradbury, C. R.; Maniura, K.; Lischer, S.; Grubelnik, A.; Ren, Q.; Gruner, P.; Roques, A. Crystallinity of hydroxyapatite coatings for implant application. Presented at the Medtech event 2008, Bern, Switzerland, September 2, 2008; p 1.
Cresson, P. Y.; Ricard, C.; Dubois, L.; Vaucher, S.; Lasri, T.; Pribetich, J. Temperature measurement by microwave radiometry. In I2MTC 2008 IEEE international instrumentation and measurement technology conference proceedings, presented at the I2MTC 2008 IEEE international instrumentation and measurement technology conference proceedings, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 12-15, 2008; IEEE: sine loco, 2008; pp 1344-1349.
Hadad, M.; Hockauf, M.; Meyer, L. W.; Marot, G.; Lesage, J.; Hitzek, R.; Siegmann, S. Adhesion evaluation of multilayered based WC-Co-Cr thermally sprayed coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2008, 202 (18), 4399-4405.
Ishizaki, K.; Nagata, K. Carbothermal reduction of magnetite by microwave irradiation. In Global congress on microwave energy applications GCMEA 2008 MAJIC 1st. Proceedings. "The new flame for humanity", presented at the Global congress on microwave energy applications GCMEA 2008 MAJIC 1st, Otsu, Japan, August 4-8, 2008; GCMEA; MAJIC: sine loco, 2008; pp 453-456.
Ishizaki, K.; Nagata, K. Microwave induced solid-solid reactions between Fe3O4 and carbon black powders. ISIJ Int. 2008, 48 (9), 1159-1164.
Jäggi, C.; Leparoux, M.; Frauchiger, V.; Tommasini, R.; Eitel, F.; Dirix, Y.; Wyss, P.; Mooser, R. Thermally sprayed open porous titanium coatings: 3D structure and customized porosity. Presented at the KTI/CTI medtech event, Bern, Switzerland, September 4, 2008.
Leconte, Y.; Leparoux, M.; Portier, X.; Herlin-Boime, N. Controlled synthesis of β-SiC nanopowders with variable stoichiometry using inductively coupled plasma. Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 2008, 28 (2), 233-248.
Leinenbach, C.; Al-Badri, A.; Roth, M.; Hadad, M.; Scarlin, B.; Staubli, M.; Hitzek, R.; Bürgler, P.; Nicoll, A.; Damani, R.; et al. Coatings for valves and blades in steam turbines. Presented at the 2008.
Leinenbach, C.; Al-Badri, A.; Roth, M. Influence of thermal exposure on the interfacial microstructure of Stellite 6 coated 9-12%-Cr steels for steam turbine applications. In Materials science & technology conference and exhibition (MS&T'08), presented at the Materials science & technology 2008 conference, MS&T'08, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, October 5-9, 2008; Materials Science and Technology (MS&T): sine loco, 2008; Vol. 4, pp 2130-2138.
Leparoux, M.; Schreuders, C.; Fauchais, P. Improved plasma synthesis of Si-nanopowders by quenching. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2008, 10 (12), 1147-1150.
Leparoux, M.; Kihn, Y.; Paris, S.; Schreuders, C. Microstructure analysis of RF plasma synthesized TiCN nanopowders. Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater. 2008, 26 (4), 277-285.
Leparoux, M.; Loher, M.; Schreuders, C.; Siegmann, S. Neural network modelling of the inductively coupled RF plasma synthesis of silicon nanoparticles. Powder Technol. 2008, 185 (2), 109-115.
Leparoux, M.; Leconte, Y.; Swiderska-Sroda, A.; Gierlotka, S.; Le Gallet, S.; Bernard, F. Silicon carbide nanoparticles synthesis for the elaboration of nanostructured materials. Presented at the APNFM 2008, Dresden, Germany, January 23-25, 2008.
Marot, G.; Démarécaux, P.; Lesage, J.; Hadad, M.; Siegmann, S.; Staia, M. H. The interfacial indentation test to determine adhesion and residual stresses in NiCr VPS coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2008, 202 (18), 4411-4416.
Nagata, K.; Hayashi, M.; Sato, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Hayashi, T.; Matsubara, A.; Takayama, S.; Motojima, O. CO2 saving process for steel making by microwave. In Proceedings ICS 2008: the 4th international congress on the science and technology of steelmaking, presented at the Proceedings ICS 2008: the 4th international congress on the science and technology of steelmaking, Gifu, Japan, October 6-8, 2008; Tekkō Kyōkai, N., Ed.; 2008; pp 638-641.
Nicula, R.; Stir, M.; Ishizaki, K.; Catala-Civera, J. M.; Vaucher, S. Nanocrystallization of amorphous alloys using microwaves: in situ time-resolved synchrotron radiation studies. Presented at the 13th international conference on rapidly quenched & metastable materials RQ13, Dresden, Germany, August 24-29, 2008.
Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Wasmer, K.; Tharian, J.; Michler, J. Microstructural comparison of material damage in GaAs caused by Berkovich and wedge nanoindentation and nanoscratching. Scr. Mater. 2008, 59 (3), 364-367.
Pittini, Y. Y.; Daneshvari, D.; Pittini, R.; Vaucher, S.; Rohr, L.; Leparoux, S.; Leuenberger, H. Cole-Cole plot analysis of dielectric behavior of monoalkyl ethers of polyethylene glycol (CnEm). Eur. Polym. J. 2008, 44 (4), 1191-1199.
Pittini, Y. Y.; Daneshvari, D.; Leparoux, S.; Vaucher, S.; Ritter, A.; Rohr, L.; Leuenberger, H. Effect of PEG number on dielectric properties of paraffin-based PEG polymers at microwave frequencies. COMPEL Int. J. Comput. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. 2008, 27 (2), 500-508.
Unifantowicz, P.; Vaucher, S.; Lewandowska, M.; Kurzydłowski, K. J. Structural changes of silicon upon high-energy milling investigated by Raman spectroscopy. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2008, 20 (2), 025205 (5 pp.).
Vaucher, S.; Kuebler, J.; Beffort, O.; Biasetto, L.; Zordan, F.; Colombo, P. Ceramic foam-reinforced Al-based micro-composites. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2008, 68 (15-16), 3202-3207.
Vaucher, S.; Nicula, R. Frontiers in microwave process monitoring. Chemistry Today, 2008, pp 38-39.
Vaucher, S.; Nicula, R.; Català-Civera, J. M.; Schmitt, B.; Patterson, B. In situ synchrotron radiation monitoring of phase transitions during microwave heating of Al-Cu-Fe alloys. J. Mater. Res. 2008, 23 (1), 170-175.
Wasmer, K.; Ballif, C.; Pouvreau, C.; Schulz, D.; Michler, J. Dicing of gallium-arsenide high performance laser diodes for industrial applications. Part I. Scratching operation. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2008, 198 (1-3), 114-121.
Wasmer, K.; Ballif, C.; Pouvreau, C.; Schulz, D.; Michler, J. Dicing of gallium-arsenide high performance laser diodes for industrial applications. Part II. Cleavage operation. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2008, 198 (1-3), 105-113.
Wasmer, K.; Bidiville, A.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C.; van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. Effect of strength test methods on silicon wafer strength measurements. In Proceedings of the 22nd European photovoltaic solar energy conference, presented at the 22nd European photovoltaic solar energy conference, Milan, Italy, September 3-7, 2007; 2008; pp 1135-1140.
Wasmer, K.; Bidiville, A.; Jeanneret, F.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. M. Effects of edge defects induced by multi-wire sawing on the wafer strength. In The compiled state-of-the-art of PV solar technology and deployment : 23rd European photovoltaic solar energy conference. - München : WIP renewable energies, 2008, presented at the 23rd European photovoltaic solar energy conference, Valencia, Spain, September 1-5, 2008; 2008; pp 1305-1310.
Wasmer, K.; Wermelinger, T.; Bidiville, A.; Spolenak, R.; Michler, J. In situ compression tests on micron-sized silicon pillars by Raman microscopy—stress measurements and deformation analysis. J. Mater. Res. 2008, 23 (11), 3040-3047.
Yamada Pittini, Y.; Daneshvari, D.; Pittini, R.; Vaucher, S.; Leuenberger, H. Dielectric relaxation of monoalkyl ethers of polyethylene glycol at microwave frequencies. In Global congress on microwave energy applications GCMEA 2008 MAJIC 1st. Proceedings. "The new flame for humanity", presented at the Global congress on microwave energy applications GCMEA 2008 MAJIC 1st, Otsu, Japan, August 4-8, 2008; GCMEA; MAJIC: sine loco, 2008; pp 373-376.
Battabyal, M.; Beffort, O.; Kleiner, S.; Vaucher, S.; Rohr, L. Heat transport across the metal-diamond interface. Presented at the Poster presented at the 8th European conference on diamond, diamond-like materials, carbon nanotubes, and nitrides, Berlin, Germany, September 9-14, 2007.
Beffort, O.; Long, S.; Cayron, C.; Kuebler, J.; Buffat, P. A. Alloying effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of high volume fraction SiC-particle reinforced Al-MMCs made by squeeze casting infiltration. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2007, 67 (3-4), 737-745.
Bidiville, A.; Wasmer, K.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. M. 2CV.3.19: Towards the correlation of mechanical properties and sawing parameters of silicon wafers. Presented at the Poster presented at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy & Exhibition, Mailand, Italy, September 3-7, 2007.
Bolot, R.; Coddet, C.; Schreuders, C.; Leparoux, M.; Siegmann, S. Modeling of an inductively coupled plasma for the synthesis of nanoparticles. In Thermal spray 2007: global coating solutions, proceedings from the international thermal spray conference, presented at the International thermal spray conference (ITSC 2007), Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007; Marple, B. R., Hyland, M. M., Lau, Y. C., Li, C. J., Lima, R. S., Montavon, G., Eds.; ASM International: Materials Park, Ohio, USA, 2007; pp 179-184.
Bolot, R.; Coddet, C.; Schreuders, C.; Leparoux, M.; Siegmann, S. Modeling of an inductively coupled plasma for the synthesis of nanoparticles. J. Therm. Spray Technol. 2007, 16 (5-6), 690-697.
Duraiselvam, M.; Galun, R.; Siegmann, S.; Wesling, V.; Mordike, B. L. Investigation of hydroabrasive erosion of laser alloyed nickel and titanium based intermetallic matrix composites witg TiC reinforcement. Surf. Eng. 2007, 23 (6), 425-430.
Duraiselvam, M.; Galun, R.; Siegmann, S.; Wesling, V.; Mordike, B. L. Study of liquid impact erosion in B2-NiTi and Ti3Al based intermetallic matrix composites on laser alloyed Ti-6Al-4V. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2007, 9 (3), 171-176.
Gao, Z.; Long, S.; You, G.; Beffort, O. Observation of flow infiltration behavior of aluminum melt in SiC particles. Tezhong Zhuzao Ji Youse Hejin/Spec. Cast. and Nonferr. Alloys 2007, 27 (8), 627-630.
Hadad, M.; Marot, G.; Démarécaux, P.; Chicot, D.; Lesage, J.; Rohr, L.; Siegmann, S. Adhesion tests for thermal spray coatings: correlation of bond strength and interfacial toughness. Surf. Eng. 2007, 23 (4), 279-283.
Hadad, M.; Siegmann, S.; Rohr, L.; Hitzek, R.; Bürgler, P. Mechanical and tribological investigations of new and locally refurbished WC-Co-Cr coatings (patent pending). Presented at the Poster presented at the international thermal spray conference & exposition, ITSC 2007, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007.
Hadad, M.; Siegmann, S.; Rohr, L.; Hitzek, R.; Buergler, P. Mechanische und tribologische Untersuchungen an neuen und lokal aufgearbeiteten WC-Co-Cr Beschichtungen. Presented at the Poster presented at the KTI / CTI medtech event 2007, Bern, Switzerland, September 4, 2007.
Hadad, M.; Hitzek, R.; Buergler, P.; Rohr, L.; Siegmann, S. Wear performance of sandwich structured WC-Co-Cr thermally sprayed coatings using different intermediate layers. Wear 2007, 263 (1-6), 691-699.
Heiber, J.; Clemens, F.; Helbig, U.; de Meuron, A.; Soltmann, C.; Graule, T.; Hülsenberg, D. Properties of Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 fibres with a radial gradient structure. Acta Mater. 2007, 55 (19), 6499-6506.
Jäggi, C.; Leparoux, M.; Siegmann, S. Thermally sprayed open porous titanium coatings: process stability and in-vivo response. Presented at the KTI/CTI medtech event, Bern, Switzerland, September 4, 2007.
Leconte, Y.; Leparoux, M.; Portier, X.; Herlin-Boime, N.; Siegmann, S.; Rohr, L.; Reynaud, C. Structural study of SiC nanoparticles grown by inductively coupled plasma and laser pyrolysis for nanostructured ceramics elaboration. In Symposium JJ – structural and refractory materials for fusion and fission technologies, presented at the 2006 MRS fall meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 27–December 1, 2006; Aktaa, J., Samaras, M., Serrano de Caro, M., Victoria, M., Wirth, B., Eds.; Materials research society symposium proceedings; Materials Research Society: Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 2007; Vol. 981, pp 0981-JJ06-01 (6 pp.).
Leinenbach, C.; Al-Badri, A.; Roth, M.; Hadad, M.; Siegmann, S.; Scarlin, B.; Staubli, M.; Hitzek, R.; Bürgler, P.; Nicoli, A.; et al. Coatings for valves and blades in steam turbines. Presented at the Jahrestagung zum Energieforschungsprogramm Gas- und Dampfkraftwerke (Kraftwerk 2020), Ittigen, Switzerland, August 8, 2007.
Leparoux, S.; Diot, C.; Dubach, A.; Vaucher, S. Synthesis of silicon carbide coating on diamond by microwave heating of diamond and silicon powder: a heteroepitaxial growth. Scr. Mater. 2007, 57 (7), 595-597.
Michler, J.; Wasmer, K.; Meier, S.; Östlund, F.; Leifer, K. Plastic deformation of gallium arsenide micropillars under uniaxial compression at room temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90 (4), 043123 (3 pp.).
Moser, B.; Wasmer, K.; Barbieri, L.; Michler, J. Strength and fracture of Si micropillars: a new scanning electron microscopy-based micro-compression test. J. Mater. Res. 2007, 22 (4), 1004-1011.
Nelis, T.; Aeberhard, M.; Rohr, L.; Michler, J.; Belenguer, P.; Guillot, P.; Thérèse, L. A simple method for measuring plasma power in rf-GDOES instruments. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2007, 389 (3), 763-767.
Pittini, Y. Y.; Daneshvari, D.; Leparoux, S.; Vaucher, S.; Ritter, A.; Rohr, L.; Leuenberger, H. Effect of PEG Number on dielectric properties of paraffin base-PEG polymers at microwave frequencies. In Induction, dielectric, conduction and electromagnetic processing: international symposium on heating by electromagnetic sources, presented at the International symposium on heating by electromagnetic sources, Padua, Italy, June 20-22, 2007; SGEditoriali: Padova, 2007; p (8 pp.).
Schmid, H.; Leparoux, M.; Schreuders, C.; Dvorak, M. Nano-particle characterization by means of SEM and quantitative image analysis. Presented at the POWTECH with PARTEC congress, 2007, Nürnberg, Germany, March 27-29, 2007.
Siegmann, S.; Kern, P.; Rohr, L.; Bandyopadhyay, P. P. Tribological and corrosion behavior of vacuum plasma sprayed Ti-Zr-Ni quasicrystalline coatings. J. Therm. Spray Technol. 2007, 16 (5-6), 947-953.
Siegmann, S.; Kern, P.; Rohr, L.; Bandyopadhyay, P. P. Tribological and corrosion behavior of vacuum plasma sprayed Ti-Zr-Ni quasicrystalline coatings. In Thermal spray 2007: global coating solutions, proceedings from the international thermal spray conference, presented at the International thermal spray conference (ITSC 2007), Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007; Marple, B. R., Hyland, M. M., Lau, Y. C., Li, C. J., Lima, R. S., Montavon, G., Eds.; ASM International: Materials Park, Ohio, USA, 2007; pp 931-936.
Thènemann, M.; Beffort, O.; Kleiner, S.; Vogt, U. Aluminum matrix composites based on preceramic-polymer-bonded SiC preforms. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2007, 67 (11-12), 2377-2383.
Vaucher, S.; Unifantowicz, P.; Ricard, C.; Dubois, L.; Kuball, M.; Catala-Civera, J. M.; Bernard, D.; Stampanoni, M.; Nicula, R. On-line tools for microscopic and macroscopic monitoring of microwave processing. Physica B 2007, 398 (2), 191-195.
Wasmer, K.; Bidiville, A.; Michler, J.; Ballif, C.; Van der Meer, M.; Nasch, P. 2CV.3.20: effect of strength test methods on silicon wafer strength measurements. Presented at the 22nd European photovoltaic solar energy & exhibition, Mailand, Italy, September 3-7, 2007.
Wasmer, K.; Moser, B.; Pouvreau, C.; Michler, J. An overview of nanomaterial testing using in-situ nanoindenter. In Fine structure of papermaking fibres - the final report of COST Action E54 2011, presented at the COST Action E54, Riga, Latvia, April 25-27, 2007; Ander, P., Bauer, W., Heinemann, S., Kallio, P., Passas, R., Treimanis, A., Eds.; 2007; pp 44-47.
Wasmer, K.; Parlinska-Wojtan, M.; Gassilloud, R.; Pouvreau, C.; Tharian, J.; Micher, J. Plastic deformation modes of gallium arsenide in nanoindentation and nanoscratching. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90 (3), 031902 (3 pp.).
Beffort, O.; Khalid, F. A.; Weber, L.; Ruch, P.; Klotz, U. E.; Meier, S.; Kleiner, S. Interface formation in infiltrated Al(Si)/diamond composites. Diam. Relat. Mater. 2006, 15 (9), 1250-1260.
Duraiselvam, M.; Galun, R.; Siegmann, S.; Wesling, V.; Mordike, B. L. Liquid impact erosion characteristics of martensitic stainless steel laser clad with Ni-based intermetallic composites and matrix composites. Wear 2006, 261 (10), 1140-1149.
Hadad, M.; Blugan, G.; Kübler, J.; Rosset, E.; Rohr, L.; Michler, J. Tribological behaviour Of Si3N4 and Si3N4-%TiN based composites and multi-layer laminates. Wear 2006, 260 (6), 634-641.
Herzog, A.; Vogt, U. F.; Siegmann, S.; Beffort, O. Aluminium metal matrix composites based on biomorphic silicon carbide. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2006, 8 (10), 980-983.
Jaeggi, C.; Kern, P.; Michler, J.; Patscheider, J.; Tharian, J.; Munnik, F. Film formation and characterization of anodic oxides on titanium for biomedical applications. Surf. Interface Anal. 2006, 38 (4), 182-185.
Jäggi, C. Electrochemical formation and local modification of titanium oxide films. Doctoral dissertation, Universität Bern, Switzerland, 2006, 146 p.
Kaufmann, H.; Kleiner, S. Squeeze casting, thixocasting and rheocasting. In Magnesium technology. Metallurgy, Design Data, Applications.; Friedrich, H. E., Mordike, B. L., Eds.; Springer: Berlin, 2006; pp 258-268.
Kern, P.; Jäggi, C.; Utke, I.; Friedli, V.; Michler, J. Local electron beam induced reduction and crystallization of amorphous titania films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 89 (2), 021902 (3 pp.).
Kleiner, S.; Khalid, F. A.; Ruch, P. W.; Meier, S.; Beffort, O. Effect of diamond crystallographic orientation on dissolution and carbide formation in contact with liquid aluminium. Scr. Mater. 2006, 55 (4), 291-294.
Leinenbach, C.; Eifler, D. Fatigue and cyclic deformation behaviour of surface-modified titanium alloys in simulated physiological media. Biomaterials 2006, 27 (8), 1200-1208.
Marot, G.; Lesage, J.; Démarécaux, P.; Hadad, M.; Siegmann, S.; Staia, M. H. Interfacial indentation and shear tests to determine the adhesion of thermal spray coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2006, 201 (5), 2080-2085.
Nelis, T.; Aeberhard, M.; Hohl, M.; Rohr, L.; Michler, J. Characterisation of a pulsed rf-glow discharge in view of its use in OES. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2006, 21 (2), 112-125.
Pouvreau, C.; Wasmer, K.; Giovanola, J.; Michler, J.; Breguet, J. M.; Karimi, A. In-situ scanning electron microscope indentation of gallium arsenide. In Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, presented at the Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006; Gdoutos, E. E., Ed.; Springer: Dordrecht, 2006; pp 61-62.
Ricard, C.; Dubois, L.; Vaucher, S.; Leparoux, S.; Camart, J. C.; Pribetich, J. Feasibility of contact-less temperature control by microwave radiometry during sintering of powdered SiC and Al/SiC samples. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 2006, 48 (10), 2037-2041.
Rohr, L.; Michler, J. In situ observation of deformation modes and quantitative assessment of micro/nano mechanical properties. In Mechanics and materials in design, presented at the 5th international conference on mechanics and materials in design, Porto, Portugal, July 24-26, 2006; Silva Gomes, J. F., Meguid, S. A., Eds.; 2006; pp 451-452.
Ruch, P. W.; Beffort, O.; Kleiner, S.; Weber, L.; Uggowitzer, P. J. Selective interfacial bonding in Al(Si)-diamond composites and its effect on thermal conductivity. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2006, 66 (15), 2677-2685.
Schneider, K. E.; Belashchenko, V.; Dratwinski, M.; Siegmann, S.; Zagorski, A. Thermal spraying for power generation components; Wiley: Weinheim, 2006; 285 p.
Schneider, K. E.; Belashchenko, V.; Dratwinski, M.; Siegmann, S.; Zagorski, A. Thermal spraying for power generation components; WILEY-VCH Verlag: Weinheim, 2006; 271 p.
Schreuders, C.; Leparoux, M.; Shin, J. W.; Siegmann, S. Influence of the quenching process on thermal plasma synthesis of engineered nanoparticles. In 21st international conference of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS 2006), presented at the 2006 AIChE spring national meeting - 5th world congress on particle technology, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 23-27, 2006; American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICE): Red Hook, NY, 2006; p (7 pp.).
Schreuders, C. Synthèse par plasma inductif de particules nanométriques de silicium. Optimisation de la trempe. Doctoral dissertation, Université de Limoges, Limoges, France, 2006, 158 p.
Shin, J. W. Process monitoring of alumina nanoparticle synthesis by inductively coupled RF thermal plasma. Doctoral dissertation, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, 104 p.
Shin, J. W.; Miyazoe, H.; Leparoux, M.; Siegmann, S.; Dorier, J. L.; Hollenstein, C. The influence of process parameters on precursor evaporation for alumina nanopowder synthesis in an inductively coupled rf thermal plasma. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 2006, 15 (3), 441-449.
Utke, I.; Friedli, V.; Fahlbusch, S.; Hoffmann, S.; Hoffmann, P.; Michler, J. Tensile strengths of metal-containing joints fabricated by focused electron beam induced deposition. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2006, 8 (3), 155-157.
Vaucher, S.; Catala-Civera, J. M.; Sarua, A.; Pomeroy, J.; Kuball, M. Phase selectivity of microwave heating evidenced by Raman spectroscopy. J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 99 (11), 113505 (5 pp.).
Wasmer, K. Analysis of creep crack initiation and growth in laboratory specimens. In Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, presented at the Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006; Gdoutos, E. E., Ed.; Springer: Dordrecht, 2006; pp 479-480.
Wasmer, K. Analysis of creep crack initiation and growth in laboratory specimens. In Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, presented at the 16th European conference of fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006; Gdoutos, E. E., Ed.; Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2006; p (10 pp.).
Wasmer, K.; Nikbin, K. M.; Webster, G. A. Influence of material properties variations on creep crack growth predictions using Monte Carlo Simulations. In ESIA8: Throughlife management of structures and components, presented at the 8th international conference on engineering structural integrity assessment, throughlife management of structures and components, Manchester, UK, October 24-25, 2006; Edwards, J. H., Flewitt, P. E. J., Heyes, P. F., Knott, J. F., Sharples, J. K., Sherry, A., Smith, R. A., Tomkins, B., Turnbull, A., Eds.; FESI publishing: sine loco, 2006; p (20 pp.).
Wasmer, K.; Nikbin, K. M.; Webster, G. A. Prediction of scatter in creep crack growth data from creep failure strain properties. J. ASTM Int. 2006, 3 (2), 102-114.
Wasmer, K.; Pouvreau, C.; Giovanola, J.; Michler, J. Scratching and brittle fracture of semiconductor in-situ scanning electron microscope. In Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European conference of fracture, presented at the 16th European conference of fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006; Gdoutos, E. E., Ed.; Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2006; pp 117-118.
Hofmann, R.; Wolfensberger, M.; Meier, U.; Winistörfer, A.; Edelmann, X.; Rohr, L.; Moser, E. M.; Gütte, M.; Nideröst, R. Die EMPA im Wandel von der Anstalt zur Institution. Chemie Plus, 1998, pp 18-21.