Publications 2012

J. Elias, M. Gizowska, P. Brodard, R. Widmer, Y. deHazan, T. Graule, J. Michler, L. Philippe
Nanotechnology 23, 255705 (2012).

S. Berhanu, O. Gröning, Z. Chen, J. Merikhi, M. Kaiser, N. L. Rupesinghe, P. K. Bachmann
Phys. Status Solidi A 209, 2114 (2012).

A. Goldoni, C. A. Pignedoli, G. Di Santo, C. Castellarin-Cudia, E. Magnano, F. Bondino, A. Verdini, D. Passerone
ACS Nano 6, 10800 (2012).

G. Pigozzi, A. Antusek, J. Janczak-Rusch, M. Parlinska-Wojtan, D. Passerone, C. A. Pignedoli, V. Bissig, J. Patscheider, L. P. H. Juergens
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 181602 (2012).

M. Armbruester, M. Behrens, F. Cinquini, K. Foettinger, Y. Grin, A. Haghofer, B. Kloetzer, A. Knop-Gericke, A. Lorenz, A. Ota, S. Penner, J. Prinz, C. Rameshan, Z. Révay, D. Rosenthal, G. Rupprechter, P. Sautet, R. Schloegl, L. Shao, L. Szentmiklósi, D. Teschner, D. Torres, R. Wagner, R. Widmer, G. Wowsnick
ChemCatChem 4, 1048 (2012).

Two-dimensional nucleation and growth mechanism explaining graphene oxide structures
M.-T. Nguyen, R. Erni, D. Passerone
Phys. Rev. B. 86, 115406 (2012).

Isolated Pd Sites on the Intermetallic PdGa(111) and PdGa(1¯1¯1¯) Model Catalyst Surfaces
J. Prinz, R. Gaspari, C. A. Pignedoli, J. Vogt, P. Gille, M. Armbrüster, H. Brune, O. Gröning, D. Passerone, R. Widmer
Angew. Chem. 51, 9339 (2012).

Interface-confined mixing and buried partial dislocations for Ag bilayer on Pt(111)
K. Ait-Mansour, H. Brune, D. Passerone, M. Schmid, W. Xiao, P. Ruffieux, A. Buchsbaum, P. Varga, R. Fasel, O. Gröning
Phys. Rev. B 86, 085404 (2012).

Electronic Structure of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons
P. Ruffieux, J. Cai, N. C. Plumb, L. Patthey, D. Prezzi, A. Ferretti, E. Molinari, X. Feng, K. Muellen, C. A. Pignedoli, R. Fasel
ACS Nano 6, 2020 (2012).

Monitoring the formation of interface-confined mixture by photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Bendounan, J. Braun, J. Minàr, S. Bornemann, R. Fasel, O. Gröning, Y. Fagot-Revurat, B. Kierren, D. Malterre, F. Sirotti, H. Ebert
Phys. Rev. B 85, 245403 (2012).

Surface Investigation of Intermetallic PdGa(-1-1-1)
D. Rosenthal, R. Widmer, R. Wagner, P. Gille, M. Armbruester, Y. Grin, R. Schloegel, O. Gröning
Langmuir 28, 6848 (2012).

Stable ferromagnetism and doping-induced half-metallicity in asymmetric graphene nanoribbons
D. J. Adams, O. Groening, C. A. Pignedoli, P. Ruffieux, R. Fasel, D. Passerone
Phys. Rev. B 85, 245405 (2012).

Intraribbon Heterojunction Formation in Ultranarrow Graphene Nanoribbons
S. Blankenburg, J. Cai, P. Ruffieux, R. Jaafar, D. Passerone, X. Feng, K. Muellen, R. Fasel, C. A. Pignedoli
ACS Nano 6, 2020 (2012).