Reseach Funding
We acknowledge past & current funding from the following institutions:
European Research Council
- CLUSTER: Birth of solids - atomic-scale processes in crystal nucleation, ERC Consolidator Grant, 2016-2021.
Swiss National Science Foundation
- Nanoparticle Synthesis in Ionic Liquids (No. 200021_212177) 2022-2026. PI: Debora Keller
- The structure of atomic clusters in catalytic systems (No. 200021_196381) 2021-2025. PI: Rolf Erni
- Electron Energy Filter for Imaging and Spectroscopy. R'Equip (No. 206021_189625). 2019-2020 Applicants: Rolf Erni, Marco Campanini, Marta Rossell
- In-situ atomic-scale studies of ferroelectric domain wall dynamics (No. 200021_175926) 2018-2022. PI: Marta Rossell
- Integration of III-Vs on silicon: from the micron to the nanometre regime (No. 153558) 2014-2017, in collaboration with ETH Zurich. PI: Marta Rossell
- Wachstum von III-V Nanostrukturen in 3D Schablonen und deren Charakterisierung (No. 156746) 2015-2018, in collaboration with IBM Zurich. PI: Marta Rossell
- Novel Integrated Pixel X-ray Detectors "NOVIPIX" (No. CRSII2_147639) 2013-2016.
- Atomic EELS: from Experiment to Theory (No. 200021_147105) 2013-2017. PI: Rolf Erni
- Carbon-Nanotube/Metal Interfaces: Tailoring and characterization of low resistance contacts for advanced electronics (No. 200021_134571) 2011-2015. PI: Rolf Erni
- Role of nano-scale inhomogeneities in chalcogenide absorbers of thin film solar cells (No. 200020_132377) 2011-2016. PI: Rolf Erni
InnoSuisse and (formerly) Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI/KTI)
- Development and commercialisation of an ultrafast pixelated detector for 4D-STEM (No. 35839.1 IP-ENG) 2019-2022. PI: Rolf Erni.
- PIXISENS: Electric transport across interfaces formed by low-temperature, oxide-free wafer bonding in monolithic pixel sensors for X-ray imaging applications (No. 17703.1 PFNM-NM) 2015-2017.
- PROTECT: Implementation of a novel process for enhanced laser diode protection in (Al)GaAs-based laser diodes (No. 13339.1 PFFLE-NM) 2012. PI: Rolf Erni
COST office: Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research & Innovation
- Analytical transmission electron microscopy of heterogeneous interfaces between carbon nanomaterials and metal oxides (No. C10.0089) 2011-2014.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund Postdoctoral Felloship
- Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy of Complex Interfaces of Advanced Nano-structured Materials, 2013-2015.