
We contribute to the education of students and colleagues in the form of lectures offered at universities, supervision of PhD students, MSc and BSc theses and through the organization of conferences and events.


ETH Zurich, department of health sciences and technology, Switzerland:

  • Dr. Gustav Nyström, lectures in food material science

University of Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany:

  • Prof. Dr. Francis Schwarze, lectures in forest botany, wood pathology, wood protection
  • Dr. Mark Schubert, faculty of forest and environmental sciences, dendrology

ETH Zurich/Institute for building materials, Switzerland:

  • Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert, department of engineering, wood physics and wood composites


Topical Day: Digital Transformation

28 March, 2018 Empa Akademie Dübendorf, hosted by Dr. Mark Schubert

Many interested internal and external visitors (ca. 150-160)
Fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas with people from industry and academia: cognitive solutions, machine learning and robotics.

Doctoral dissertations in progress

Smart innovative manufacturing of curved wooden components for architecture with complex geometry

Philippe Grönquist

Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

ETH Zürich, Institute for building materials/Co-supervisor: Dr. Markus Rüggeberg


Fabrication of new multi-functional cellulose aerogels with hierarchical pore structure via freeze-thawing-supercritical CO2 drying

Tingting Wu

Guest PhD student from China

Supervisor Empa: Dr. Gustav Nyström


Light-stimulated multifunctional 3D printed cellulose nanocomposites

Luca Müller

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Gilberto De Freitas Siqueira, Dr. Gustav Nyström and Dr. Tanja Zimmermann

Multifunctional material production by 3D printing of living structures

Rani Boons

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Gilberto De Freitas Siqueira, Dr. Gustav Nyström and Dr. Tanja Zimmermann


Functional wood coatings

Yasmine Mekacher

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor Empa: Tina Künniger


Smart wood building materials

Christopher Dreimol

ETH Zurich, Insitute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert


Functional cellulose composites

Yong Ding

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert


Biodegradable nanogenerators based on wood materials for smart applications

Jianguo Sun

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor ETH Zurich: Dr. Huizhang Guo


Multifunctional melanin-based composites for new sustainable active packaging

Anh Tran Ly

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Francis Schwarze


Fibrillar colloidal gels studied by dynamic scattering techniques

Mattia Usuelli

ETH Zurich, D-HEST: Prof. Raffaele Mezzenga

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Gustav Nyström


Mechanism research on degradation of waterlogged wood and consolidation of wood treated with consolidants

Paul-Antoine Spies

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor ETH: Tobias Keplinger


Biodegradable nanogenerators based on wood materials for smart applications

Eashan Saikia

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor ETH Zurich: Markus Falk / Witel, Rüggeberg


Smart Wood Bonding

Sandro Stucki

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisor Empa: Martin Arnold


Nanocellulose and amyloid-like proteins

Nico Kummer

ETH Zurich,  Prof. Peter Fischer

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Gustav Nyström


Post treatment of wood poles with antagonistic fungi

Alessia Pasqualini

Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Forstbotanik: Dr. Francis Schwarze


Doctoral dissertations completed

Cellulose nanofibrillar gels and aerogels relation between fibril structure and material functionality 

Mario Arcari

ETH Zurich, D-HEST: Prof. Raffaele Mezzenga

Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Gustav Nyström


Nano-Bio Modification of Wood and Wood-Based Materials for Novel Applications

Christian Goldhahn

Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

ETH Zürich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert


Microstructure-property relationship in varnished wood of string instruments

Sarah Lämmlein

Supervisor: Prof. Francis Schwarze / Prof. Ingo Burgert

Co-supervisors: Dr. Tanja Zimmermann


Wood-templated cellulose fibre reinforced composites

Marion Frey

Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert

ETH Zurich, Institute for building materials: Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert



Teaching at different Universities and Technical Universities
  • ETH Zürich (CH)
  • University of Freiburg i. Breisgau (G)

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