PHD theses of Structural Engineering Lab

Running PhD Theses Structural Engineering Laboratory

Preventing disproportionate collapse in tall timber buildings
Maria Felicita
Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Pedro Palma
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Robustness of timber structures -
Experimental characterisation of progressive collapse
Katharina Sroka
Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Pedro Palma
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Advanced Carbon Sequestration and Digital Construction
for Net-Zero Concrete Structures (AC-DC-Concrete)
Zohaib Hassan
Co-supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Moslem Shahverdi
ETH Zurich, Institute for Building Materials (IfB): Prof. Dr. David Kammer

Innovative coupler system for steel rebars using shape memory alloys (Fe-SMA)
Ali Jafarabadi
Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Christoph Czaderski
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
ETH Zurich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi

Verstärkung von Brücken mit UHFB und memory-steel Bewehrung
Angela Sequeira Lemos
Co-supervisor Empa: Dr. Christoph Czaderski
Co-supervisor OST, Rapperswil: Prof. Dr. Ivan Markovic
ETH Zurich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Walter Kaufmann

Entwicklung einer Methode für die Modellierung, Bemessung und Ausführung
von aussteifenden Holzrahmenbau-Wänden mit Öffnungen

Nadja Manser
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. René Steiger
ETH Zurich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Short- and long-term creep and stress relaxation of shape memory alloy
Meet Jaydeepkumar Oza
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Moslem Shahverdi
EPF Lausanne, Laboratory of Thermomechanical Metallurgy: Prof. Dr. Roland Logé


Concluded PhD Theses Structural Engineering Laboratory

Fracture of SMA bond – Fracture Failure of Adhesively Bonded Fe-SMA joints
Niels Pichler
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Elyas Ghafoori & Dr. Wandong Wang
Collaborators: University of Salerno: Prof. Enzo Martinelli
TU Delft: Prof. Hans Poulis
ETH Zurich: Prof. Andreas Taras

Development of an iron-based SMA with higher recovery stress
compared to existing Empa/re-fer alloy (2023)

Yajiao Yang
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Moslem Shahverdi
ETH Zurich, Department of Materials: Prof. Dr. Manfred Fiebig

Bond behavior and debonding failure in Fe-SMA strengthened stell members 
(ETHZ No. 29585 / 2023)
Lingzhen Li
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
ETH Zurich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi

Adhesively bonded SMA-to-steel joints for increased sustainability of steel structures (2023)
Sizhe Wang
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
Tongji University, Department of Bridge Engineering: Prof. Xu Jiang

Structural behaviour and reliability of connections in timber structures (ETHZ No. 29123 / 2023)
Jonas Wydler
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Pedro Palma
ETH Zurich: Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Multiaxial fatigue behavior and strengthening of riveted double-angle connections in steel bridges using prestressed CFRP rods (2021)
Hossein Heydarinouri
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli / Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
EPFL, RESSLab, Prof. Dr. Alain Nussbaumer

Iron-based shape memory alloy reinforcement for prestressed strengthening of concrete structures (2021)
Bernhard Schranz
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Christoph Czaderski, Prof. Dr. Moslem Shahverdi
ETH Zürich, IBK, Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogel

European Beech Glued Laminated Timber (2019)
Thomas Ehrhart
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. René Steiger
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Strengthening of metallic members under mixed mode fatigue loading using prestressed CFRP plates (2019)
Ardalan Hosseini
Co-Supervisor Empa; Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli / Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
EPF Lausanne, ENAC School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering: Prof. Alain Nussbaumer

Iron-based Shape Memory Alloy (Fe-SMA) in Fatigue Strengthening of Steel Bridge Members (2019)
Mohammadreza Izadi (Guest PhD)
Co-Supervisor Empa and University of Tehran: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli / Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
University of Tehran, School of Engineering: Prof. Dr. Maalek

Bond behavior of prestressed CFRP to concrete using externally bonded reinforcement on groove (EBROG) method
Niloufar Moshiri (Guest PhD)
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Christoph Czaderski
Isfahan University of Technologiy (IUT) / Prof. Dr. Davood

Long-term Resistance of Gradient Anchorage for Prestressed CFRP Strips in Structural Concrete Retrofitting (2018)
Yunus Emre Harmanci
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Julien Michels
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi

A combined experimental and numerical approach to spalling of concrete in high temperature (2018)
Dorian Dauti (Guest PhD)
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Benedikt Weber
Université Grenoble Alpes: Prof. Dr. Stefano Dal Pont

Study on the tensile behaviour of CFRP steel composite system
Weijie Li (Guest PhD)
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli / Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
Wuhan University China / Prof. Yiyan Li

Dynamic effect of transition zone and rail corrugation on the bridge response
Yashar Doroudi (Guest PhD)
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Elyas Ghafoori
The University of Queensland,  Prof. Dr. Dilum Fernand

Earthquake-Resistant Timber Systems for Multi-Storey Building
Co-Supervisor Empa, Dr. René Steiger
EPF Lausanne, ENAC School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering: Prof. Dr. Katrin Beyer

Updated braking forces for the assessment of road bridges (EPFL 2016)
João Alves Martins
Co-Supervisor Empa:  Dr. Glauco Feltrin
EPF Lausanne, ENAC School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering: Prof. Dr. Katrin Beyer

Mitigation of Wind-Induced Vibrations in Long-Span Bridges using a Distributed Flap System (EPFL No. 7069 / 2016)
Maria Boberg
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Glauco Feltrin
EPF Lausanne, ENAC School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Prof. Dr. A. Martinoli

Seismic in-plane behavior of post-tensioned existing clay brick masonry walls (ETHZ No. 22824 / 2015)
Abdola Sadeghi Marzaleh
Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion IBK, Prof. Dr. Peter Marti

Material Development for Friction Based Vibration Control (ETHZ No. 22825 / 2015)
Rebekka Ginés
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli
ETH Zürich, Science de Base, Prof. Dr. Ermanni

Fatigue Strengthening of Metallic Members using Un-bonded and Bonded CFRP Laminates (ETHZ No. 22645 / 2015)
Elyas Ghafoori
ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. Fontana
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli

Semiactive Control of Magneto-heological (MR) dampers using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) & System (SI) Methodes (2015)
Mohammad Miah
ETHZ, Departement Bau, Umwelt und Geomatic / Prof. Eleni Chatzi
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Felix Weber

Structural behavior of glued-laminated timber members subjected to axial compression or combined compression and bending
Matthias Theiler
Co-Supervisor Empa, Dr. René Steiger
ETH Zürich, Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion IBK, Prof. Dr. Mario Fontana, Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi

Restfestigkeit vorgespannt umschnürter Betondruckglieder unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Formgedächtnislegierungen als umschnürendem Material (2014)
Lars Janke
Bauhaus Universität Weimar Prof. J. Ruth,
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. Christoph Czaderski

Structural behaviour of glued laminated timber beams with unreinforced and reinforced notches (ETHZ No. 21825 / 2014)
Robert Jockwer
ETHZ, IBK, Prof. Dr. Frangi
Co-Supervisor Empa: Dr. René Steiger

Strengthening of reinforced concrete members by prestressed externally bonded reinforcement with gradient anchorage (ETHZ 20504) 2013
Christoph Czaderski
ETHZ, Prof. Dr. Peter Marti
Co-Supervisor Empa: Prof. Dr. Masoud Motavalli

Active Vibration Control using low-cost Actuators (2010)
Charles Boston
Profs. L. Guzzella and E. Mazza
Co-Supervision: Dr. Felix Weber