Publications 2012
Abdollahi, B.; Bakhshi, M.; Mirzaee, Z.; Shekarchi, M.; Motavalli, M. SIFCON strengthening of concrete cylinders in comparison with conventional GFRP confinement method. Constr. Build. Mater. 2012, 36, 765-778.
Czaderski, C.; Olia, S. EN-Core round robin testing program – contribution of Empa. Presented at the 6th international conference on FRP composites in civil engineering (CICE 2012), Rome, Italy, June 13–15, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Czaderski, C.; Martinelli, E.; Michels, J.; Motavalli, M. Effect of curing conditions on strength development in an epoxy resin for structural strengthening. Composites B 2012, 43 (2), 398-410.
Czaderski-Forchmann, C. Strengthening of reinforced concrete members by prestressed, externally bonded reinforcement with gradient anchorage. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2012, 458 p.
Feltrin, G. Einfluss eines bituminösen Belags auf die Schwingungseigenschaften von Fussgängerbrücken. Presented at the 2. Internationale Holzbrückentage IHB 2012, Bad Wörishofen, Germany, April 19–20, 2012; p (10 pp.).
Feltrin, G. Monitoring bridges with wireless sensor networks: a critical assessment. In Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability, presented at the 6th international conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management (IABMAS 2012), Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, July 8–12, 2012; Biondini, F., Frangopol, D. M., Eds.; Taylor & Francis: London, 2012; pp 2551-2552.
Feltrin, G. Temperaturinduzierte Veränderung der Schwingungseigenschaften einer Fussgängerbrücke aus Holz mit Gussasphaltbelag. Presented at the 15. Symposium – Bauwerksdynamik und Erschütterungsmessungen, Dübendorf, Schweiz, June 15, 2012; p (10 pp.).
Feltrin, G. Wireless sensor networks: a monitoring tool for improving remaining lifetime estimation? Presented at the Civil structural health monitoring workshop (CSHM-4): SHM systems supporting extension of the structures' service life, Berlin, Germany, November 6–8, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Fernandez-Cabo, J. L.; Bona-Gallego, E.; Bona-Gallego, M.; Avila-Nieto, M.; Avila-Jalvo, J. M.; Widmann, R.; Fernandez-Lavandera, J.; Diez-Barra, R. Timber composite structures: literature review and new proposals in the analysis, design and construction. In Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures, presented at the COST Action FP1004. Early stage researcher conference, Zagreb, Croatia, April 19–20, 2012; Schober, K. U., Ed.; University of Bath: Bath, UK, 2012; pp 118-126.
Flouri, K.; Saukh, O.; Sauter, R.; Jalsan, K. E.; Bischoff, R.; Meyer, J.; Feltrin, G. A versatile software architecture for civil structure monitoring with wireless sensor networks. Smart Struct. Syst. 2012, 10 (3), 209-228.
Franke, B.; Widmann, R. Zustandserfassung und Verstärkung von Brettschichtholz. In Verbindungsmittel im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau, presented at the 44. Fortbildungskurs SAH Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Holzforschung, Weinfelden, Switzerland, October 23–24, 2012; SAH: Zürich, 2012; pp 193-202.
Ghafoori, E.; Schumacher, A.; Motavalli, M. Fatigue behavior of notched steel beams reinforced with bonded CFRP plates: determination of prestressing level for crack arrest. Eng. Struct. 2012, 45, 270-283.
Ghafoori, E.; Motavalli, M.; Botsis, J.; Herwig, A.; Galli, M. Fatigue strengthening of damaged metallic beams using prestressed unbonded and bonded CFRP plates. Int. J. Fatigue 2012, 44, 303-315.
Ghafoori, E.; Asghari, M. Three-dimensional elasticity analysis of functionally graded rotating cylinders with variable thickness profile. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C-J. Eng. Mech. Eng. Sci. 2012, 226 (3), 585-594.
Guadagnini, M.; Serbescu, A.; Ceroni, F.; Palmieri, A.; Matthys, S.; Czaderski, C.; Olia, S.; Bilotta, A.; Nigro, E.; Szabo, Z.; et al. Bond of FRP strengthening systems for concrete structures: a Round Robin Test. In Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability, presented at the 6th international conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management (IABMAS 2012), Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, July 8-12, 2012; Biondini, F., Frangopol, D. M., Eds.; Taylor & Francis: London, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Guadagnini, M.; Serbescu, A.; Palmieri, A.; Matthys, S.; Bilotta, A.; Nigro, E.; Ceroni, F.; Czaderski, C.; Olia, S.; Szabo, Z.; et al. Round robin test on the bond behaviour of externally bonded FRP systems to concrete. Presented at the 6th international conference on FRP composites in civil engineering (CICE 2012), Rome, Italy, June 13–15, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Herwig, A.; Motavalli, M. Axial behavior of square reinforced concrete columns strengthened with lightweight concrete elements and unbonded GFRP wrapping. J. Compos. Constr. 2012, 16 (6), 747-752.
Hoffmann, C.; Schubert, S.; Leemann, A.; Motavalli, M. Recycled concrete and mixed rubble as aggregates: influence of variations in composition on the concrete properties and their use as structural material. Constr. Build. Mater. 2012, 35, 701-709.
Jalsan, K.; Flouri, K.; Feltrin, G. Bi-objective layout optimization of a wireless sensor network for footbridge monitoring. In Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability, presented at the 6th international conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management (IABMAS 2012), Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, July 8–12, 2012; Biondini, F., Frangopol, D. M., Eds.; Taylor & Francis: London, 2012; pp 261-268.
Kutnar, A.; Widmann, R.; Kamke, F. A. Density, mechanical properties, and morphology of densified wood in relation to compression temperature and steam environments. In Proceedings of the sixth European conference on wood modification 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia, presented at the 6th European conference on wood modification 2012 (ECWM6), Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 17–18, 2012; Jones, D., Militz, H., Petrič, M., Pohleven, F., Humar, M., Pavlič, M., Eds.; University of Ljubljana: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012; pp 167-174.
Michels, J.; Czaderski, C.; Brönnimann, R.; Motavalli, M. Gradient anchorage method for prestressed CFRP strips – principle and application. In Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability, presented at the 6th international conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management (IABMAS 2012), Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, July 8–12, 2012; Biondini, F., Frangopol, D. M., Eds.; Taylor & Francis: London, 2012; pp 1981-1986.
Michels, J.; Czaderski, C.; El-Hacha, R.; Motavalli, M. Partially cured epoxy adhesive for anchoring prestressed CFRP strips on concrete. Presented at the 3rd Asia-Pacific conference on FRP in structures (APFIS 2012), Sapporo, Japan, February 2–4, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Michels, J.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zürbes, A. Steel fibers as only reinforcement for flat slab construction: experimental investigation and design. Constr. Build. Mater. 2012, 26 (1), 145-155.
Michels, J.; Czaderski, C.; El-Hacha, R.; Brönnimann, R.; Motavalli, M. Temporary bond strength of partly cured epoxy adhesive for anchoring prestressed CFRP strips on concrete. Compos. Struct. 2012, 94 (9), 2667-2676.
Motavalli, M.; Ghafoori, E. Prestressed FRP for fatigue crack arrest in structures. Presented at the ACUN6 – composites and nanocomposites in civil, offshore and mining infrastructure, Melbourne, Australia, November 14–16, 2012; p (6 pp.).
Máslanka, M.; Weber, F. Nowy adaptacyjny dynamiczny tłumik drgań. Presented at the 65th anniversary jubilee conference of the faculty of mechanical engineering and robotics, Krakow, Poland, September 13, 2012; p (9 pp.).
Schubert, S.; Hoffmann, C.; Leemann, A.; Moser, K.; Motavalli, M. Recycled aggregate concrete: experimental shear resistance of slabs without shear reinforcement. Eng. Struct. 2012, 41, 490-497.
Steiger, R.; Gülzow, A.; Czaderski, C.; Howald, M. T.; Niemz, P. Comparison of bending stiffness of cross-laminated solid timber derived by modal analysis of full panels and by bending tests of strip-shaped specimens. Euro. J. Wood Wood Prod. 2012, 70 (1-3), 141-153.
Steiger, R. Ein Überblick zur Revision der Holzbaunorm SIA 265. In Verbindungsmittel im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau, presented at the 44. Fortbildungskurs SAH Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Holzforschung, Weinfelden, Switzerland, October 23–24, 2012; SAH: Zürich, 2012; pp 9-15.
Steiger, R. In Brettschichtholz eingeklebte Gewindestangen – Stand des Wissens zu einer leistungsfähigen Verbindungstechnik. In Forum Holzbau Garmisch 12. Internationales Holzbau-Forum (IHF 2012). Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis, presented at the 18. internationales Holzbau-Forum (IHF 2012), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, December 5–7, 2012; Forum-Holzbau: Biel, 2012; p (15 pp.).
Theiler, M.; Frangi, A.; Steiger, R. Design of timber columns based on 2nd order structural analysis. Presented at the International council for research and innovation in building and construction. Working commission W18 – timber structures. Meeting 45 (CIB-W18 meeting 2012), Växjö, Sweden, August 27–30, 2012; pp CIB-W18/45-2-1 (14 pp.).
Weber, F.; Maślanka, M. Frequency and damping adaptation of a TMD with controlled MR damper. Smart Mater. Struct. 2012, 21 (5), 055011 (17 pp.).
Weber, B. Heat transfer mechanisms and models for a gypsum board exposed to fire. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2012, 55 (5-6), 1661-1678.
Weber, B.; Feltrin, G. Modelling the temperature-dependent dynamic behaviour of a timber bridge with asphalt pavement. Presented at the COMSOL Conference 2012, Milan, Italy, October 10–12, 2012; p (5 pp.).
Weber, F.; Máslanka, M.; Distl, J. Nowy adaptacyjny dynamiczny tłumik drgań. Udział w opracowaniu i badaniach w ramach współpracy z instytutem EMPA w Szwajcarii. Presented at the 65th anniversary jubilee conference of the faculty of mechanical engineering and robotics, Krakow, Poland, September 13, 2012; Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza: Krakowie.
Widmann, R.; Jockwer, R.; Frei, R.; Haeni, R. Comparison of different techniques for the strengthening of glulam members. In Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures, presented at the COST Action FP1004. Early stage researcher conference, Zagreb, Croatia, April 19–20, 2012; Schober, K. U., Ed.; University of Bath: Bath, UK, 2012; pp 57-62.
Widmann, R.; Fernandez-Cabo, J. L.; Steiger, R. Mechanical properties of thermally modified beech timber for structural purposes. Euro. J. Wood Wood Prod. 2012, 70 (6), 775-784.
Widmann, R.; Kutnar, A.; Brémaud, I. Use of dynamic mechanical analyse (DMA) data for the adjustment of thermal modification processes. In Proceedings of the sixth European conference on wood modification 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia, presented at the 6th European conference on wood modification 2012 (ECWM6), Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 17–18, 2012; Jones, D., Militz, H., Petrič, M., Pohleven, F., Humar, M., Pavlič, M., Eds.; University of Ljubljana: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012; pp 549-556.
Zemp, R.; de la Llera, J. C.; Weber, F. Control of tuned masses using MR dampers and a new real time feedback signal and physical controller. Presented at the 15th world conference on earthquake engineering 2012 (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugal, September 24–28, 2012; p (10 pp.).