All publications (2024-2015)

Adu-Poku, A.; Siabi, E. K.; Otchere, N. O.; Effah, F. B.; Awafo, E. A.; Kemausuor, F.; Yazdanie, M. Impact of drought on hydropower generation in the Volta River basin and future projections under different climate and development pathways. Energy Clim. Chang. 2024, 5, 100169 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Munoz, E.; Acero González, S.; Bazazzadeh, H.; Bellizio, F.; Cai, H.; Fricker, R.; Heer, P.; Montazeri, M.; Stoller, S.; et al. A hierarchical knowledge framework for digital twins of buildings and their energy systems (position paper). In Advanced information systems engineering workshops. CAiSE 2024 international workshops, presented at the Advanced information systems engineering workshops. CAiSE 2024 international workshops, Limassol, June 3–7, 2024; Almeida, J. P. A., Di Ciccio, C., Kalloniatis, C., Eds.; Lecture notes in business information processing; Springer: Cham, 2024; Vol. 521, pp 53-58.
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Derboni, M.; Acero González, S.; Mangili, F.; Marchiori, E.; Marquant, J.; Munoz, E.; Rizzoli, A. The potential of linked data and semantic technologies in data platforms for urban energy planning. In ComForEn 2024. 13. Symposium communications for energy systems, presented at the ComForEn 2024. 13. Symposium communications for energy systems, Vienna, September 05-06, 2024; Kupzog, F., Ed.; OVE-Schriftenreihe; Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik: Vienna, 2024; Vol. 113, pp 83-89.
Detailed Record
Assareh, E.; Hoseinzadeh, S.; Karami, A.; Bazazzadeh, H.; Groppi, D.; Garcia, D. A. The performance analysis of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) for peak moving with cooling, heating, and power production. Case Stud. Therm. Eng. 2024, 64, 105448 (29 pp.).
Detailed Record
Baneshi, A.; Montazeri, M.; Kebriaei, H. Distributed optimal contract for data rewarding with network effects. IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Technol. Syst. 2024.
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V.; Bellizio, F.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Design of distribution tariffs for energy hub networks to reduce carbon emissions. In 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), presented at the 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, June 25-28, 2024; IEEE, 2024; pp 1534-1539.
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V. N.; Cai, H.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Distributed multi-horizon model predictive control for network of energy hubs. Control Eng. Pract. 2024, 147, 105922 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V. N.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Recursive feasibility guarantees in multi-horizon MPC. In 2024 IEEE 63rd conference on decision and control (CDC), presented at the 2024 IEEE 63rd conference on decision and control (CDC), Milan, December 16-19, 2024; IEEE, 2024; pp 297-302.
Detailed Record
Bellizio, F.; Heer, P. Optimal V2X operation of EV fleets with PV-battery charging station for demand-side flexibility provision. In Proceedings of GSM 2024 7th grid service market symposium, presented at the Proceedings of GSM 2024 7th grid service market symposium, Lucerne, July 1-2, 2024; Bošnjak, D., Kudela, T., Kockar, I., Imboden, C., Moser, M., Nucci, C. A., Ziegler, S., Hatziargyriou, N., Schwark, B., Svendstrup-Bjerre, A., Eds.; Hochschule Luzern; European Fuel Cell Forum AG: Luzern, 2024; p G0311 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bendiek Laranjo, A.; Hunhevicz, J. J.; Menzel, K.; Wolf, C. D. Equirectangular 360° image dataset for detecting reusable construction components. In Proceedings of the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, presented at the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, Chania, Crete, July 15-17, 2024; Srećković, M., Kassem, M., Soman, R., Chassiakos, A., Eds.; Computing in construction; European Council on Computing in Construction: sine loco, 2024; pp 542-549.
Detailed Record
Brodnicke, L.; Ganter, A.; Tröber, S.; Sansavini, G.; Vulic, N. Dynamic grid emission factors and export limits reduce emission abatement and cost benefits of building PV systems. Energy Build. 2024, 323, 114772 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bucher, D. F.; Hunhevicz, J. J.; Soman, R. K.; Pauwels, P.; Hall, D. M. From BIM to Web3: a critical interpretive synthesis of present and emerging data management approaches in construction informatics. Adv. Eng. Inform. 2024, 62, 102884 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Byers, B. S.; Hunhevicz, J. J.; Honic, M.; Wolf, C. D. Exploring tokenized product passports for circular construction supply chains. In Proceedings of the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, presented at the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, Chania, Crete, July 15-17, 2024; Srećković, M., Kassem, M., Soman, R., Chassiakos, A., Eds.; Computing in construction; European Council on Computing in Construction: sine loco, 2024; pp 34-41.
Detailed Record
Cai, H.; Heer, P. Experimental implementation of an emission-aware prosumer with online flexibility quantification and provision. Sustain. Cities Soc. 2024, 111, 105531 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dai, X.; Guo, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Jones, C. N.; Hug, G.; Hagenmeyer, V. Real-time coordination of integrated transmission and distribution systems: flexibility modeling and distributed NMPC scheduling. Electr. Power Syst. Res. 2024, 234, 110627 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Computationally efficient reinforcement learning: targeted exploration leveraging simple rules. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), presented at the 2023 62nd IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), Singapore, December 13-15, 2023; IEEE, 2024; pp 2334-2339.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Zakwan, M.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Ferrari-Trecate, G.; Jones, C. N. Stable linear subspace identification: a machine learning approach. In 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), presented at the 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, June 25-28, 2024; IEEE, 2024; pp 3539-3544.
Detailed Record
Dominguez, C.; Kakkos, E.; Gross, D.; Hischier, R.; Orehounig, K. Renovated or replaced? Finding the optimal solution for an existing building considering cumulative CO2 emissions, energy consumption and costs - a case study. Energy Build. 2024, 303, 113767 (21 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dramani, J. B.; Ofori-Mensah, K. A.; Otchere, N. O.; Frimpong, P. B.; Adu-Poku, A.; Kemausuor, F.; Yazdanie, M. Estimating and forecasting suppressed electricity demand in Ghana under climate change, the informal economy and sector inefficiencies. Heliyon 2024, 10 (16), e36001 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Giannelos, S.; Bellizio, F.; Strbac, G.; Zhang, T. Machine learning approaches for predictions of CO2 emissions in the building sector. Electr. Power Syst. Res. 2024, 235, 110735 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hall, D. M.; Bonanomi, M. M. M.; Hunhevicz, J. The construction commons. A new institutional economics perspective on collaborative project resources. In Routledge handbook of collaboration in construction; Moradi, S., Kähkönen, K., Koskela, L., Klakegg, O. J., Aaltonen, K., Eds.; Routledge: London, 2024; pp 49-60.
Detailed Record
Heer, P.; Derungs, C.; Huber, B.; Bünning, F.; Fricker, R.; Stoller, S.; Niesen, B. Comprehensive energy demand and usage data for building automation. Sci. Data 2024, 11, 469 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Humbert, G.; Cai, H.; Prasad Koirala, B.; Heer, P. Relief of the power grid through cost-effective hydrogen generation. Presented at the Bošnjak, D., Kudela, T., Kockar, I., Imboden, C., Moser, M., Nucci, C. A., Ziegler, S., Hatziargyriou, N., Schwark, B., Svendstrup-Bjerre, A., Eds.; Hochschule Luzern; European Fuel Cell Forum AG: Luzern, 2024; p G0312 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hunhevicz, J. J.; Bucher, D. F.; Hong, K.; Hall, D. M.; Wolf, C. D. Cheaper smart contracts for the built environment? Linking on-chain and off-chain in a blockchain-governed approach. In Proceedings of the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, presented at the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, Chania, Crete, July 15-17, 2024; Srećković, M., Kassem, M., Soman, R., Chassiakos, A., Eds.; Computing in construction; European Council on Computing in Construction: sine loco, 2024; pp 42-49.
Detailed Record
Hunhevicz, J. J.; Hall, D. M.; Brasey, P. A.; Bonanomi, M. M. M.; Fischer, M. Decentralized project delivery on the crypto commons: conceptualization, governance mechanisms, and future research directions. Proj. Leader. Soc. 2024, 5, 100132 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Khosravi, M.; Huber, B.; Decoussemaeker, A.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S. Model predictive control in buildings with thermal and visual comfort constraints. Energy Build. 2024, 306, 113831 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Koirala, B.; Cai, H.; Khayatian, F.; Munoz, E.; An, J. G.; Mutschler, R.; Sulzer, M.; De Wolf, C.; Orehounig, K. Digitalization of urban multi-energy systems – Advances in digital twin applications across life-cycle phases. Adv. Appl. Energy 2024, 16, 100196 (22 pp.).
Detailed Record
Laurenzi, E.; Allan, J.; Campos, N.; Stoller, S. An ontology-based meta-modelling approach for semantic-driven building management systems. In Advanced information systems engineering workshops. CAiSE 2024 international workshops, presented at the Advanced information systems engineering workshops. CAiSE 2024 international workshops, Limassol, June 3–7, 2024; Almeida, J. P. A., Di Ciccio, C., Kalloniatis, C., Eds.; Lecture notes in business information processing; Springer: Cham, 2024; Vol. 521, pp 200-211.
Detailed Record
Lerbinger, A.; Powell, S.; Mavromatidis, G. MANGOever: an optimization framework for the long-term planning and operations of integrated electric vehicle and building energy systems. Adv. Appl. Energy 2024, 16, 100193 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Lustenberger, M.; Bellizio, F.; Cai, H.; Heer, P.; Ziras, C. Introducing price feedback of local flexibility markets into distribution network planning. Electr. Power Syst. Res. 2024, 236, 110686 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mahdavinejad, M.; Bazazzadeh, H.; Mehrvarz, F.; Berardi, U.; Nasr, T.; Pourbagher, S.; Hoseinzadeh, S. The impact of facade geometry on visual comfort and energy consumption in an office building in different climates. Energy Rep. 2024, 11, 1-17.
Detailed Record
Montazeri, M.; Kebriaei, H.; Araabi, B. N. A tractable truthful profit maximization mechanism design with autonomous agents. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 2024, 69 (8), 5439-5445.
Detailed Record
Montazeri, M.; Castiglioni, M.; Romano, G.; Kebriaei, H.; Gatti, N. Maximizing revenue from selfish agents in crowd tasks: indirect incentive strategies. IEEE Control Syst. Lett. 2024, 8, 2295-2300.
Detailed Record
Parvizi, S.; Montazeri, M.; Kebriaei, H. Resource sharing with autonomous agents in cloud-edge computing networks via mechanism design. In 2024 IEEE 63rd conference on decision and control (CDC), presented at the 2024 IEEE 63rd conference on decision and control (CDC), Milan, December 16-19, 2024; IEEE, 2024; pp 3063-3068.
Detailed Record
Romano, E.; Mutschler, R.; Hollmuller, P.; Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Rüdisüli, M. Spatial carbon and price spillovers among EU countries on their pathway toward net-zero electricity supply. Energy Econ. 2024, 131, 107349 (23 pp.).
Detailed Record
Segundo Sevilla, F. R.; Liu, Y.; Korba, P.; Zamora, A.; Dotta, D.; Bellizio, F.; Chavez, H.; Jóhannsson, H.; Cepeda, J.; Cremer, J.; et al. Spatio-temporal data-driven and machine learning based applications for transmission systems. In 2024 IEEE power & energy society ceneral meeting (PESGM), presented at the 2024 IEEE power & energy society ceneral meeting (PESGM), Seattle, July 21-25, 2024; IEEE, 2024; p (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Siabi, E. K.; Awafo, E. A.; Kabobah, A. T.; Derkyi, N. S. A.; Akpoti, K.; Anornu, G. K.; Yazdanie, M. Quantifying future climate extreme indices: implications for sustainable urban development in West Africa, with a focus on the greater Accra region. Discov. Sustain. 2024, 5, 167 (39 pp.).
Detailed Record
Tagliabue, L. C.; Rinaldi, S.; Hunhevicz, J. J.; Melchiori, M.; Hall, D.; Cairoli, M.; Ciribini, A. L. C. Automated tracking, inspection and commissioning of wall panels using an IoT-blockchain solution: the case of ETICS. In Proceedings of the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, presented at the 2024 European conference on computing in construction, Chania, Crete, July 15-17, 2024; Srećković, M., Kassem, M., Soman, R., Chassiakos, A., Eds.; Computing in construction; European Council on Computing in Construction: sine loco, 2024; pp 66-73.
Detailed Record
Vulic, N.; Chen, Y. C.; Nappi, G.; Li, Q.; Sulzer, M.; Mavromatidis, G. Towards net zero pathways for building stock portfolios based on key performance indicators. In International conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the 37th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, ECOS 2024, Rhodes, June 30 - July 5, 2024; 37th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, ECOS 2024; ECOS 2024, 2024; Vol. 1, pp 711-718.
Detailed Record
Wen, Y.; Guo, Y.; Hu, Z.; Hug, G. Stochastic modeling for the aggregated flexibility of distributed energy resources. Electr. Power Syst. Res. 2024, 234, 110628 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Svetozarevic, B.; Di Natale, L.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Data-driven adaptive building thermal controller tuning with constraints: a primal–dual contextual Bayesian optimization approach. Appl. Energy 2024, 358, 122493 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jiang, Y.; Maddalena, E. T.; Jones, C. N. Lower bounds on the noiseless worst-case complexity of efficient global optimization. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 2024, 201, 583-608.
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Wang, W.; Jiang, Y.; Svetozarevic, B.; Jones, C. Principled preferential Bayesian optimization. In Proceedings of the 41st international conference on machine learning, presented at the Proceedings of the 41st international conference on machine learning, Vienna, July 21-27, 2024; Salakhutdinov, R., Kolter, Z., Heller, K., Weller, A., Oliver, N., Scarlett, J., Berkenkamp, F., Eds.; Proceedings of machine learning research; ML Research Press, 2024; Vol. 235, p PMLR 235 (32 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jones, C. N.; Svetozarevic, B.; Laughman, C. R.; Chakrabarty, A. Violation-aware contextual Bayesian optimization for controller performance optimization with unmodeled constraints. J. Process Control 2024, 138, 103212 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M.; Frimpong, P. B.; Dramani, J. B.; Orehounig, K. Depreciating currency impacts on local-scale energy system planning: the case study of Accra, Ghana. Energy Strat. Rev. 2024, 53, 101362 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M.; Frimpong, P. B.; Dramani, J. B.; Orehounig, K. The impacts of the informal economy, climate migration, and rising temperatures on energy system planning. Energy Rep. 2024, 11, 165-178.
Detailed Record
Yin, M.; Cai, H.; Gattiglio, A.; Khayatian, F.; Smith, R. S.; Heer, P. Data-driven predictive control for demand side management: Theoretical and experimental results. In Proceedings of GSM 2024 7th grid service market symposium, presented at the Proceedings of GSM 2024 7th grid service market symposium, Lucerne, July 1-2, 2024; Bošnjak, D., Kudela, T., Kockar, I., Imboden, C., Moser, M., Nucci, C. A., Ziegler, S., Hatziargyriou, N., Schwark, B., Svendstrup-Bjerre, A., Eds.; Hochschule Luzern; European Fuel Cell Forum AG: Luzern, 2024; p G0802 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yin, M.; Cai, H.; Gattiglio, A.; Khayatian, F.; Smith, R. S.; Heer, P. Data-driven predictive control for demand side management: theoretical and experimental results. Appl. Energy 2024, 353, 122101 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhang, X.; Walch, A.; Rüdisüli, M.; Bauer, C.; Burgherr, P.; McKenna, R.; Habert, G. Evaluating the levelized costs and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of electricity generation from rooftop solar photovoltaics: a Swiss case study. Environ. Res.-Infrastruct. Sustain. 2024, 4 (4), 045002 (27 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Mangili, F.; Derboni, M.; Gisler, L.; Hainoun, A.; Rizzoli, A.; Ventriglia, L.; Sulzer, M. A semantic data framework to support data-driven demand forecasting. In Energy & thermal management systems, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 022001 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Mangili, F.; Derboni, M. Digicities. Urban digital layers to support the energy transition of cities; Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE: Bern, 2023; 35 p.
Detailed Record
Bardow, A.; Fiorentini, M.; Heer, P.; Kämper, A.; Koirala, B.; Knoeri, C.; Marinakis, A.; Markard, J.; Mayer, P.; Oswald, K.; et al. Flexibility and sector coupling in energy systems: definitions and metrics; Report No.: SWEET Call1-2020: PATHNFDR; SWEET PATHFNDR consortium: Zurich, 2023; 21 p.
Detailed Record
Beaud, M.; Cai, H.; Perera, A. T. D.; Heer, P. Performance gaps between energy system planning and operation: a study exploring the impacts of model fidelity and dispatch strategy. In Energy performance modelling, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 032016 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V.; Zagorowska, M.; Hudoba de Badyn, M.; Ricca, F.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Degradation-aware data-enabled predictive control of energy hubs. In Predictive & adaptive control, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 072006 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V. N.; Irvine, A.; Belgioioso, G.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J.; Dörfler, F. Designing fairness in autonomous peer-to-peer energy trading. In IFAC world congress, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC-PapersOnLine; Elsevier: sine loco, 2023; Vol. 56, pp 3751-3756.
Detailed Record
Behrunani, V.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Experimental validation for distributed control of energy hubs. In Predictive & adaptive control, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 072004 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Brandes, M.; Cai, H.; Vivian, J.; Croci, L.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. Data-driven modeling of heat pumps and thermal storage units for MPC. In Energy performance modelling, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 032008 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Increasing electrical reserve provision in districts by exploiting energy flexibility of buildings with robust model predictive control. Adv. Appl. Energy 2023, 10, 100130 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Cai, H. Circular economy meets building automation. In Energy performance modelling, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 192011 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Chaudry, M.; Jayasuriya, L.; Hall, J. W.; Jenkins, N.; Eyre, N.; Eggimann, S. Simulating flexibility, variability and decentralisation with an integrated energy system model for Great Britain. Sci. Rep. 2023, 13, 4772 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Computationally efficient reinforcement learning: targeted exploration leveraging simple rules. In IEEE conference on decision and control, presented at the 62nd IEEE conference on decision and control, CDC 2023, Singapore, December 13-15, 2023; Proceedings of the IEEE conference on decision and control; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: New York, 2023; pp 2334-2339.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Towards scalable physically consistent neural networks: an application to data-driven multi-zone thermal building models. Appl. Energy 2023, 340, 121071 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dounas, T.; Hunhevicz, J.; Byers, B. S. Design dimensions for blockchain oracles in the AEC industry. In European conference on computing in construction and international CIB W78 conference on information technology for construction, presented at the 2023 European conference on computing in construction and summer school 2023 CIB W78 40th international conference and Charles M. Eastman Phd award, Heraklion, July 10-12, 2023; Kassem, M., Tagliabue, L. C., Amor, R., Sreckovic, M., Chassiakos, A., Eds.; Proceedings of the European conference on computing in construction; European council on computing in construction (EC3), 2023; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Mutschler, R.; Orehounig, K.; Fiorentini, M. Climate change shifts the trade-of between lower cooling and higher heating demand from daylight saving time in office buildings. Environ. Res. Lett. 2023, 18 (2), 024001 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Vivian, J.; Chen, R.; Orehounig, K.; Patt, A.; Fiorentini, M. The potential of lake-source district heating and cooling for European buildings. Energy Convers. Manag. 2023, 283, 116914 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fiorentini, M.; Heer, P.; Baldini, L. Design optimization of a district heating and cooling system with a borehole seasonal thermal energy storage. Energy 2023, 262, 125464 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fochesato, M.; Laaksonlaita, T.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Modeling and real-time control of a hydrogen refueling station with uncertain demand. In 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC PapersOnLine; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2023; Vol. 56, pp 2695-2700.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Baldini, L. Heat transfer constraints and performance mapping of a closed liquid sorption heat storage process. Appl. Energy 2023, 335, 120755 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Go, J.; Byun, J.; Orehounig, K.; Heo, Y. Battery-H2 storage system for self-sufficiency in residential buildings under different electric heating system scenarios. Appl. Energy 2023, 337, 120742 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hassoun, L.; Khayatian, F.; Ganobjak, M.; Wernery, J.; Vivian, J. Integrated assessment of buildings visual and thermal performance with translucent bricks. In Daylighting & electric lighting, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Andersen, M., Smith, B., Schwartz, Y., Waibel, C., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 112008 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Heer, P.; Brandes, M.; Cai, H.; Palla, H. K3 Handwerkcity. Der Gewerbepark erreicht hohen energetischen Selbstversorgungsgrad. Aqua Gas 2023, 103 (6), 20-26.
Detailed Record
Hekmat, N.; Cai, H.; Zufferey, T.; Hug, G.; Heer, P. Data-driven demand-side flexibility quantification: prediction and approximation of flexibility envelopes. In 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, presented at the 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, Belgrade, June 25-29, 2023; Power tech conference; IEEE: sine loco, 2023; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hoffmann, C.; Hauri, C.; Primas, A.; Dorer, V.; Huber, H. Hybrid ventilation in residential and office buildings. In Air quality, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Andersen, M., Smith, B., Schwartz, Y., Waibel, C., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 102015 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hunhevicz, J. J.; Bucher, D. F.; Soman, R. K.; Honic, M.; Hall, D. M.; De Wolf, C. Web3-based role and token data access: the case of building material passports. In Proceedings of the 2023 European conference on computing in construction and the 40th international CIB W78 conference, presented at the European conference on computing in construction, Heraklion, July 10-12, 2023; European Council on Computing in Construction (EC3): sine loco, 2023; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Khayatian, F. Data anonymization and open sharing are key to a sustainable built environment. In Smart buildings and technologies for sustainable cities in China; Zhou, T., Chen, Y., Deng, W., Cheshmehzangi, A., Eds.; Urban Sustainability; Springer Nature: Singapore, 2023; pp 33-45.
Detailed Record
Koirala, B. P.; Cai, H.; de Koning, J.; Heer, P.; Orehounig, K. Flexibility assessment of power-hydrogen-power (P2H2P) system in multi-energy districts. In Predictive & adaptive control, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 072007 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Le Dréau, J.; Lopes, R. A.; O'Connell, S.; Finn, D.; Hu, M.; Queiroz, H.; Alexander, D.; Satchwell, A.; Österreicher, D.; Polly, B.; et al. Developing energy flexibility in clusters of buildings: a critical analysis of barriers from planning to operation. Energy Build. 2023, 300, 113608 (21 pp.).
Detailed Record
Li, R.; Leng, Z.; Li, G.; Yang, B.; Lu, G. Effects of aging on rheological, chemical, and micromechanical properties of waterborne epoxy resin modified bitumen emulsion. Int. J. Pavement Eng. 2023, 24 (2), 2077943 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Li, Q.; Vulic, N.; Cai, H.; Heer, P. Flexibility implications of optimal PV design: building vs. community scale. In Optimization at building & urban scale, presented at the CISBAT international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 082002 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Lienhard, N.; Mutschler, R.; Leenders, L.; Rüdisüli, M. Concurrent deficit and surplus situations in the future renewable Swiss and European electricity system. Energy Strat. Rev. 2023, 46, 101036 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Locher, M.; Haghighi, E. Luftlesen verrät Präsenz. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2023, pp 18-22.
Detailed Record
Maccarini, A.; Sotnikov, A.; Sommer, T.; Wetter, M.; Sulzer, M.; Afshari, A. Influence of building heat distribution temperatures on the energy performance and sizing of 5th generation district heating and cooling networks. Energy 2023, 275, 127457 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Micheli, F.; Behrunani, V.; Mehr, J.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Stochastic MPC for energy hubs using data driven demand forecasting. In 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC-PapersOnLine; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2023; Vol. 56, pp 11026-11031.
Detailed Record
Rezadoost Dezfuli, R.; Bazazzadeh, H.; Taban, M.; Mahdavinejad, M. Optimizing stack ventilation in low and medium-rise residential buildings in hot and semi-humid climate. Case Stud. Therm. Eng. 2023, 52, 103555 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rousseau, J.; Cai, H.; Heer, P.; Orehounig, K.; Hug, G. Uncertainty-aware energy flexibility quantification of a residential building. In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2023), presented at the Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2023), Grenoble, France, October 23-26, 2023; IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe; IEEE, 2023.
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Mutschler, R.; Teske, S. L.; Sidler, D.; van den Heuvel, D. B.; Diamond, L. W.; Orehounig, K.; Eggimann, S. Potential of renewable surplus electricity for power-to-gas and geo-methanation in Switzerland. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2023, 48 (39), 14527-14542.
Detailed Record
Siabi, E. K.; Awafo, E. A.; Kabo-bah, A. T.; Derkyi, N. S. A.; Akpoti, K.; Mortey, E. M.; Yazdanie, M. Assessment of Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) climate scenarios and its impacts on the Greater Accra region. Urban Clim. 2023, 49, 101432 (35 pp.).
Detailed Record
Smith, R. S.; Behrunani, V.; Lygeros, J. Control of multicarrier energy systems from buildings to networks. Annu. Rev. Control Robot. Auton. Syst. 2023, 6 (1), 4.1-4.24.
Detailed Record
Srinivasan, A.; Wu, R.; Heer, P.; Sansavini, G. Impact of forecast uncertainty and electricity markets on the flexibility provision and economic performance of highly-decarbonized multi-energy systems. Appl. Energy 2023, 338, 120825 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Wetter, M.; Mutschler, R.; Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. Platform-based design for energy systems. Appl. Energy 2023, 352, 121955 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Thorsteinsson, S.; Cai, H.; Bendtsen, J. D.; Heer, P.; Vivian, J. Making an air-source heat pump smart-grid ready. In Load shifting & smart grid, presented at the CISBAT international conference 2023, Lausanne, 13-15 September, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 052006 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Thrampoulidis, E.; Hug, G.; Orehounig, K. Approximating optimal building retrofit solutions for large-scale retrofit analysis. Appl. Energy 2023, 333, 120566 (22 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Heer, P.; Fiorentini, M. Effect of climate on the optimal sizing and operation of seasonal ice storage systems. In Optimization at building & urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2023 hybrid international scientific conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 082021 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Heer, P.; Fiorentini, M. Optimal sizing and operation of seasonal ice thermal storage systems. Energy Build. 2023, 300, 113633 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vulic, N.; Rüdisüli, M.; Orehounig, K. Evaluating energy flexibility requirements for high shares of variable renewable energy: a heuristic approach. Energy 2023, 270, 126885 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vulic, N.; Eggimann, S.; Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K. National building stock model for evaluating the impact of different retrofit measures. In Energy performance modelling, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Andersen, M., Smith, B., Schwartz, Y., Waibel, C., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 032004 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Walch, A.; Rüdisüli, M. Strategic PV expansion and its impact on regional electricity self-sufficiency: case study of Switzerland. Appl. Energy 2023, 346, 121262 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wang, H.; Hunhevicz, J.; Hall, D.; Meier, G.; De Wolf, C. Blockchain for regenerative built environment governance. In Regenerative planning, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 182001 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xie, H.; Bellizio, F.; Cremer, J. L.; Strbac, G. Regularised learning with selected physics for power system dynamics. In 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, presented at the 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, Belgrade, June 25-29, 2023; Power tech conference; IEEE: sine loco, 2023; p (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jiang, Y.; Svetozarievic, B.; Heer, P. CONFIG: Constrained efficient global optimization for closed-loop control system optimization with unmodeled constraints. In 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC PapersOnLine; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2023; Vol. 56-2, pp 513-518.
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jiang, Y.; Svetozarevic, B.; Jones, C. Constrained efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions. In International conference on machine learning, 23-29 July 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, presented at the 40th international conference on machine learning (PMLR), Honolulu, June 23-29, 2023; Krause, A., Brunskill, E., Cho, K., Engelhardt, B., Sabato, S., Scarlett, J., Eds.; Proceedings of machine learning research; MLResearch Press, 2023; Vol. 202, pp 38485-38498.
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jiang, Y.; Svetozarevic, B.; Jones, C. N. Primal-dual contextual Bayesian optimization for control system online optimization with time-average constraints. In IEEE conference on decision and control, presented at the 62nd IEEE conference on decision and control, CDC 2023, Singapore, December 13-15, 2023; Proceedings of the IEEE conference on decision and control; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: New York, 2023; pp 4112-4117.
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M.; Orehounig, K. A review and analysis of energy systems planning models and tools for renewable energy integration in cities. In Renewable energy, presented at the CISBAT 2023 international conference, Lausanne, September 13-15, 2023; Andersen, M., Smith, B., Schwartz, Y., Waibel, C., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2023; Vol. 2600, p 042007 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M. Resilient energy system analysis and planning using optimization models. Energy Clim. Chang. 2023, 4, 100097 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zagorowska, M.; Balta, E. C.; Behrunani, V.; Rupenyan, A.; Lygeros, J. Efficient sample selection for safe learning. In IFAC world congress, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC-PapersOnLine; Elsevier: sine loco, 2023; Vol. 56, pp 10107-10112.
Detailed Record
Zakwan, M.; Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N.; Trecate Ferrari, G. Physically consistent neural ODEs for learning multi-physics systems. In 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023, presented at the 22nd IFAC world congress, Yokohama, July 9-14, 2023; Ishii, H., Ebihara, Y., Imura, Jichi, Yamakita, M., Eds.; IFAC PapersOnLine; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2023; Vol. 56, pp 5855-5860.
Detailed Record
Zhan, H.; Mahyuddin, N.; Sulaiman, R.; Khayatian, F. Phase change material (PCM) integrations into buildings in hot climates with simulation access for energy performance and thermal comfort: a review. Constr. Build. Mater. 2023, 397, 132312 (37 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Croce, L.; Dott, R.; Georges, G.; Heer, P. Calculating the heat loss coefficients for performance modelling of seasonal ice thermal storage. J. Energy Storage 2022, 52, 104528 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Eggimann, S.; Wagner, M.; Ho, Y. N.; Züger, M.; Schneider, U.; Orehounig, K. Operational and embodied emissions associated with urban neighbourhood densification strategies. Energy Build. 2022, 276, 112482 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bordignon, S.; Quaggiotto, D.; Vivian, J.; Emmi, G.; De Carli, M.; Zarrella, A. A solar-assisted low-temperature district heating and cooling network coupled with a ground-source heat pump. Energy Convers. Manag. 2022, 267, 115838 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Borgschulte, A.; Terreni, J.; Fumey, B.; Sambalova, O.; Billeter, E. Short-lived interfaces in energy materials. Front. Energy Res. 2022, 9, 784082 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Brandi, S.; Fiorentini, M.; Capozzoli, A. Comparison of online and offline deep reinforcement learning with model predictive control for thermal energy management. Autom. Constr. 2022, 135, 104128 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Pfister, C.; Aboudonia, A.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Comparing Machine Learning based methods to standard regression methods for MPC on a virtual testbed. In Proceedings of building simulation 2021: 17th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 17th IBPSA conference, Bruges, September 1-3, 2021; Saelens, D., Laverge, J., Boydens, W., Helsen, L., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Building Performance Simulation Association: sine loco, 2022; Vol. 17, pp 127-134.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Huber, B.; Schalbetter, A.; Aboudonia, A.; Hudoba de Badyn, M.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Physics-informed linear regression is competitive with two machine learning methods in residential building MPC. Appl. Energy 2022, 310, 118491 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Warrington, J.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Robust MPC with data-driven demand forecasting for frequency regulation with heat pumps. Control Eng. Pract. 2022, 122, 105101 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Chen, Y.; Yazdanie, M.; Zhou, C.; Li, W.; Xi, W.; Zhu, C.; Marquant, J.; Miorelli, F. Net zero pathways for cities: the case study of Wuzhong district, Suzhou, China; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2022; 60 p.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Lian, Y.; Maddalena, E. T.; Shi, J.; Jones, C. N. Lessons learned from data-driven building control experiments: contrasting Gaussian process-based MPC, bilevel deePC, and deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on decision and control, presented at the 2022 IEEE 61st conference on decision and control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, December 6-9, 2022; IEEE, 2022; pp 1111-1117.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Near-optimal deep reinforcement learning policies from data for zone temperature control. In 2022 IEEE 17th international conference on control and automation (ICCA), presented at the 2022 IEEE 17th international conference on control and automation (ICCA), Naples, Italy, June 27-30, 2022; IEEE international conference on control and automation; IEEE: Piscataway, 2022; pp 698-703.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Physically consistent neural networks for building thermal modeling: theory and analysis. Appl. Energy 2022, 325, 119806 (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S. Expanding urban green space with superblocks. Land Use Policy 2022, 117, 106111 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Vulic, N.; Rüdisüli, M.; Mutschler, R.; Orehounig, K.; Sulzer, M. Spatiotemporal upscaling errors of building stock clustering for energy demand simulation. Energy Build. 2022, 258, 111844 (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S. The potential of implementing superblocks for multifunctional street use in cities. Nat. Sustain. 2022, 5, 406-414.
Detailed Record
Fiorentini, M.; Vivian, J.; Heer, P.; Baldini, L. Design and optimal integration of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage in district heating and cooling networks. In CLIMA 2022. Eye on 2030. Towards digizalized, healthy, circular and energy efficient HVAC. Proceedings, presented at the CLIMA 2022. REHVA 14th HVAC world congress, Rotterdam, May 22-25, 2022; TU Delft OPEN: Delft, 2022; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fochesato, M.; Khayatian, F.; Fonseca Lima, D.; Nagy, Z. On the use of conditional TimeGAN to enhance the robustness of a reinforcement learning agent in the building domain. In BuildSys '22. The 9th ACM international conference on systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation, presented at the BuildSys '22: the 9th ACM international conference on systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation, Boston, MA,USA, November 9-10, 2022; Association for Computing Machinery: New York, 2022; pp 208-217.
Detailed Record
Fu, Y.; Zhou, T.; Lun, I.; Khayatian, F.; Deng, W.; Su, W. A data-driven approach for window opening predictions in non-air-conditioned buildings. Intell. Build. Int. 2022, 14 (3), 329-345.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Borgschulte, A.; Stoller, S.; Fricker, R.; Knechtle, R.; Kaestner, A.; Trtik, P.; Baldini, L. Enhanced gas-liquid absorption through natural convection studied by neutron imaging. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2022, 182, 121967 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gautier, A.; Wetter, M.; Sulzer, M. Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system. Appl. Energy 2022, 325, 119880 (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gupta, R.; Rüdisüli, M.; Patel, M. K.; Parra, D. Smart power-to-gas deployment strategies informed by spatially explicit cost and value models. Appl. Energy 2022, 327, 120015 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hadengue, B.; Morgenroth, E.; Larsen, T. A.; Baldini, L. Performance and dynamics of active greywater heat recovery in buildings. Appl. Energy 2022, 305, 117677 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Heymann, F.; Rüdisüli, M.; vom Scheidt, F.; Camanho, A. S. Performance benchmarking of power-to-gas plants using composite indicators. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2022, 47 (58), 24465-24480.
Detailed Record
Kessler, S.; Siegrist, G.; Sulzer, M.; Knoeri, C. Zero emission buildings in China. A Sino-Swiss collaboration for climate responsive building and district development. The Swiss decarbonization roadmap for 2050 and related policies for the building sector. 中国零碳建筑. 中瑞合作促进有利气候保护的建筑和社区发展. 瑞士2050年脱碳路径及建筑行业的相关政策; sine nomine: Zürich, 2022; 66 p.
Detailed Record
Koirala, B.; Mutschler, R.; Bartolini, A.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Flexibility assessment of e-mobilty in multi-energy districts. In CIRED Porto workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, presented at the CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, June 2-3, 2022; The Institution of Engineering and Technology: sine loco, 2022; Vol. CP798, p 367 (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Lefebure, N.; Khosravi, M.; Hudobade Badyn, M.; Bünning, F.; Lygeros, J.; Jones, C.; Smith, R. S. Distributed model predictive control of buildings and energy hubs. Energy Build. 2022, 259, 111806 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Li, Q.; Vulic, N.; Orehounig, K. Optimization of PV installation angles for increased self-consumption in residential neighbourhoods. In Proceedings of ECOS 2022. 35th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the Proceedings of ECOS 2022. 35th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, Lyngby, July 3-7, 2022; Elmegaard, B., Sciubba, E., Blanco-Marigorta, A. M., Jensen, J. K., Markussen, W. B., Meesenburg, W., Arjomand Kermani, N., Zhu, T., Kofler, R., Eds.; DTU Construct, 2022; pp 1419-1430.
Detailed Record
Malhotra, A.; Bischof, J.; Nichersu, A.; Häfele, K. H.; Exenberger, J.; Sood, D.; Allan, J.; Frisch, J.; van Treeck, C.; O'Donnell, J.; et al. Information modelling for urban building energy simulation—a taxonomic review. Build. Environ. 2022, 208, 108552 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Marti, T.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; et al., Energieversorgung der Schweiz bis 2050. Zusammenfassung von Ergebnissen und Grundlagen. Energiezukunft 2050; VSE: Aarau, 2022; 133 p.
Detailed Record
Marti, T.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; et al., L'approvisionnement énergétique de la Suisse jusqu'en 2050. Synthèses des résultats et des bases. Avenir énergétique 2050; VSE: Aarau, 2022; 129 p.
Detailed Record
Mehmood, F.; Umar, M.; Dominguez, C.; Kazmi, H. The role of residential distributed energy resources in Pakistan's energy transition. Energy Policy 2022, 167, 113054 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Orehounig, K.; Fierz, L.; Allan, J.; Eggimann, S.; Vulic, N.; Bojarski, A. CESAR-P: a dynamic urban building energy simulation tool. J. Open Source Softw. 2022, 7 (78), 4261 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Khayatian, F.; Eggimann, S.; Orehounig, K.; Halgamuge, S. Quantifying the climate and human-system-driven uncertainties in energy planning by using GANs. Appl. Energy 2022, 328, 120169 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Petkov, I.; Mavromatidis, G.; Knoeri, C.; Allan, J.; Hoffmann, V. H. MANGOret: an optimization framework for the long-term investment planning of building multi-energy system and envelope retrofits. Appl. Energy 2022, 314, 118901 (32 pp.).
Detailed Record
Prataviera, E.; Vivian, J.; Lombardo, G.; Zarrella, A. Evaluation of the impact of input uncertainty on urban building energy simulations using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Appl. Energy 2022, 311, 118691 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Romano, E.; Eggimann, S.; Patel, M. K. Decarbonization strategies for Switzerland considering embedded greenhouse gas emissions in electricity imports. Energy Policy 2022, 162, 112794 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Bach, C.; Bauer, C.; Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D.; Elber, U.; Georges, G.; Limpach, R.; Pareschi, G.; Kannan, R.; Teske, S. L. Prospective life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of electricity-based mobility options. Appl. Energy 2022, 306, 118065 (20 pp.).
Detailed Record
Silva, R.; Eggimann, S.; Fierz, L.; Fiorentini, M.; Orehounig, K.; Baldini, L. Opportunities for passive cooling to mitigate the impact of climate change in Switzerland. Build. Environ. 2022, 208, 108574 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sommer, T.; Sotnikov, A.; Sulzer, M.; Scholz, V.; Mischler, S.; Rismanchi, B.; Gjoka, K.; Mennel, S. Hydrothermal challenges in low-temperature networks with distributed heat pumps. Energy 2022, 257, 124527 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Stauffer, D.; Scherer, P.; Heer, P.; Steiner, B.; Rumsch, A. Digitalisierung im Gebäude. Grundlagen zu Interoperabilität und Informationssicherheit im Gebäude; Report No.: SH/8100360-02-01-03; Verein Bern, 2022; 56 p.
Detailed Record
Svetozarevic, B.; Baumann, C.; Muntwiler, S.; Di Natale, L.; Zeilinger, M. N.; Heer, P. Data-driven control of room temperature and bidirectional EV charging using deep reinforcement learning: simulations and experiments. Appl. Energy 2022, 307, 118127 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Croci, L.; Zarrella, A. Experimental tests on the performance of an economic model predictive control system in a lightweight building. Appl. Therm. Eng. 2022, 213, 118693 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Chinello, M.; Zarrella, A.; De Carli, M. Investigation on individual and collective PV self-consumption for a fifth generation district heating network. Energies 2022, 15 (3), 1022 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vulic, N.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; Orehounig, K. Role of temporary thermostat adjustments as a fast, low-cost measure in reducing energy imports. Environ. Res. Commun. 2022, 4 (12), 121007 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jones, C. N.; Svetozarevic, B.; Laughman, C. R.; Chakrabarty, A. VABO: violation-aware Bayesian optimization for closed-loop control performance optimization with unmodeled constraints. In American Control Conference, presented at the 2022 American control conference (ACC), Atlanta, June 8-10, 2022; American control conference (ACC); IEEE: sine loco, 2022; pp 5288-5293.
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Fierz, L.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Linked data ontology for urban scale building energy simulation. In eSIM 2020 conference proceedings, presented at the eSim 2021 building simulation meets building data, Vancouver BC, Canada, June 14-16, 2021; IBPSA: sine loco, 2021; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bay, M. C.; Heinz, M. V. F.; Danilewsky, A. N.; Battaglia, C.; Vogt, U. F. Analysis of c-lattice parameters to evaluate Na2O loss from and Na2O content in β''-alumina ceramics. Ceram. Int. 2021, 47 (10), 13402-13408.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Schalbetter, A.; Aboudonia, A.; Hudoba de Badyn, M.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Input convex neural networks for building MPC. In Learning for dynamics and control, presented at the 3rd annual learning for dynamics & control conference (L4DC 2021), Zürich, Switzerland, June 7-8, 2021; Jadbabaie, A., Lygeros, J., Pappas, G. J., Parrilo, P. A., Recht, B., Tomlin, C. J., Zeilinger, M. N., Eds.; Proceedings of machine learning research; ML Research Press: sine loco, 2021; Vol. 144, pp 251-262.
Detailed Record
Cai, H.; Khayatian, F.; Heer, P. Experiment strategy for evaluating advanced building energy management system. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012030 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Cai, H.; Heer, P. Experimental implementation of a context-aware prosumer. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012068 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Deep Reinforcement Learning for room temperature control: a black-box pipeline from data to policies. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012004 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Funk, L.; Rüdisüli, M.; Svetozarevic, B.; Pareschi, G.; Heer, P.; Sansavini, G. The potential of vehicle-to-grid to support the energy transition: a case study on Switzerland. Energies 2021, 14 (16), 4812 (24 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dominguez, C.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Estimating hourly lighting load profiles of rural households in East Africa applying a data-driven characterization of occupant behavior and lighting devices ownership. Dev. Eng. 2021, 6, 100073 (21 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dominguez, C.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Understanding the path towards a clean energy transition and post-electrification patterns of rural households. Energy Sustain. Dev. 2021, 61, 46-64.
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Lischer, P.; Bolliger, J. Evaluating superblock design to enhance urban greening. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012005 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Wagner, M.; Ho, Y. N.; Züger, M.; Schneider, U.; Orehounig, K. Geospatial simulation of urban neighbourhood densification potentials. Sustain. Cities Soc. 2021, 72, 103068 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Mutschler, R. Wird Kühlen das neue Heizen? Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2021, pp 44-47.
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Lischer, P.; Bolliger, J. «Grau zu grün»: Analyse zum Transformationspotential des Strassenraums in der Stadt Zürich. Projet d'analyse du potentiel de «transformation verte» de l'espace routier en ville de Zurich
 . Nature et Paysage. Natur und Landschaft: Inside, 2021, pp 26-28.
Detailed Record
Fiorentini, M.; Baldini, L. Control-oriented modelling and operational optimization of a borehole thermal energy storage. Appl. Therm. Eng. 2021, 199, 117518 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Florio, P.; Peronato, G.; Perera, A. T. D.; Di Blasi, A.; Poon, K. H.; Kämpf, J. H. Designing and assessing solar energy neighborhoods from visual impact. Sustain. Cities Soc. 2021, 71, 102959 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fochesato, M.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Multi-objective optimization of a power-to-hydrogen system for mobility via two-stage stochastic programming. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012034 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Baldini, L. Static temperature guideline for comparative testing of sorption heat storage systems for building application. Energies 2021, 14 (13), 3754 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gasser, J.; Cai, H.; Karagiannopoulos, S.; Heer, P.; Hug, G. Predictive energy management of residential buildings while self-reporting flexibility envelope. Appl. Energy 2021, 288, 116653 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Heymann, F.; Duenas, P.; Soares, F. J.; Miranda, V.; Rüdisüli, M. Simulating spatiotemporal energy technology adoption patterns under different policy designs. In 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. Conference proceedings, presented at the 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, Madrid, Spain, June 28 - July 2, 2021; Power tech conference; IEEE: Danvers, MA, 2021; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Huber, B.; Felix, B.; Antoon, D.; Heer, P.; Aboudonia, A.; Lygeros, J. Benchmarking of data predictive control in a real-life apartment during heating season. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012024 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Isaia, F.; Fiorentini, M.; Serra, V.; Capozzoli, A. Enhancing energy efficiency and comfort in buildings through model predictive control for dynamic façades with electrochromic glazing. J. Build. Eng. 2021, 43, 102535 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Karagiannopoulos, S.; Aristidou, P.; Cai, H.; Heer, P.; Hug, G. Safe flexibility in active distribution grids: a practical data-driven approach. In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe 2021), presented at the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe 2021), Espoo, Finland, October 18-21, 2021; IEEE: Danvers, MA, 2021; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Khayatian, F.; Bollinger, A.; Heer, P. Temporal resolution of measurements and the effects on calibrating building energy models. In eSIM 2020 conference proceedings, presented at the eSim 2021 building simulation meets building data, Vancouver BC, Canada, June 14-16, 2021; IBPSA: sine loco, 2021; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Khayatian, F.; Nagy, Z.; Bollinger, A. Using generative adversarial networks to evaluate robustness of reinforcement learning agents against uncertainties. Energy Build. 2021, 251, 111334 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Ledo Gomis, L.; Fiorentini, M.; Daly, D. Potential and practical management of hybrid ventilation in buildings. Energy Build. 2021, 231, 110597 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mennel, S.; Sulzer, M.; Yilmaz, S.; Patel, M.; Chambers, J.; Knoeri, C.; Thees, O.; Erni, M.; Walch, A.; Guignard, F.; et al. Handbuch zur Entwicklung erneuerbarer dezentraler Energiesysteme; SCCER FEEB&D; Hochschule Luzern: Dübendorf; Horw, 2021; 59 p.
Detailed Record
Mittelviefhaus, M.; Pareschi, G.; Allan, J.; Georges, G.; Boulouchos, K. Optimal investment and scheduling of residential multi-energy systems including electric mobility: a cost-effective approach to climate change mitigation. Appl. Energy 2021, 301, 117445 (24 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mutschler, R.; Rüdisüli, M.; Heer, P.; Eggimann, S. Benchmarking cooling and heating energy demands considering climate change, population growth and cooling device uptake. Appl. Energy 2021, 288, 116636 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mutschler, R.; Moioli, E. Infrared thermography as an operando tool for the analysis of catalytic processes: How to use it? Catalysts 2021, 11 (3), 311 (21 pp.).
Detailed Record
Nik, V. M.; Perera, A. T. D.; Chen, D. Towards climate resilient urban energy systems: a review. NSR 2021, 8 (3), nwaa134 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Panos, E.; Kober, T.; Ramachandran, K.; Hirschberg, S.; Bauer, C.; Schildhauer, T.; Streicher, K. N.; Yilmaz, S.; Zuberi, J.; Patel, M.; et al. Transformation of the Swiss energy system for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission society. Results from the joint activity scenarios & modelling; ETH Zurich: Zurich, 2021; 32 p.
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Kamalaruban, P. Applications of reinforcement learning in energy systems. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2021, 137, 110618 (22 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Javanroodi, K.; Nik, V. M. Climate resilient interconnected infrastructure: co-optimization of energy systems and urban morphology. Appl. Energy 2021, 285, 116430 (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Wang, Z.; Nik, V. M.; Scartezzini, J. L. Towards realization of an energy internet: designing distributed energy systems using game-theoretic approach. Appl. Energy 2021, 283, 116349 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Javanroodi, K.; Wang, Y.; Hong, T. Urban cells: extending the energy hub concept to facilitate sector and spatial coupling. Adv. Appl. Energy 2021, 3, 100046 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Werner, S.; Mennel, S.; Wetter, M. Vocabulary for the fourth generation of district heating and cooling. Smart energy 2021, 1, 100003 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Bollinger, A. Wegweiser aus dem Energie-Trilemma. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2021, pp 2-6.
Detailed Record
Thrampoulidis, E.; Mavromatidis, G.; Lucchi, A.; Orehounig, K. A machine learning-based surrogate model to approximate optimal building retrofit solutions. Appl. Energy 2021, 281, 116024 (20 pp.).
Detailed Record
Thrampoulidis, E.; Orehounig, K.; Hug, G. Electricity demand flexibility potential of optimal building retrofit solutions. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012149 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Walch, A.; Rüdisüli, M.; Castello, R.; Scartezzini, J. L. Quantification of existing rooftop PV hourly generation capacity and validation against measurement data. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012011 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Li, X.; Marquant, J.; Carmeliet, J.; Orehounig, K. Advancing the thermal network representation for the optimal design of distributed multi-energy systems. Front. Energy Res. 2021, 9, 668124 (23 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Carmeliet, J.; Orehounig, K. Design and assessment of district heating systems with solar thermal prosumers and thermal storage. Energies 2021, 14 (4), 1184 (27 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M.; Orehounig, K. Advancing urban energy system planning and modeling approaches: gaps and solutions in perspective. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2021, 137, 110607 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yazdanie, M.; Zhou, C. Sustainable long-term energy planning for a district in Suzhou City, China. In CISBAT 2021 carbon neutral cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2021; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Lindelof, D., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: Bristol; Philadelphia, 2021; Vol. 2042, p 012109 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Baldini, L.; Fumey, B. Seasonal energy flexibility through integration of liquid sorption storage in buildings. Energies 2020, 13 (11), 2944 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Boulouchos, K.; Brenzikofer, A.; Demiray, T.; von Euw, M.; Flamm, B.; Haselbacher, A.; Heer, P.; Hofer, M.; Lygeros, J.; Marinakis, D.; et al. ReMaP: Forschungsplattform für Multienergiesysteme. Aqua Gas 2020, 100 (9), 14-21.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Huber, B.; Heer, P.; Aboudonia, A.; Lygeros, J. Experimental demonstration of data predictive control for energy optimization and thermal comfort in buildings. Energy Build. 2020, 211, 109792 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Warrington, J.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Frequency regulation with heat pumps using robust MPC with affine policies. In 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, presented at the 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020; Findeisen, R., Hirche, S., Janschek, K., Mönnigmann, M., Eds.; IFAC-PapersOnline; Elsevier, 2020; Vol. 53, pp 13210-13215.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Improved day ahead heating demand forecasting by online correction methods. Energy Build. 2020, 211, 109821 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Usher, W.; Eyre, N.; Hall, J. W. How weather affects energy demand variability in the transition towards sustainable heating. Energy 2020, 195, 116947 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S.; Wagner, M.; Chen, T.; Ho, Y.; Schneider, U.; Orehounig, K. Sustainable urban densification potentials: a geospatial analysis of Swiss post-war neighbourhoods. In World sustainable built environment, presented at the WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2-4, 2020; Wallbaum, H., Hollberg, A., Thuvander, L., Femenias, P., Kurkowska, I., Mjornell, K., Fudge, C., Eds.; IOP conference series: earth and environmental science; IOP Publishing, 2020; Vol. 588, p 022040 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fiorentini, M.; Ledo Gomis, L.; Chen, D.; Cooper, P. On the impact of internal gains and comfort band on the effectiveness of building thermal zoning. Energy Build. 2020, 225, 110320 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Baldini, L.; Borgschulte, A. Water transport in aqueous sodium hydroxide films for liquid sorption heat storage. Energy Technol. 2020, 8 (7), 2000187 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gielen, D.; Chen, Y.; Schnyder, E.; Potter, J.; Yazdanie, M.; Marquant, J.; Hugenholtz, D.; Gilmanova, A. Auge de las energías renovables en las ciudades. Soluciones energéticas para el futuro urbano; Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2020; 113 p.
Detailed Record
Gielen, D.; Chen, Y.; Schnyder, E.; Potter, J.; Yazdanie, M.; Marquant, J.; Hugenholtz, D.; Gilmanova, A. Rise of renewables in cities. Energy solutions for the urban future; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2020; 113 p.
Detailed Record
Hohmann, M.; Warrington, J.; Lygeros, J. A moment and sum-of-squares extension of dual dynamic programming with application to nonlinear energy storage problems. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2020, 283 (1), 16-32.
Detailed Record
Kim, M. K.; Baldini, L.; Leibundgut, H.; Wurzbacher, J. A. Evaluation of the humidity performance of a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture device as a novel ventilation strategy in buildings. Appl. Energy 2020, 259, 112869 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Malhotra, A.; Bischof, J.; Allan, J.; O’ Donnell, J.; Schwengler, T.; Benner, J.; Schweiger, G. A review on country specific data availability and acquisition techniques for city quarter information modelling for building energy analysis. In 8th conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. BauSIM 2020, presented at the BauSIM 2020, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2020; Monsberger, M., Hopfe, C. J., Krüger, M., Passer, A., Eds.; Graz University of Technology: Graz, 2020; pp 543-549.
Detailed Record
Muriel, B.; Perera, A. T. D.; Hanmin, C.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Improving energy sustainability of suburban areas by using distributed energy systems: a case study. In The first world energies forum - current and future energy issues, presented at the The first world energies forum, Basel, Switzerland, September 14 - October 5, 2020; Proceedings; MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, 2020; Vol. 58, p 7 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Carmeliet, J.; Orehounig, K. Multi-objective optimisation of power-to-mobility in decentralised multi-energy systems. Energy 2020, 205, 117792 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Marquant, J.; Niffeler, M.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K. Optimal transformation strategies for buildings, neighbourhoods and districts to reach CO2 emission reduction targets. Energy Build. 2020, 207, 109569 (34 pp.).
Detailed Record
Nik, V. M.; Perera, A. T. D. The importance of developing climate-resilient pathways for energy transition and climate change adaptation. One Earth 2020, 3 (4), 423-424.
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Wickramasinghe, P. U.; Nik, V. M.; Scartezzini, J. L. Introducing reinforcement learning to the energy system design process. Appl. Energy 2020, 262, 114580 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Nik, V. M.; Chen, D.; Scartezzini, J. L.; Hong, T. Quantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems. Nat. Energy 2020, 5 (2), 150-159.
Detailed Record
Petry, J.; Holdener, M.; Sulzer, M.; Werlen, K. SHED Swiss Hub for Energy Data. Teil einer nationalen Energie-Dateninfrastruktur und Wegbereiter für Energiestrategie 2050, Klimaschutz und digitale Innovationen; Report No.: SI/501857-01; sine nomine: sine loco, 2020; 46 p.
Detailed Record
Serale, G.; Fiorentini, M.; Noussan, M. Development of algorithms for building energy efficiency. In Start-up creation. The smart eco-efficient built environment; Pacheco-Torgal, F., Rasmussen, E., Granqvist, C. G., Ivanov, V., Kaklauskas, A., Makonin, S., Eds.; Woodhead publishing series in civil and structural engineering; Elsevier: Cambridge; Kildington, 2020; pp 267-290.
Detailed Record
Sommer, T.; Sulzer, M.; Wetter, M.; Sotnikov, A.; Mennel, S.; Stettler, C. The reservoir network: a new network topology for district heating and cooling. Energy 2020, 199, 117418 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Streicher, K. N.; Allan, J.; Murray, P.; Bollinger, A.; Marcucci, A. Energy efficiency in buildings; Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling; Empa: sine loco, 2020; 30 p.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Knoeri, C.; Niffeler, M. Concept for next generation of technical energy regulations in buildings. In World sustainable built environment, presented at the WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2-4, 2020; Wallbaum, H., Hollberg, A., Thuvander, L., Femenias, P., Kurkowska, I., Mjornell, K., Fudge, C., Eds.; IOP conference series: earth and environmental science; IOP Publishing, 2020; Vol. 588, p 022022 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M. Energieeffizienz – best in class. In Suurstoffi - Eine Quartierentwicklung in Rotkreuz; Zug Estates AG, Ed.; Zug Estates AG: Zug, 2020; pp 156-157.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Bollinger, A. Komplexität ist die neue Einfachheit. Wie Sektorenkopplung und Netzkonvergenz zu eleganten Lösungen führen. Aqua Gas 2020, 100 (9), 23-28.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M. Paradigm shifts for the Swiss building sector to shape the future energy system; Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research: sine loco, 2020; 15 p.
Detailed Record
Wang, J.; Cai, H.; You, S.; Zong, Y.; Zhang, C.; Træholt, C. A framework for techno-economic assessment of demand-side power-to-heat solutions in low-temperature district heating. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 2020, 122, 106096 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wang, Z.; Perera, A. T. D. Integrated platform to design robust energy internet. Appl. Energy 2020, 269, 114942 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xiao, C.; Khayatian, F.; Dall'O', G. Unsupervised learning for feature projection: extracting patterns from multidimensional building measurements. Energy Build. 2020, 224, 110228 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhou, X.; Carmeliet, J.; Sulzer, M.; Derome, D. Energy-efficient mitigation measures for improving indoor thermal comfort during heat waves. Appl. Energy 2020, 278, 115620 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Georges, G.; Heer, P.; Budiman, D.; Croce, L. Characterization of heat-pump, PV and battery demonstrator technologies using a coherent energy assessment. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012105 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Boegli, M.; Bollinger, A.; Alet, P. J.; Wiget, M. Speed-optimized simulation models for rapid performance evaluation of heating and energy management systems. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th conference of IBPSA (BS 2019), Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the international building performance simulation association; International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 3668-3675.
Detailed Record
Andrew Bollinger, L.; Marquant, J.; Sulzer, M. Optimization-based planning of local energy systems - bridging the research-practice gap. In SBE19 Graz. Sustainable built environment D-A-CH conference 2019. Transition towards a net zero carbon built environment, presented at the Sustainable built environment D-A-CH conference 2019 (SBE19 Graz), Graz, Austria, September 11–14, 2019; Passer, A., Lützkendorf, T., Habert, G., Kromp-Kolb, H., Monsberger, M., Eds.; IOP conference series: earth and environmental science; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 323, p 012077 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bach, C.; Beuse, M.; Georges, G.; Held, M.; Heselhaus, S.; Korba, P.; Küng, L.; Malhotra, A.; Moebus, S.; Parra, D.; et al. Perspectives of power-to-X technologies in Switzerland. A white paper, 2nd ed.; Kober, T., Bauer, C., Eds.; Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI); Empa: Villigen PSI, Switzerland; sine loco, 2019; 39 p.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Bollinger, A.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Empirical validation of a data-driven heating demand simulation with error correction methods. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th international conference of the international building Performance simulation association, building simulation 2019, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the international building performance simulation association; International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 1428-1435.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Sensitivity analysis of data-driven building energy demand forecasts. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012062 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Chambers, J.; Narula, K.; Sulzer, M.; Patel, M. K. Mapping district heating potential under evolving thermal demand scenarios and technologies: a case study for Switzerland. Energy 2019, 176, 682-692.
Detailed Record
Dominguez, C.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Modelling of rural electrical appliances ownership in developing countries to project their electricity demand: a case study of sub-Saharan Africa. Int. J. Sustain. Energy Plan. Manag. 2019, 22, 5-16.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Baldini, L. Sorption based long-term thermal energy storage – process classification and analysis of performance limitations: a review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2019, 111, 57-74.
Detailed Record
Gabrielli, P.; Fürer, F.; Mavromatidis, G.; Mazzotti, M. Robust and optimal design of multi-energy systems with seasonal storage through uncertainty analysis. Appl. Energy 2019, 238, 1192-1210.
Detailed Record
Hohmann, M.; Warrington, J.; Lygeros, J. A two-stage polynomial approach to stochastic optimization of district heating networks. Sustain. Energy Grids Netw. 2019, 17, 100177 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hohmann, M.; Warrington, J.; Lygeros, J. Optimal linearizations of power systems with uncertain supply and demand. IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 2019, 34 (2), 1504-1512.
Detailed Record
Hänggi, S.; Elbert, P.; Bütler, T.; Cabalzar, U.; Teske, S.; Bach, C.; Onder, C. A review of synthetic fuels for passenger vehicles. Energy Rep. 2019, 5, 555-569.
Detailed Record
Khosravi, M.; Eichler, A.; Schmid, N.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S. Controller tuning by Bayesian optimization. An application to a heat pump. In 2019 18th European control conference (ECC), presented at the 18th European control conference (ECC 2019), Napoli, Italy, June 25-28, 2019; IEEE: sine loco, 2019; pp 1467-1472.
Detailed Record
Khosravi, M.; Schmid, N.; Eichler, A.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S. Machine learning-based modeling and controller tuning of a heat pump. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012065 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Bollinger, L. A.; Hohmann, M.; Marquant, J. F.; Miglani, S.; Morvaj, B.; Murray, P.; Waibel, C.; Wang, D.; et al. Ten questions concerning modeling of distributed multi-energy systems. Build. Environ. 2019, 165, 106372 (22 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mazourenko, E.; Heer, P.; Niederhaeuser, E. L.; Torregrossa, D. Disruptive business models enabling large battery energy storage system deployment. In Proceedings of the 8th DACH+ conference on energy informatics, presented at the Energy informatics 2019. The 8th DACH+ conference on energy informatics, Salzburg, Austria, 26-27 September, 2019; Unterweger, A., Engel, D., Eds.; Energy informatics; Springer: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 2, pp 21-24.
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Optimal design of multi-energy systems at different degrees of decentralization. In Innovative solutions for energy transitions, presented at the 10th international conference on applied energy (ICAE2018), Hong Kong, China, August 22-25, 2018; Yan, J., Yang, Hxing, Li, H., Chen, X., Eds.; Energy procedia; Elsevier: s.l., 2019; Vol. 158, pp 4204-4209.
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Niffeler, M.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K. Optimal retrofitting measures for residential buildings at large scale: a multi-objective approach. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th conference of IBPSA (BS 2019), Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA; International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 3742-3748.
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Optimal vehicle selection in the design of urban energy systems: an integration of the private transport and building energy sectors. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th conference of IBPSA (BS 2019), Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the international building performance simulation association; International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 3094-3102.
Detailed Record
Rohrbach, B.; von Euw, L.; Bollinger, A.; Pacheco, C.; Perera, A. T. D. Linking business model innovation with energy system optimization. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012112 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Teske, S. L.; Elber, U. Impacts of an increased substitution of fossil energy carriers with electricity-based technologies on the Swiss electricity system. Energies 2019, 12 (12), 2399 (38 pp.).
Detailed Record
Saelens, D.; De Jaeger, I.; Bünning, F.; Mans, M.; Vandermeulen, A.; van der Heijde, B.; Garreau, E.; Maccarini, A.; Rønneseth, Ø.; Sartori, I.; et al. Towards a DESTEST: a district energy simulation test developed in IBPSA project 1. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th conference of IBPSA (BS 2019), Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the international building performance simulation association; International Building Performance Simulation Association: Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 3569-3576.
Detailed Record
Sommer, T.; Sotnikov, A.; Sandmeier, E.; Stettler, C.; Mennel, S.; Sulzer, M. Optimization of low-temperature networks by new hydraulic concepts. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012112 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sotnikov, A.; Sandmeier, E.; Sulzer, M.; Sergi, T.; Mennel, S.; Sommer, T. Thermal stability and heat transfer in the reservoir low-temperature network. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012113 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Stettler, C.; Schluck, T.; Sulzer, M.; Mennel, S.; Sommer, T. Electricity consumption of heat pumps in thermal networks depends on network topology. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th IBPSA conference, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association; International Building Performance Simulation Association: Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 1794-1801.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Carp, V.; Gadola, R.; Knoeri, C.; Marquant, J.; Mavromatidis, G.; Mennel, S.; Murray, P.; Nakhle, C.; et al. Concept for next generation of technical energy regulations in buildings. Energy turnaround - Technical - Regulations EnTeR - final report phase 1; Empa; ETH Zürich: Dübendorf; Zürich, 2019; 40 p.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Energy Hubs - Ein Beitrag zur Energiewende. Am Beispiel "Masterplan Energie Brig-Glis". Aqua Gas 2019, 99 (3), 14-20.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Carp, V.; Gadola, R.; Knoeri, C.; Marquant, J.; Mavromatidis, G.; Mennel, S.; Murray, P.; Nakhle, C.; et al. Konzepte für die nächste Generation von technischen Regulierungen im Bereich Gebäude und Energie. Energiewende und Technische Regulierung EnTeR - Schlussbericht Phase 1; Empa; ETH Zürich: Dübendorf; Zürich, 2019; 42 p.
Detailed Record
Teske, S. L.; Rüdisüli, M.; Bach, C.; Schildhauer, T. Potentialanalyse Power-to-Gas in der Schweiz. Betrachtungen zu Technologien, CO2, Standorten, Elektrizität, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Einsatz in der Mobilität; Empa: Dübendorf, 2019; 193 p.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Mavromatidis, G.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. A comparison of building energy optimization problems and mathematical test functions using static fitness landscape analysis. J. Build. Perform. Simul. 2019, 12 (6), 789-811.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Wortmann, T.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Building energy optimization: an extensive benchmark of global search algorithms. Energy Build. 2019, 187, 218-240.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Clustering and ranking based methods for selecting tuned search heuristic parameters. In 2019 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), presented at the 2019 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), Wellington, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019; Congress on evolutionary computation; IEEE: Danvers, 2019; pp 2931-2940.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Co-simulation and optimization of building geometry and multi-energy systems: interdependencies in energy supply, energy demand and solar potentials. Appl. Energy 2019, 242, 1661-1682.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Wortmann, T.; Mavromatidis, G.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Why we need a testbed for black-box optimization algorithms in building simulation. In Proceedings of building simulation 2019: 16th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 16th conference of IBPSA (BS 2019), Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019; Corrado, V., Fabrizio, E., Gasparella, A., Patuzzi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of the international building performance simulation association; International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA): Rome, 2019; Vol. 16, pp 2909-2917.
Detailed Record
Weber, R. R.; Baldini, L. "Solar fitness and wellness" - a unique design for sustainable wellness technologies. In CISBAT 2019 international conference on climate resilient cities - energy efficiency & renewables in the digital era, presented at the CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6, 2019; Scartezzini, J. L., Smith, B., Eds.; Journal of physics: conference series; IOP Publishing: sine loco, 2019; Vol. 1343, p 012097 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; Davis, C. B.; Evins, R.; Chappin, E. J. L.; Nikolic, I. Multi-model ecologies for shaping future energy systems: design patterns and development paths. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2018, 82, 3441-3451.
Detailed Record
Dominguez, C.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Modelling of rural electrical appliances saturation in developing countries to project their electricity demand: a case study of sub-Saharan Africa. In ECOS 2018. Proceedings of the 31st international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the ECOS 2018 - 31st international conference on efficiency, cost, optimizacion, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, Guimarães, Portugal, June 17-22, 2018; Universidade do Minho, Ed.; University of Minho: Porto, 2018; pp 1-12.
Detailed Record
Facchinetti, E.; Rohrbach, B.; van der Wel, G.; Bollinger, A. Monetary value of a district's flexibility on the spotand reserve electricity markets. Buildings 2018, 8 (12), 181 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fricker, R. Flexible forschung mit flexibler Kommunikation. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2018, pp 36-40.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Buetler, T.; Vogt, U. F. Ultra-low NOx emissions from catalytic hydrogen combustion. Appl. Energy 2018, 213, 334-342.
Detailed Record
Gabrielli, P.; Fürer, F.; Murray, P.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J.; Gazzani, M.; Mazzotti, M. A time-series-based approach for robust design of multi-energy systems with energy storage. In Proceedings of the 28th European symposium on computer aided process engineering, presented at the 28th European symposium on computer aided process engineering, Graz, June 10–13, 2018; Friedl, A., Klemeš, J. J., Radl, S., Varbanov, P. S., Wallek, T., Eds.; Computer aided chemical engineering; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2018; Vol. 43, pp 525-530.
Detailed Record
Ju, W.; Heinz, M. V. F.; Pusterla, L.; Hofer, M.; Fumey, B.; Castiglioni, R.; Pagani, M.; Battaglia, C.; Vogt, U. F. Lab-scale alkaline water electrolyzer for bridging material fundamentals with realistic operation. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (4), 4829-4837.
Detailed Record
Knechtle, R. Ein stabiles Netz dank "smarter" Teilnehmer. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2018, pp 57-61.
Detailed Record
Mahmoodi, J.; Prasanna, A.; Hille, S.; Patel, M. K.; Brosch, T. Combining "carrot and stick" to incentivize sustainability in households. Energy Policy 2018, 123, 31-40.
Detailed Record
Marquant, J. F.; Bollinger, L. A.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. A new combined clustering method to analyse the potential of district heating networks at large-scale. Energy 2018, 156, 73-83.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. A review of uncertainty characterisation approaches for the optimal design of distributed energy systems. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2018, 88, 258-277.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Comparison of alternative decision-making criteria in a two-stage stochastic program for the design of distributed energy systems under uncertainty. Energy 2018, 156, 709-724.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Design of distributed energy systems under uncertainty: a two-stage stochastic programming approach. Appl. Energy 2018, 222, 932-950.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis for the optimal design of distributed energy systems. Appl. Energy 2018, 214, 219-238.
Detailed Record
Miglani, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. A methodology to calculate long-term shallow geothermal energy potential for an urban neighbourhood. Energy Build. 2018, 159, 462-473.
Detailed Record
Miglani, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Integrating a thermal model of ground source heat pumps and solar regeneration within building energy system optimization. Appl. Energy 2018, 218, 78-94.
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Orehounig, K.; Grosspietsch, D.; Carmeliet, J. A comparison of storage systems in neighbourhood decentralized energy system applications from 2015 to 2050. Appl. Energy 2018, 231, 1285-1306.
Detailed Record
Murray, P.; Orehounig, K.; Omu, A.; Carmeliet, J. Impact of renewable energy potential on the feasibility of power to hydrogen in different municipal contexts. In ECOS 2018. Proceedings of the 31st international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the ECOS 2018, Guimarães, Portugal, June 17-21, 2018; Teixeira, J. C., Ferreira, A. C., Silva, Ã., Teixeira, S., Eds.; Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica: Guimarães, 2018.
Detailed Record
Nault, E.; Waibel, C.; Carmeliet, J.; Andersen, M. Development and test application of the UrbanSOLve decision-support prototype for early-stage neighborhood design. Build. Environ. 2018, 137, 58-72.
Detailed Record
Prasanna, A.; Patel, M. K.; Mahmoodi, J.; Brosch, T. Recent experiences with tariffs for saving electricity in households. Energy Policy 2018, 115, 514-522.
Detailed Record
Richner, P.; Heer, P.; Largo, R.; Marchesi, E.; Zimmermann, M. NEST – a platform for the acceleration of innovation in buildings. Inf. Constr. 2018, 69 (548), e222 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M. Innovationspotenzial Gebäudepark Schweiz. In Schweizer Energiefachbuch 2018: Nachhaltig Planen, Bauen und Betreiben; Schweizer Energiefachbuch, Vol. 2018; Kömedia: St. Gallen, 2018; pp 38-42.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Mavromatidis, G.; Bollinger, A.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Sensitivity analysis on optimal placement of façade based photovoltaics. In ECOS 2018. Proceedings of the 31st international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the ECOS 2018, Guimarães, Portugal, June 17-21, 2018; Teixeira, J. C., Ferreira, A. C., Silva, Ã., Teixeira, S., Eds.; Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica: Guimarães, 2018.
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. A study of district heating systems with solar thermal based prosumers. Presented at the 16th international symposium on district heating and cooling, DHC2018, Hamburg, September 9-12, 2018; Energy procedia; Elsevier; Vol. 149, pp 132-140.
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Landolt, J.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. CESAR: a bottom-up building stock modelling tool for Switzerland to address sustainable energy transformation strategies. Energy Build. 2018, 169, 9-26.
Detailed Record
Weber, R.; Baldini, L. High temperature seasonal borehole thermal energy storage for effective load shifting and CO2 emission reduction. In Proceedings of the ISES EuroSun 2018 conference - 12th International conference on solar energy for buildings and industry, presented at the 12th International conference on solar energy for buildings and industry (EuroSun 2018), Rapperswil, Switzerland, September 10-13, 2018; Häberle, A., Ed.; International Solar Energy Society: Freiburg, Germany, 2018; pp 1201-1209.
Detailed Record
Ajit Miglani, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. A methodology for the optimal operation of a residential building's heating system with focus on thermal modelling of GSHPs. In Proceedings of ECOS 2017 - the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, July 2-July 6, 2017, San Diego, California, USA, presented at the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimisation, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, San Diego, California, USA, July 2-6, 2017; ECOS 2017: sine loco, 2017; p (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A. Impact of electricity price policies on optimal district energy system design. Presented at the Building simulation 2017, San Francisco, California, USA, August 7-9, 2017; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; Dorer, V. The Ehub modeling tool: a flexible software package for district energy system optimization. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 541-546.
Detailed Record
Daguenet-Frick, X.; Gantenbein, P.; Müller, J.; Fumey, B.; Weber, R. Seasonal thermochemical energy storage: comparison of the experimental results with the modelling of the falling film tube bundle heat and mass exchanger unit. Renew. Energy 2017, 110, 162-173.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Baldini, L. Cycling test of liquid sorption thermal energy storage using sodium hydroxide. In ISES conference proceedings database, presented at the ISES solar world congress 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arabian Emirates, October 29 - November 02, 2017; International Solar Energy Society: Freiburg, Germany, 2017; p (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Baldini, L. Liquid sorption heat storage – a proof of concept based on lab measurements with a novel spiral fined heat and mass exchanger design. Appl. Energy 2017, 200, 215-225.
Detailed Record
Heer, P. Energiezukunft im Quartier erforschen und demonstrieren. In Schweizer Energiefachbuch 2017: Nachhaltig Planen, Bauen und Betreiben; Schweizer Energiefachbuch, Vol. 2017; Kömedia: St. Gallen, 2017; pp 62-65.
Detailed Record
Hohmann, M.; Evins, R.; Lygeros, J. Optimal dispatch of large multi-carrier energy networks considering energy conversion functions. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 80-85.
Detailed Record
Hsieh, S.; Omu, A.; Orehounig, K. Comparison of solar thermal systems with storage: from building to neighbourhood scale. Energy Build. 2017, 152, 359-372.
Detailed Record
Marquant, J. F.; Evins, R.; Bollinger, L. A.; Carmeliet, J. A holarchic approach for multi-scale distributed energy system optimisation. Appl. Energy 2017, 208, 935-953.
Detailed Record
Marquant, J. F.; Bollinger, L. A.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. A new combined clustering method to analyse the potential of district heating networks at large-scale. In Proceedings of ECOS 2017 - the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, July 2-July 6, 2017, San Diego, California, USA, presented at the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimisation, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, San Diego, California, USA, July 2-6, 2017; ECOS 2017: sine loco, 2017; p (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Marquant, J. F.; Mavromatidis, G.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Comparing different temporal dimension representations in distributed energy system design models. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 907-912.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Designing electrically self-sufficient distributed energy systems under energy demand and solar radiation uncertainty. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 1027-1032.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Trade-offs between risk-neutral and risk-averse decision making for the design of distributed energy systems under uncertainty. In Proceedings of ECOS 2017 - the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, July 2-July 6, 2017, San Diego, California, USA, presented at the 30th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimisation, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, San Diego, California, USA, July 2–6, 2017; ECOS 2017: sine loco, 2017; p (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Miglani, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Design and optimization of a hybrid solar ground source heat pump with seasonal regeneration. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 1015-1020.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Comparison of individual and microgrid approaches for a distributed multi energy system with different renewable shares in the grid electricity supply. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 349-354.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Decarbonizing the electricity grid: the impact on urban energy systems, distribution grids and district heating potential. Appl. Energy 2017, 191, 125-140.
Detailed Record
Prasanna, A.; Dorer, V. Feasibility of renewable hydrogen based energy supply for a district. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 373-378.
Detailed Record
Prasanna, A.; Dorer, V.; Vetterli, N. Optimisation of a district energy system with a low temperature network. Energy 2017, 137, 632-648.
Detailed Record
Schluck, T.; Hangartner, D.; Facchinetti, E.; Sulzer-Worlitschek, S.; Mennel, S.; Sulzer, M. The Uettligen case - a step towards a role model in energy concept development. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 1069-1074.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Efficient time-resolved 3D solar potential modelling. Sol. Energy 2017, 158, 960-976.
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Investigating the potential for district heating networks with locally integrated solar thermal energy supply. In CISBAT 2017 international conference. Future buildings & districts - energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, presented at the CISBAT 2017 international conference - future buildings & districts - Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017; Scartezzini, J. L., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2017; Vol. 122, pp 1057-1062.
Detailed Record
Weber, R.; Fumey, B.; Moser, C.; Baldini, L. TRNSYS simulation of a sodium hydroxide sorption storage system. Presented at the SOLARIS conference 2017, London, UK, July 27-28, 2017; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wortmann, T.; Waibel, C.; Nannicini, G.; Evins, R.; Schroepfer, T.; Carmeliet, J. Are genetic algorithms really the best choice for building energy optimization? In SIMAUD '17: proceedings of the symposium on simulation for architecture and urban design, presented at the SimAUD 2017, Toronto, Canada, May 22-24, 2017; Turrin, M., Peters, B., Dogan, T., O'Brien, W., Stouffs, R., Eds.; The Society for Modeling and Simulation International: San Diego, CA, United States, 2017; pp 51-55.
Detailed Record
Wu, R.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Multiobjective optimisation of energy systems and building envelope retrofit in a residential community. Appl. Energy 2017, 190, 634-649.
Detailed Record
Allegrini, J.; Dorer, V.; Carmeliet, J. Impact of radiation exchange between buildings in urban street canyons on space cooling demands of buildings. Energy Build. 2016, 127, 1074-1084.
Detailed Record
Baldini, L. Dynamic energy weighting factors to promote the integration of renewables into buildings. In Expanding boundaries. Systems thinking in the built environment, presented at the Sustainable built environment (SBE) regional conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016; Habert, G., Schlueter, A., Eds.; vdf Hochschulverlag: Zurich, Switzerland, 2016; pp 222-226.
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; Dorer, V. A simulation platform to facilitate the design of distributed energy systems for buildings and districts. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; van Blijswijk, M. J.; Dijkema, G. P. J.; Nikolic, I. An energy systems modelling tool for the social simulation community. J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 2016, 19 (1), 1-21.
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; Dijkema, G. P. J. Evaluating infrastructure resilience to extreme weather – the case of the Dutch electricity transmission network. Eur. J. Transp. Infrastruct. Res. 2016, 16 (1), 214-239.
Detailed Record
Bollinger, L. A.; Evins, R. Multi-agent reinforcement learning for optimizing technology deployment in distributed multi-energy systems. In Proceedings of the 23rd international workshop on intelligent computing in engineering, presented at the 23rd international workshop of the European group for intelligent computing in engineering, EG-ICE 2016, Kraków, Poland, June 29 - July 1, 2016; Ślusarczyk, G., Strug, B., de Wielde, P. J. C. J., Eds.; European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE): Kraków, Poland, 2016; p (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Davis, C.; Bollinger, L. A.; Dijkema, G. P. J. The state of the states: data-driven analysis of the US Clean Power Plan. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2016, 60, 631-652.
Detailed Record
Dorer, V.; Bollinger, L. A.; Orehounig, K. Modelling, design and assessment of decentralised energy systems for sites and quarters. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eid, C.; Bollinger, L. A.; Koirala, B.; Scholten, D.; Facchinetti, E.; Lilliestam, J.; Hakvoort, R. Market integration of local energy systems: Is local energy management compatible with European regulation for retail competition? Energy 2016, 114, 913-922.
Detailed Record
Evins, R. A bi-level design and operation optimization process applied to an energy centre. J. Build. Perform. Simul. 2016, 9 (3), 255-271.
Detailed Record
Facchinetti, E.; Eid, C.; Bollinger, A.; Sulzer, S. Business model innovation for local energy management: a perspective from Swiss utilities. Front. Energy Res. 2016, 4, 31 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Gantenbein, P.; Daguenet-Frick, X.; Baldini, L. Absorption based seasonal thermal storage with sodium hydroxide, progress and outlook. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B. Absorption von Wasserdampf auf Natronlauge für saisonale Wärmespeicherung. Erneuerbare Energie, 2016, p (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Stoller, S.; Fricker, R.; Weber, R.; Dorer, V.; Vogt, U. F. Development of a novel cooking stove based on catalytic hydrogen combustion. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2016, 41 (18), 7494-7499.
Detailed Record
Heer, P. Energiezukunft im Quartier erforschen und demonstrieren. Die Empa sucht mit Grossprojekten nach marktfähigen Lösungen im Gebäude-, Mobilitäts- und Energiebereich. Bulletin SEV/VSE, Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von Electrosuisse und VSE, 2016, pp 12-15.
Detailed Record
Kim, M. K.; Baldini, L. Energy analysis of a decentralized ventilation system compared with centralized ventilation systems in European climates: based on review of analyses. Energy Build. 2016, 111, 424-433.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Richner, P.; Carmeliet, J. A strategy for reducing CO2 emissions from buildings with the Kaya identity – a Swiss energy system analysis and a case study. Energy Policy 2016, 88 (11), 343-354.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the optimal design of distributed urban energy systems. In Expanding boundaries. Systems thinking in the built environment, presented at the Sustainable built environment (SBE) regional conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016; Habert, G., Schlueter, A., Eds.; vdf Hochschulverlag: Zurich, Switzerland, 2016; pp 122-128.
Detailed Record
Miglani, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Assessment of the ground source heat potential at building level applied to an urban case study. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Impact of electrical storage and grid upgrade on the optimal design and operation of a microgrid. In 2016 IEEE power & energy society general meeting (PESGM), presented at the 2016 IEEE power & energy society general meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, USA, June 17-21, 2016; IEEE, 2016; p 7741102 (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Knezović, K.; Evins, R.; Marinelli, M. Integrating multi-domain distributed energy systems with electric vehicle PQ flexibility: optimal design and operation scheduling for sustainable low-voltage distribution grids. Sustain. Energy Grids Netw. 2016, 8, 51-61.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Optimising urban energy systems: simultaneous system sizing, operation and district heating network layout. Energy 2016, 116 (Part 1), 619-636.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Optimization framework for distributed energy systems with integrated electrical grid constraints. Appl. Energy 2016, 171, 296-313.
Detailed Record
Omu, A.; Hsieh, S.; Orehounig, K. Mixed integer linear programming for the design of solar thermal energy systems with short-term storage. Appl. Energy 2016, 180, 313-326.
Detailed Record
Prasanna, A.; Vetterli, N.; Dorer, V.; Sulzer, M. Modelling the Suurstoffi district based on monitored data to analyse future scenarios for energy self-sufficiency. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p 15 pp.
Detailed Record
Rathgeber, C.; Hiebler, S.; Lävemann, E.; Dolado, P.; Lazaro, A.; Gasia, J.; de Gracia, A.; Miró, L.; Cabeza, L. F.; König-Haagen, A.; et al. IEA SHC task 42 / ECES annex 29 - a simple tool for the economic evaluation of thermal energy storages. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry (SHC 2015), presented at the SHC 2015, international conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2-4, 2015; Yeşilata, B., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2016; Vol. 91, pp 197-206.
Detailed Record
Tavasszy, L.; Bollinger, L. A.; Dijkema, G. P. J. Special issue on climate adaptation of infrastructure networks. Eur. J. Transp. Infrastruct. Res. 2016, 16 (1), 95-97.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Holistic optimization of urban morphology and district energy system. In Expanding boundaries. Systems thinking in the built environment, presented at the Sustainable built environment (SBE) regional conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016; Habert, G., Schlueter, A., Eds.; vdf Hochschulverlag: Zurich, Switzerland, 2016; pp 70-76.
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Dynamic building energy demand modelling at urban scale for the case of Switzerland. In CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA world congress, presented at the CLIMA 2016 - 12th REHVA world congress, Aalborg, Denmark, May 22–25, 2016; Heiselberg, P. K., Ed.; Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering: Aalborg, 2016; Vol. 4, p (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Wang, D.; Landolt, J.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Dynamic urban energy demand modelling to address building retrofitting alternatives in Switzerland. Presented at the 19. Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9, 2016; brenet: Zurich, Switzerland; p 10 pp.
Detailed Record
Wu, R.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Optimal energy system transformation of a neighbourhood. In Expanding boundaries. Systems thinking in the built environment, presented at the Sustainable built environment (SBE) regional conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016; Habert, G., Schlueter, A., Eds.; vdf Hochschulverlag: Zurich, Switzerland, 2016; pp 58-63.
Detailed Record
van Helden, W.; Yamaha, M.; Rathgeber, C.; Hauer, A.; Huaylla, F.; Le Pierrès, N.; Stutz, B.; Mette, B.; Dolado, P.; Lazaro, A.; et al. IEA SHC task 42 / ECES annex 29 – working group B: applications of compact thermal energy storage. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry (SHC 2015), presented at the SHC 2015. International conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2-4, 2015; Yeşilata, B., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2016; Vol. 91, pp 231-245.
Detailed Record
Allegrini, J.; Orehounig, K.; Mavromatidis, G.; Ruesch, F.; Dorer, V.; Evins, R. A review of modelling approaches and tools for the simulation of district-scale energy systems. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2015, 52, 1391-1404.
Detailed Record
Allegrini, J.; Dorer, V.; Carmeliet, J. Coupled CFD, radiation and building energy model for studying heat fluxes in an urban environment with generic building configurations. Sustain. Cities Soc. 2015, 19, 385-394.
Detailed Record
Allegrini, J.; Dorer, V.; Carmeliet, J. Influence of morphologies on the microclimate in urban neighbourhoods. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 2015, 144, 108-117.
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Bollinger, L. A.; Evins, R. Facilitating model reuse and integration in an urban energy simulation platform. In International conference on computational science, ICCS 2015. Computational science at the gates of nature, presented at the ICCS 2015 international conference on computational science, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1–3, 2015; Koziel, S., Leifsson, L., Lees, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V., Dongarra, J., Sloot, P. M. A., Eds.; Procedia computer science; Elsevier, 2015; Vol. 51, pp 2127-2136.
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Bollinger, L. A.; Evins, R. HUES: a Holistic Urban Energy Simulation platform for effective model integration. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, presented at the CISBAT 2015: future buildings & districts - sustainability from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9–11, 2015; Solar energy and building physics laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eds.; EPFL; LESO-PB: Lausanne, 2015; Vol. II, pp 841-846.
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Daguenet-Frick, X.; Gantenbein, P.; Rommel, M.; Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Goonesekera, K.; Williamson, T. Seasonal solar thermal absorption energy storage development. Chimia 2015, 69 (12), 784-788.
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Daguenet-Fricka, X.; Gantenbein, P.; Frank, E.; Fumey, B.; Weber, R. Development of a numerical model for the reaction zone design of an aqueous sodium hydroxide seasonal thermal energy storage. Sol. Energy 2015, 121, 17-30.
Detailed Record
Evins, R.; Orehounig, K.; Dorer, V. Integrated urban energy modelling approaches to support the Swiss energy strategy 2050. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, presented at the CISBAT 2015: future buildings & districts - sustainability from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9–11, 2015; Solar energy and building physics laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eds.; EPFL; LESO-PB: Lausanne, 2015; Vol. II, pp 847-852.
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Evins, R. Multi-level optimization of building design, energy system sizing and operation. Energy 2015, 90, 1775-1789.
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Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Gantenbein, P.; Daguenet-Frick, X.; Hughes, I.; Dorer, V. Limitations imposed on energy density of sorption materials in seasonal thermal storage systems. In International conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry, SHC 2014, presented at the SHC 2014. International conference on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry, Beijing, China, October 13-15, 2014; Häberle, A., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2015; Vol. 70, pp 203-208.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Weber, R.; Gantenbein, P.; Daguenet-Frick, X.; Stoller, S.; Fricker, R.; Dorer, V. Operation results of a closed sorption heat storage prototype. In 9th international renewable energy storage conference, IRES 2015, presented at the 9th international renewable energy storage conference (IRES 2015), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 9-11, 2015; Droege, P., Ed.; Energy procedia; Elsevier, 2015; Vol. 73, pp 324-330.
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Hsieh, S. S.; Orehounig, K. Evaluation of renewable energy sources integration potential in a new development area. Presented at the 2nd energy for sustainability multidisciplinary conference (EfS 2015), Coimbra, Portugal, May 14–15, 2015; p (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hsieh, S.; Weber, R.; Dorer, V.; Orehounig, K. Integration of thermal energy storage at building and neighbourhood scale. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 2599-2606.
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Kim, M. K.; Baldini, L.; Leibundgut, H.; Wurzbacher, J. A.; Piatkowski, N. A novel ventilation strategy with CO2 capture device and energy saving in buildings. Energy Build. 2015, 87, 134-141.
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Marquant, J. F.; Omu, A. O.; Orehounig, K.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Application of spatial-temporal clustering to facilitate energy system modelling. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 551-558.
Detailed Record
Marquant, J. F.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Reducing computation time with a rolling horizon approach applied to a MILP formulation of multiple urban energy hub system. In International conference on computational science, ICCS 2015. Computational science at the gates of nature, presented at the ICCS 2015 international conference on computational science, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1–3, 2015; Koziel, S., Leifsson, L., Lees, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V., Dongarra, J., Sloot, P. M. A., Eds.; Procedia computer science; Elsevier, 2015; Vol. 51, pp 2137-2146.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Climate change impact on the design of urban energy systems. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, presented at the CISBAT 2015: future buildings & districts - sustainability from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9–11, 2015; Solar energy and building physics laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eds.; EPFL; LESO-PB: Lausanne, 2015; Vol. II, pp 853-858.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Evaluation of photovoltaic integration potential in a village. Sol. Energy 2015, 121, 152-168.
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Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Evaluation of solar energy integration potential in a neighborhood. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 2623-2630.
Detailed Record
Mavromatidis, G.; Evins, R.; Orehounig, K.; Dorer, V.; Carmeliet, J. Multi-objective optimization to simultaneously address energy hub layout, sizing and scheduling using a linear formulation. In Engineering optimization IV. Proceedings of the international conference on engineering optimization (ENGOPT 2014), presented at the 4th international conference on engineering optimization (ENGOPT 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, September 8-11, 2014; Rodrigues, H. C., Herskovits, J., Mota Soares, C. M., Guedes, J. M., Araújo, A. L., Folgado, J. O., Moleiro, F., Madeira, J. F. A., Eds.; CRC Press/Balkema: Leiden, 2015; pp 603-608.
Detailed Record
Moraj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Optimal selection and operation of distributed energy resources for an urban district. In Engineering optimization IV. Proceedings of the international conference on engineering optimization (ENGOPT 2014), presented at the 4th international conference on engineering optimization (ENGOPT 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, September 8-11, 2014; Rodrigues, H. C., Herskovits, J., Mota Soares, C. M., Guedes, J. M., Araújo, A. L., Folgado, J. O., Moleiro, F., Madeira, J. F. A., Eds.; CRC Press/Balkema: Leiden, 2015; pp 709-714.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Bi-level optimisation of distributed energy systems incorporating non-linear powerflow constraints. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, presented at the CISBAT 2015: future buildings & districts - sustainability from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9–11, 2015; Solar energy and building physics laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eds.; EPFL; LESO-PB: Lausanne, 2015; Vol. I, pp 859-864.
Detailed Record
Morvaj, B.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. The impact of low energy buildings on the optimal design of distributed energy system and networks. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 2035-2042.
Detailed Record
Omu, A.; Rysanek, A.; Stettler, M.; Choudhary, R. Economic, climate change, and air quality analysis of distributed energy resource systems. In International conference on computational science, ICCS 2015. Computational science at the gates of nature, presented at the ICCS 2015 international conference on computational science, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1–3, 2015; Koziel, S., Leifsson, L., Lees, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V. V., Dongarra, J., Sloot, P. M. A., Eds.; Procedia computer science; Elsevier, 2015; Vol. 51, pp 2147-2156.
Detailed Record
Omu, A.; Hsieh, S.; Orehounig, K.; Carmeliet, J. Energy hub modeling for the design of solar thermal energy systems with short-term and long-term storage. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, presented at the CISBAT 2015: future buildings & districts - sustainability from nano to urban scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9–11, 2015; Solar energy and building physics laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eds.; EPFL; LESO-PB: Lausanne, 2015; Vol. II, pp 609-614.
Detailed Record
Orehounig, K.; Evins, R.; Dorer, V. Integration of decentralized energy systems in neighbourhoods using the energy hub approach. Appl. Energy 2015, 154, 277-289.
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Orehounig, K.; Mavromatidis, G.; Derome, D. D.; Carmeliet, J. Photovoltaic panels as a main component of energy sustainable communities: comparative energy analysis of a village under Swiss and South African climatic loads. Presented at the 3rd Southern African solar energy conference (SASEC2015), Kruger National Park, South Africa, May 11–13, 2015; pp 395-400.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Evins, R. Exploring the use of variable mapping for optimising urban morphologies. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 1837-1844.
Detailed Record
Waibel, C.; Ramallo-González, A. P.; Evins, R.; Carmeliet, J. Reducing the computing time of multi-objective building optimisation using self-adaptive sequential model assessment. In Proceedings of BS2015, presented at the 14th conference of the international building performance simulation association (IBPSA 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 7–9, 2015; Mathur, J., Garg, V., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT): Hyderabad, 2015; Vol. 14, pp 34-41.
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