
Lectures ETH Zurich

We contribute to the ETHZ Master Course in Integrated Building Systems and the Bachelor's Degree Program in Architecture.

ETH Courses:

Supervised Semester projects and Master theses


  • Apostolopoulou Niki, 2023, Optimal decarbonization strategies for existing buildings considering retrofitting, repurposing, and replacement
  • Berger Roman, 2023, Modelling and parameterization of waste incineration plant including carbon cap-ture and storage
  • Bernadino Bernadino, 2023, Economic and environmental assessment of heat prosumer communities
  • Birahjakli Hashem, 2023, A Knowledge Graph containing Performance Indicators and a Reasoning Approach for Diagnostics of Energy Systems 
  • Boehni Patrick, 2023, Improvements of data-driven models for predictive building control
  • Brändle Jan, 2023, Data-Driven flexibility Quantification of a Residential Building
  • Buergler Florian, 2023, Improvements of data-driven models for predictive building control
  • Campos Nathalie, 2023, Intelligent Modelling for Intelligent Buildings: How agile conceptual modelling can close gaps between buildings systems
  • De Angelis Fausto, 2023, Impact of building modelling on the flexibility potential of a prosumer unit
  • De Koning Josien, 2023, Energy flexible community with electrolyser and fuel cell
  • Dürig Jonas, 2023, Design and Validation an AI driven Energy-Efficient, Self-Learning Algorithm for the Building Sector
  • Ehrhardt Eric, 2023, Analysis of distributed resource and EV charging station penetration in Switzerland
  • Every Gabrielle, 2023, Incorporating Social Aspects into Energy System Optimisation Models for District and Urban Energy Systems
  • Fischer Maxime, 2023, Peak Shaving using Hydrogen Energy Storage System with Heat Coupling
  • Gianduzzo Céline, 2023, Policies to address the landlord-tenant dilemma and accelerate existing building retrofits
  • Guldimann Sven, 2023, Evaluating the robustness of a hot water storage tank model to uncertainties
  • Huang Xi, 2023, A Digital Twin of Hilo unit at NEST
  • Inauen Martin, 2023, Development of a deterministic model, extension using ML methods, field test
  • Jacquet Charlotte, 2023, Reliability of building-level energy flexibility
  • Kasiththamby Rajisun, 2023, Techno-economic assessment of solvent waste recovery options from pharmaceutical industry
  • Kyne Madeleine, 2023, Flooding Impacts on Energy System Planning in Accra due to Climate Change
  • Lucaes Baptiste, 2023, Use of demand-side response for Balance Group Management
  • Lustenberger Michael, 2023, Analysis of new flexibility market and pricing models for electrical grid support
  • Mohr Frederik, 2023, Analysis of the flexibility potential of the NEST building
  • Oehrli Aaron, 2023, User-friendly approach to design and implement constraints for ontology-based models of BMS
  • Pena Zorzano Pedro, 2023, Use of demand-side flexibility to alleviate congestions in distribution networks Supervisor Julie
  • Rehn Valentine, 2023, Use of Large Batteries in Islanded Operation - Walenstadt’s Case Study
  • Tell Alessandro, 2023, Defense against inference attacks on smart home data
  • Tschan David, 2023, Coupling local intermiIent renewables with hydrogen-based power storage and supply: a high-fidelity model for stability analysis
  • Vandenberghe Roxanne, 2023, Optimal sizing and operation of green hydrogen generation site considering waste heat recovery
  • Vogt Matthias, 2023,  Estimating heating demand flexibility of national building stocks: a parametric analysis 
  • Williner Alain, 2023, Data-driven predictive control for optimizing heat production and distribution in buildings
  • Wirth Florian, 2023, Multi-Horizon MPC for operation of long-term seasonal thermal storage
  • Wuethrich Mirco, 2023, Digital Twin of a Domestic Hot Water System
  • Zotov Andrei, 2023, Analysis of new flexibility market and pricing models for transmission grid support


  • Berger Roman, 2022, Modelling and parameterization of waste incineration plant including carbon capture and storage
  • Bichsel Nina, 2022, Sensitivity of estimated demand reduction in retrofitted buildings
  • Brandes Matthias, 2022, Data driven modelling of heat pumps and thermal storage units for MPC
  • Chen Ruihong, 2022, Spatial techno-economical assessment of district cooling potential with lakes on a European scale
  • De Angelis Fausto, 2022, Impact of building modelling on the flexibility potential of a prosumer unit
  • De Koning Josien, 2022, Energy flexible community with electrolyser and fuel cell
  • De Koning Josien, 2022, Flexibility Assessment of Residential Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Power System with Seasonal Storage
  • Dequidt Felix, 2022, Integration of biomass gasification in multi-energy systems
  • Gattaglio Andrea, 2022, Physics-Informed Data-Driven Control for Energy Flexible Buildings
  • Glauser Sven, 2022, Inference Attacks on Smart Buildings
  • Haas Joel, 2022, Optimal integration of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage in district heating and cooling networks
  • Hassoun Lina, 2022, Integrated Assessment of Buildings' Visual and Energy Performance with Innovative Translucent Bricks
  • Hofmann Evan, 2022, Data driven techniques to model thermal and electrical demand of energy hub
  • Inauen Martin, 2022, Development of a deterministic model, extension using ML methods, field test.
  • Irvine Andrew, 2022. Peer-to-peer trading in future energy hub networks: A game-theoretic approach
  • Jakobsen Robert Esbern, 2022, Exploring socio-economic and geospatial characteristics of Swiss building energy consumption
  • Jouron Alexis, 2022, Renovated or replaced? Finding optimal solutions for the European building stock considering the cumulative CO2 emissions
  • Li Qiuxian, 2022, The role of energy flexibility indicators in PV design and optimization within private self-consumption communities
  • Li Qiuxian, 2022, Study of aggregation effects in PV production and demand using building simulation
  • Mehr Jonas, 2022, Robust distributed MPC design for energy hub network with data-driven demand forecasting
  • Meier Sascha, 2022, Data Modelling for Digital Twins in the Building Sector
  • Päckel Adrian, 2022, Tuning of Rule-Based Control Parameters: A Bayesian Optimization Approach
  • Roth Vinzenz, 2022, Performance evaluation of data predictive control in different building archetypes
  • Schnellmann Simon, 2022, Black-box Model Predictive Control for building control
  • Schnetzler Michael, 2022, MPC for energy optimization & climate control of a train
  • Song Ayong, 2022, Energy System Characterization of Accra
  • Tell Alessandro, 2022, Defense against inference attacks on smart home data
  • Tröber Sven, 2022, Evaluation of PV placement strategies considering high resolution embedded CO2 emissions of grid electricity
  • Yang Yuehan, 2022, Assessing Impacts of Superblock on Urban Energy
  • Zuber Tobias, 2022, Nutzeranforderungen für digitale Zwillinge im Gebäudesektor


  • Chen Lujing, 2021, Transfer Learning Leveraging Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for Energy Optimization and Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings
  • Chen Ruihong, 2021, Spatial techno-economical assessment of district cooling potential with lakes on a European scale
  • Erne Simon, 2021, Occupancy forecasting for building energy MPC
  • Hekmat Nami Pierre, 2021, Data-driven demand side flexibility quantification
  • Laaksonlaita Timo, 2021,  Controller development for a renewable hydrogen production system for mobility application
  • Lienhard Nadine, 2021, Modelling and analysis of the future energy supply in Switzerland within the European electricity system
  • Lischer Philipp, 2021, Greening neighbourhoods in Zürich with superblocks
  • Päckel Adrian, 2021, Tuning of Rule-Based Control Parameters: A Bayesian Optimization Approach
  • Remmy Diane Delephine, 2021, Development of an optimization model for designing off-grid electrification solutions in rural Guatemala
  • Roth Vinzenz, 2021, Performance evaluation of data predictive control in different building archetypes
  • Schnellmann Simon, 2021, Black-box Model Predictive Control for building control
  • Sherif Youssef, 2021, Decomposition-Based Acceleration for Capacity Design and Seasonal Operation of a MILP Energy Hub Optimization
  • Yang Yuehan, 2021, Assessing Impacts of Superblock on Urban Energy 


  • Baumann Christian, 2020, Joint Control of Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging and Home Energy Scheduling Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Beaud Muriel, 2020, ArcNets: Designing and analyzing the thermal network configuration for districts
  • Chen Lujing, 2020, Transfer Learning Leveraging Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for Energy Optimization and Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings
  • Decoussemaeker Antoon, 2020, Data-Driven Modeling and Control of Energy Consumption in Buildings: Thermal and Visual Comfort
  • Funk Luca, 2020 , Impacts of bidirectional battery electric vehicles charging on the Swiss electricity system
  • Gasser Jan, 2020, demand side flexibilities for collaborative smart grids
  • Häberling Claudia, 2020, Modeling and Control of Energy Consumption in Buildings: Thermal and Visual comfort
  • Hawthorne Jack, 2020, A NEAT approach to the evolution and optimisation of energy networks
  • Inderbitzin Fabio, 2020, Modelling the integration of extensive PV production and hydrogen production for local mobility applications of a local distribution system operator (DSO)
  • Laaksonlaita Timo, 2020, Controller development for a renewable hydrogen production system for mobility application
  • Mignan Jordan, 2020, Coupled vs decoupled: a study on modelling district heating systems
  • Ryan Maxence, 2020, Designing Robust Distributed Energy Systems using Surrogate Models
  • Schalbetter Adrian, 2020, Input Convex Neural Networks for Energy Optimization in an occupied Apartment
  • Signer Mario, 2020, Clean electricity access for all – A geospatial analysis in Guatemala
  • Tzinnis Efstratios, 2020, Master Building integration of long-term thermal energy storage based on a liquid sorption process with NaOH
  • Wüst Anja, 2020, Energiekennzahlen für die Gebäudeplanung - Verifikation von Energiekennzahlen mit saisonalen Einflussgrössen an Units des NEST


  • Baumann Christian, 2019,  Joint Control of Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging and Home Energy Scheduling Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Budiman Dylan, 2019, Characterization and optimization of PV, Battery, and Supercapacitor technologies in a multi-scale energy system
  • Croce Luca, 2019, Characterization and Modelling of Heat pump and Ice Storage Technologies using Measured Data
  • Decoussemaeker Antoon, 2019, Model Predictive Control for energy optimization in an occupied apartment
  • Früh Nicolas, 2019, Evaluation of various nuclear phase-out and PV penetration scenarios in a highly electrified Swiss energy system
  • Gasser Jan, 2019, demand side flexibilities for collaborative smart grids
  • Häberling Claudia, 2019, Modeling and Control of Energy Consumption in Buildings: Thermal and Visual comfort
  • Hächler Cyrill, 2019, Modellbasierte Regelung eines thermischen Speichers
  • Huber Benjamin, 2019, Energy Optimization and Climate Control of a NEST Unit at Empa Dübendorf: A Data Predictive Control Approach
  • Inderbitzin Fabio, 2019, Modelling the integration of extensive PV production and hydrogen production for local mobility applications of a local distribution system operator (DSO)
  • Kreuzer Gabriel, 2019, Autonomous solar tracking with the NEST Adaptive Photovoltaic Envelope: parallel control and robustness to wind
  • Limpach Robert, 2019, Modelling the impacts of an increased electricity-based mobility on the future energy system
  • Lungthok Jeffrey, 2019,  Safe Bayesian Optimization with Improved Convergence Speed for Online Autotuning of PI Controllers: Simulation and Experimental Results
  • Mikelis Angelos, 2019, Simulation and energetic optimization of ORC cycles using zeotropic mixtures of fluids with low GWP for different heat sources
  • Rajakone Robert, 2019, Gesamtlösung Preprocessing und Modelling
  • Ramseier Gauvin, 2019, Simulation evaluation of different district heating network topologies
  • Serif Youssef, 2019, Development & testing of an automated model reduction workflow applied to the example of a heat pump
  • Strebel Simon, 2019, EV Charging / Potential Vehicle-to-Grid
  • Tzinnis Efstratios, 2019, High temperature thermal gradient borehole thermal energy storage (HT BTES) involving seasonal load shifting
  • Willingsdorfer Thomas, 2019, Modular data centers in the context of district energy systems 
  • Zhang Jialun, 2019, Identifying Key Drivers for Cooking Energy Consumption patterns in developing countries using Machine Learning
  • Carp Viktor, 2018, Quantification and Reduction Potentials of the CO2 Emissions of the Swiss Building Stock
  • Ehrsam Adrian, 2018, IoT Data Visualizer im Kontext von NEST
  • He Ying, 2018, Performance gap of Swiss buildings Differences between calculated and real consumption of a number of buildings in Switzerland
  • Hehlgans Christopher, 2018, Prelim: data-driven ice-storage modelling
  • Keller Andreas, 2018, IoT Data Visualizer im Kontext von NEST
  • Knapp Hannes, 2018, Optimal Control Strategy for an energy hub at NEST
  • Li Xiang, 2018, Optimal design of distributed energy systems combined with district heating networks simulation
  • Niffeler Mathias, 2018, Analysis of optimum retro fit and energy systems solutions for the Swiss residential building stock
  • Schmid Nicolas, 2018, Data Driven Adaptive Controller Parameterisation: A Bayesian Optimization Approach
  • Schöpke Lukas, 2018, prelim: Datengetriebene Modellierung und Betriebsstrategie von Eisspeicher und Erdsonden
  • Silvagni Andrea, 2018, Comparison of CESAR energy simulation results with SIA standards and real data: Brig–Glis Case Study
  • Srivathsan Srihari, 2018, Characterization of Rural Energy Consumption Patterns on a Broad Geographic Scope
  • Strebel Simon, 2018, Systemoptimierter Betrieb von Tankstellen für Elektrofahrzeuge mit vehicle to grid-Konzepten
  • Thrampoulidis Emmanouil, 2018, Emulation of energy optimization models via machine learning towards the design of a building energy consultant
  • Vital Men Duri, 2018, Study of possible process adaptations in liquid sorption storage with the goal of increasing achievable temperature lift and storage capacity
  • Yuan Qi, 2018, Evaluating the energy performance of the NEST unit Solar Fitness and Wellness
  • Bourgarel Sarah, 2017, Iterative simulation and optimization approach for energy performance evaluation of ground source heat pump systems
  • Pacheco Carlos, 2017, Influence of business models on optimal district energy system design
  • Rogenhofer Lennart, 2017, Evaluation of innovative energy supply concepts for multi-family houses
  • Thrampoulidis Emmanouil, 2017, Emulation of energy optimization models via machine learning towards the design of a building energy consultant
  • Tsaousi Raphaela, 2017, The Influence of Participation in Ancillary Service Markets on Optimal Energy Hub Operation
  • Yang Difei, 2017, Renewable Power-to-Gas Integration into a Residential Community
  • Zhou Tian, 2017, Validation of a thermal model of borehole heat exchangers using measurements from a swiss case study
  • Brauer Johannes, 2016, Optimal integration of passenger cars in urban energy systems considering different drive concepts
  • Brun Samuel, 2016, Auslegung von einem neuen Energiespeicher basierend auf Batterien und Wasserstoff für das energieautarke Gebäude SELF
  • Christen Michael, 2016, Machbarkeitsstudie: Alkalische Wasserstoffsysteme für die Energiespeicherung in Gebäuden
  • Gasser  Adrian, 2016, Machbarkeitsstudie: Alkalische Wasserstoffsysteme für die Energiespeicherung in Gebäuden
  • Kammerer Simon, 2016, Impact of Demand Response on the Optimal Design and Operation of an Energy Hub in a Residential Building
  • Karjalainen Joonas, 2016, Developing an online set-point optimizer for heat pumps
  • Landolt Jonas, 2016, A bottom-up modelling approach to address sustainable transformation strategies for the Swiss building stock
  • Maurer Kevin, 2016, Auslegung von einem neuen Energiespeicher basierend auf Batterien und Wasserstoff für das energieautarke Gebäude SELF
  • Tsaousi Raphaela, 2016, The influence of participation in ancillary service markets on optimal energy hub operation
  • Westermann Paul, 2016, Modelling of the NEST demonstrator building and application of Model Predictive Control
  • Wu Raphael, 2016, Reliability Optimisation of District Multi-Energy Systems

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