Instrumented manikin Henry
Flashover simulation according to ISO 13506 or ASTM F1930
Protective clothing against heat and flame - Test method for complete garments - Prediction of burn injury using an instrumented manikin
Test procedure
The garment is placed onto an adult sized manikin and exposed to a laboratory flash-over simulation with controlled heat flux, duration and flame distribution. The exposure duration, between 3s and 8s, is selected based on the protective performance of the clothing system. A set of 12 gas burners are used to deliver a nominal heat flux of 84 kW/m2 on the surface of the manikin. Heat transferred through the test garment during and after exposure is measured with over 120 heat flux sensors distributed across the manikin. A software program developed by Empa calculates the transferred energy, the degree of burns for each body region, and the total burn area. The exposure is recorded with a video camera and the physical changes (damage, break open, shrinkage) in the tested garment are documented.
If you have any queries regarding the suitability, cost or time frames associated with this testing, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Relevant standards
ISO 13506
Protective clothing against heat and flame - Test method for complete garments
Prediction of burn injury using an instrumented manikin
EN 469
Schutzkleidung für die Feuerwehr - Leistungsanforderungen für Schutzkleidung für die Brandbekämpfung, 6.15 Zusätzliche Prüfung der Kleidung (optional)