Sweating Torso
The sweating torso is used to assess the heat and moisture transfer properties of clothing systems or textile isolation systems. The test is divided into an acclimatisation phase, a phase of physical activity, and a recovering phase to simulate a ‘real-life’ situation.
Test procedure
The sample can consist of one or several layers of textile. The sample is wrapped tightly around the sweating Torso. The dry thermal insulation, dry and wet heat transfer, and drying properties are assessed. Depending on the physiological properties of the sample appropriate ambient temperatures and sweating rates are chosen. The whole Torso is placed on a precision scale to determine the evaporated and condensed amount of water. During the entire measurement the heating power, surface temperature and changes in the system weight are continuously registered. Software developed by Empa allows the heat and moisture transfer properties of the test sample to be calculated. The results are reported to the customer using tables and charts.

If you have any queries regarding the suitability, cost or time frames associated with this testing, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Relevant standard
ISO 18640-1
Protective clothing for firefighters — Physiological impact — Part 1: Measurement of coupled heat and mass transfer with the sweating TORSO