Publications of the lab Biointerfaces 2016

Bandera, D.; Meyer, V. R.; Prevost, D.; Zimmermann, T.; Boesel, L. F. Polylactide/montmorillonite hybrid latex as a barrier coating for paper applications. Polymers 2016, 8 (3), 75 (9 pp.).
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Belu, A.; Maniura, K.; McArthur, S. Toward a quantified, validated, and verifiable understanding of the Biointerface. Biointerph.: J. Biomater. Biolog. Interfac. 2016, 11 (4), 040201 (2 pp.).
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Buhmann, M. T.; Stiefel, P.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Ren, Q. In vitro biofilm models for device-related infections. Trends Biotechnol. 2016, 34 (12), 945-948.
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Chan, S. C. W.; Tekari, A.; Benneker, L. M.; Heini, P. F.; Gantenbein, B. Osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells is hindered by the presence of intervertebral disc cells. Arthr. Res. Ther. 2016, 18 (1), 29 (10 pp.).
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Chatzidaki, M. D.; Papadimitriou, K.; Alexandraki, V.; Tsirvouli, E.; Chakim, Z.; Ghazal, A.; Mortensen, K.; Yaghmur, A.; Salentinig, S.; Papadimitriou, V.; et al. Microemulsions as potential carriers of nisin: effect of composition on structure and efficacy. Langmuir 2016, 32 (35), 8988-8998.
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Chooi, W. H.; Chan, S. C. W.; Gantenbein, B.; Chan, B. P. Loading-induced heat-shock response in bovine intervertebral disc organ culture. PLoS One 2016, 11 (8), e0161615 (15 pp.).
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Cipolla, D.; Wu, H.; Salentinig, S.; Boyd, B.; Rades, T.; Vanhecke, D.; Petri-Fink, A.; Rothen-Rutishauser, B.; Eastman, S.; Redelmeier, T.; et al. Formation of drug nanocrystals under nanoconfinement afforded by liposomes. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (8), 6223-6233.
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Eberhardt, C.; Wurnig, M. C.; Wirsching, A.; Rossi, C.; Rottmar, M.; Özbay, P. S.; Filli, L.; Lesurtel, M.; Boss, A. Intravoxel incoherent motion analysis of abdominal organs: computation of reference parameters in a large cohort of C57Bl/6 mice and correlation to microvessel density. Magn. Resonance Mat. Phys. Biol. Med. 2016, 29 (5), 751-763.
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Faccio, G.; Bannwarth, M. B.; Schulenburg, C.; Steffen, V.; Jankowska, D.; Pohl, M.; Rossi, R. M.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Boesel, L. F.; Richter, M. Encapsulation of FRET-based glucose and maltose biosensors to develop functionalized silica nanoparticles. Analyst 2016, 141 (13), 3982-3984.
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Formica, F. A.; Öztürk, E.; Hess, S. C.; Stark, W. J.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Rottmar, M.; Zenobi-Wong, M. A bioinspired ultraporous nanofiber-hydrogel mimic of the cartilage extracellular matrix. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2016, 5 (24), 3129-3138.
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Ghazaryan, G.; Schaller, R.; Feldman, K.; Tervoort, T. A. Rejuvenation of PLLA: effect of plastic deformation and orientation on physical ageing in poly(ʟ-lactic acid) films. J. Polym. Sci. B 2016, 54 (21), 2233-2244.
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Gontsarik, M.; Buhmann, M. T.; Yaghmur, A.; Ren, Q.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Salentinig, S. Antimicrobial peptide-driven colloidal transformations in liquid-crystalline nanocarriers. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7 (17), 3482-3486.
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Guimond-Lischer, S.; Ren, Q.; Braissant, O.; Gruner, P.; Wampfler, B.; Maniura-Weber, K. Vacuum plasma sprayed coatings using ionic silver doped hydroxyapatite powder to prevent bacterial infection of bone implants. Biointerph.: J. Biomater. Biolog. Interfac. 2016, 11 (1), 011012 (8 pp.).
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Gutt, B.; Kehl, K.; Ren, Q.; Boesel, L. F. Using ANOVA models to compare and optimize extraction protocols of P3HBHV from Cupriavidus necator. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55 (39), 10355-10365.
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Idaszek, J.; Bruinink, A.; Święszkowski, W. Delayed degradation of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) accelerates hydrolysis of poly(ε-caprolactone) in ternary composite scaffolds. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2016, 124, 119-127.
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Kołbuk, D.; Guimond-Lischer, S.; Sajkiewicz, P.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Fortunato, G. Morphology and surface chemistry of bicomponent scaffolds in terms of mesenchymal stromal cell viability. J. Bioact.Compat. Polym.: Biomed. Appl. 2016, 31 (4), 423-436.
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Lattuada, M.; Ren, Q.; Zuber, F.; Galli, M.; Bohmer, N.; Matter, M. T.; Wichser, A.; Bertazzo, S.; Pier, G. B.; Herrmann, I. K. Theranostic body fluid cleansing: rationally designed magnetic particles enable capturing and detection of bacterial pathogens. J. Mater. Chem. B 2016, 4 (44), 7080-7086.
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Malheiro, V.; Lehner, F.; Dinca, V.; Hoffmann, P.; Maniura-Weber, K. Convex and concave micro-structured silicone controls the shape, but not the polarization state of human macrophages. Biomater. Sci. 2016, 4 (11), 1562-1573.
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Muoth, C.; Rottmar, M.; Schipanski, A.; Gmuender, C.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Wick, P.; Buerki-Thurnherr, T. A micropatterning approach to study the influence of actin cytoskeletal organization on polystyrene nanoparticle uptake by BeWo cells. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (76), 72827-72835.
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Obarzanek-Fojt, M.; Curdy, C.; Loggia, N.; Di Lena, F.; Grieder, K.; Bitar, M.; Wick, P. Tracking immune-related cell responses to drug delivery microparticles in 3D dense collagen matrix. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2016, 107, 180-190.
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Pellis, A.; Haernvall, K.; Pichler, C. M.; Ghazaryan, G.; Breinbauer, R.; Guebitz, G. M. Enzymatic hydrolysis of poly(ethylene furanoate). J. Biotechnol. 2016, 235, 47-53.
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Pellis, A.; Gamerith, C.; Ghazaryan, G.; Ortner, A.; Herrero Acero, E.; Guebitz, G. M. Ultrasound-enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Bioresour. Technol. 2016, 218, 1298-1302.
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Pusnik, M.; Imeri, M.; Deppierraz, G.; Bruinink, A.; Zinn, M. The agar diffusion scratch assay - a novel method to assess the bioactive and cytotoxic potential of new materials and compounds. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 20854 (10 pp.).
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Rao, J.; Zhang, H.; Gaan, S.; Salentinig, S. Self-assembly of polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine) micelles: from solutions to silica particles surfaces. Macromolecules 2016, 49 (16), 5978-5984.
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Rottmar, M.; Haralampieva, D.; Salemi, S.; Eberhardt, C.; Wurnig, M. C.; Boss, A.; Eberli, D. Magnetization transfer MR imaging to monitor muscle tissue formation during myogenic in vivo differentiation of muscle precursor cells. Radiology 2016, 281 (2), 436-443.
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Schmidt-Emrich, S.; Stiefel, P.; Rupper, P.; Katzenmeier, H.; Amberg, C.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Ren, Q. Rapid assay to assess bacterial adhesion on textiles. Materials 2016, 9 (4), 249 (13 pp.).
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Schoenenberger, A. D.; Schipanski, A.; Malheiro, V.; Kucki, M.; Snedeker, J. G.; Wick, P.; Maniura-Weber, K. Macrophage polarization by titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles: size matters. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2016, 2 (6), 908-919.
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Schulenburg, C.; Faccio, G.; Jankowska, D.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Richter, M. A FRET-based biosensor for the detection of neutrophil elastase. Analyst 2016, 141 (5), 1645-1648.
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Sobral, J. M.; Malheiro, V. N.; Clyne, T. W.; Harris, J.; Rezk, R.; O’Neill, W.; Markaki, A. E. An accelerated buoyancy adhesion assay combined with 3-D morphometric analysis for assessing osteoblast adhesion on microgrooved substrata. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 2016, 60, 22-37.
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Stiefel, P.; Schneider, J.; Amberg, C.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Ren, Q. A simple and rapid method for optical visualization and quantification of bacteria on textiles. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 39635 (9 pp.).
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Stiefel, P.; Mauerhofer, S.; Schneider, J.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Rosenberg, U.; Ren, Q. Enzymes enhance biofilm removal efficiency of cleaners. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2016, 60 (6), 3647-3652.
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Stiefel, P.; Rosenberg, U.; Schneider, J.; Mauerhofer, S.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Ren, Q. Is biofilm removal properly assessed? Comparison of different quantification methods in a 96-well plate system. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2016, 100 (9), 4135-4145.
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Tekari, A.; Chan, S. C. W.; Sakai, D.; Grad, S.; Gantenbein, B. Angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2 distinguishes multipotent differentiation capability in bovine coccygeal nucleus pulposus cells. Stem Cell Res. Ther. 2016, 7 (1), 75 (12 pp.).
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Wu, S.; Zuber, F.; Brugger, J.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Ren, Q. Antibacterial Au nanostructured surfaces. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (5), 2620-2625.
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Zare-Eelanjegh, E.; Bora, D. K.; Rupper, P.; Schrantz, K.; Thöny-Meyer, L.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Richter, M.; Faccio, G. Affinity-driven immobilization of proteins to hematite nanoparticles. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (31), 20432-20439.
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