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Chen M, Best JP, Shorubalko I, Michler J, Spolenak R & Wheeler JM
Carbon. (2019)
Krieg F, Ong QK, Burian M, Rainò G, Naumenko D, Amenitsch H, Süess A, Grotevent MJ, Krumeich F, Bodnarchuk MI, Shorubalko I, Stellacci F & Kovalenko MV
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(50), 19839-19849.
M. Hedayati, E. Taheri-Nassaj, A. Yourdkhani, M. Borlaf, J. Zhang, M. Calame, T. Sebastian, S. Payandeh, F. Clemens
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 40, Issue 4, April 2020, Pages 1269-1279
Marhenke T, Neuenschwander J, Furrer R, Zolliker P, Twiefel J, Hasener J, Wallaschek J & Sanabria SJ
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, (13 pp.). 2019
Lorenzo Valzania, Yuchen Zhao, Lu Rong, Dayong Wang, Marc Georges, Erwin Hack, and Peter Zolliker
Applied Optics Vol. 58, Issue 34, pp. G256-G275, 2019
Jacob, P., & Nicoletti, G.
Microelectronics and Reliability, 113315 (6 pp.). 2019
Jacob, P.
Electronic Device Failure Analysis, 21(4), 12-18. 2019
J. Overbeck, G. Borin Barin, C. Daniels, M. Perrin, L. Liang, O. Braun, R. Darawish, B. Burkhardt, T. Dumslaff, X-Y. Wang, A. Narita, K. Müllen, V. Meunier, R. Fasel, M. Calame, P. Ruffieux
physica status solidi, First published: 16 October 2019
Overbeck J., Borin Barin G., Daniels C., Perrin M.L., Braun O., Sun Q., Darawish Q., De Luca M. Wang X.m Dumslaff T., Narita A., Müllen K., Ruffieux P., Meunier V., Fasel R. & Calame M.
ACS Nano (2019), Publication Date:October 1, 2019
Baghernejad M.,Van Dyck C., Bergfield J, Levine D., Gubicza A., Tovar J., Calame C., Broekmann P. & Hong W
Chemistry: a European Journal, First published: 17 September 2019
O. Synhaivska, Y. Mermoud, M. Baghernejad, I. Alshanski, M. Hurevich, S. Yitzchaik, M. Wipf & M. Calame
Sensors 2019, 19(18), 4022;
El Abbassi M., Sangtarash S., Liu X., Perrin M.-L., Braun O., Lambert C., van der Zant H., Yitzchaik S., Decurtins S., Liu S., Sadeghi H. & Calame M.
Nature Nanotechnology (2019), published online Sept. 16, 2019.
See also the News & Views by D. Maier & E.Scheer
Keevend K, Puust L, Kurvits K, Gerken LRH, Starsich FHL, Li J-H, Matter MT, Spyrogianni A, Sotiriou GA, Stiefel M & Herrmann IK
Nano Letters, 19(9), 6013-6018.
Römmeler A., Zolliker P., Neuenschwander J., Gemmeren V., Weder M., Dual J.
Ultrasonics, Volume 100, January 2020, online Aug. 2019
Ju, W.; Jiang, F.; Ma, H.; Pan, Z.; Zhao, Y. ‐B.; Pagani, F.; Rentsch, D.; Wang, J.; Battaglia, C.
Adv. Energy Mater., 1901514 (6 pp.). 2019
Aramesh, M.; Forró, C.; Dorwling-Carter, L.; Lüchtefeld, I.; Schlotter, T.; Ihle, S. J.; Shorubalko, I.; Hosseini, V.; Momotenko, D.; Zambelli, T.; et al.
Nat. Nanotechnol. 2019.
Xiao, Y., Zou, Y., Ma, H., Sologubenko, A. S., Maeder, X., Spolenak, R., & Wheeler, J. M.
Scripta Materialia, 168, 51-55. (2019)
Wang, L.; Zihlmann, S.; Baumgartner, A.; Overbeck, J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Makk, P.; Schönenberger, C.
Nano letters 2019, 19 (6), 4097–4102,
Huan Ma, Tornike Gagnidze, Bernhard Walfort, Marta D.Rossell, Claudia Cancellieri, Ivan Shorubalko, Fabio La Mattina
Applied Surface Science, Volume 491, Pages 53-59, 15 October 2019
Bolat, S.; Fuchs, P.; Knobelspies, S.; Temel, O.; Torres Sevilla, G.; Gilshtein, E.; Andres, C.; Shorubalko, I.; Liu, Y.; Tröster, G.; et al.
Adv. Electron. Mater. (2019).
Liu, Y.; Zeder, S.; Lin, S.; Carron, R.; Grossmann, G.; Bolat, S.; Nishiwaki, S.; Clemens, F.; Graule, T.; Tiwari, A. N.; et al.
Adv. Mater. 20 (1), 26-34. , (2019)
Gagnidze, T., Ma, H., Cancellieri, C., Bona, G.-L. & La Mattina, F.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 20, 456–463 (2019).
Cabosart, D.; El Abbassi, M.; Stefani, D.; Frisenda, R.; Calame, M.; Van der Zant, H. S. J.; Perrin, M. L.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 2019, 114 (14), 143102.
Lorenzo Valzania, Peter Zolliker, Erwin Hack
Optica Vol. 6,Issue 4,pp. 518-523, (2019)
Pardo, A.; Ilic, E.; Thorwarth, K.; Stiefel, M.; Hauert, R.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2019, 20 (1), 173-186.
Grotevent MJ, Hail CU, Yakunin S, Dirin DN, Thodkar K, Borin Barin G, Guyot‐Sionnest P, Calame M, Poulikakos D, Kovalenko MV & Shorubalko I
Advanced Optical Materials, 1900019 (2019)
Sánta B, Balogh Z, Gubicza A, Pósa L, Krisztián D, Mihály G, Csontos M & Halbritter A
Nanoscale, 11(11), 4719-4725. 2019
Marhenke T, Sanabria S, Chintada B, Furrer R, Neuenschwander J & Goksel O
Sensors, 19(4), 863. 2019
Madiba IG, Émond N, Chaker M, Khanyile BS, Tadadjeu SI, Zolliker P, Izerrouken M, Matinise N, Braun A, Nkosi M & Maaza M
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 443, 25-30.
Anton Vladyka, Mickael L. Perrin, Jan Overbeck, Rubén R. Ferradás, Víctor García-Suárez, Markus Gantenbein, Jan Brunner, Marcel Mayor, Jaime Ferrer and Michel Calame
Nature Communications 10, 262 (2019)
Rheingans, B., Spies, I., Schumacher, A., Knappmann, S., Furrer, R., Jeurgens, L. P. H., & Janczak-Rusch, J.
Applied Sciences, 9(2), 262 (11 pp.). 2019
Ju, W., Zeng, J., Bejtka, K., Ma, H., Rentsch, D., Castellino, M., Sacco, A., Pirri, C. F., Battaglia, C.
ACS Applied Energy Materials. (2019)
Gesevičius, D., Neels, A., Duchêne, L., Hack, E., Heier, J., & Nüesch, F.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7(2), 414-423., Issue 2, 2019
Arno Römmeler, Roman Furrer, Urs Sennhauser, Bastian Lübke, Jörg Wermelinger, Antonio de Agostini, Jürg Dual, Peter Zolliker, Jürg Neuenschwander
NDT & E International published online 17. Dec. 2018