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Adams P., Bühler J., Walz I., Moehl T., Roithmeyer H., Blacque O., Comini N., Diulus JT., Alberto R., Siol S., Dimitrievska M., Novotny Z. & Tilley S. D.

ACS Energy Letters, 9, 3828-3834. (2024).

Blaga, C., Labordet Alvarez, A., Balgarkashi, A., Banerjee, M., Fontcuberta i Morral, A., & Dimitrievska, M.

Nanoscale Advances. (2024)

Schneider, T. R., Stöckli, L., Felbecker, A., & Nirmalraj, P. N. 

Brain communications, 6(3), fcae180 (11 pp.).(2024).

Petrini, N., Peci, E., Curreli, N., Spotorno, E., Kazemi Tofighi, N., Magnozzi, M., Scotognella F, Bisio F & Kriegel, I.

Advanced Optical Materials, 2303228 (13 pp.). (2024).

Kara, G., Rohner, P., Wu, E., Dirin, D. N., Furrer, R., Poulikakos, D.,  Kovalenko MV, Calame M & Shorubalko, I.

ACS Photonics. (2024)

Huang, W., Paul, T., Perrin, M. L., & Calame, M.

2D Materials, 11(3), 033001 (7 pp.). (2024).

von Szczepanski, J., Wolf, J., Hu, W. H., Schneider, R., Danner, P. M., Kupferschmid, A., Jenatsch S., Hany R., Nüesch FA. & Opris, D. M.

Advanced Optical Materials, 2400132 (9 pp.). (2024).

Shianlin Wee, Xiliang Lian, Evgeniya Vorobyeva, Akhil Tayal, Vladimir Roddatis, Fabio La Mattina, Dario Gomez Vazquez, Netanel Shpigel, Mathieu Salanne, and Maria R. Lukatskaya

ACS Nano (2024)

Perrin, M. L., Jayaraj, A., Ghawri, B., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Passerone, D., Calame M. & Zhang, J.

npj 2D Materials and Applications, 8. (2024)


de Vito, G., Koch, D. M., Raciti, G., Sojo-Gordillo, J. M., Nigro, A., Swami, R., Kaur Y., Swinkels MY., Huang W., Paul T., Calame M. & Zardo, I.

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 224, 125302 (10 pp.). (2024)

Middleton, C. A., Amjad, K., Greene, R. J., Hack, E., Harris, L., Kupferschmid, A., Lambert PR. & Patterson, E. A.

Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. (2024)

Ornago, L., Zwick, P., van der Poel, S., Brandl, T., El Abbassi, M., Perrin, M. L., Dulić D., van der Zant HSJ. & Mayor, M.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(3), 1413-1422. (2024)

Aeppli, D., Gartmann, J., Schneider, R., Hack, E., Kretschmer, S., Nguyen, T. T. D., & Held, M.

Journal of Energy Storage, 83, 110571 (12 pp.). (2024).

Bergaglio, T., Synhaivska, O., & Nirmalraj, P. N.

Chemical & biomedical imaging. (2024).

Darawish, R., Overbeck, J., Müllen, K., Calame, M., Ruffieux, P., Fasel, R., & Barin, G. B.

Carbon, 218, 118688 (8 pp.). (2024).

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