Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces

Nanoelectronics and Nano-Optics

Miniaturized Spectrometers

Surface optical waveguides in combination with subwavelength light scatterers proved to be a promising method for constructing miniaturized spectrometers. We develop colloidal quantum dots based nanoscale infrared photo-detectors integrated to the surface of a waveguide, that allow for direct measurement of the outscattered light and thus sensing the standing optical wave. The aim is to develop compact Fourier-transform waveguide spectrometers for IR-sensing.


Further sources:

M. J. Grotevent, S. Yakunin, D. Bachmann, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, M. Madi, M. Calame, M. V. Kovalenko, I. Shorubalko "Integrated photodetectors for compact Fourier-transform waveguide spectrometers", Nature Photonics, 17, 59-64 (2023)

E. Zgraggen, O. Scholder, G. L. Bona, F. Fontana, E. Alberti, A. Crespi, R. Osellame, T. Scharf, and I. Shorubalko "Optical properties of waveguide-coupled nanowires for sub-wavelength detection in microspectrometer applications" J. Opt., 17, 025801 (2015)