Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces

Nanoelectronics and Nano-Optics

Graphene - Quantum Dot Photodetectors

Combining high mobility graphene transistors with efficient light absorbing colloidal quantum dots may pave a way for cheap, high resolving infrared photodetectors. Light is absorbed in the Quantum Dot layer, creating excitons. One charge carrier type is transferred faster to the biased graphene transistor, leading to an additional electric field. This is measured by a current change in the graphene transistor. We are investigating the detailed mechanism of these graphene-QDs photodetectors, expanding the range of spectral photoresponse, increasing the detectivity, and scalling down to the device size below the light wavelength.


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L. J. A. Ferraresi, G. Kara, N. A. Burnham, R. Furrer, D. N. Dirin, F. La Mattina, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Calame, I. Shorubalko "AFM-IR of Electrohydrodynamically Printed PbS Quantum Dots: Quantifying Ligand Exchange at the Nanoscale", Nano Letters, 2024

G. Kara, P.Rohner, E. Wu, D. N. Dirin, R. Furrer, D. Poulikakos, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Calame, I. Shorubalko "Scaling of Hybrid QDs-Graphene Photodetectors to Subwavelength Dimensions", ACS Photonics, 2024, 11, 2194-2205

G. Kara, S. Bolat, K. Sharma, M. J. Grotevent, D. N. Dirin, D. Bachmann, R. Furrer, L. F. Boesel, Y. E. Romanyuk, R. M. Rossi, M. V. Kovalenko, M. Calame, I. Shorubalko "Conformal Integration of an Inkjet-Printed PbS QDs-Graphene IR Photodetector on a Polymer Optical Fiber", Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 2201922

M. J. Grotevent, S. Yakunin, D. Bachmann, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, M. Madi, M. Calame, M. V. Kovalenko, I. Shorubalko "Integrated photodetectors for compact Fourier-transform waveguide spectrometers", Nature Photonics, 17, 59-64 (2023)
  M. J. Grotevent "Nanoprinted Quantum DOT/Graphene Infrared Photodetectors, and their Temperature-Dependent Mechanism of Charge Carrier Transfer", PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2020
M. J. Grotevent, C. U. Hail, S. Yakunin, D. N. Dirin, K. Thodkar, G. B. Barin, P. Guyot-Sionnest, M. Calame, D. Poulikakos, M. V. Kovalenko, I. Shorubalko "Nanoprinted Quantum Dot–Graphene Photodetectors", Adv. Optical Mater. 2019, 1900019

M. J. Grotevent, C. U. Hail, S. Yakunin, D. Bachmann, G. Kara, D. N. Dirin, M. Calame, D. Poulikakos, M. V. Kovalenko, and I. Shorubalko "Temperature-Dependent Charge Carrier Transfer in Colloidal Quantum Dot/Graphene Infrared Photodetectors", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 1, 848–856

M. J. Grotevent, C. U. Hail, S. Yakunin, D. Bachmann, M. Calame, D. Poulikakos, M. V. Kovalenko, I. Shorubalko "Colloidal HgTe Quantum Dot/Graphene Phototransistor with a Spectral Sensitivity Beyond 3 µm", Adv. Sci. 2021, 202003360