BRUKER Nanostar
The BRUKER Nanostar is a versatile bench-top apparatus with an X-ray source with Cu-radiation, microfocus pinholes and a VÅNTEC-2000 Xenon-based gas detector. The system uses a semi-transparent beam stop enabling perfect background subtraction and a high resolution for such a lab-based system. The modulable sample to detector distance ranging from 5 cm to 167 cm makes the Nanostar an ideal piece of equipment for studying mineral or amorphous structures expressed in the wide-angle and long-range structural characteristics in the small-angle range.
Image: Company Antona Paar, Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) probes structure in the nanometre to micrometre range by measuring scattering intensity at scattering angles 2θ close to 0°
- Operation in transmission mode (SAXS) and reflection mode (GISAXS)
- Possibility to switch between SAXS and WAXS modes by sample to detector distance (SDD) variation
- Temperature scans (-20 to 150 °C)
- In situ-tensile studies
- Microfluidics-SAXS
- In situ external magnetic field studies
- Polymers, particles and proteins in solution
- Polymer films, membranes and fabrics
- Mesoporous powders
- Gels, self-assemblies and liquid crystalline materials
- Nanoscale coated surfaces
Structural parameters:
- Particles/proteins size, shape and interactions (i.e. nano-bio) in solution
- Characterisation of nano-domains and chain configuration in polymer systems
- Porosity and internal morphology
- Structures in lipid/peptide self-assemblies
- Coated layer thicknesses and structure of molecular assemblies on the surfaces
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